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Understanding The Specific Need In Health And Social Care


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3167
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Introduction to Specific Need In Health And Social Care


The duties and responsibilities with respect to understanding specific needs of patients are in the hands of health and social care workers. By complying with all such type of concepts effective services can be delivered to the persons that has particular need. This report is based on the case of Baby Peter who is 17 month year old and has been abused by his mother and her boyfriend (McSherry and Pearce, 2011). This report showcases the perception with regard to the different types of health, disability, illness and behavior. In addition to this, the study also depicts about various kinds of approaches and intervention that can be used by health and social care worker with an aim to provide assistance to the person that has specific need.

Understanding the concept of disability, illness and behavior with respect to the given case

Disability can be termed as the aspect that causes its significant effect on the physical and mental condition of persons. The person that suffered from any kind of disability is unable to carry out its daily activities such as reading, walking and brushing etc in normal or simple way. In the given case, disability has been caused to Baby Peter because of the many type of injuries are caused to him from his mother and her boyfriend (Glasby, 2012). It is due to the presence of this aspect only he will not be able to carry out such type of activities which is generally performed by child that is 17 months old. In addition to this, illness can be defined as the condition that affects body and mind of persons as well as restricts individual to comply with such type of things which usually performed by them on normal basis. Baby Peter is constantly abused by her mother and because of it he has suffered from both mental and physical type of illness. On the other hand, due to the physical abuse as done by her mother boyfriend such as Mr. H, boy had suffered more than 50 injuries. On the other hand, behavior can be defined as the conduct that one person perform towards other. In the given case behavior of Baby Peter parents has been assessed. Here it is seen that behavior as complied by peter patents are not appropriate towards him (Heginbotham, 2012). This type of behavior as complied by his mother is because of her poor parenting experience. It is due to the presence of this reason only Ms. A is not able to carry out effective care for her child and due to this he has suffered from many type of injury.

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Perception of specific needs and changed over time

The perception of health and social care workers with respect to understanding the specific needs of patients has changed over time. Earlier the specific needs of patients are not given that much of importance. This can be seen on the case of Baby peter. The child who is 17 month year old possesses various kinds of needs. It comprises of following such as clean and neat environment must be provided to the children, activities like cigarettes smoking and drinking need not be followed in the home. Along with this, proper emotional and mental support must be provided to the child etc. (Reeves and, 2011). Earlier it was perceived by the society that responsibility with respect to the taking care of the children largely relies in the hands of parents only. But this perception has changed over time because of the increased abuses related cases like Baby Peter. Nowadays governments of many nations are directing their varied efforts towards protein the children from home abuse type of condition. However, this is being complied by them by forming strict regulation and compliance with respect to the same (Glasby, 2012). In addition to this, earlier accountability with respect to the any kind of injury caused to the person that has specific need is not relied in the hand of health and social care individual. This can be correctly seen in the given case as here horrible death has caused to Peter because of the incompetence as complied on the part of health and social care workers. The death of peter would have been prevented if general practitioner has timely raise his concern towards the condition of peter when he has found bruises on the child's head and chest. It is due to the presence of this aspect only each person shall be considered as liable for the incidence if death is caused to the person that has specific need (Ford, Byrt and Dooher, 2010).

Impact of legislation, social policy, society and culture on the service delivery

The legislation, social policy, society and culture cause its significant impact on the ways in which services are made available for individuals with specific needs (Keeling and, 2013). In this respect, there are legislation identified that works for the protection of individuals like Baby Peter that has specific need. In involves following such as Children Act 2004, The Health and Social Care Act 2008 and the policy like every child matters etc. The Children Act 2004 is formed by United Kingdom government official with an aim to provide protection to those children that are disabled and cannot be able to carry out protection on their own (Children Act 2004, 2014). The main of this act is to work for the benefits of children. By complying with this type of act children like baby Peter can be safeguard from the persons that abuses them. In addition to this, with the help of legislation like The Health and Social Care Act 2008 proper services can be provided to the children and persons that has specific needs. This is because by using this act service delivery of health care individuals can be improved in an effective way. As these laws are mandatory to follow so the organization will take it as very serious issue. Thus in this way it is affected the delivery of services. Further with this, by complying with the policies like “Every child matters” physical and mental abuses type of condition can be reduced which is seen in the case of Baby Peter (Every child matters, 2014). The main aim to this act is to provide healthy and safe environment to children like Peter. Impact of this policy can be seen on the working of a health and social care organization as it tend to influence them in a way to comply such type of practices in an effective manner. On the other hand, with the help of such type of act culture of protective environment can be created in nation which leads to reduce the incidences like abuses on children.

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Analyse the care needs of individuals with specific needs

There are different types of care needs of Baby Peter identified with respect to the given case. It comprises of emotional, social, physical and language need etc. Emotional need showcases the mental requirement of the person which is usually centers on the different kinds of feelings such as love, fear and anxiety etc (emotional need, 2014). As per the given case there are various types emotional need of Baby Peter has identified. It involves clean and neat environment must be provided to the children, proper care must need to be done on the side of parents and children must not feel any kind of fear from their parents etc. On the other hand, Baby Peter has the social need that he must get all kind of physical and mental support from his parents and the members living in the society. For the child who is 17 month year old social need plays very important role. This is because with the help of this type of need only utmost love can be given to the children. In addition to this, physical need of baby has arises because if his inability to perform simple things such as walking and feeding etc. However, this particular need can be fulfilled by her mother only. In the similar way, in order to express view towards his parent language need has arises (Thew and McKenna, 2009).

Current systems for supporting individuals with specific needs

In order to fulfill the specific need of an individual like Baby Peter there are various kinds of services available in chosen locality. With the aim to fulfill the health and social care need of an individual that has particular need service given by NHS (National Health Service) seems most suitable. NHS provides full support to those children that are disabled and needed special type of care (Morgan, 2013). In the given case, disability of Baby Peter has occurred because of his age and it is due to the presence of such type of aspect only Peter is not able to take action against the activities as done by his mother and her boyfriend towards him. In addition to this, NHS children related services also includes the practices like where parenting related guidance will be provided to those parents  that are new and does not possess any knowledge with respect to the same. On the other hand, NHS provides day care services for those children that are under the age of five. However, this type of services is being given by the authorize person that is being appointed by government authorities after an immense investigation. With the help of this, protection of child like Baby Peter can be carried out from the physical and mental abuses type of conditions (Seddon and, 2013).

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Approaches and interventions available to support Baby Peter that has specific needs

With an aim to provide support to the child like Baby Peter that has specific need various approaches and interventions identified. It comprises of following such as guardianship and advocacy etc. Guardianship is the type of approach where efforts are made by the government of nation in terms of appointing the person that works in a manner with an aim to provide protection to those children that are going through with the condition like physical and mental abuses. This can be correctly seen in the given case (Guardianship, 2014). However, the death of Baby Peter would have prevented if some guardian is to be appointed by the government of particular nation. In addition to this, with the help of advocacy related aspect legal action can be taken against those persons that physically and mentally abuse their children. The aspect relating to the advocacy seems suitable as per the given case study. This is because with the help of it, fear in the mind of those parents can be created by the government of nation that physically and mentally abuses their children. Further with this, with an aim to provide effective support to the Baby Peter that has specific need the tactics like parenting program will be seem as most suitable. This is because by complying with all such type of practices an effective guidance can be provided to those parents that are new and does not know how to make effective care of the children that are 17 month year old (Watters, 2011).

Effectiveness of intervention strategies for an individual with specific need

As per the condition of given case study the intervention strategies relating to the parenting program will be seems most suitable in the case of Baby Peter. In this type of program parenting related guidance will be provided to the parents of newly born child (Smith, 2013). In this respect, various kinds of training programs will be organized for the parents that tend to enable them in a way to make effective care of their children. Here basically nutrition and healthy environment related tips are to be provided to an individual. The effectiveness of this particular approach can be occurred when parents are able to apply their learned things in the practical situation. If such type of approach has being applied in the case of Baby Peter then the situation that has see in the case would not have been occurred. On the other hand, guardianship is another approach that can be perfectly applied to the case of Baby Peter. However, the effectiveness of this approach has occurred if guardian is able to direct their efforts in terms of protecting the children like Baby Peter from the condition like physical and mental abuses (Gleave and et. al., 2010).

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Potential impact of emerging developments:

The emerging developments in the field of health and social care possess its significant effect on supporting individuals with specific needs. The death of the Baby Peter has occurred because of the presence of lack of child protection related legislation policies (Bernard, 2013). But this particular situation has been weeded out because of the presence of emerging development in the field of health and social care where government has directed their efforts in terms of forming various kind of child protection related acts and policies. In this respect, numerous acts identified such as Children act 2004, Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 along with Childcare Act 2006 etc. For instance, the act like childcare work in a manner in terms of providing an effective care to the children and here basically parenting related tips and guidance will the provided to those parents that has newly born child in their home. This act has helped in assisting effective care of children. On the other hand, by seeking compliance from the Domestic Violence related acts, the condition like physical and mental abuses can be reduced. It is due to the presence of such type of acts only an effective care is to be provided by the parents towards their children. Thus, it can be said that these emerging development has possess its positive impact on the life of person that has specific need like Baby Peter (Petch, 2012).
Different concepts of challenging behaviour

The aspect relating to the challenging behaviour depicts about wide range of behaviour that is being compiled by the person that has learning, communication, physical and other kind of disability (Syson and Bond, 2010). The disability relating to the learning affects ability of person in terms of carrying out any kind of information. On the other hand, the aspect relating to the physical ability restrict individual in a way to carry out daily activities of life such as walking, bathing and brushing etc. In the given case study challenging behaviour is to be directed by Peter mother because of her over dose of drugs. On the basis of analysis of case it is assessed that Ms. A has a habit of smoking and in a day she generally smoke more than 60 cigarettes. It is because of the overdose of such type of drugs only she will not being able to carry out an effective care of her child. This has ultimately leads to his death (Dobson and Salt, 2006). On the other hand, she usually shows her aggression towards her child by mentally and physically abusing him.

Potential impact of challenging behaviour on health and social care organizations

The challenging behaviour as compiled by patients because of their disability has possessed its significant impact on the working of health and social care organizations. With an aim to deal out with the person that has learning disability managers of an enterprise has directed their efforts in terms of providing an effective training to the health and social care individuals (Morgan, 2013). It is because of the presence of such type of aspect only services of an organisation have improved in an effectual way. On the other hand, with an aim to deal out with the person that has mental disability managers of an organisation has directed in terms of organizing communication related training to the health and social care workers. With the help of such type of programs specific need of an individual can be identified and according to this various kinds of transformation are to be done on the services of an organisation. Further with this, various kind of medicated services are being provided to those persons that are highly addicted towards drugs. Overall, it can be said that it is because of the presence of challenging behaviour as complied by persons services of health and social care organizations has improved in an effective way (Pearson and Chant, 2011).

Strategies for working with challenging behaviours

There are different type of behaviour is being depicted by the person that are going through with the condition like physical and mental disability. They tend to showcases their behaviour in the following form such as self harm, aggression, disruptiveness and destructiveness etc (Milne and et. al., 2004). With an aim to handle the person with such type of challenging behaviours various tactics are to be formed. By appointing the person that has its specialisation in dealing out with the person that possesses challenging behaviour individual can be managed in an effective way. On the other hand, by providing communication related training to the health and social care individual persons that are suffering from any kind of mental disability can be managed in an effective way. Thus, it can be concluded that by understanding the specific need of patients services delivery towards such type of individuals can be improved in an effective way (Hudson, 2012).


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