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Evaluating Performance Objectives for Work Problems - Allied Healthcare

University: University of Bristol

  • Unit No: 23
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4077
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MBA621
  • Downloads: 1247

Question :

Some of the main areas which are needed to be answered are like:

  1. Evaluate the effective set of performance objectives and also the techniques required to manage and maintain the quality performance.
  2. Provide an appropriate work-based issues with all the time management plan.
  3. Evaluate the roles of team dynamics and alternative for shared areas and goals.
  4. Give appropriate strategy for resolving dispute in Allied Healthcare.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Allied Healthcare


Employability Skills are those attributes like knowledge, behaviour and attitude that employees need to possess in order to be employable and sustain employable at every level of their organisation (Trought, 2017). It is essential for employees working in health and social care to possess the effective skills. It would help them carry their professional roles effectively which is crucial for employees working in this sector. The following assessment is based on Allied Healthcare, situated in Staffordshire, United Kingdom. It is my work place where I'm appointed as a nurse. The assessment is based on the personal evaluation of my performance objectives, solutions for common work-based problems, appropriate communication at every level of the organisation and roles of teams towards shared goals.

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1.1 Development of set of responsibilities and performance objectives:

Responsibilities refers to the specific duties and tasks that individuals are expected to accomplish as it is a function of their roles at workplace. These are specific obligations or activities for which a worker remains accountable when they are assigned to perform a specific job in enterprise. Employability skills are those skills which are very necessary for getting successful in a job. Following points are included in employability skills:

  • Time management: This involves the ability to plan the activities to improve efficiency of an individual. Benefit of this skill is help an individual to complete the task in given time period which improve overall productivity of company.
  • Confidence: This is one of the most important skill which should be there in an individual to perform a specific job at workplace. confident individual performs a job much better than a less confident individual.
  • Communication: It is very important for an individual to have good communication skills. This involves being confident about speaking with people face to face. Good writing skills also include in this.
  • Self-management: This is about getting on with your set standards. It is very important for an individual to meet own deadlines and be able to delegate duties to other individuals.

Allied Healthcare is one the biggest healthcare providers in United Kingdom, which provides services like home care, re-enablement, care for individuals with learning disabilities, children and family services, etc. It is my duty to set my responsibilities and professional objectives that is required to give best health and social care for the well being of patients at the organisation. Firstly, it is my prime duty and responsibility to communicate important information regarding patient treatment, patient's conditions so that all the shared targets among team members can be achieved in time. Secondly, it is my responsibility to identify patients’ needs so that in absence of doctors, spontaneous action can be served by me solve patient problems regarding their treatment. Thirdly, it is my responsibly to have deep knowledge about drugs, vaccinations and medicine that is crucial for the treatment of patients. The main performance objective as nurse for me is to enhance my medical skills up to 20% so that I can serve quality care to 50 patients per day. To achieve this performance objective I need to work on my time management skills and effective education about medicine, vaccination and drugs to provide quality and quantity care to the patients.

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1.2 Self Evaluation of effectiveness against set objectives:

It is very essential for an individual to have knowledge about the roles and responsibilities which he supposed to perform at workplace. Significance of this is that it ensures effective execution of all responsibilities and help in maintain a positive environment at workplace. Assessment of effectiveness of an individual is very significant for an enterprise. Further, it is very essential that efficiency of an individual should be align with set goals and objectives of company. It is very essential for an individual to positively accept any kind of changes and innovation take place at workplace and priority should be given to the set goals and objectives of company.

I feel confident as I am efficient in offer better care and services to the patient’s in healthcare home. I am confident that the knowledge and experience gathered by me help me in become a successful nurse. I work in multi-disciplinary team which help me improve my skills and knowledge which help me in provide better care to all service users of care home. Further working in groups provide me an opportunity to share my knowledge and develop my skills which help me in perform my role in appropriate manner.

To enhance my medical skills up to 20% so that I can serve 50 patients per day at the workplace, I critically evaluate my effectiveness against my objectives. While quality care is my supreme objective, I rate myself 7.5 out of 10. The reason for this would be that there are policies and set of rules and regulations which are needed to be followed. Sometimes, I need guidance in following these rules which I fail to follow on my own accord. In case of education, I rate myself 6, as there are various methods of healthcare I'm unaware of and yet to learn new techniques to further improve my knowledge. In case of time management, I would rate myself 6 as I am able to serve only 40 patients per day.

1.3 Recommendations for improvement:

Human resources play significant role in enterprise to ensure worker’s satisfaction. Various efforts are done by management to encourage workers to perform well. It is very essential for company to ensure that every employee is getting adequate compensation in time. Timely compensation makes workers free from any kind of stress and ensure their proper functioning at workplace. Further bonus and incentives should be offer to employees when they perform well in enterprise.

In my job at Allied Healthcare, there is always a scope of improvement. To improve in quality care, I follow the guidelines of our work and try to work accurately on those rules and regulations to enhance my professionalism and improve my performance so I succeed in strengthening the quality of healthcare and setting up a benchmark for the other members of the organisation. In education, I should attend some conferences and medical skills training programs to develop my knowledge about medicines, drugs and vaccinations. I should keep learning and enrolling myself in study programmes that are conducted by the organisation to amplify the knowledge with the new and effective tools and techniques of healthcare. I should also abide by our safety manuals to ensure the patients that their safety is our top priority.

To improve my performance more a workplace I need training. This will update my skills and I can learn about new ways to perform my job role at workplace. With training I can gain knowledge about new skills and knowledge require to perform my job. Further team meeting should be conducted on timely basis as this help in collect feedback from peers related with my performance at workplace. With this I can identify the areas in which I can improve and through which I can improve my overall performance at workplace.

1.4 Uses of motivational techniques to improve quality of performance:

As a nurse, my work is very complicated and that sometimes weakens my performance levels. Because in healthcare, there is extreme pressure on us to provide top-class facilities to our patients. Management of Allied Healthcare can use motivational techniques to engage the employees in enhancing their performance levels and accomplish organisational goals effectively (Graf, Lachance and Mishra, 2016). In order to improve my quality of performance I use to apply work motivation strategy at my work. The basic motivational strategy used by me is the practices of effective communication. Good communication with the top level managers and subordinates provides basic satisfaction and motivation to handle stressful work load to deal with patients treatments (Improving Communication: Developing Effective Communication Skills, 2018). To keep myself motivated to work I prefer to have good communication channel with my subordinates and managers. Secondly to keep me recharged and motivated at my work I use to take regular seminars and training programs to enhance my knowledge and medical skill. By attending this seminars and training programs I feel motivated to perform well at my roles and responsibilities to achieve performance objectives. In order to be motivate as nurse enrichment technique is also adopted which that aims to reduce usual routine of nurse and assign some additional educational sessions regarding hospital policies and health care trends (Scott and et. al., 2018).

Utilisation of all techniques of motivation is very essential for an enterprise as this encourage employees to work well and help in form a dedicated workforce for the future. Motivated individual perform his job better as compare to an individual who is less motivate. Performance of employees largely affect the success and growth of company. Enterprise require to offer proper compensation to its all employees to satisfy the basic needs of their daily life. Mixture of both financial and non-financial benefits should be use by leader to encourage employees. increase motivation level of employees improves performance of company which help in sustain in market for long run.


2.1 Develop solutions to work-based problems

In Allied Healthcare, there are many work-based problems due to which it faces issues regarding to effective running of the organisation. Some of the issues includes lack of training, lack of two-way communication, ineffective employee recognition, lack of equipments and facilitates. Due to lack of communication among the employees conflicts arises which directly effect the performance of team work that are inter-linked with each other (Walsh, 2009).

To sort out this work- based problem it is important to have effective two-way communication among different level of management. To perform excellent it is important to practices effective communication among various subordinates as it helps to reduce chances of conflicts. In healthcare sectors equipment and medical facilities for patient plays an important role. Management of Allied Healthcare should pay attention towards the type and condition of equipments that is being used by nurses or other medical staff members to give treatment to patients. Management of Allied Healthcare should provide some formal training to the nurses to enhance their knowledge, skills and attitude to enhance their performance while working in team or group. Management should try to identify employee potential and award them to enhance their performances.

2.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at different level

In health and social care it is essential to have proper communication among every employees to sever best to their patients. In order to attain goals and objectives of the organisation it is important to have proper communication channel. Some of them are mentioned below:

Effective communication: It is divided into two main parts that are discussed below:

  • Verbal: This involves sharing of data among the employees using mode of face to face interactions. It is fastest way to share message with other employees.
  • Non-Verbal: This communication involves use of body language to convey message to other employees. Body language includes gesture and posture of employees. This is one of the most reliable communication method that is done through wordless cues.
  • Formal: Formal communication flows in both direction that is vertically and horizontally. It act as verbal presentation in accordance with professional processes. Formal communication helps Allied Healthcare to resolve all those problems that directly or indirectly affect the performance of nursing staffs (Nutbeam, 2000).
  • Informal: Informal communication is considered as informal exchange of information among the staff members. This may enhance and build up strong communication channel within team members.

2.3: Determine effective time-management plan

For every health and social care sector, it is most important to make proper utilisation of time to perform the specific tasks within the given time frame. Allied Healthcare is one of the effective healthcare organisation that serve for the well-being of their patients. Time management seems to be most reliable process for proper planning to give treatment to patient on time and exercising positively to control time that is spend on performing particular activity. Some of the methods are mentioned below:

  • Establish work objectives and goals: One of the most important step for time management is to set working structure for organisation so that better outcomes can be achieved at right time without any hindrance. This helps to management to set clear goals and work in effective manner (Waterworth, 2003).
  • Use of electronic health records: For proper time management in healthcare sectors, it is best to adopt and use electronic health records. It acts as fastest way to access and update the patient records. As electronic records reduces paperwork, it saves time of medical staff members and it becomes easier to find information about patient treatment process.


3.1: Roles of people in a team and how to work together to achieve shared goals

Healthcare is involved with various complex activities that needs different kinds of professionals such as physicians, case mangers, pharmacists, nurses, nutritionists, surgeons and physiotherapists. In context with Allied Healthcare, the main roles adopted by various professional are as follows:

Belbin 9 team roles types:

  • Plant: This is concern with that individual introduce or suggest an innovate idea about the work.
  • Resource investigation: This brings innovate opportunity or scope for an organisation.
  • Co-ordinator: This are responsible for controlling and monitoring tasks that is performed by team (Belbin, 2004).
  • Shaper: To encourage employees to deal with different challenges.
  • Monitor evaluator: To analyse each tasks in proper manner whether they are working in right direction.
  • Teamwork: To build good relationship with various employees.
  • Implementer: To implement any tasks to achieve the objectives.
  • Completer-finisher: To finish tasks within the time duration allotted.
  • Specialist: To focus on specialised area or field.

In my views to work together to achieve shared goals in the Allied Healthcare it is important for all team members to develop a clear target to work effectively for well-being of patients. To work collectively it is crucial for every employee to give their innovate suggestions to attain common shared goals. There should be mentor allotted to fresh employees so that all the tasks and responsibilities are controlled and monitored well. As Allied Healthcare has various specialists physicians, case mangers, pharmacists, nurses, nutritionists, surgeons and physiotherapists. They all should work together to support each other to achieve sha

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