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Health and Social Care by NHS

University: Cambridge University

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2139
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: B991
  • Downloads: 1209

Question :

This assessment will cover certain questions which are like:

  1. What are the effective methods and ways to manage the historical functions and the national moments?
  2. What is an effective response for the health services?
  3. Give the further nature and analysis for NHS.

Answer :

Organization Selected : NHS


A national health service is basically an organization that is engaged in performing public services. They are involved in providing health services to individual groups and communities. Services to the disabled and impaired person are provided free at cost. Every unhealthy individual can avail services given by them. Department is engaged in improving the well-being of people. The report highlights key historical moments in the national health service. It also lays emphasis on the response of the NHS to extra demand. The assignment also includes NHS response to changes in funding due to alterations in government.


1.1 Identification of key Historical Moments in National health service


Event name

Description and Key protagonists


First NHS hospital

First NHS hospital named Park Hospital was build


Creation of National health service

Aneurin Bevan as a heath secretary launched NHS on 05/07/1948. Because of this first time in history free health care was provided to all.


Charges Introduced

One shilling started being charged from patients for prescriptions.


First mass vaccination program

Before introduction of vaccination there were 70,000 cases of diphtheria and 8,000 of polio. So jabs of diphtheria and polio were offered under 15s.


Pill becomes available

Contraceptive pills were launched and given to women for birth control. Initially only married couples were allowed to have these pills but after six years this rule was relaxed


Birth of the Morden hospital

Enoch Powell as health minister puts forward a hospital plan (Eldredge and, 2016). 125,000 population were provided hospital or general district hospital as they become known.


Abortion Act

David Steel as liberal MP introduced that abortion was legal up to 28 weeks, if mental health and physical health of a woman was at risk. Limitation was reduced to 24 weeks in 1990.


First heart transplant of UK

45 years old man was operated for seven hours by 18 nurses and doctors in London at National heart hospital. But unfortunately after 46 days patient died and for next 10 years no other heart transplant operation took place.


CT Scanners first time used

After five years of under development, CT scanners were used on patients for the first time. 3D images of body were taken and developed by the machine and investigation of body were done.


First test tube baby of the world

At Oldham District hospital on 25th July 1978 world's first test tube baby was born before midnight with 5lb 12oz (2.61 kg) weight named Louise Brown delivered by caesarean section.


Breast Screening programme started

To reduce Breast cancer, mammograms program was introduced. Improved drug treatment, screening reduced estimated death by a fifth (Weiss and Lonnquist, 2017).


NHS and community care act

The legislation introduced National internal market in 1990.


Created organ donor register

In 1994 people willing to donate their organs for transplant were registered. It was a great success and by 2005 almost 12 million people were registered. After 5 years of campaigning a result by Rosemary and Jhon Cox whose son died in 1989. He asked for his organs to be used to help others.


Patient choice

5 hospital choices were given to patients, ending the tradition of going where a Gps decides. This has been extended to all the hospitals in England but is not adopted anywhere else in UK (Valantine and Collins, 2015).


Smoking ban in public areas

Government introduced ban on smoking in public areas.


Celebrates their 70th anniversary

70th anniversary of NHS is celebrated of providing free, excellent health care for UK's people. In every 24 hours it treats 1.4 M people.

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1.2 Response of National health service to extra demand

National Health Service which includes each health care system in UK. Day by day demand increases for better treatment and people are facing problems like emergency treatment and problems of rising in admission and delay in discharge, the charges are a lot for normal people and after charging much money they don't give good treatment to the people so it is the big problem. Demands of people are following :-

Heavy charges :- People of UK face problems regarding heavy charges for the treatment. The normal citizen can't afford that charge (Renault, 2017). And many of the citizens of UK is going to the other countries for better treatment and also in low cost. NHS are working on it but can not solve it because of high prices of medical equipment, heavy fees of doctors and other staff, heavy maintenance charge etc (National health service, 2013).

Regulations for medicines :- Many of the best pharma companies make medicines with a better content which is helpful for patients and also for image of the healthcare but NHS are not allowing this companies to sale their product in UK (Weiss and Lonnquist, 2017). Citizens of UK or health care organisations demanded to the NHS for this but they found nothing. UK has its own regulatory agency named with Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory agency so they have to work on it.

Lack of doctors :- UK citizens are demanded for more doctors because there is only 2.8 practising doctors on 1000 people and it is not good for the image of the country and also for health care system. Government releases extra cash for the labour to solve problems of the citizens.

Awareness of people :- NHS has to work for make people aware about the health care lows and regulations and new schemes and benefits. They have to arrange healthcare camps in every place of each city and people are demanding for this. Honestly they don't know about the benefits which given by the healthcare system.

Requirement of fast treatment process :- There are a number of people in UK who are awaiting hospital treatment. Citizens faces problem to wait for their treatment standing in a row. Huge pressure on hospitals caused by growing population (Bowling, 2014). Lack of treatment facilities not always avoid by the patients. Report says that the patients who are suffered with hernia and knee replacement are not treated by the hospitals because they send them in waiting list.

Demand for quality improvement :- Every organisation known for its quality and for good services. In hospitals patient wants better outcome and better service quality. Healthcare quality measures by the medical facilities provide to the patients. Quality improves by cure illness, extend life expectancy, to follow preventing care, reducing waiting time, cost efficient.

Technology :- Technology helps to provide information, taking appointments, improving communication and relations between healthcare providers and patients. Now public is demanded for mobile technology in healthcare system which is more beneficiary for the patients as well as healthcare provider. NHS starts work on it and the benefits of this are - build relations, time accuracy, enhance physician efficiency, diagnostic accuracy.

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2.1 Analysis of changes in funding which has been placed on National health service

When talking about the efficiency of fund, it comes to UK. NHS depends on the economy of UK. NHS follows the operational plan which consider government also. NHS has most efficient health care systems in the world. Funding growth of NHS has ups and down but its funding growth is slower in comparison of other. Effects of interference of government regarding funds are following :-

Decrease expenses of NHS :- Innovations and new technology increases ability to supply their resources and services. Government provides many of the policies in favour of the people and due to this policies people gain relief and government paid funds to NHS to increase in quality of healthcare and through this NHS has to paid low money and healthcare providers gives their best to the patients so they find relief.

Generate Income :- Due to interference of the government in terms of money it is easy to provide useful resources and services to the employees and patients so it is good for workers of healthcare in UK. They gain much and more money from the healthcare providers and live happily and if employee is satisfied then he or she also gives their best to the organisation and both will go for profitability (Renault, 2017). So the interference of government regarding to fund plays big role in the economy.

Research and Development :- Government of UK allocate the money to the healthcare provider through NHS then it is a good way to create an image of the country in this sector and through more funds NHS provide more facilities and work towards research and development and search for new technology which through anyone can get effective treatment and also possible that it will cost very low (Baum, 2016). Most of the diseases are under control but some diseases are out of control and no one have any idea about that how to get rid of that diseases so from allocation of fund by government it will be possible to reach to the cure of any dangerous diseases.

Related Services: The Role of Public Health


From the above study it has been summarised National health service has shown tremendous increase in providing their service in history. They have been able to manage the extra demand by advancing technology and increasing their staff members. Also, change has lead to alteration in funding process. For this they have taken the decision of taking help from other investors.


  • Renault, E., 2017. Social Suffering: Sociology, Psychology, Politics.
  • Bowling, A., 2014. Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Weiss, G.L. and Lonnquist, L.E., 2017. The sociology of health, healing, and illness. Routledge.
  • Halfon, N. and, 2014. Lifecourse health development: past, present, and future. Maternal and child health journal.18(2). pp.344-365.
  • Baum, F., 2016. The new public health (No. Ed. 4). Oxford University Press.
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