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Health and Safety Practices | Fleetwood Hall

University: Imperial College London

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4616
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HESA6024
  • Downloads: 1825
Organization Selected : Fleetwood Hall Home


Health and safety refers to make an appropriate procedures and arrangements to secure lives of people of any age group along with making them disease free. It involves different types of medical professions specialised in various health areas to conduct more effective as well as efficient procedures to solve relevant issues of citizens. Moreover, several health care services be considered which are required for an individual to spend their lives properly (Shatkin and Kim, 2015). The present report is based on Fleet Wood Hall Home which be considered as residential care home for older people to provide 24 hours services to them. It has capability to register around 62 services users and it is privately owned situated in Lancashire town of Fleet Wood, five minutes from the coast. Additionally, this organisation register people in categories such as dementia, mental health condition, old age, physical disability, sensory impairment and few specialised cases. This assignment will focus on systems, policies or procedures and impact of risk information care planning through managing everything in an appropriate manner. It also include discussion about effectiveness of health and safety practices to fulfil related needs of people through promoting positive, healthy as well as safe culture.

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1.1 Review systems, policies and procedures for communicating information

There are different types of systems, policies and procedures which are applied in health care organisations in order to carrying out overall desired activities to fulfil actual needs of patients. It involves people with different kinds of medical problems to which they have differentiated requirements which are needed to be thoroughly analysed to make them disease free in proper way (Ruwanpura, 2013). However, it is necessary to communicate each and every information about medical record of particular individual having specific health problem which is helpful to provide more effective as well as efficient medication to sort out their issues appropriately. Meanwhile, conversation is really important among medical professionals associated with single case so that they take accurate step to make patient healthy. In case of Fleet Wood Hall Home, they utilise much effective systems. Policies and procedures for accurate communication which are explained further -

Tactical Communication System – This be described about such information system which helps to circulate information within specific sections or people for make it private. The given organisation can implement an effective system to communicate patient knowledge to few specified members for their welfare along with maintaining privacy.

Emergency Communication System – This is basically computer based system which is utilised to convey some important announcements of instructions that are essential for every staff members of the organisations (Healy, 2016). In context of Fleet Wood Hall Home, they can use emergency system for communicating important details, circulars, regular information etc. which is required to be conveyed for their each employee in single attempt.

The above image indicates that effective communication is essential among team while working on same task in health care with the help of using advanced technological equipments. It will facilitate to make exchange information in an accurate manner which reduce confusions and facilitate much appropriate conversation.

Use simple language – This policy is required while making conversation with other people to use simple language so that chance creating confusion will reduced and information will be placed appropriately. The selected company have to apply strategy of easy and simple words to communicate which reduce misunderstandings and possibilities of errors to gain better outcomes.

Communicate precisely and clearly – In this part, it is described that message should required to be short and clear which be easily understand for taking immediate actions. In case of Fleet Wood Hall Home, they can policy of precise and clear conversation because it save time to facilitate recent working done properly which is actually required in medical sector.

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Vertical procedure – This be explained as to follow specific hierarchy while communicating specific information among higher, middle or lower level in organisation. The given company can apply vertical hierarchy for making conversation in order to manage systematic order so that management be done properly to gain appropriate results.

Horizontal procedure – The horizontal procedure refers to make communication within a chain or between different departments to make correct decision (Fan and et. al., 2014). It include to conduct an effective conversation among mangers of various sections of specific organisation such as Fleet Wood Hall Home.

At last, it is essential for given organisation to utilise effective systems, policies and procedures which are mentioned above by obeying overall desired legislations. It involves Health & safety act, social value act, Equality act and Data protection act while communicating information about patients and providing medication properly.

1.2 Responsibilities for managing health and safety

The health and safety sector provide several responsibilities to their staff members including surgeons, specialists nurses, ward boys and many more. Moreover, these professionals has their own different roles or duties which are required to be complete at desired time with proper efforts to make patients well being. In context of Fleet Wood Hall Home, they have certain care professionals in order provide health care services to older people who stayed there and put efforts to make healthy. Some of responsibilities are given below -

Monitor risk and hazards – This be described as to analyse and evaluate possibilities of risk factors to make an effective care plan to reduce their negative impacts on patients. It involve to maintain availability of much efficient equipments on organisation to deal with risky or hazardous activities and avoid their effects on security of people (Stier, 2013). In context of Fleet Wood Hall Home, they can recruit responsible employees who themselves take care of such issues and ready to solve them properly to avoid their harmful effects. Additionally, management of medicines and staff awareness is not up to the mark which needs improvement in given institution which is essential to reduce risks properly.

Managing systems and policies – There are different types of system and policies which are utilised by overall health care organisations to manage their overall activities or procedures on regular basis. It include to conduct several tests involving CT- Scan, MRI, blood- test, urine- test, X- ray, Sonography, treatment events line surgery and most important to make communication. Moreover, recruitment, auditing and staff training should be carried out by making effective policies including specialised work place diversity to hire professional of different specified areas to improve accuracy of results. The given company can include Tactical and Emergency Communication System with policies involving use simple language, communicate precisely & clearly along with procedures of conveying message through vertical as well as horizontal ways.

Improve health and safety standards – The improvement is required ion every sector and specially it is necessary in medical institutions in order to increase efficiency of their medications or procedures. It involves to make policies or strategies for boosting up effectiveness of medical practices or treatment processes in order to make patients well being along with increasing level of health & safety outcomes. The selected organisation have to apply new and advanced technology for increasing efficiency of their health care services to make patients feel relieved within a particular period of time.

1.3 Analyse health and safety priorities in nursing

The health and safety include several priorities which are decided as per profession of an individual and desired medical issues from which patient get suffered. It is necessary for medical professionals to obey overall priorities which are set according to their specialisation while conducting any medication process (Koskela, 2014). Nursing has its own priorities which get changed as per case of patient which are required to be followed in proper way to get better results. In case of Fleet Wood Hall Home, nurses follow several priorities in order to provide proper care to people for making them healthy. Some of priorities of nurses are as follows -

Follow health and safety standards – This be described as to obey overall safety standards while dealing with patients in order to fulfil their actual requirements. It involves to make an appropriate plan of action to fulfil desired safety levels to while providing medication to patient in order to correct attempt to save them from danger of specific health issue. In case of given institution, nurses are guided to follow desired acts to render proper care to patients for making them disease free with much efficient medication process.

Reporting of incidents – This be described as to make separate reports of every individual and maintain their data about specific health issues with desired symptoms (Shea and et. al., 2016). It involve to make reports of regular check ups to record improvements in situation of particular problem after giving proper treatment which helps to analyse the requirement of changing medication. Fleet Wood Hall Home apply new technology including record management application (RMA) to maintain records and communicate required information for improving patient experience.

Moving and handling –This can be explained about prior duty of nurses to take care of patient at the time of moving from one department to other or refer to different organisation in proper manner. It include to carefully handover patient to other health care institutions and provide overall medical information along with another data related to an individual to staff of the same. Flooring in the Fleet-wood care home is a not suitable for patients which needs to be improved. In context of given company, they are required to improving their emergency vehicles like ambulance by implementing effective technology including equipments to shift patient appropriately.

Equipment safety – There are various kinds of equipments or machines which are used in medical organisations for completing various activities on regular basis for welfare of people. It include ultrasound & MRI equipments, Infusion pumps, Anaesthesia machines, Defibrillators, Ventilators, Sterilizers, Pulse oximeters, Lasers, Hypothermia machines, Electrosurgical units Patient bedside and Blood pressure monitors etc. Fleet Wood Hall Home does not have efficiency of proper safeguarding so that they should make their staff well trained to utilise desired machines accurately along with applying new advanced equipments at work place to improve patient experience.

Provide medication – The main focus of nurse is to provide more effective as well as efficient medication to patient which is appropriate for their health (Battaglia, Passetti and Frey, 2015). It is necessary to thoroughly analyse symptoms of a person and then render treatment according to response of their immune system because each medication is not suitable for every different individual. In context of Fleet Wood Hall Home, they are required to provide training to staff members on regular basis for making their knowledge level up to date which helps them to make correct decision while providing treatment to patients.


2.1 Impact of information in risk assessment in care planning

Risk management is process to detriment actual chance of creating problem as per age, habit, weight, disease position vulnerability and so on. The information is very important factors in health care sector because proper data about medical condition of person is required to provide treatment to them. Additionally, it is necessary to gather every single detail about patient and convey it to overall associated professionals so that they can make more accurate decision to conduct much efficient medication process (Rainnie, 2016). Moreover, proper information provide support to assess risk factors in case of people which facilitate to an effective plan of action with practices to deal with risks and improve quality of services. However, the given organisation is required to gather proper knowledge about patient situation and analyse about risk factors before build up plan of action to provide desired facilities along with reducing negative impacts of uncertainties. The Patient in the care home stated that they were not involved in the care planning. The care plans which have been formed by the institution does not reflect the need of the patients. Some of effects of information to assess risk in care planning are explained further -

Capability to take immediate actions – This include the criteria of making proper plan of action with practices to deal with possible risk factors which may generate at time of conducting medication process. It involves to make doctors efficient to to deal with emergency situations and avoid harmful impacts of complications to facilitate desired outcomes. In case of Fleet Wood Hall Home, they can gather overall data and then make planning to improve quality of services and safety of patient.

Poor internal auditing – The given organisation has a threat of poor internal auditing process due to which overall problems cannot be determined accurately. It will create issues that misidentification of issue will results into poor services which are provide to patients and facilitate inappropriate outcomes for the same. Moreover, it is important for them to follow instructions of external agencies like NICE and make policies to improve health services to boost patient experience.

Increase effectiveness of plan – The appropriate information about particular patient regarding their actual situation having several symptoms and previous history of some heavy dose medication or health issues (Bibby, 2017). It involve to ensure about real immunity of a person through more effective as well as efficient plan of action can be build up through including accurate treatment activities to make patient well being in selected organisation.

Patient safety – The patient safety is required to be set as priority while conducting any single health care process in order to make them feeling relived from specific problem. It involve to thoroughly evaluate actual health issue and then provide safe medications along with secure environment in care homer also. In context of Fleet Wood Hall Home, they have to put efforts to boost up safety measures so that patient feel safe which help them to stay comfortably during their complete medication which is also essential for positive outcomes.

2.2 Analyse the impact of One aspect of practice

Counselling Therapy refers to an appropriate psychological method which is useful to deal with psychological problems of people. It refers to those techniques used in resolving individual from mental issues. This therapy brings clarity and belief in individual to understand emotions. The different consulting sessions required to attend by the individual of any age group i.e. children, adults, middle or old aged. This methodology is an effective way to deal with disturbed emotional status and helps to resolve problem by appropriate directions (Paterson, 2017). In context to Fleet wood Hall Home, this healthcare helps individual to recover their loss of memory and to encounter phobia. This health organisation provides professional medical services to overcome from different mental conditions like excessive eating of food, depression and anxiety etc.. Hence forth this health care organisation connect with patients who are not stable in their daily life activities. There are some Positive impact of different functioning of this organisation which are mentioned below –

Management of emotions - psychological methodology deals when individual's not feel stable and won't be able to assess own action and feelings. Management plays vital role in people life to manage their thoughts In context to Fleet wood Hall Home, this healthcare organisation handle patients those are not stabilised in their daily life routine.

Relief from depression - world is full of people with different perception and personality which may raise conflicts among them. Depression only arise when an individual is not satisfied with themselves. This factor may occur when person is weak internally and externally due to genetic reason or with external environment environment. In context to Fleet Wood Hall Home, they are required to resolve issues of patients' depression when they feel uncomfortable with other people. At the other hand, to reduce psychological problems, counsellor can guide them to perform physical exercise, avoid alcohol, eat healthy food, be socialize and many more (Koch, 2014).

2.3 Implementation of systems and policies for health and safety

The system and policies are required to make according to actual requirements of business in order to reduce threats of the same to complete desires of patients. It is necessary to modify previous working system and practices by implementing new advanced technologies for improving efficiencies in order to boost up quality of medications which facilitates increase patient experience in selected organisation. According to case of Mrs. Y, she was suffering from Alzheimer's disease in which a person destroys memory and other important mental functions. Moreover, Mrs Y was facing extreme anxiety, sorrow and pain which was observed by a visitors named Susan along with bruises on her legs.

In case of Mrs Y, she had refused to use straps on wheel chair due to which she get fell which resulted into injury on legs. It is necessary to make an appropriate policy to make patient convinced to utilise straps on wheel chair which provide support to reduce falls and relevant injuries (Lennard and et. al., 2016). As per policy of her doctor, they suggest to use wheel chair while moved from bed to conduct regular routine work which is a kind of healthy and safety measure for patient. However, due to having memory loss, she does not follow the suggestion of her specialist and get fallen which results into bruises on legs. However, Mrs Y likes to use to use straps previously but still refuse to use the same due to which she fell on floor. Meanwhile, it was recommended by doctor to her for using straps of wheel chair while moving from bed but still avoid to use them which happen because of her health issue named as Alzheimer's disease of memory loss.

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2.4 Analyse effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation

There are different types of legislations which are made by government authorities of UK including various related acts of health and safety. It include several rules such as Public Health act 1936, Mental Health act 1983 and Mental Health act 2007 which are applied by UK government to overall medical institutions. Moreover, it is very important for all the different health organisations to obey these legal rules or regular in appropriate manner. However, these laws should be strictly followed by such institutions while carrying out different kinds of desired activities relevant to medication on regular basis for welfare of people. At the other hand, it well known that laws facilitate to obey legally correct guidelines and prevent to prefer wrong way to complete any required task (Lindahl and et al., 2013).

In contrary to this, non- compliance of such legal acts impacts negatively in future because it may affect long term outcomes which can results into huge loss of organisation or an individual. Many times, it is observed that legislations are not in favour of desired wish or needs so that few of people ignore these laws to make their requirements fulfilled. At the other hand, the given organisation is required to convey strict guidelines to follow all regulations while carrying out proper treatment procedures to improve quality of services which facilitate to boost up patient experience. Additionally, they are required to establish better rules for obeying desired legislations by staff members properly. At last, Fleet Wood Hall Home is required to build up efficient policies and punishment criteria for not obeying legislations because it may impacts negatively on image of organisation which reduce their patients and value. At last but not the least, it has been recommended that services of Fleet Wood will be kept under consideration for 6 months and if no significant changes are seen then license of this institution will be cancelled.


3.1 Monitor and review health and safety practices

Fleetwood Hall Home is home care that provides residential care to old aged people. It is located at Lancashire town of Fleetwood. It offers various facilities and services to old age people which includes convalescent care, separate dementia care unit, nearby public transport, wheelchair access (Zeller and Levin, 2013). They also serve for various specialised care categories that involves patients of Alzheimer, manic depression, Parkinson's disease, visual impairment, hearing impairment, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. Fleetwood Hall Home follows various health and safety policies that are monitored and reviewed by following mentioned techniques.

Workplace Inspections: Workplace inspection deals with the physical observation of living areas that is usually investigated by supervisors or staff managers. It is concerned with process for safe working being practices and followed. It was found that a manager was registered by care quality commission to manage the overall services. In context with Fleetwood Hall Home, there should be proper workplace inspection and realistic observation records so that work area can be kept tidy, safe and controlled to serve best living environment to old people.

Audits: Audits involves with systematic process of planning, delivering and evaluating services in terms of effectiveness and quality within the limited resources. Audits allows for clinical improvement, improves patient care and maintain participants and medical data records. In order to monitor and review health and safety issues it is important to conduct both internal and external audits to investigate those areas where health- hygiene of patient is effected along with safety issues. In context with Fleetwood Hall Home, it is found that there was limited understanding among the registered nurses, managers and care staff. To over come this there should be proper conduction of clinical audits so that all aspects of clinical care that is provided by nurses and other paramedical staff can be recorded and managed well at home care (von Ahsen, 2014).

Environmental scanning and sampling: In context to Fleetwood Hall Home, it was found that there was no arrangements made to monitor the safety of the environment. The fire doors wedged open on mental health units and there was no maintenance regarding safety of participant at home care. To overcome this issues there should be problem environment scanning to identify safety and environmental issues faced by old age people.

Active indicators – This includces the crieteai of active monitoring including several activities such as work place insoections, safety samples, safety tours, safety surveys and audits hwihc is requirde to be considerd by every organsation like Fleetwood Hall Home hwihc results into monitoring progress.

Reactive indicators – The reactive indicator involve accidents & sicknessabsence investigation, near misses or incident investigation, dangerous occurences and accident or ill health statistics. It may results into moniroting failure many times.

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3.2 Effectiveness of policies and practices to promote positive, healthy & safe culture

Every organisation focus on health and safety policies along with their practices in order to appreciate the importance of safety. This health and safety policies are crucial and helps to learn how to prevent, minimize and eliminate those issues that effects organisation working environment directly. Moreover, it allows to ensure about the duties and responsibilities of management, the medical officers, safety officers, nurses and the personnel managers that are associated with heath and safety. Practising heath and safety policies enables employees to develop proper working attitude.

According to given scenario of Fleetwood Hall Home it is found that a manager has been registered with care quality commission to handle and manage all the services along with legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in Health and Social Care Act 2008.

As the home care was found to be 'inadequate' after the inspection and suggested for improvement due to various problem regarding to common toilet, lack of record maintenance and untrained employees. For proper effectiveness of health and safety policies in promoting a positive, healthy and safe culture Fleetwood Hall Home should adopt following measures:

Proper communication channel: To promote and overcome from inadequate performance there should be proper communication channel among the old age people who are living in home care, nursing staffs and resisted manager (Zurutuza and Marinelli, 2014). Through this communication channel it will be easy for old age people to convey their message directly to registered manager.

Provide Training: It was found that training records conveys that majority of the care staff teams were not up to date with the safeguarding training. Moreover, there was no awareness training provided to staff members regarding consent and mental capacity. In order to generate positive, healthy and safe culture at Fleetwood Hall Home it is important to provide essential training to staff members in concern with safeguarding and awareness training.

Develop and implement a positive reporting process: A positive, healthy and safety culture can be build up easily when all the employees including care staff, registered nurses and registered managers believes in reports development and implementation to identify the issues.

3.3 Own contribution in placing health and safety needs

As per as my own experience at the place of work, in order to generate and determine heath and safety needs at the Fleetwood Hall Home care there should be proper communication channel among various care staff members, registered nurses and registered managers to serve best to individuals. There should be proper creation of appropriate plans so that it becomes easy to promote and improve workplace health and safety.

All levels of medical employees including registered managers, registered nurses and care staff should have regular interaction with the employees to get proper feedback from old person who are staying at home care. This interaction allows to assess those areas where there is crucial need of enhancement along with future decision making. To make any improvement in home care the registered manager should investigate all those incidents and issues that arises in the organisation and directly harm the old people safety and health. Moreover, in my views there should be proper practise of maintaining medical records so that it may help the management to take further future decisions. There should be proper safety awareness that can only be improved by hiring competent workers, by providing staff training and by providing tools and resources to employees to be safe at workplace.

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The above report conclude that health and safety can be described as to make an effective procedures to secure lives of citizens of different age groups to make them healthy. It include various systems, policies or procedures using by given organisation such as tactical and emergency communication system, use of simple language, communicate precisely & clearly, vertical as well as horizontal procedure. Moreover, it involves impacts of counselling therapy and risk management with help of gaining capability to take immediate actions, increase effectiveness of plan and patient safety. At last but not the least, monitoring or health care practices by conducting inspections of procedures, equipments and other relevant aspects properly.

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