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Impact Of Brexit On The Overall NHS System

University: Bucks New University

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2242
  • Paper Type: Minor Case Study
  • Course Code: FY028
  • Downloads: 1082

Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • Creating and analysing the academic and profession-related research in NHS Services.
  • Conducting a performance and analysing on how and why you created it.
  • Provide a plan for your project for approval and formative feedback from your supervisor.

Answer :

Organization Selected : NHS

NHS is basically a funded healthcare system in UK that provides necessary health and social care services to the individuals sustaining in the country. It stands for National healthcare system (Modi, 2017). However, the system has effected in number of ways after the UK will leave the EU. The European union is a monitory body and unified trade of almost 28 countries that provides free flow of people and goods in the country. After getting detached to EU, the country has to face number of challenges in respect to healthcare services ranging from workforce to research and regulation. There could be barely any part which remains unaffected by the decision of UK for to get isolated from EU. The following report will cover the impacts on the NHS services after UK leave the EU. 


How the NHS will be affected after UK will leave the EU.

The removal of United kingdom from European union is termed as Brexit. The decision of UK to take withdrawal from the EU will negatively impact on the National healthcare services, ranging from financing, workforce, care professionals, availability of medical resources like medicines or vaccines, medical research as well as sharing of information. There will be continuous insecurity and uncertainty that could be arise from Brexit and will have a major impact on medical workforce and moreover on a whole healthcare system of the UK. Government of UK has to take some necessary measures for mitigating any of the negative effects that may arise through the withdrawal of UK from EU on the NHS services as well as care practitioners and patients. However, the impact of Brexit on the overall NHS system will cover number of areas which is discussed here.


NHS is highly reliable on the workers of EU. It consist of around a 10% portion of doctors and around fiver percent of other staff members such as nurses from European union. There are more than 16,000 EU workers working in the NHS sectors, if combining the health an social care (Appleby and Dayan, 2018). However, many of the trusts of NHS is already facing the struggle for filling the vacancies of healthcare professionals and staff members and Brexit proved to be an add on on the problem by making the condition even more worse. Individuals have to migrate from the UK fro better treatment facilities and there will be decline on the overall health conditions of population of the country. Thus, NHS need to recruit some expert care professionals at an international level.

Low access to medicines

UK being a part of EU medical agency, that regulate the approval of medicines to be supply on the market. Decision of the government of united kingdom to leave the EU will lead to uncertainty that weather UK will be succeed in maintain some of the collaboration or participation in the system after Brexit. If it gets failed, then NHS and patients of the respective country has to face some serious consequences as there will be less availability of medicines and treatment in the UK and it could occur first in the EU market than in UK (O’Dowd, 2017). It will lead to all the pharmaceuticals and medical equipments to be dependent on international supply chains, and during the manufacturing, processing and packaging of medicines and drugs products has to move through a number of countries. It is very common for any British product to get approval from different legislations and rules before it reach to their specific market place. However, Brexit make the condition more difficult and it will be harder for the products to move around and supply will also get effected. It will lead to a risk of shortage of medical products and increased costs for the services of NHS that will eventually effect the health conditions of patients as poor service users would not be able to access to costly health and social care services.

Clinical trials

A whole new structure for the monitoring and authorization of clinical trials is going to be developed by the EU soon. However, the decision of UK for taking withdrawal from the EU has limit the access to EU database and portal for clinical trials. It could still be possible for the UK to participate in the European union clinical trials but it requires the government to go through a very long application process. It will also limit the participation of the patients for taking the treatment of NHS as well as individuals to get restricted from clinical studies.


A large number of European network for some complex and rare diseases are developed by the European commission that brings together some of the healthcare experts, in the EU for dealing with serious medical disorders that demands a high level of treatment procedure along with resources and knowledge. There are around 40 hospitals associated with NHS trusts that lead a part of such clinical networks. European directives of patient right is the legal form of such networks. Brexit will not allow the NHS and will negatively effect on its international profile. It may also lead to deny some patients to access to the best possible treatment and experts for their current medical conditions. 

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Public health

EU consist of a warning and a response system for major public threats, such as Zika virus which is coordinated by European centre for disease prevention and control. The system help the staff members of the European union to share necessary information easily, to bring out large amount of resources for different investigations of lab and help them to work in a collaborate manner for creating various new strategies (Godlee and, 2018). After the Brexit, UK will not consider as a part of this system which will negative impact on the national health care services such as delaying in communication in risk management department and may lead to divergence in standards and polices between UK and Europe that will eventually leads to negative outcomes in delaying of immediate actions for betterment of public health conditions. It is important for that government of UK should first put the patient interest at first place and must implement the decision by ensuring that healthcare and public health is protected form any of hazardous consequences.


The overall economic status of the UK is currently low. Thus, there is no surprise that NHS is being on a large financial burden. Leaving EU will effect the national healthcare services funding system. EU will no longer be able to provide any kind of financial support for the overall improvement of health conditions of UK residents. No financial support will leads to low level of treatment and there will be limited amount of medicines and medical experts. It will deteriorate the health conditions of the public and government have to cut some of the public services as well as have to remove hours of services providing by the healthcare professionals. There will be occurrence of secondary effects such as a long waiting line due to the shortage of medical professionals (Gulland, 2016). Quality of care delivering to service users of NHS will be effected as less of funding will lead to high pressure and a squeezed healthcare system. Limited number care professionals will not be able to concentrate on the patients issues as it may sometimes give rise to implementation of wrong treatment.


Laws and legislations of the EU such as EWTD which stands for EU's working time directives with the purpose of protecting staff members safety and health and makes sure that the working hours must meet less standards which is applicable to EU. It has been applied in the UK on a large number of workers in 11 August, 1998 with a policy that working hours of all junior doctors must meet with the 48 hours requirement average in a 6 months of period (Brexit and the NHS, 2020). Due to withdrawal from EU, NHS can no longer has to bound with such regulations and it may negatively effect the health conditions of the workers as supervisors and leaders of the NHS will not consider any set working hours for the employees and can also make them work over their average potential.

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Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications

After leaving EU,The British medical association is now focusing on maintenance of some reciprocal arrangements like MQPQ in order to enable the doctors of EEA to work in united kingdom and also to ease the exchange process of medical specialists within Europe. The policy of European union is a key for making number of health and social care professionals from different countries to deliver their services in UK. Safety of patients has been assured by having a common framework in respect to training and standards along with an alert system in respect to fitness and practice purpose (Torjesen, 2016). EEA doctors are very mandatory for providing the healthcare services in UK and many different countries. Many of the NHS trusts are totally dependent on doctors of EU to provide healthcare services to their patients. However, Brexit will limit all these services for the individuals sustain in UK and limit their access to highly educated and talented healthcare professionals. It will lea to migration of patients to some different countries where EU is providing the services still and where there is a proper availability of medical experts and other resources.

Supply of medical devices and medicines

There is a great concern that supply of medicines can be limited after the withdrawal of UK from EU. Almost around three quarters parts of the medicines and medical instruments of the NHS gets supplies from European Union. The government of UK has asked the suppliers to provide medicines for at least six months as they have an idea that there might be disruption in the supplies of medical products after the Brexit will be implemented. Shortages will happen if the behaviours of suppliers changes after the withdrawal. It will also effect the funding policy which is basically a key for bring out all the necessary resources in the NHS in order to deliver quality service s to the patients and to ensure the improvement of their better health conditions.

Government of UK has interrupt the exporting of drugs including some therapy. IT has been cleared to the government that it is not directly related to Brexit. It states they pharmaceutical supply chains are very flexible and fragile irrespective of taking withdrawal from EU (Saatchi and Crisp, 2017). However, beyond such decisions of government some regulatory burdens and bureaucracy is also phase by the pharmaceutical supply chains that may result in increased prices of medical products and treatments. Each form taken by Brexit, is likely to directly put impact on supply process as well as cost of medicines. It may result in no access of some individuals to some of the most vital medicines. It might increase the risk of shortages and will also increase regulatory requirements.


From the above report, it can be concluded that removal of UK from EU will negatively impact on the National health care system. It will effect many aspects of NHS ranging from its workforce to regulations and research. EU provide a number of resource and help the countries to meet with the regulations with ease. Withdrawal from European union will made the healthcare system to limit its funding and will lower the quality of medical services and products which will eventually results in increasing pricing of treatment as well as medical products. It will be difficult for the individuals of UK who are not very wealthy as they cannot access to the services of the NHS and may develop some vital health conditions which eventually leads to death of some individuals. Health conditions of the overall country will be effected by this particular decision of the country. Clinical trials, funding, research as well as legislations of the country will be impacted through the removal of UK from EU. After getting detached to EU, the country has to face number of challenges


Books and journals

Appleby, J. and Dayan, M., 2018. Causes of concern for the NHS after Brexit. Bmj. 363. p.k4767.

Godlee, F.,and, 2018. Brexit will damage health.

Gulland, A., 2016. What would the NHS look like if the UK left the EU?. Bmj. 353. p.i3027.

Modi, N., 2017. Brexit is bad for health, and doctors should say so. Bmj. 357. p.j2265.

O’Dowd, A., 2017. NHS recruitment from Europe is already falling because of Brexit, MPs are told.

Saatchi, M., Buchanan, P. and Crisp, N., 2017. Should we have a royal commission on the NHS?. Bmj. 357. p.j1621.

Torjesen, I., 2016. EU exit would have a detrimental effect on the NHS, academics warn.

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