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TOP7210 Understanding Physical Health Condtions

University: University of Derby

  • Unit No: NA
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2636
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: blank
  • Downloads: 254
Organization Selected : NA


Physical health condition is critical for overall well-being and it can be affected when a human body suffers from various diseases. After it, the body do not function properly and the functioning becomes of the body parts become weak (Tegn and, 2016). The diseases which can affect individuals can be heart stroke, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and many more. Report discusses about the case study where Fred a 75 year old male is suffering from disease called angina. It has been analysed that patient is a chain smoker and drinks whiskey on routine basis. Assignment highlights the keen causes and understanding of angina. Further it discusses medical interventions which can be taken in order to cure disease.


Case study provides us Fred an elderly aged citizen is living with his wife Mary and has been retired from his job 10 years ago. He is been a chain smoker and smokes 30 cigarettes per day. In addition, patient is been involved in consuming liquor on daily basis. Fred has been over eating and is not involved in any type of physical activities. He has been over weight and has been diagnosed with cardio vascular diseases, which have caused him with the episodes of angina.

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LO1. Understanding of angina

Angina is basically a heart disease. In this disorder patient suffers from a chest pain that is caused by decreased flow of blood to the heart(Tegn and, 2016). It is a main symptom of coronary artery disease. The disorder can also be understood as squeezing pressure, tightness or heaviness being caused in the chest. In this disease, the heart muscles do not get enough of oxygen and leads to a condition known as ischemia. Patient suffering from this disorder become quite weak and exhausted. Mostly this disease occurs when heart vessels needs more amount of blood than it is getting. This situation can be occurring during when service user is involved during any type of physical activity. Signs and symptoms that can be seen during angina include chest pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue and anxiety. Fred is suffering from this chronic disease and all these signs and symptoms can be seen in him making patient more weak(Peng and, 2014).

Main cause of this disease is also the life style factor like smoking, drinking and being overweight. It has been analysed from the case study that Fred has been a chain smoker and consumes liquor on daily basis so these lives style factors are severe cause of occurrence for angina. Other reason behind this chronic disorder can also include not involving in physical activities, suffering from disorders like hypertension or blood pressure, family history of suffering from this disease. Fred can prevent the risk of suffering from the disorder by changing their lifestyle. Emotional stress can also be one of the major reasons behind suffering from angina. As Fred has been retired and has and there is no source of income from his part, it can make him feel stressed and worried(Zeller and, 2014).

Angina occurs when the heart works harder during the time of physical exertion. The disease also consists of various types which includes stable or chronic, unstable, variant or micro vascular angina. The disorder is been seen in Fred because of underlying coronary artery disease. Due to following of unhealthy life style like smoking cigars and consuming tobacco the artery narrows down and do not receive sufficient amount of oxygen(Peng and, 2014). It becomes difficult for oxygen rich blood to reach the muscles of heart as artery narrows down. Damage to arteries are also caused by other elements such as following heavy meal, not involving in physical activities, being expose to high temperatures. Angina can also be triggered because of being expose to stress, cold, medicines, use of cigars and cocaine. It develops a high risk in the human body.

The major cause of developing of angina is heart disease. So Fred might be at risk of developing cardio vascular disorder which can be the main reason for occurring of angina. In this disease a fatty substance known as plaque develops in arteries which blocks the flow of blood to the muscles of heart(Signs and symptoms of angina, 2018). It affects the heart of human body and forces it to work with less oxygen. After suffering from this disorder service users become exhausted, weak and tired. In order to improve health and well Fred and Marry needs to make changes in there life style conditions. The disease also causes discomfort and heaviness in heart. It weakens the body functioning and makes an individual inefficient in there working.

Treatment of the disease also depends on intensity of the pain. Health-care professionals will first analyse whether the service user is suffering from stable or unstable angina. Diagnosis would be provided according to that(Bress and, 2018). Also, nurses will be involved in understanding the signs and symptoms related to the disorder. Patient suffering from angina goes through chest pain. It can also be because of other elements such as a blockage in the artery which is major, person suffering from disorders like hypertension, an enlarged heart, sacs around the heart are being swelled and many more reasons. The pain arriving in the disorder is often seen around neck, shoulders or stomach of patient. It hampers there growth and weakens the immune system. Angina is the major symbol of heart disease that can be further converted into life threatening disorders. Health-care professionals need to detect it on early stage in order to enhance the health outcome of service users.

Stable angina triggers heart and can be seen when the person is involved in activities that includes physical exertion and also when they are going through stress. This type of angina do not last for longer and can be stopped after few minutes. Also, the patients become healthy after taking rest. Unstable angina attacks are more unpredictable and occurs when service user is at high risk of developing any heart disease. The duration of effect is longer on a person's body and can also be life threatening.

Information Fred and Mary needs regarding self care management

Fred and Mary needs to know that the in order to improve the health condition and well-being of patient, they must make changes in there life style. Service users need to know about that major cause for angina is consumption of liquor, smoking cigars. As, Fred is been involved in all these activities than these factors can severely affect his health outcomes. Also, patient needs to have knowledge about that in-taking of heavy meal and not involving in physical activities is one of the major cause for angina.

Patients must know about the early signs and symptoms that can be seen in the disorder. He needs to have an idea that pain in chest, discomfort, breathlessness, feeling sick can be the signs of angina attack(Bress and, 2018). Also, service user should know about the various types of angina so that the early treatment is taken by him on timely basis. Medicines and life style changes can help Fred in enhancing his health condition. These factors will also help in making blood flow better and controlling the symptoms. Also, Fred needs to know eating right and healthy food assists him in enhancing their well-being and health outcome.


Medical interventions used in the treatment of angina

Angina is a symptom of heart disease. So in order to overcome this chronic disorder, acute medical interventions by health-care professionals are needed. Firstly nurses need to ensure whether Fred is suffering from stable or unstable angina and treatment must be provided according to it. Health care professionals should lay emphasis on imparting care that assist patient in quitting liquor and smoking. They must encourage service user to adopt healthy diet and appropriate eating practices. Nurses must motivate Fred to get engaged in physical activities so that he can lose weight which enhances his well-being.

Health-care professional can also provide Fred with surgical treatments like angioplasty and stinting. During this stage nurse will put a tiny balloon in the artery of patient which is been narrowed. The balloon will be inserted through a catheter which has been kept in an artery. The balloon is been inflated by the health-care professional in order to widen the artery. This treatment or diagnosis process can be given to Fred in order to enhance there health outcome. But, this method also contains some amount of risk that can hamper the well-being of service users. After going through angioplasty a clot might be produce in the stent of patient or there can also appear a small risk of having a heart stroke.

Stable angina can also be cured with the help of medication and life style changes. If Fred quits smoking and consumption of liquor than without any surgery his health and well-being can get improved or enhanced(Werdan and, 2016). Also, various medicines such as aspirin, nitrates, beta blockers, statins and many more can reduce the risk of going through this disorder. Aspirin can assist Fred in decreasing the ability of blood to make clot, making it easier for blood to go through arteries which has been narrowed down. This helps in reducing the risk of developing a heart disease. Medicines like nitrates helps in removing the blood clot which widens vessels of blood, allowing the blood to flow easily in the human body.

Various tests like Electrocardiogram and stress test can also be performed by health-care professional on Fred in order to know about whether he has been suffering from angina or not. It also assists them in knowing about the intensity of pain rising in the service users body. In ECG each heart beat is measured by the electric impulse which are being generated by the special cells in heart. Stress test can also be conducted by health-care professional on Fred. It is done by making patient walk on a trade mill. While exercising blood pressure can be measured and ECG readings are counted. This can help health-care professional in knowing about the intensity of pain faced by Fred.

Coronary bypass surgery can also be provided by nurses to service user. Life style changes like quitting smoking and liquor can be made by Fred on his personal level. Eating healthy diet with limited amount of saturated fats can improvise the health condition of Fred. Also, health-care professionals needs to provide treatment by using person-centred approach. This will help them in better understanding the signs and symptoms of disorders. Also, with this approach they will be able to detect the disease at an early stage which can make a person healthy. Nurses can also give intervention that includes emotional support. By this they can know about the factors that are causing stress to patients. They can also know about the beliefs, values and thoughts that service user is going through while facing angina. All these will help health-care professional in improving the health conditions of Fred.

Nurses can encourage patient to be involved in self care management. In order to improve health outcome Fred can involve in making pre appointments to health-care professionals. He can take medicines on time as per prescribed by nurses. Also, patient can share the signs and symptoms which service user is going through with health-care professional or family members. It will help in reducing the risk related to the developing of disease. Health-outcome can also be improved if nurses encourage Fred to be involved in doing physical exercise and losing weight.

Health-care professionals can also provide education to service user relating to the signs and symptoms of angina. Service user must have knowledge about the type of angina and signs which can be seen like heaviness in chest, dizziness, pain in chest and many more (Werdan and, 2016). This will help them in taking the care on due time and will help in improving there health outcome. Also, nurses must be engaged in giving holistic care to Fred so that they would be able to know about the risk factors arising in service user better. Also, this will improve health outcome of patient.

Nurses in order to improve well-being of service user can use evidence based approaches and multi-disciplinary team. This will help in enhancing the well-being of Fred. Inter-professional work force includes various specialists such as physicians, psychiatrist, dietician and health-care professionals that will be able to solve the keen problem of angina faced by Fred. Dietician will prepare meals and diet chart for Fred and encourage him to participate in physical exercises like yoga, aerobics and many more. Also, they will follow the ethical principles of nursing while providing care that will help in enhancing the outcome of health in patients.


The study concludes that Fred has been suffering from a chronic condition like angina, which has significantly impacted his well-being. The report highlights that excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking cigars are the primary causes of his condition. Fred's health has improved through medical interventions, including medications like aspirin and nitrates. Additionally, lifestyle changes have played a crucial role in enhancing his health outcomes. Adjusting his diet and quitting alcohol have been key factors in helping Fred overcome th

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