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Treatment & Measures of Anxiety Disorder

University: University of Nottingham

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 4 / Words 938
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: NCS1101
  • Downloads: 1420
Organization Selected : EasyJet

Question 1

Anxiety disorder is classified as a sort of mental disorder in which the person goes through mixed feelings of fear and anxiety. In this, an individual may feel pressurized enough and also face fear related to basic factors of life (Wade and Halligan, 2017). Various environmental as well as genetic factors may act responsible for anxiety disorder of Irena. Anxiety can be classified in different types such as social anxiety, generalised, specific or panic phobias (What are anxiety disorders,2018). Irena was going through social anxiety disorder because even though she was with her friends, she was doubtful that they will make a fool of her. Also, she was little less confident because of her weight. So, she was suffering from social anxiety disorder. She was fearful and threatened that any disastrous situation can come to her any time. There are various signs of anxiety disorder such as getting panic, tensed, depression and Irena was also going through the same (Dawans, Trüg and Heinrichs, 2017). So, with the involvement of some treatment measures like medication or therapies, a proper treatment can be provided to Irena.

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Question 2

Bio psychosocial model is a framework that involves different genetic, social and biochemical factors for a better interpretation of the disease (Day, Ehde and Jensen, 2016). If considered socially, Irena was little insecure because whenever she was around friends, she was thinking that they will make a fool of her. Also, she was not having much social connections. If psychologically, she was undergoing behavioural changes. It was because she was depressed and was having lack of confidence. Although she was capable enough but still, she felt that she is not able enough to continue any process for long. Also, she was suffering from tension headaches and some stomach issues, so it might also be a reason that there were some behavioural changes and mood swings. Therefore, it can be considered that because of these reasons, Irena was undergoing these anxiety issues. Also, she was quite overweight, therefore, she was depressed because of this as well.

Question 3

For treatment of anxiety disorder of Irene various Psychotherapist can use various steps of scientific methods. For instance in Cognitive and behavioural therapy psychotherapist first needs to analyse the problem in detail. A clear problem perspective then therapist proposes hypothesis on the basis of research. The result analysis enhances the appropriate measures are adopted to treat anxiety(Lader 2015). Irene will be require to honestly describe the issues and thought process which encounter in her mind. Psychotherapist can use Naturalistic observation method. Under this approach psychotherapist will try to observe the Irene behaviour deeply. Psychotherapist will observe her behavioural with other students and in college and as well as outside the college. If you want Management Assignment Help, you can get assistance from our writers at a very cheap price.

This analysis will give clarity about the possible causes and treatment policies. The therapist can use integration of idiographic and nomothetic approach(Schmidt, Perels and Schmitz, B. 2015). In nomothetic approach therapist compare the behaviour of Irene by comparison with others, how she is responding to behaviour and presence of others in college. On the other hand in idiographic approach the behavioural characteristics of Irene will be discovered to find the triggering factors which are causing the anxiety and fear when Irene enrols in college.

Question 4

Irene should attend the psychotherapy sessions. These sessions will change the negative thought process and fear and will teach Irene to deal and accept these fear and negative thoughts in a positive direction. Along with psychotherapy, attending regular meditation will increase the will power(Farmer and Chapman 2016) and concentration of Irene. In the initial sessions of psychotherapy, we will ask Irene about the problems in details. We will have an interaction about daily routine and what thoughts click her mind while observing certain day to day activities. In upcoming session Irene will be expected to attend group sessions in which she will be given counselling with other patients. Such step will enhance the confidence and comfort level of Irene.

In the psychotherapy sessions we will try that Irene should develop new skills and talent which could help her in dealing with her fear. Some sessions related to family psychotherapy will help her mother and close friends to understand the state of Irene. So that they can establish a better understanding and communication with Irene. The cognitive behavioural therapy in sessions will address the cause of cognitions resulting in anxiety (Farmer and Chapman, 2016) and how Irene may behave to treat the resulted anxiety.

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  • Day, M. A., Ehde, D. M., & Jensen, M. P., (2016). An empirical investigation of a biopsychosocial model of pain in multiple sclerosis.The Clinical journal of pain.32(2). pp.155-163.
  • Farmer, R. F., & Chapman, A. L. (2016).Behavioral interventions in cognitive behavior therapy: Practical guidance for putting theory into action. American Psychological Association.
  • Lader, M. (2015). Generalized anxiety disorder. In Encyclopedia of psychopharmacology(pp. 699-702). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Schmidt, M., Perels, F., & Schmitz, B. (2015). How to perform idiographic and a combination of idiographic and nomothetic approaches.Zeitschrift für Psychologie/journal of Psychology.
  • Wade, D. T. & Halligan, P. W., (2017). The biopsychosocial model of illness: a model whose time has come.
  • Dawans, B., Trüg, A. and Heinrichs, M., 2017. Effects of social and non-social stress on social behavior in health and social anxiety disorder.Psychoneuroendocrinology.83.p.71.
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