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Health Care Services to NHS Customers

University: UKCBC College

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4535
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/0488
  • Downloads: 906
Organization Selected : NHS


Personal values refer to ideas, principles, beliefs, and many more which are more important for a person within their life. It helps an individual for managing their own learning and growth with the purpose of developing a career. For this, people have to learn continuous basis in order to enhance their skills and knowledge (Bauer, 2010). Along with this, personal and professional development also helps individual to make their knowledge effective which contribute in attaining set goals and objectives in an appropriate time frame. Mainly, it is an effective process of improving capabilities at the workplace by getting training opportunities. This will contribute to building the morale of staff members at the workplace. The present report is based on NHS (National Health Services), which is a public body in the UK. It provides public health care services to its customers as per their needs and wants. This report discussed personal values and principles which support working activities in health and social care. In addition to this, own roles and responsibilities are also discussed in this report. ITC software packages are also mentioned in this report which supports organizations in attaining success.

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1.1 Personal values and principles with the principles of support for working in health and social care

Personal values and principle are important drivers which help individual to how they behave and think. Along with this, every person having their personal values and principle that highly influence their work and task as well. In this context, health and social care is one of the biggest sector which provide medical services to larger number of customers as per their needs and wants. Furthermore, personal vales such as respect, religion, dignity and many more help individual to perform their worm effectively. As it also help in providing quality services patients with the purpose taking their care. Every individuals has rights to get equal treatment at workplace which contribute in making their working activities appropriate. In health and social care, workers has their personal values and ethics which aid in encouraging their morale through which they can treat their customers effectively (Cooke, 2012). It assist in determining as well as evaluating the importance of principles which support individuals within the working activities. This type of principles are highly relate with culture, values and belief of the person who are execute their activities accordingly. Along with this, principles of individuals are refer to polite behaviour, dignity of a person, tradition, autonomy and many more.

Apart from this, it is important for workers to treat their clients equally as they easily satisfy their requirements. In this context there are some values which are highly relate with societal as it contribute in maintaining morale of the workers in most effective manner (Dixon and et. al., 2014). The principle of personal within the working area refer to regulation, policies, process, regulations which may helps in attaining set goals and objectives in appropriate time frame. In this context both principles and personal values are directly affect the individual mind set, perception as per particular situation. Thus, it can be determine that both are contribute in influencing the working abilities of the staff members and at the same time also helps in attaining desirable results.

1.2 How personal culture and experience influence own role in supporting users of services and others in health and social care settings

Personal culture and experience of an individuals highly influence the workers as it support service users within the health and social care. In this context the background of family helps in shaping the thinking of the person. As there are some different factors which assist in making right decision that consist age, experience, gender as all these helps in determining final results in an appropriate frame.

In addition of this, at the time of working in NHS, culture, experience, and behaviour of individuals play vital role as it helps in serving as well as delivering better services to clients as per their needs and wants. For this workers may understand needs of the services users at the time of providing them services. This will help in reducing the chances of arising issues within health and social care.

Apart from this, major values and principles of company that consider effective requirement of services with users. As it refer to a vital role which should be implement by the workers at workplace so that they easily take care of all the customers (Grima-Farrell, 2015). In addition of this, they also maintain detail towards the services so that they easily improve their personalty and also reduce the chances of any kind of harm. For providing better satisfaction, employees should use holistic approach through which they easily provide better services to larger number of customers.

1.3 How new developments and changes to your personal values can impact on your work

New development and changes are refer to the personality which directly affect the person activities. Thus, any kind of changes are occur such as beliefs, behaviour, values then all these are directly impact in overall performance of the workers who are performing their activities at workplace (Nicholls, 2014). In addition of this, personal development and changes are also affect the person skills and abilities so that they have to make as well as evaluate the alternatives within the business organization. As it helps in providing better services to customers as per their needs and requirements at health and social care.

Along with this, a person who working in health and social care responsible to implementing issues and hazards that arise at workplace. So that it is important for the firm to provide better services against any kind of injury. For this various rules and regulations are there which affect the personal values of the person at workplace. In this context, some laws are Data protection Act, the care Act 2014, homes regulation 2015 and many more. All these are play vital role in improving the working activities within the workplace. This will contribute in implementing all kind of changes in effective way and reduce the chances of arising issues (Olsen, 2015). With the help of this all the workers of health care perform their activities effectively and enhance growth of health and social care industry. 


2.1 Current learning style, skills and ability by using SWOT

Define ability and skills

Skills audit is an important process for recording as well as measuring the group and individual skills. Main aim of organising a skill audit within the company and knowledge as well as skills that firms is having currently. Some of importance of it are as follows:

  • It help in improving knowledge and skills.
  • Valuable and valid skills plans of working environment.
  • Enhancing of productivity according to peoples talent as it should match with their positions.

Define learning style

It is an individual method to learn on the context of their preferences, strength and weakness. Some of learning styles are explained in detail below:

Honey and Mumford learning

  • Activist: In this style, particular person learn by accomplishing things. Mainly company follow the method of open minded by performing and involving them.
  • Theorist: This style individual acquire learning by understanding theories for knowing reason behind their actions. They follow the available facts, models and concepts for learning things.
  • Pragmatist: In this, person get learning by applying their learning in the process of real world as well as get the outcomes accordingly.
  • Reflector: In this style, person get learning by the help of thinking and observations over the occurrence activity.


1) Did you have strong beliefs about what is bad or good, wrong or right?

  • Agree
  • Disagree

2) This method of learning style does affect the activities of workplace?

  • Yes
  • No

3) This style help in improving the personality of individual person?

  • No
  • Yes

4) Honey and Mumford learning will increase the knowledge and ideas of individual or group?

  • Disagree
  • Agree

5) This approach is useful or not for the company?

  • Yes
  • No

In this, it is identified that this theory of learning style gave impact on functions at both level of work as well as school.

2.2 Prepare a holistic development plan

Personal and career development

It will make the improvement in identity as well as awareness. It will aid in developing its potential and talent for increasing life quality.

Personal development plan

It is the process of creating a action plan on the basis of planning, goal setting, reflection, values and awareness for personal development in the term of self improvement, relationship, education and career (Personal or professional development plans, 2012).

Importance of personal development plan

  • It help in improving concentration as well as effectiveness.
  • It also help in making person more motivated along with this it also help in making self awareness.
  • It also aid in enhancing the self knowledge and ides as well.

Personal development plan using the PDP


Target proficiency

Current proficiency

Needs to improve

How to improve

Short/long term goal

Time bound




So, that I can easily interact with the peoples.

English speaking course

Short term goal

 2 months

Time management skills



It need for managing the work effectively.

By preparing a time bound.

Short term goal

1 months

Team work skills



For increasing my efficient at workplace.

By achieving the group targets.

Long term goal

15 days

2.3 Progress monitoring against the plan as per needs of care practitioner

Importance of monitoring personal and professional progress

It will help in improving the skills and ability of particular person by monitoring their personal progress (The difference between personal and professional development, 2017). It will aid in increasing of higher productivity within workplace. Therefore, it will assist in achieving goals and objectives on time.

Important of monitoring personal development plan

If I will analyse or monitor my personal performance then it will aid in improving my communication as well as time management skills in an positive manner. Day top day monitoring will assist in knowing my present performance and deficiencies which I have to improve.

How goals are achieved or not meeting of goals then what actions I will take to meet them

It is very essential to monitor the development plan so they can find out major difference can be corrected and identified. For example: Skills of communication stands is typical within the health and social care as it involve high dealing of communication. If people is not able to understand what they are saying then it will gave rise to communication barriers. If the plans are observed and monitoring will aid in finding out major things they have to improved as well as it will aid in moving with self development on professional and personal grounds. It is important to organise the assessment of skills so I can improve that area which they had incorporated within the development plan. This will helps in finding out several plans which have to be improved. I have to concentrate on my ability to encourage myself as well as other. So, tasks can be meet in the perfect way. Motivational skills will help in accomplish of work on time and simultaneously fulfilling established goals . You need assignment help in Canada at an affordable budget.

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of development plan in an health and social care


It is the capability of giving a desired outcomes or ability to give a desired output. It is deemed properly, it means that it is expected and intended results or give a vivid and deep impression.

Characteristics of an proper personal development plan

  • In this, it will aid in improving my communication skills through the help of PDP.
  • I can able to manage the time proper will aid in making my work management.
  • If I will build an skills of team work then it will aid in gaining knowledge and more ideas.

Achieving of skills by my PDP

I can achieve by making a time bound as it will aid in managing my work on time. In this, I cam improve team management by making targets of team members and communication skills can be meet by attending the English coaching classes.

Benefits of having a plan

Advantages of making these plans for knowing our own skills and abilities. Through these plans, I can improve my self which will aid in developing success within my career plans. SWOT analysis my self help aid in knowing my strengths and weakness by knowing them I can make improvements as well. PDP will help in knowing the skills I am having and if not having then how I can make improvements.

Disadvantages of not making a plans

Personal development plan is not made then I will not able to know my present skills which is motivating to improve myself. If I do not make a plans then I will never know where I am. SWOT of myself are not prepared then it will not able to know my weaknesses and if I will not known of my weaknesses I will never improve it. 

Requirements of improvements in future

Communication skills is require for interacting with every person as through this I can able to interact easily and it will aid in my career growth. In this, time management is need to improve for accomplishing the work within a limited time and it will aid in proper time managing in future and if team work is effectively managed then it will aid in achieving targets of work in an effective way it will help in future at a time of working within groups.


3.1 Explain the nature of different professional relations within working environment

Professional relation is regulated through legislation and it is a relationship among instructors and instruct. It is a responsibility of physician to act in best interest of patient. There are different professional relationship given below:

Care managers and care workers

Under this, they both work on take care the health of patient. The role of care manager is to manage work in health care homes and on the other hand, care workers should take care about medicines and treatment of patients.

Care assistants and nurses

Care assistants role to to know about needs and interest of clients and on nurses work to advocate as well as care for properly of all religious and origins.

It has been analysed that staff members at workplace goes through various emotions but it is required for individuals to keep on enhancing their working capacity so that to sustain in the company for a longer period of time (Maslach and Jackson, 2013). Some of major factors are given below:

  • It is required for employees to keep up the relationships much transparent.
  • Motivation can be given to each other through working with full of strategies and many more.
  • Healthy communication will help out staff members to work exactly as per the requirements of clients or as per requirement that organisation is having. Through this, many benefits can be gained in effective manner (McNiff, 2010).

3.2 Evaluate personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual

In business organisations, it is fundamental for managers to promote and support rights of their employees as they can work efficiently and properly. Promoting and supporting means to treat employees and clients in well being manner by fulfilling their all needs and wants. There are numerous rights of individuals, i.e. right of respect, privacy, control, independence, health and safety, equality and so on (Lapkin, Levett-Jones and Gilligan, 2013). All these rights must be considered by the health and social care while developing a personal and professional development plan. For example – health care sectors can provide healthy and safety working environment to its workers by assessing all risky areas and determine operations which can hinder their health. In health and social care sectors, rights of patients are linked with give them proper treatment or care and there should be maintained cleanliness and hygienic environment of hospitals whereas rights of service providers links with give them breaks while working hours. Along with this, personal effectiveness can be acquired in terms of supporting these individuals and generate confidence among them to do well.

There should be understand those elements which encourage and motivate them to work hard and in an effective manner. In addition to this, all patients and staff members must be giver proper respect and dignity as they do not feel inferior at the time of working and treatment. Doctors are also required to treated all patients in same manner, there will be no discrimination on the basis of race, region etc.

On the other side to motivate employees, money is a good source of motivation as if all service providers will be given decent remuneration then they will be able to perform in well being manner. Not only care but also health of staff members must be given preference; they are given proper vacations thus service providers can spend more time with their families. All these aspects will support and promote rights and duties of individuals in health and social care.

3.3 Ways to resolve issues encountered in professional relationships in work place

As the area of health and social care sector is increasing rapidly, chances of conflicts and disputes among people. Although, issues can be raised due to confusion and misunderstanding about roles and responsibilities. In organisational hierarchy, senior will give orders to juniors. At this time, Seniors have to be polite and juniors have to understand their roles and responsibilities to avoid any issues in the work environment (Kumari, 2011). Following is defined certain ways through which management of health and social will over come with these workplace issues: -

  • Proper communication channels – Lack of communication is the biggest reason of workplace conflicts, thus health and social care centres are required to implement horizontal and vertical communication processes thus employees can easily their queries with all departments.
  • Training of the staff members – In training programmes, employees are clearly understand about their roles and responsibilities and know what they will have to do. There chances of disputes and misunderstanding get reduces.
  • Committees to take disciplinary actions – Committees of hospitals are the last option in order to resolve conflicts at workplace. As if two parties are unable to resolve their issues then legal committees of the firm get interfere and provide suitable solution to both parties.
  • Mediator – There is two types of mediators, i.e. internal and external; these third parties come ahead to resolve conflicts and issues between two parties. In health and social care, top management, general managers, board of directors are known as mediators.


4.1 Effectiveness of personal contributions

Personal contributions is essential for an individual to manage team and make them perform activities effectively. It is necessary that appropriate modifications in group are made by management of health and social sector, so that adequate operations are conducted in firm. This define that as manager, I require to give appropriate contributions in system to guide and direct members to perform activities effectively. Along this, I require to social workers, clients and nurses which help me to deliver appropriate services and items to customers. These are various personal contributions which are described beneath:

Personal values and experiences: This aspect define that my attitude, skills and abilities determine guiding and instructing team members to perform activities effectively and complete work within defined time.

Adherence to policies and procedures: It is necessary for me to frame policies and tactics to make team members conduct activities and deliver appropriate products and services to clients.

Impact of my contributions: I have good communication skills and knowledge which help me to direct and guide members to execute work in proficient manner. Along this, appropriate facilities and services are delivered to customers.

Areas require to be improved to enhance my contribution: I require to take seminars and sessions to improve my management skills and leadership capabilities to guide team members and function effectively. If you are required essay writing service with quality content. Contact now!

4.2 Limitations of work role impacts on others work

Every employee has their own roles and responsibility with certain limitations in the particular organisation (Lewin and Reeves, 2011). Limitations can be defined as the point beyond which employee is not allowed to work as he is restricted and bound with his duties. As being the manager, my job role is maintain confidential details and manage whole staff of the organisation. I am not allowed share these details with doctors, nurses and other staff of the hospital. Limitation of my job role can be understood in my absence no one will be able to reach the confidential information. In case of emergency staff of the NHS have to connect with me through calls, text messages and other modes communication to reach the required information. This is the limitation of my job as I have to always be available to the hospital. I will be affected by my colleagues if they have not provided relevant data of the patient on time. This create delay in maintaining records of the patients. If I will not get proper training, it wont be possible for me work as per requirement of my job responsibilities. NHS have conduct training sessions for the employee skill development.

4.3 Minimising barriers to effective teamwork

Obstacles which creates difficulty in completing the task can be termed as barriers. Barriers to the team work includes the following elements which are discussed below:

  • Poor communications: Mostly in all organisation employees face this problem as they do not communicate clearly with the colleagues which results in misconceptions.
  • Different priorities: Each employee have their own priority towards their work. It becomes barrier for other employees in completing their work as everyone is interested in completing their personal work and avoids helping team mates.

As being the manager of NHS, I will minimise these barrier for effective team work by decreasing communication issues in NHS which includes the following:

  • Positive body language: As being manager, I have to train my staff to use positive body language which will avoid misunderstanding among the employees.
  • Maintaining confidentiality of information: Employees are required to maintain the confidentiality in the NHS in order to not reveal any personal detail of any employee or patient with anyone.
  • Accurate recording of information: In NHS whenever any information is given to any other employee it should be recorded. For implementing this every employee have share information in the written to mode to make it recorded directly.

4.4 Improving personal contribution

To work as a manager in large organisation like NHS, a person needs to able to work with all people in collaboration. This would help in getting right work from employees. Therefore, in this manner I have gained this core management skills through which I can manage a big workplace properly. In order to achieve set targeted goals and objectives of this company, it is a responsibility of managers to develop a strong team by selecting members having capabilities to do work in desired manner. For this process, necessary skills I have to be possessed are:-

  • Commitment to the team: Every member of a team are needed to give their full commitment in accomplishing a target. Therefore, in this process, managers are needed to motivate them in regular period of interval so that high commitment of them can be gained.
  • Getting things done: Behind success of a team, there is good management skills of a manager who provides proper guidance to group members. This would help in getting things right from them.


As per above report it has been concluded that health as well as social care is a place where differ type of particular person are evaluated. PDP is a process which support as well as enable in deriving and define the better along with the effective consideration within nature. Therefore, professional and personal development are used when an person assess their own weakness and strength effectively by SWOT analysis. Hence, personal values are used to impart more while working on health care which enable and signify in better working objective. A people have to show their own learning abilities and skills effectively which help in giving various advantages.

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