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TOP9146 Unit 16: Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care.


  • Unit No: 16
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3941
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: NA
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Health and social care encompass the range of services offered by both public and private sectors to support individuals’ well-being. This includes healthcare provision and infrastructure tailored to address specific needs arising from physical, mental, or emotional challenges (Archer et al., 2011). These specialized services aim to mitigate impacts on an individual's abilities, including mental health issues, cognitive impairments, and other disabilities. This assignment examines a case involving a patient with a brain injury who tragically ended his life due to inadequate social and healthcare support. The report explores concepts related to disability, illness, behavior, and patient care. It also covers various approaches and interventions for supporting individuals with specific needs and discusses strategies for managing challenging behaviors related to social needs.

Case scenario:

A forty three year old individual Tom lost his life due to improper care and medical assistance from health and social care services. Tom had an accident 20 year back due to which he developed long-standing mobility, substance misuse problem and mental health issues. In October 2013, teams of Somerset and NHS assessed that Tom is fine and not indulged in activities like self harm and suicide. In this regard family of Tom complains about health professionals due to their negligence while treating him. After accident patient was not given proper treatment due to which he faces chronic pain, depression and insomnia. To overcome these issues, he starts taking drugs. In 2006, Tom is given responsibility to take care of Liz so that he get a purpose to live. But his condition deteriorates due to regular intoxication and no healthcare assistance. In 2014, Tom was found dead at Somerset home.


Concepts of health, disability, illness and behaviour in relation to users of health and social-care

Health is defined as a state of complete social, physical and mental well being rather can considering the absence of infirmity and disease only. As per the opinion of world health organisation, health is referred as a positive concept which emphasize on personal and social resources along with physical capabilities. In case of Tom, he was not health as his mental condition was not stable. Disability is referred to the physical or mental state of the person due to which performing basic activities becomes a complex task. For example, due to brain injury, Tom faces difficulty in taking care of himself and this results in further injuries and accidents. Illness is a health issue which restricts a person to perform regular jobs and activities (Aveyard, 2014). Illness can either be permanent or temporary depending upon it severity. In case of Tom, he had permanent illness i.e. a brain injury. This condition takes place because he was not given proper assistance and treatment on right time. Due to this, illness faced by Tom impacts his body and mind in a considerable manner.

Behaviour is a condition in which an individual reacts towards the situation as per circumstances. It is also influenced by certain activities which can results in health errors. As per social concepts, right behaviour of a person helps them in dealing with illness and disease in a proper manner due to which their chances to became well increases. In case of Tom, if proper care and assistance have been provided to him then he would have not faced severe injuries and accidents due to bad and abusive behaviour.

Analyse how perception of specific needs change over time

The perception and opinion of people towards the patient with specific needs changes over time. In this context, there are significant changes that has been noticed among the behaviour and attitude of people towards the patient which have specific needs. To deal with patients having arm and leg disabilities, government have given charge to their care takers to take care of them such as their parents or guardians. For mentally unstable people, government in UK have formulated different laws and regulations so that they can be given required treatment In context with Tom, as patient was facing severe brain injury, his family wanted to give him proper care and treatment so that specific needs of patient can be addressed in a desired manner. As Tom became a drug addict and abuser, he required special treatment in rehabilitation and other social care places. But as specific needs of Tom has not been considered, he lives a painful life full of solitude and injuries (Becker and Kleinman, 2013). 

Analyse impact of social policy, legislation, culture and society for individual with specific needs

In field of healthcare and social care, legislations along with social policies, society and culture plays an essential role when necessary services are provided to people having having specific needs. If social policy will not be in the favour of person with specific needs then it will became difficult for that individual to live a peaceful and favourable life. In this regard, legislations are essential at both mass and individual level. For instance, In UK it is the responsibility of comprehensive health service to provide help to mental and physical health patients. Along with providing service, these organisations are given responsibility to diagnosis different physical and mental issues. Outcomes of these services can be acknowledged on the quality and effectiveness of service (Bowling, 2014). In case of Tom, Somerset council and NHS teams were given responsibility to provide specific needs to Tom as per his condition. They state that Tom is at low risk of self harm and suicide due to which he is mentally capable to take care of himself. If Tom was provided with treatment as per social policies and legislations formulated by government at right time, he could have lived a better life. In this regard, some policy and legislations are mentioned below:

  • Health and social care Act, 2012: It specify different rules that are required to be followed by user and service providers of health care sector. It define various guidelines so that appropriate care and services can be offered to the needy people.
  • National health service Act, 2006: It is concerned with fund allocation to different fields and sectors from national health service. This work is carried out under the supervision of UK government. This Act ensures proper functioning of healthcare services as long as monetary stuff is needed.


Analyse care needs of a person with specific needs

Ton can be considered as a vulnerable adult which needs special care and treatment. He is facing severe brain injury due to which he faces problem like chronic pain, depression and insomnia. This restrict Tom to perform his daily activities and work without the assistance and help of other people. As per the case study, Tom faces substance misuse and mental health problems. He moved in with Liz and started to look and care for her, this became a purpose of this life. But things became worse when his health and mental condition starts deteriorating further (Coleman and et. al., 2012). Due to which, Tom became aggressive and temperamental. In this regard, social and healthcare professionals needs to understand the root cause of patients illness after it an appropriate treatment must be started. If environmental and social factors would have been in favour of Tom, he must have recovered against his illness. People with brain injuries and mental issues faced aggressiveness, therefore remedies should be adopted so that their anger can be controlled. Also, patients like Tom which are facing brain illness are required to be treated with love and care so that they can feel comfortable and easily share their feelings and opinion with others and health professional in an eased way.

Current system for supporting individuals with specific needs

Several facilities are given to people which have specific needs. Beside this, there are different public and private organisations which operates in UK to help needy people so that they can spend a normal and healthy life. To generate better understanding with the given case, Tom has required both formal and informal care when he met with an accident and faced a severe brain injury 20 years back. There is a helpline service which is provided by organisations like Somerset and NHS so that guidance and care can be provided to those people which are in need. These organisations aims to provide consultancy to them so that difficult situations can be tacked in a simple manner (Glasby, 2017).

Current system plays a vital role for giving assistance to those people which are facing similar situation like Tom. It consists of regulations like human right Act 1998, non-discrimination for disables Act etc. These acts helps in offering assistance to normal people along with individuals with specific needs. Person which are facing mental issues such as Tom requires more affection, love and social interactions which is not given to them. But for normal people, it is easy to get involved socially. In this regard, European court of human rights aims to provide required assistance to the patients.

Explain the services available in a chosen locality for people with specific needs

suffering from mental illness. These organizations may operate in both the private and public sectors, aiming to provide appropriate care to help individuals recover and improve their well-being. In the UK, the NHS is a voluntary organization supported by the government to offer healthcare services to those who cannot afford them (Green and Thorogood, 2018). Additionally, day care centers in the UK focus on maintaining a normal life for individuals with mental illness, helping to prevent their situation from becoming more vulnerable. For individuals facing mobility issues, such as disabilities in legs, arms, or hands, impairments like wheelchairs can greatly ease their daily life. In the case of Tom, he received assistance from Somerset Council and the NHS. However, due to insufficient supervision, neglect from care workers, poor service quality, and the stubborn behavior of service providers, Tom's condition worsened despite being deemed capable of self-care. Conversely, these organizations offer cooperative GPs and affordable services, reducing the financial burden on Tom's family. For additional support, you might consider buy assignment help to ensure thorough understanding and coverage of related issues.


Explain approaches and interventions available to support individual with specific needs

There are some strategies and approaches which are required to take care of people with specific needs. Tom has been suffered from multiple injuries associated with brain and body due to which he require special attention and care. Desire to have drug and aggression have impacted his behaviour from time to time. Based on the condition of Tom, approaches and intervention can vary accordingly. Compare to the problem of mental instability and aggressive behaviour of Tom, problems like chronic pain and insomnia are moderate. Appropriate attention must be given to the problem of aggressive behaviour, this approach can benefits in resolving the issue of high temperament due to which it will became easy for health professional to give proper treatment.

Intervention strategy which could have been used in the case of Tom is cognitive therapy. In this method, different means associated with stimulation senses are used so that body and brain neurons of Tom can be activated. With the help of different sounds and music, sensory and motor injuries faced by Tom would have been cured (Heart and Kalderon, 2013). This therapy can help Tom in resolving the issue of insomnia. Other that this, developmental and behavioural intervention can also be used in situation faced by Tom. As Tom was not given much attention by its family and health professionals due to which he lacks cognitive abilities. This results them in depending upon their family and society so that patients like Tom can spend a normal life. In this regard, developing their abilities and incorporating good behaviour in them will benefits the victim patients in performing their activities without the help of other individuals.

Evaluate effectiveness of intervention strategies for person with specific needs

Intervention strategies are essential as they results in providing positive gains to the individuals like Tom. Different physical interventions would have benefited Tom in rejuvenating his strength and energy which have resulted in reducing his anxiety along with dealing societal expectations in a desired manner. Psychological intervention could have helped Tom to understand better due to which he would have stopped himself from accidents and injuries that takes place due to regular intoxication. Vocational and educational interventions have helped Tom in handling his independence and managing specific needs in an appropriate manner. This is because when people requiring specific needs have idea about their condition, place in society and other situations, they became more capable in dealing with complexities and difficulties that came in their way. Specific development methods will helps in showing specific needs of patients in a more considerable manner. Also, health and well being of patients is required to be checked on regular basis so that they can be provided with treatments in accordance with their situation (Korda and Itani, 2013).

Analyse potential impact of emerging developments on support for individual with specific needs

There are different developmental activities which takes place in social and healthcare service industry. These activities are carried out so that those individuals can be safeguarded and protected that face some kind of disability or illness. There are different regulations and acts which is passed by government like disability discrimination Act 2005, Mental health Act 2007 and health and social care Act, 2008. These act and policies helps in providing solution for the problems which are faced by mentally ill people. This will benefits them in providing best treatment that can cure their illness. In the field of healthcare and social care sector, it can be comprehended that technological innovation will benefits the medical practitioner in providing better treatment to their patients so that their health situation can be improved.

In case of patients like Tom which are mentally unstable. Advance technology such as CCTV can help practitioners in monitoring their activities. This will benefits in identifying if their situation is improving or not (Mitchell and Golden, 2012). Along with this, medical staff will also get aware about those activities that can threat the condition of patient. Technological development will also reduce the chances of failing and misshapenness will reduce. This will help the patients to feel relaxed so that they can enjoy their life without facing much complexities.


Different concepts of challenging behaviour

In this there is various number of challenges from the behavioural pattern of the individual. This is especially happen with the teenagers learning disability. With many disability recovering drug addicts. At the time physical disability an individual face challenging behaviour. The challenges which is faced from them are explained below:

Learning disabilities: In this learning disability is found as the disabilities which found in often in the both teenager and addicts. It is very difficult for the person who are more addicted. In this Tom was addicted to the drugs in this condition he enable to to learn. Tom is enable to learn because their sensory power gets weak due to its addiction. In this as a result of this he get trapped in the problem of ineffective learning (Moldan, Janoušková and Hák, 2012).

Physical disability: This disability is also challenging and can be found behaviour of the teenagers and addicts. For example : if the person is blind then he is not able to learn but he can learn from the visuals that means it is easy way for people to learn.

Ill health: This ill health can be defines as physical and mental health because their addiction their addiction make this happen. It is a type of challenging behaviour which can only be cured once at the time of addiction is cured.

Physical impairment: This found very common now days. This is very challenging for learning something in a easy way due to their physical impairment. for example: a student is not able to go to school and get the education.

Brain injury: In this case Tom also has the brain injury. This injury can be found in drug addicts. Addiction is something that affects their brain to the most this affect the brain which is happen in a way like individual think and behave in some unusual manner. This brain injury is happened when the the abdication is out of the limit and individual face challenging behaviour .

Drugs and alcohol: this drug and alcohol is define as the way which encourage challenging behaviour behaviour from the individual. In this some time teenagers are also include in this just because they are young. When teenager are more quickly than those of normal addicts and show challenging behaviour (Reeves and et. al., 2011).

Potential impact of challenging behaviour on health and social care organisations

There are different individuals at Somerset council and NHS foundation which faces challenging behaviour due to physical or metal impairment. For example, in case of Tom, the concerned patient remains unconscious for most of the time due to heavy medication. Due to this, his nature became aggressive and it impacts atmosphere of Somerset and NHS foundation. In order to deal with challenging behaviour in a proper manner, there are some challenges which are required to be faced by representatives in social care and health foundations.

Individual risk management and assessment- Due to illness, risk to individual health increases in a considerable manner. It is challenging to formulate an effective plan and manage activities by which adverse impact on the reputation of Somerset and NHS foundation can be reduced. There is provision associated with power of attorney where managers in health care and social care organisation can take required decisions in urgent situations (Shea, 2016).

Violent behaviour- There are problems in companies when patients acts aggressive and violent with other people. Some patients are mentally ill and unstable due to which they have no idea about right and wrong activities. Due to this, atmosphere in Somerset and NHS foundation became inappropriate and physical violence with staff member increases. Violent behaviour of staff member reduces the working morale of employees due to which they feel difficult to give them proper care and treatment.

 Protection issues: In this there is the issue of protection in which NHS foundation has there different patients such as physically handicapped, mentally ill etc. In this protection act is one of the major issues which faced by the the manager. For example : an individual with unconscious mind left the hospital premises then this affect the trust and loyalty of clients family (Tyler, 2013). In this there is the possibility of major legal issues under the rules and regulation

From above discussion, impact of issues takes place because of challenging behaviour of patients are understood. In order top deal with it, it is responsibility of managers of Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation to proper plan and manage activities. 


Different strategies for working with challenging behaviour associated with specific needs

There are some strategies which can be adopted so that people with challenging behaviour can be protected. These strategies are mentioned below:

Adapting to the environment: This technique will benefits in making patient comfortable in the provided atmosphere but it can be a big challenge for the service providers as they have to provide facilities in accordance with the comfortableness of patients. In this regard, they will have to do required modifications on timely basis (World Health Organization, 2013).

Use of positive behavioural support: This technique will benefits in meeting the required behaviour which is expected from the customers. Main advantage associated with this strategy is that it will benefits in learning different behaviour of patients in a considerable manner. But one disadvantage with this strategy is that it will results in formulation of resistive attitude in the minds of people.


From the above-mentioned report, it has been concluded that the health and social care sector is a broad field offering support to individuals who are financially unstable during illness and disease. Various concepts of health, disability, and illness are integral to a person's care. Individuals often require specialized care to effectively manage their difficulties and health issues. Different interventions and approaches can address specific needs and offer benefits. Challenging behaviors can significantly impact social care organizations, and various strategies can be adopted to address these challenges. For ensuring originality, using a plagiarism checker is recommended to avoid any issues with content duplication.


Books and Journals

Archer, N., and et. al., 2011. Personal health records: a scoping review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 18(4). pp.515-522.

Aveyard, H., 2014. Doing a literature review in health and social care: A practical guide. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Becker, A. E. and Kleinman, A., 2013. Mental health and the global agenda. New England Journal of Medicine. 369(1). pp.66-73.

Bowling, A., 2014. Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).\

Coleman, E. and et. al., 2012. Standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender, and gender-nonconforming people, version 7. International journal of transgenderism. 13(4). pp.165-232.

Glasby, J., 2017. Understanding health and social care. Policy Press.

Green, J. and Thorogood, N., 2018. Qualitative methods for health research. Sage.

Heart, T. and Kalderon, E., 2013. Older adults: are they ready to adopt health-related ICT?. International journal of medical informatics. 82(11). pp.e209-e231.

Korda, H. and Itani, Z., 2013. Harnessing social media for health promotion and behavior change. Health promotion practice. 14(1) pp.15-23.

Mitchell, P. and Golden, R., 2012. Core principles & values of effective team-based health care. National Academy of Sciences.

Moldan, B., Janoušková, S. and Hák, T., 2012. How to understand and measure environmental sustainability: Indicators and targets. Ecological Indicators. 17. pp.4-13.

Reeves, S., and et. al., 2011. Interprofessional teamwork for health and social care (Vol. 8). John Wiley & Sons.

Shea, S. C., 2016. Psychiatric Interviewing E-Book: The Art of Understanding: A Practical Guide for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses, and Other Mental Health Professionals. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Tyler, R.W., 2013. Basic principles of curriculum and instruction. In Curriculum Studies Reader E2 (pp. 60-68). Routledge.

World Health Organization, 2013. Oral health surveys: basic methods. World Health Organization.


Health & social care. 2016. [Online]. Available through: <>.

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