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Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care

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  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 12 / Words 2924
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 48
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Integrated healthcare focuses on professionalized healthcare, characterized by effective communication between healthcare professionals. It combines mental health and overall well-being. Social care, on the other hand, encompasses social welfare, personal care, safety, and support services for children and adults facing challenges such as illness, disability, or poverty. Both integrated healthcare and social care are vital for society, as they help individuals maintain their mental and physical health. Health care practices play a key role in ensuring these systems function smoothly, involving processes like identification, evaluation, and implementation of important decisions while monitoring outcomes for the population. These practices help assess the conditions of both patients and healthcare workers. This report will explore the health, care, and support services available for individuals requiring multidisciplinary care.


1.The health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care

Health care and social care are healthcare structure which involves both sectors such as private and public sector. These sectors are basically organized to provide health and care services to patient and human being. Health care specially focuses to provide medical care to single and communities. Health care system deals with the diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental disabilities. This system divides into three sectors such as hospital care, primary care and public health care. These are resources which supports integrated care working. Healthcare  is also classified into two subsets like acute care and long stay care. Acute care provides services to patient for less time while long stay care refers the process of providing health services to patient. These all services provide by nurses in hospitals to patient (Hogan and Malsch, 2018). While Primary care focuses on medical care in practices. It is non hospital care which includes family practitioners, home nursing and therapies, dentistry, optics and pharmacy etc. offers health care services to patient. Public health is big issue for global population. For example if people health is good in community In that state people well-being maintains. While social care monitors daily human action of living where it involves feeding of human being and basic hygienes. Besides of this involves to maintain persons independence, raises social interaction and protection from illness and disability of children's and adults. There resources are social work, personal care , protection and social supports. Social work are focuses to resolve social and personal problem of human being. It concerns about people well-being. To maintain their well-being some community provides social services in society through camps. While personal care resource focuses on personal hygiene and cosmetic products such as tissues, cotton pads, shaving cream and razors etc. these are primary social care resources which supports to enhance age of population. Protection resource deals to save population from poverty, unemployment by offering job opportunity. This recruitment supports to reduce poverty from society. Social support are those supports which gives guidance to people regrading their health hygiene, personal advices and also helps financially. Thus, both sources supports to integrate care working.

Unmate health care needs refers those needs which doesn't lead satisfaction method for diagnosis, prevention or treatment in the society. it controls by medicines and gives therapeutic advantages. Unmate needs are various like medical, healthcare, family planning etc. unmet needs for health care is to focus on healthcare services but people don't get due to financial barrier, long waiting list and transportation problem. There barriers prevents person to take healthcare services. Thus, whole community doesn't get equal healthcare services in society. Beside of this women along with unmet needs where they are sexually active but does not use contraceptive during sex and women doesn't want more children or keeps difference between next child. There is main barrier of unmet needs in women is to gap differences between women's reproductive intention and their contraceptives behaviour. Unmet needs in social care where person doesn't get proper resource like personal care, social supports and lack of funding etc. are major sources which doesn't meet to person needs. Lack of funding resources also loss person well-being in society which leads frustration. Due to frustration number of person committed suicide. Person of society doesn't get proper job opportunity which leads unemployment. Unemployment enhances poverty in community and creates differences between them on community. It is current unmet needs which leads disability in person. Supportive services are personal care, social care, home care, transportation, supportive team and supportive device service etc. are basic needs of person which doesn't get proper time to person. These needs are important for old age people. Current unmet needs in England are public health prevention, social care and sexual healthcare etc. becomes barrier for integrate health care and social care.

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2. An individual’s capacity to identify their own needs

Person-centred care focuses on several aspects, including respecting individuals' values and placing them at the centre of healthcare decisions. For example, students receive medical training that helps them understand the goals of personal health. Person-centred care addresses individual needs by providing value to each person (Dawson et al., 2016). It also emphasizes safety within the community and offers emotional support by involving family and friends in care. The approach aims to help individuals become aware of their needs, strengthening their well-being and mental health. Additionally, person-centred care provides training opportunities to enhance skills, enabling individuals to secure jobs. Healthcare teams raise awareness about health concerns by conducting surveys and offering guidance on hygiene and contraceptive use. Support services are essential for helping people identify their needs.

Person-centered care is a standard service required by the Care Quality Commission, ensuring that healthcare providers meet quality standards. It involves caring for patients beyond their condition and customizing services to suit individual needs (Ben-Menahem et al., 2016). Countries like the UK are increasingly integrating health and social care services. Healthcare practitioners' primary responsibility is to focus on the needs of the individual rather than the service itself. Most people today want to be active participants in their healthcare, and person-centered care ensures that patients are equal partners in planning their care, with their opinions being valued (Dawson et al., 2016). For students looking for more insights into these practices, assignment help Liverpool can offer additional support to understand the key concepts and applications. Ultimately, healthcare providers play a crucial role in patients' lives, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Health care practitioner liable to perform different ways support is person-centered personalized coordinates and empowering. Services are created in partnership with citizens and communities. Also it focuses on the equality and narrowing inequalities of the group. Also, health service provider responsible to maximize the contributions of health professionals through interprofessional education and collaborative practice.

Practitioner also liable to treat people with full dignity, compassion and respect. Person-centered care enables to maintain that dignity by respecting their wishes and treating them with compassion empathy. Also, they need to play a role of friend while keeping them safe and secure from the harmless things. Also, it tries to maintain the effective working opportunities to be the best outcome and goal performance. Along with the services, practitioner also required to support service care, support and proper treatment to manage the work outcomes (Greene and, 2016). Enable service users to recognise and develop their strengths and abilities so they can live an independent and fulfilling life. Patient should always feel safe and secure from the services. Keep in mind that is a fine balance. Person centred care is important for patients because it is physically not much very effective. 

3.Provide appropriate leadership within the remit of own role in a health care or support service to promote effective inter professional and multidisciplinary team working.

Appropriate leadership within the health care service sector is very required to ensure the proper health system of the people. Health care professionals work together in a collaborative manner in various forms. In a basic form, health care professionals has to think about the services and growth which make sure. It helps to contribute into more reliability to perform such new changes. There has been increasing recognition that health policy in recent years should be amend in proper manner (Hesjedal, Hetland and Iversen, 2015). Health acre professionals work together in a collaborative manner in various forms. In more complex form of care, health care professionals which consult their patients or more complex form of care. Multidisciplinary, leadership style helps in health care sector get more energetic and productive health promotions. In health care sector, leadership skills is very much required and proficiency work identification. In a team promotional work it is the most identification opportunity work to get the effective working outcomes to gain the health promotions. Leadership in health care sector is very required to collaborate the work and also they need to make better understand the patient. Leaders in health care line has only one aim is to deliver and safe the high quality care which spread across the management and clinical workforces which creating peculiar challenges (Hewitt, Sims and Harris, 2015).

Information sharing between multidisciplinary teams is the confidential data which has been passed in between team only not other person involved in this process as according to the laws and regulations (McCormack and McCance eds., 2016). Service practitioner must be honest and open with the person from the outset about why, what, and how and with whom information will or could be shared and seek their agreements. The ultimate goal of multidisciplinary teams is to secure the information and data to be more efficient and effective data and performance. Safe guarding is the fundamental process to deal with the highly effective market growth which is more effective and working in very effective manner. The nature causes and consequences of the group interactions process in complex settings which having more interest to developing the effective goal process. Other thing which need to be considered by the medical practitioner which is seek advice from other practitioner. Also, they need to focus on the other thing which is most effective and clear the following task (Moore and, 2017). Another responsibility which need to be considered is taking decision making process to handle the progressively results and handle the uncertain situations with health care issues. There are different agencies which share information to deliver the quality services to the patients which better supplies the services and ensure the best results target. The basic purpose of this practices is enable staff members to take decision making process and take action. Also provides safety for all concerned people. Also practitioner responsible to secure the data or information of the patient to maintained the health security of the patient (Santana and, 2018). Determining the availability, accessibility the data of patient to better understand their health issues. 

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4.Different communication methods for supporting different individuals to meet care needs

Communication is the way of sharing views and exchanging informations for getting and providing something. In the context of health and social care it can be said that, communication skills and different methods play a vital role as it helps healthcare providers to understand needs and human behaviours of people. For providing the best care and support, it is important for social care provider to select the best method of communicating with their people to meet care needs. Some different methods of communication that can support individual to meet care needs are described as follows:

One to one communication: It is an effective methods and type of communication in which health care provider communicate and identify needs of people by one-to-one without having involvements of third person. The main aim of adopting this method in social care services is to make feel people comfortable to know their needs and problems (Feng, Barbosa and Torres 2016).

Group communication: It is just against of one-to-one communication because in this method, several people are involved. It becomes difficult to manage because different people have different nature as some do not want to share their feelings in a group are called introvert. Some are extrovert so, it is effective only when all people want to involve voluntarily. It is important for social care providers to make all involved people comfortable if they want to give them satisfactory care as per their needs.

Verbal: Verbal communication means using of words to share idea and knowing thoughts and problems of other. It is also an effective method of communication by which social care providers can explain, present and take ideas clearly via spoken words. Speaking, clarifying, open questioning are some examples of this type of communication.

Non-verbal: In this type, ideas and problems are being shared without talking. It can be done by body language, gestures, facial expression, touch and signs. It is effective when people are not able to listen and know the language. For social care providers it is important to know signs and body language of people as it helps them to know that what the person want to say. Social care providers deal with someone who is in pain, upset and worried. So, they posses the ability as without talking they can understand everting. Hand movement, touch, signs, postures, appearance are some examples.

Written communication: This is central to the work of any person or social care providers in health care. Keeping records of people who are in pain and upset is the way to know and memorize problems and needs of patients (Brown and, 2016).

There are several strategies that can allow health care providers to increase their communication skills and with the main aim of providing solutions to vulnerable people.

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Health literacy programmes

Training centres: Training centres is the best way and strategy to improve communication skills that can help social care providers to meet the needs of patients by understanding their problems in an effective manner. The main of these training centres is to offer continuing education as well as distance learning courses to health care provides by which they can solve any type of problems of vulnerable people. They also try to provide knowledge regarding disease prevention, health promotion initiative and developing quality standards.

Workplace guides: During a disease outbreak, employers have roles and responsibilities for employees productivity and health as well. Distribution of workplace guides which have detailed knowledge of communicable disease is an important health communication strategy which is beneficial for employers and employees or patients. These workplace guides contain all informations of developing workplace preparedness plans and prevention plan to support in a systematic manner. All these informations can enhance health communication (Shumate and, 2017). So, it can be said that For providing clear informations to patients, social care providers and practitioner should have knowledge about each disease.

Except these strategies, it can also be said that technology is also playing an important role in increasing communication like EHR tool that allows social care providers to assign one of hundreds of patients education videos related to their care needs and diseases. The main aim of using these tools and technology in this context is to provide effective communication and aware to people about diseases. It is the best way of providing education to people for preventing them against any type of disease. Bedside call button tools is also an effective way of communicating with patients. Bedside displays can be simpler for patients to use, therefore enhancing patient experience and nurses also find themselves more able to understand needs of patient and allocate them resources accordingly (Hogan and Malsch, 2018).

There are some importance and benefits of all these strategies such as it promotes patient engagement, increases empathy, listening skills in social care providers, friendliness, open mind and willingness to ask questions and initiate conversation without getting hesitated and ask questions and becoming more comfortable. It develops working relationship and improve relationship with patients which is important as it makes them feel comfortable.


From the above study, it is concluded that local resources play a crucial role in delivering integrated social care services such as volunteer care, nursing, social care, and home-maker services. The importance of service practitioners is highlighted, as they perform various activities aimed at providing person-centered care to vulnerable individuals in distress. Effective teamwork, collaboration, and leadership are key to delivering satisfactory care without frustration. The report also discusses the responsibilities related to information sharing among multidisciplinary teams and explores different communication methods—verbal, written, and one-to-one—that help care providers exchange information and gather insights. Strategies for improving communication skills are also addressed to enhance the knowledge and capabilities of service care providers. Leadership qualities such as active listening, flexibility, planning, and vision are essential in healthcare practitioners to foster team development and build strong relationships for better understanding patient needs. For a clearer focus on these concepts, using a thesis statement generator can help formulate a concise summary of the report's key findings.

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