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The health and social care industry is vast and rapidly expanding, but it faces numerous challenges due to ongoing changes. Contemporary issues in this sector include concerns related to childcare, hospital regulations, and investment in healthcare. This report provides a detailed examination of how the growth in health and social care introduces various issues and challenges, aiming to enhance the industry's effectiveness and patient satisfaction. It explores factors that need to be analyzed to improve efficiency and propose better services. Additionally, the report will highlight the role of Black and minority ethnic groups in supporting the healthcare industry and emphasize the importance of service user involvement in shaping health and social care services.

Background to Service User Involvement

The involvement of service user can be defined as active participation by the people which help to improve health conditions with their knowledge and skills. Training and development helps the service user to increase their skills and knowledge to provide better involvement in health and social care sector (Semrau and, 2016). The health care industry get the understanding the behavior of service user to make the effective strategies to increase the efficiency of the services and make the service user more satisfied. The involvement of BAME in the health care industry also help the legal system to make the proper justice to the criminal cases as there is a proper knowledge about all the heath issues which BAME community can have (Rogers, Bethel and Boddy, 2017). The importance of user involvement was felt when there was the agitation against the health for the BAME patients in health and social care industry as they wanted to be treated at their comfort and at their home. Black and minority ethnic group helped heath care industry to understand that there was inequality and which discouraged other ethnicity to involve in health sector. This led to increase in the change in the traditional method of the healthcare industry due to involvement of service users. The service user also helped service provider to understand importance to innovate and increase the efficiency of health services (Garwood and Hassett, 2019). BAME involvement in mental health care sector also become important as the service provider have to understand the behavior, and they also experimented many users to understand and gain the knowledge to increase the efficiency of the services and provide the better heath treatment. 

The media also helped the healthcare industry to grow in the initial stage as it provided the proper awareness to the population about the services and problems health care is facing and it increased the number of service user which helped to increase the growth of the industry (Hanghøj and, 2019). At the beginning the patients which have illness were programmed on television to increase the knowledge of people by which many people self diagnosed the similar symptoms in their family members and friends and reached the health care unit for treatments. The industry also improved and gained the knowledge while there was the involvement of services user. The health care industry adopted Arnstein & consumerism theory as it helped the health care industry to understand the service user needs and demands and different choices which were according to their beliefs, cultures, attitude as the industry also analyzed that the patients are not behaving properly as their demands are increasing rapidly like a consumer in the health care industry (Veseth and, 2017). Consumerism theory also helped the BAME to get involved in health and social care sector to increase their participation which help them to understand the issues and problems of BAME community which helped to increase service quality of providers. This also help to empowerment to backward communities and increase their skills and knowledge.

Black and Minority Ethnic or Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and Service User Involvement

As BAME were majorly discriminated by the population of White people and the service provider of health care in the country (Tomalin, Sadgrove and Summers, 2019). The involvement of BAME in the health care industry also improved the thinking of the white people which are in majority in the country to provide with the equal services to them. As the majority of old patients in the country were from BAME group which have suffered from dementia which were not given the proper care by the service provider due to racism and due to of the lower community the equal opportunities were not given to them which made the situation of the group worse. As the healthcare professionals were not given any heart feelings for BAME community and which make them suffer from pain. The major issue in the treatment of BAME was the communication barriers as majority of population of BAME community do not speak English and which make it difficult for the professionals to understand and the issues in the patients (Tierney and, 2016). The patients from the BAME groups were also considered to at high risk from recovering from the illness due to lack of understating and lack of knowledge and there was no support to the group which also made the situation bad. There was the new legislation and laws to increase the safety and protection of the minorities like the BAME groups and also allow them to use all the services equally Nancarrow and, 2019). The involvement of BAME in health and social care services were promoted which helped to support other ethnicity apart from white people. The government implemented the Equality Act,2010 which helped the country to provide equality to all the population and also bring them to same level in providing justice and services. Health and Social Care Act, 2012 and care act, 2014 which helped the community to increase their presence in the health care sector as the laws supported the community to increase their presence, and they also helped the group to educate and increase the level of skills so that they can also support their own groups and community. BAME was involved in the healthcare sector which prove a better understanding the medical sector to understand the issue of metal illness and also study the causes of the illness effectively. The service user also increased as the health care have improved the information and techniques to provide the better services to the patients and make them better (Millar, Chambers and Giles, 2016). BAME Community were also not part of service user involvement as they were discriminated on the basis on nationality, education, and they were also not treated special due to stereotype that BAME because of skin color and traits and characteristics which discouraged them to enter in health care sector.

Benefits of Service User Involvement for Black and Minority Ethnic or Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME)

After involving the BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) communities in the healthcare industry, services have improved due to better communication and understanding. This increased effectiveness has advanced the industry's equality efforts. Despite paying taxes and fees, BAME groups previously struggled to access healthcare benefits (Laitila et al., 2018). Additionally, BAME staff faced challenges with training and development, as language barriers and limited knowledge affected their efficiency in delivering services. Government initiatives aimed at improving language skills for BAME groups were hindered by a lack of interest, reducing their effectiveness.

Healthcare services for older users have been tailored to align with cultural beliefs, enhancing patient satisfaction and health outcomes (Kawas & Wong, 2019). New communication methods, including newspapers and radio, have been utilized to raise awareness about healthcare services among BAME communities. The government also leveraged grassroots community resources to ensure equitable treatment and address discrimination, enforcing strict laws against inequality (Jutlla & Raghavan, 2017). These efforts have improved healthcare services, particularly for older BAME individuals suffering from dementia, and have increased overall knowledge and skills related to the disease.

Service user involvement from BAME communities has helped White populations understand the value of diverse communities, fostering economic activity through equal rights in education and employment within the health sector. The government also proposed welfare benefits for BAME communities, opening specialized healthcare centers to support their needs (Grundy et al., 2016). These initiatives have positively impacted the UK economy and life expectancy, contributing to a more stable and prosperous society. The integration of BAME individuals into various industries has boosted economic production and improved living standards, reflecting the benefits of increased demand and supply in the market. For further assistance with related topics, students can seek database assignment help to enhance their understanding and assignments.

Challenges of Service User Involvement for BAME

The BAME group have felt many major challenges which make the health care services in the BAME groups inefficient. The group also had many old user which suffered from many diseased but the mainly mental illness and this made the group more inefficient to connect with the other communities as they were facing many health issues and there were no proper support from the Heath service provider in the country Hylton and, 2019). Some major factors which created obstacles in the growth of the BAME groups were the geographical location of their residence as BAME community were living in the remote areas in small villages and poor infrastructure and facilities which accounted 3 percent of total population of UK, BAME also does not have proper communication facilities with the world, which make the group not have the information about the different services and programs by the government. Another factor was level of education and skills also made the Group unable to understand and communicate with the government and health care.

UK health care service provider used the ethnicity categories data according 2001 census which created a huge gap in providing services as the health condition of minorities were deteriorating but due to traditional data involvement of BAME in health care sector were Neglected (Gleeson, Duke and Thom, 2019). The issues in the BAME group to reach to any health care services were the lack of knowledge to analyze the system, of then services, and they lack the proper knowledge of the language which make them inactive to use the services and also demotivated them to be the part of the country. The language barrier also made it very difficulty for the group to understand and made any other people understand their problems. They also lack the proper training and developmental skills in the heath and social care which made the services for the groups very poor. (Cheers, 2019)

The generation effects were also one of the challenges in the BAME group was that the individual which are young were also not given the equal opportunities for the job and employment in the health care industry and also in other industry as they were treated as untouchables. Mobility of services was also a challenge which was faced by the government in providing with the health as the BAME group were having their residence in the remote areas and which made difficult for the government to sent all the services to the remote areas. Vision of the group was also not effective due to the lack of knowledge and education to perceive all the services and also comment in the political affairs as they were not confident and never supported by the government.

The staff training was also made difficult fir the group to increase the interest in the health services as the professional of the industry were not treating every user equally and which created a huge gap between white people and BAME (Gavin, 2018). The group also have difficulties in expressing their thoughts to the providers and make them understand their problems.

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The government should also increase the diversified employment in the health care sector with the effective training and development so that they can e more effective in providing the services to their BAME community and other who are in need (Abma, Groot and Widdershoven, 2019). The increase in the technology should also be adopted by the health care industry in order to increase the quality of the service and to analyze the issues of the patient effectively. The government also have to increase the number of health care providers in the country in order to provide the better services and in every location even in the remote locations. Media should be used effectively to increase the awareness about the mental diseases which can be seen in the old people and what are the symptoms of the diseases. Which will help the citizens to understand and increase the knowledge about all the health diseases so that they can be make effective health decisions in standard of living to avoid the disease according to the possibility. The health care providers should also apply strategies to attract the users and make them healthy. A system need to be developed by the government in which they can understand and solve all the grievances of all the communities without any injustice. The health providers also should have a better knowledge of dementia and also should know how to cure the disease (Abayneh and, 2017). This will help BAME in service user involvement of Health and social Care sector of UK and also help them to increase their standard f living and education level to support health of their own community.


In this report, a brief study highlighted that the UK government has recognized the need for laws ensuring equality for all citizens. The report reveals that BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) groups faced significant challenges in the healthcare and social care industries, particularly as many in these communities were elderly and suffering from mental illness. Healthcare professionals often failed to assist these individuals adequately and lacked proper knowledge about the importance of healthcare. Key issues included a lack of education and limited English proficiency among BAME groups, creating communication barriers for healthcare providers. The government identified effective solutions to enhance communication with BAME groups, aiming to improve efficiency and better support their health and well-being. For a concise overview, a summary generator can be used to distill the key points of this report.

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