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Law, Policy and Ethical Practice in Health and Social Care

University: N/A

  • Unit No: 1
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3949
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 66
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Health and care are critical factors influencing government policies in many countries. In the UK, they form an essential part of developing legal frameworks and institutions aimed at supporting society. Providing health and social care is a vital effort, involving many individuals dedicated to offering medical services and support (Abbasi et al., 2018). This sector supports people from various backgrounds, including those in vulnerable situations, emphasizing the nation's responsibility to ensure their safety and development. The industry requires comprehensive oversight and accountability, with policies, laws, and regulations designed to address health-related issues effectively. Any incidents can be managed by making informed decisions and collaborating with health institutes and organizations dedicated to alleviating suffering. This document outlines the key rules and principles followed by health institutions to ensure their effective operation (Morley, Le, & Briskman, 2019).

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LO1 .

Covered in leaflet


Covered in leaflet

P2 .

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M1 .

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D1 .

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LO2 .

P3 .

P4 .

Date and time of observation

Rationale – why these activities/tasks were chosen:

This was figured out that many hospitals have delivered very unhygienic and irresponsible behaviour which has tend to make the treatment in a loss. The mortality rate has increased due to this in England. Doing such activities will figure out mistakes in hospitals.

Explain the individual’s needs

An individual needs proper care and continues ministering in case of a big disease, in this process some factors without any misconduct should be followed to take care of everything properly (Akrami and et. al., 2018).

The individuals in this locality want to get a safe treatment and care for their well-being. health care practitioners should keep good care and health so that one can truly communicate issues of them and seek professional guidance and help. To avoid spread of such disease one should maintain a clean and safe environment which will help them in maintaining correct environment.

Describe briefly the details of the setting (for example location, type of setting)

This will be performed in the are decided as per the issue of patients and professionals for such field shall be working there, so in case of any need they can be available to help the patients. The setting will be inside hospital or clinic centres to treat such individuals.

Describe the context of the setting

Such monstering should be done in equal gap and spam of time. So that one can keep taking notes on their recovery and they can work in time and place with patient. The doctors have to consult with each other in case some emergency case is been shifted in hospital (Reamer, 2018).

Observation log write up: (LO2)

Several laws used

The Care Act 2015

This act guides the health practitioners and doctors to take correct measures and apply proper procedure of continues ministering and regular healthy check-ups to keep correct track record of an individual. This act provides several sections to discipline such medical practitioners and should put them in proper code of conduct.

The Health and Social care Act 2012

This act helps in maintain correct reformative health and keeping social care of public. the act defines the importance of keeping correct health and care of a person (Sobočan, Bertotti and Strom-Gottfried, 2019).

Care Standards Act 2000

This defines correct standard one has to maintain while taking care in hospital, code of conduct and believes are defined in this act.

Health and Social Care Act 2008

This act is to keep proper health and care maintaining standards and one has to register under this to become a health care centre. These places have to maintain correct working standards as per rules given in this act (Bonnie and Zelle, 2019).

Policy of Patient and Public Participation

NHS is a health and care practice which is performed in UK, for having guidance while treating people. These policies are mandatory to be followed and allows each person to gain certain health services at international and national levels. In the case given the standards of rendering health care is very poor in England and have to raise the standard level. This caused in reduction in morality rate and needs to be maintained relation, several trust were closed as basic safety was also not given to the staff and lethargic attitude made the rate increase more and more. This was figured out only after proper investigation was done by the government and proper rectifications were made after them.


Student’s name

Unit number and title

Assessment criteria


Achieved as per unit

I learned that health and care system needs to be followed by several national policies and provide a standardised care to individuals. Such practices are to be maintained as per requirement and keeping proper policies in nation.

Challenges faced

I learned that the biggest issue here is no communication and lethargic attitude of people in nation. The health care staff and other members did not follow up to mu suggestions as well.

I had to go through several challenges even for which they did not look upon standards and taken care about the issues I pointed out to them.

While I was working there, I made many attempts to give them solutions regarding their file and many of which it got rejected or ignored. (Brophy, Ryan and Weller, 2018).

The staff present there were not actually trained which made them to be unavailable for accepting any of my solution or cooperate with me.

Ways to meet national professional standard of safe or non-discriminatory practice

I have learnt about various care safety standards and discriminatory act that is required to strictly implement in every healthcare organisation with the help of making organisational policies accordingly. It includes several ways to meet safety standards by following various factors such as person centred care, dignity & respect, consent, safety, safeguarding from abuse, drink & food, equipment & premises, complaints, good governance, staffing, duty of candour, fit & proper staff and display of ratings. The Equality act 2018 should be followed which helps to eliminate discriminatory factor to deliver proper care to every person for their well-being.

Specific examples for learning

I have tried to implement small boxes for suggestion which were placed in many hospitals. The legal resumes and forms filling section was concluded correctly and in the mean while it can completed after the main guidance was performed. The main aim here was to conclude correct directions to them and make them feel comfortable which can be taken from several feedbacks given by medical practitioners and patients admit there (Walker, 2019).

Changes or improvements do you think could be implemented into practice as a result of completing this element of the unit.

The plan which is working in the recruitment plan needs to be about professionals in the health and acre department and they shall be tested based on their grades and marks achieved. All the patients need to get segmented as per requirement and they need to be sorted as per the basic data. The main area here will be related to the direct response one gets though different judgements.

Action plan to develop these skills and/or qualities further/ help to improve provision in the healthcare.

A proper standardised action plan was taken in care and kept monitored in case of any stipulation in it. All laws and policies which are created for making the procedure better shall be followed so relief can be served to patients. A proper training session should be taken up so that all members can be trained as per their department and any negligence can be avoided (Cannon and et. al., 2018).

Student signature Date

Assessor name

Assessor signature Date


The Equality Act offers numerous benefits, ensuring that individuals receive unbiased treatment and adhere to proper ethical codes and conduct in their work. This fosters equitable health and care for all patients, with practitioners delivering consistent service without discrimination (Wild and Dawson, 2018). The policy and principle of equity enhance the overall health status of the country and safeguard patients during their treatment in healthcare institutions. For students needing assistance with understanding these concepts in detail, HR assignment help can provide valuable support in applying these principles to real-world scenarios.



Observation log write up:

As per rights given under human rights act 1998, such health centres need to give correct amount of care and help to people who visit them for treatment. They shall not discriminate any one on basis of any dignity, social status or fairness. The 9 prominent rights which are absolute right, qualified right and limited right should be applied in such places. As per my observation and knowledge legislation after creating such policies should introduce them to medical practitioners, keep them updated and any sort of negligence can be avoided.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, guides about correct safety and hygienic environment for patients, this is very necessary so that any other disease shall not be captured by serious or critical level patients. Also, while shifting hazardous substances they should be very cautious and keep proper measurement while doing so. Training program will teach all staff members to do such activities and any sort of negligence will be avoided (Fujioka and et. al., 2018).


Proposed learning outcomes

Mainly only four such activities were carried out first is to explore the section of health and care practices and explore law and policies in basic concept. Second is to understand the real importance of them & implement such national policies correctly. This si done to main legislation and its order in medical health care. Third is to correctly interpret the actual meaning of laws and in last apply such policies correctly.

Brief description of the activity

The main aim here is to gather correct information and perform task after evaluating it properly. Keep time to time monitoring and compare results to see the difference.


Human resource is the one which will help the most and can be found in large quantity, just needs to be trained and rest it can help in working out all needs of hospitals and health care department. All aims should be to treat people with no negligence and complete control of treatment and avoid any king of lethargic treatment as well.

Law, Regulation and Ethical Practice: personal skills such as communication, clean understanding, hearing capabilities and clarity in speech is most important and are one related to health care system. This will make me very serious about my duties and particular responsibility.

 Health , Safety and Safeguarding- as a person from health and care industry I need to listen and process information of people correctly. This will help me to understand patients issue first. The delivery of services will e under correct law and regulation supervision.

Valuing and Promoting Diversity, Difference and Inclusion evidence – certain things in my personality need to be changes and behaviour of accepting changes shall be changed more. This will make me more acceptable in nature.

Promoting physical and mental health and Emotional well being in health and social care practice evidenced through – my skills will be used to perform my work correctly and accumulate working categories as per requirement. Some shall be done to support the health care service system


While I was investigating several people who were admit there cooperated with giving me feedbacks and questions asked to them. The only loss thing I felt was that several health care facility providers were not even bothered to care about such things.

If you did the activity again what would you change and why? What have you learned? Reflect on the activity as a whole.

I will involve more people in my wok so that investigation can be completed correctly and perform to collect more information (Gelinas and et. al., 2018).

M3 .

The healthcare legislation consist number of acts including Health and Social Care Act 2012, Equality Act 2010, Social Value Act 2012, Data Protection Act and many more. These legislation are important as it guides medical practitioners to consider rights and responsibilities of patients by involving them in decision making of treatment. It is necessary for physicians to provide information of every specific clinical procedure to an individual which is going to be apply on them as treatment and take their permission before executing the same. As per information collected most hospitals are not performing their task as they should have had been. No legal regulations are followed and as such staff members are least bothered to learn any of them. Responsibilities are not taken seriously, which is effecting relation of patients and medical practitioners. Equity is not to be served and which is not followed correctly. They need to maintain proper health and acre support and take up all duties as per requirement.

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The healthcare organizations should consider ethical principles of conduct while making policies of following overall clinical practices including guidelines of legislation. It will provide help to make changes on operational strategies by focus on ethics and legislation for affording and implementing them properly. However, it includes to consider informed consent, beneficence, confidentiality, truthfulness and legal rules like Health and Social Care Act 2012, Equality Act 2010, Data Protection Act etc. The practitioners have to maintain work as per requirement and should maintain, dignity, equal treatment, no discrimination and unbiased regulation while performing their tasks. The care act 2015 should be implemented correctly and montering changes and effectiveness is very essential to maintain. This shall be created as per the budget of funds and trust so the department which actually needs it can be maintained.

LO4 .



Student’s name

Unit number and title

Assessment criteria



How well did you achieve the practice criteria for this unit?

The one thing I have learned from this unit is that all the national policies and laws which are created by the government is to create a better future and deliver the best services to the citizens of this nation. I personally feel that this industry has developed from several areas and shall be done as per requirement. The main aim here was to achieve a particular target and the make the better changes as per the need and social care of the environment. All the codes and conducts which are followed by medical practitioners should be ethical and proper in nature. One needs to correctly examine each and every as per which is connected to health institutions. I relive that one has to be very specific while doing a particular business and should perform the correct individual access so it shall be done in the particular zone.

The proper acts and rules which are created by government are for the personal benefit of the country and need to be done as per requirement (Herring 2018).

What challenges did you face?

This sector is full of issues and difficulties and the most prominent one is the communication gap between several department. While working here the issues which were faced on general basis with patients were different but internal issues were the one which were difficult to resolve. The staff in health care was so much casual about things that several time things got delay only due to their lethargic attitude towards work. I tried several time to give them proper suggestion which could have had solved many issues but they were least interested in entertaining my case.

The root cause of all these can also be that most of the staff members were not professionally trained and have very low experience and they have to be properly guided. I felt that a good medical training session can help them completely and take care of all the requirements.

Specific examples for development and organising.

This department is very crucial and a sensitive zone so recruitment procedure should fully be based upon the correct procedure and training each person even after appointment. They should be scaled and measure upon their efficiency in work and educational qualification. Here, a person should be efficient in practice of work and should properly coordinate all requirements while working in this environment. The training program will correctly motivate new joiners to be more motivated and loyal towards their work. Plus it can always make them efficient in regulating the correct procedure as per requirement. The main aim here is to take care of unhealthy individual and provide all their required need to recover quick and healthy.

In hospital patients should be divided as per their disease and shall be treated in same zone, this will avoid any kind of oral and physical transmission. This can also help them in treating each individual correctly and making them efficient due to the work. The main aim here is to accumulate the regulations as per requirement. Here, critical analysis is to be made all the medical practitioners are required to keep proper control and be aware of each move patients makes (Kimberly and et. al., 2018). They should listen to the patient and keep taking feedbacks from them after every treatment procedure. This will be very important for them to create the correct liability in nature and be aware of their medical condition. While studying health and care they have to learn some legal policies as well. So they can correctly identify legal aspcets and learn categorisation in nature.

 An action plan for improvements.

A standardised action plan needs to be implemented so that every action which is either taken in the support of such issue or disputes can be resolved properly. This plan will include all such heath and care policies including each and every type of issues which are generated for betterment in the society. The main aim here is to evaluate and produce the correct rating which can be done to measure the changes after and before implementations. The main factor here is to decide the correct requirement and make them as per the correct assessment. The main aim here is to identify issue and to clear them create a proper training program which will help in making as per requirement.

The patients and other staff members should be bifurcated as per their stream of work and according to them they will be giving correct rectification and training session. Health problems and issues shall be given in the organisations and shall be done if required. Some specific groups and streams are decided as per requirement and make them efficient in nature. Here, main aim is to create a better environment in country and make all people well efficient in nature. This will help they in making better requirement this shall be done for helping people in this industry and from a legal system which can be monitored by government.

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There are many acts and rules which are applied in this case scenario and they have to be attempted in this case. The following laws and cases are followed in such organizations are Care Act 2015, Health and Social care Act 2012, Care Standards Act 2000, Health and Social Care Act 2008 and Policy of Patient and Public Participation. All such laws and policies are created for betterment of society, taking help from such will create difference in development and health of nation. The result which can be expected from these can be even worse as expected if some particular issue or disease is rising in the country and if in case this does not occur then as well. The chosen laws and policies will help in ascertaining social awareness and precaution people who are still not infected from it (Laurie and et. al., 2018).

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This file contains comprehensive details about the factors and elements related to law and ethics in the UK health and care sector. It aims to guide and provide accurate information on the rules and codes of conduct that all medical practitioners must follow. This serves as an effective measure to prevent errors similar to those at the Mid Staffordshire Hospital Foundation Trust. The file addresses these issues with relevant solutions and recommendations. By examining real-life incidents, readers can understand the cause, effect, and solution dynamics. Health and social care institutions must adhere to fundamental principles to ensure proper care for both healthy and vulnerable individuals. Inefficiencies and delays in service can lead to serious consequences. The document emphasizes the necessity of legal frameworks in the health sector, which will be clarified through various laws and acts. For a concise overview, a summary generator can be used to distill the key points of this information.

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