Introduction to Poverty Perpetuates Social Exclusion
There are several negative effects of poverty identified in the form of mental imbalance, social inequalities. Social exclusion can be considered as one of the important outcome poverty. Poverty is an universal concept that can be termed as deprivation due to lack of money. In addition to that it is defined as a reduction in standard of living of people due to inequalities in income of people (Bak and Larsen, 2014). In the context of current essay, social exclusion can be considered as a process that can involve the systematic assertion of entitlements to resources and services along with the avoidance of the people's right to participate on equal terms associated with various social aspects such as economic, social, cultural or political. It can be occurred among households, villages, cities, states and nations due to inequities among income, expenditure and lifestyle of people.
It is identified that social exclusion and poverty both are interrelated concept because people are living in poverty and their income and various other resources such as material, cultural and social are not fulfilling a standard of living that is accepted by Irish society generally (Musterd and Ostendorf, 2013). As a result of inadequate income and assessment of resources, people may be excluded and marginalized from participating various operations of particular society. The current essay presents several aspects of social exclusion and impact of poverty in social exclusion process. In this process, essay analysis various facts in order to assess wide range of information about social exclusion. But, the poverty can be considered as key factor of social exclusion.
Aspects of social exclusion
There are several aspects of social exclusion such as attitude and social practices that leads social exclusion in society. Firstly, Mobilisation of institutional bias is one of the most important aspect of social exclusion (Copeland and Daly, 2012). It refers to the existence of predominant set of values, beliefs, rituals and institutional along with social procedures that are generally used systematically and consistently in order to provide extra benefits of certain persons and groups etc. This mechanism is based on without any conscious decisions by particular person that represent a group of special status quo (Social exclusion and Poverty, 2015). In this regards, avoidance of views of people belongs from other status quo reflects social exclusion.
Secondly, Social closure is one the most important aspect of social rejection. It can be considered as process in which social collectivities and high end people makes efforts in order to maximize rewards by restricting accession for wide range of resources and opportunities to a limited circle of eligible and group of people (Cross and, 2012). It also includes monopolisation of some particular opportunities on the basis of group attributes in the form of race, language, social origin, income and religion. Furthermore, State institutions are also playing significant role in the process of exclusion when discrimination is identified in the laws, policies and other regulations for the benefit of particular group. In some system, social system is greatly influenced and decided by people’s position in society based on heredity (Atkinson, 2009). This attribute is playing key role in order to influence social rejection