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Learn Managing a Successful Business Project


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3740
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Table of Content

  1. Introduction


When any project plan is made by the organization then they have to make decisions so that objectives can be accomplished in an efficient manner. Top management is responsible to make the plans and set the guidelines (Kerzner, 2013). The present report is based ASDA which is going to make a plan on the basis of the CSR activities so that they will be able to attain their sustainable objectives and their growth can be enhanced.

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Project Definition

The project is an activity that has to be performed by the organization so that it can achieve its sustainable objectives. ASDA makes a plan to perform the CSR activities at their workplace at a specific time or within the specified cost. Through this plan, the retail industry will be able to know how they are going to meet the objectives through corporate social responsibility or not. There are some aim and objectives of the practices that are performed by the organization and these are as follows:

Aim: To identify the extent to which CSR activities performance help business firm in achieving sustainability in business.

Objectives: There are some objectives that are related to the CSR activities so that ASDA will be able to accomplish their goals. These objectives are:

  • To evaluate varied CSR activities that are performed by the firm to gain a competitive advantage.
  • To evaluate the extent to which CSR makes business firm sustainable.
  • To identify the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the objectives of ASDA.
  • To determine the ways through which the company will be able to enhance their growth in the market.
  • To identify the various challenges that are associated with the CSR activities and other operations of ASDA.

Problem Statement

Tesco implements the plan so that they can resolve the issues that are faced by them at their workplace. There are some of the issues such as due to CSR companies have to bear some expenses that affect their profitability (Rosenau and Githens, 2011). Along with this, companies have to follow CSR so that they can cope up with the policies that are made by the government. The challenge that is faced by the retail industry is related to the society so that overall welfare can be improved. So, Tesco has to implement a project of CSR so that they can find out the solutions and their overall sustainability objectives can be accomplished.

Project Strategy

ASDA can follow an effective strategy so that they will be able to implement corporate social responsibility in order to accomplish their sustainable objectives. For this, they can set their plan by taking effective decisions. For this, the manager of the retail industry has to analyze the need of the CSR for their business so that their overall performance can be improved. After this, they have to design the strategy so that they can provide benefits to society. At last, the plan can be implemented so that challenges can be overcome in an efficient manner.

This Project strategy is beneficial for the organization as through this they will be able to attain their goals. Through this, the firm will be able to identify their current performance so that they will be able to improve their growth in an efficient manner.

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Project Objectives

There are some of the projects that are set by the organization so that they can resolve their issues and that will lead to success (Gasik, 2011). These objectives are as follows:

  • To improve the performance of the organization by following the corporate social responsibilities at the workplace.
  • To minimize the cost and maximize the profits.
  • To utilize the resources in an efficient manner so that high revenues can be generated.
  • To identify the spending level and prepare a budget in order to maintain the capital.
  • To accomplish all tasks in a given time interval or in a given deadline.
  • To provide benefits to society so that their welfare can be improved.
  • To provide the proper guidelines to the staff members so that their understanding level can be enhanced.
  • To achieve competitiveness in the market so that brand position can be improved in an efficient manner.
  • To increase the market share by 15% at the end of the year.
  • To provide products to customers via online stores and retail stores.

Project Scope Statement

ASDA can prepare project scope statements in which they explain what kind of factors are included in the CSR activities that help them in improving their performance in the market.

Included scope: There are some of the factors that are considered by the organization so that they can improve their overall performance. Some scopes are as follows:

Stakeholders: There are some stakeholders that are included by the ASDA in their corporate social activities. Some of these are customers, suppliers, competitors, government, employees (Kerzner, 2011). The overall goals of CSR are based on the people who are associated with the organizations so that their overall satisfaction level can be increased. Customers are the ones who help the organization in increasing their profits so the firm has to offer services to their consumers so that their overall performance can be improved.

Ethical values: In order to ensure smooth functioning at the workplace, management have to follow values and beliefs so that they can lead the company in the right direction. For this, ASDA can follow normative theories so that they can make their customers happy. Through this, a company can also enhance its growth.

Policies and laws: There are some laws and acts that are made by the government so that an organization will be able to perform well. Through these rules and regulations, the manager will be able to protect the rights of an individual. Further, by following the acts ASDA can reduce the wastage of the food.

Excluded scope: There is some work that is not included in the project plan of corporate social responsibility (Cook, Woodall and Frerk, 2011). There are some stakeholders such as investors and competitors which are not included in the process of corporate social responsibilities. Along with this, for this kind of project, there is no need for marketing strategies and other promotional activities. For this kind of activities, an organization will be able to attract customers by using the word of mouth strategy. Further, there is no need for competitive strategies as through Corporate social responsibilities ASDA will be able to increase the welfare of the society.

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Success Criteria

The success of the organization can be achieved in an efficient manner by following the corporate social responsibilities at the workplace. The success can be measured on the basis of some factors such as:

Public relationship: By following the activities of CSR, ASDA will be able to improve their relations with the public. When these relations are get improved then the firm can attract more customers towards their services. So, by identifying the number of customers an enterprise will be able to measure their success.

Stakeholders satisfaction: When stakeholders such as customers, employees, suppliers are getting satisfied with the services then through this, ASDA can examine the success of their activities. When these individuals are more satisfied then due to this their overall growth can be improved and they will be able to improve their brand image at the workplace.

Social welfare: The main aim of corporate social responsibility is to increase welfare in society (Stark, 2015). Through this, the overall growth of the country also gets improved and that will lead to success. Along with this, the overall growth can be improved at the workplace.

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Project Assumptions

When ASDA develops a project plan than in order to accomplish the objectives, the manager makes some assumptions so that their overall performance can be improved. These Assumptions are made on the basis of the expected results so that success can be achieved in the market. Some of the assumptions that are made by ASDA are like to enrich society so that the overall living standard of people can get increased. Some other assumptions that are made by the retail industry are like to increase the market share by 155 at the end of the year and to attract more customers so that future growth can be achieved. Along with this, to provide employment to the people who are not able to perform their work on their own so through this their living standard can be improved.

All resources will be utilized in an efficient manner so that the overall cost can be reduced and profits can be maximized (Kapsali, 2011). The company will be able to get the labor at the low cost so through this the firm will be able to reduce their overall expenses. In the next meeting, all stakeholders will be present so that effective decisions can be made. These all are assumptions that are by the manager of ASDA so that their overall sustainability objectives can be accomplished.

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Part 2

Implementations Plan

A project implementation plan can be defined as the process in which the project is represented in a structured format that is being provided by the team of the financial mechanism. ASDA can implement its project by considering the objectives and strategies that it has made for the project. By determining several ways by which the company will have their growth and by analyzing the needs of the CSR to increase their overall performance, they can implement their project in several steps :

  • The project implementation plan includes a specific schedule for the implementation of the project, the Company will need to take care of the CSR activities that are needed for the output of the project.
  • The proper sequence of the activities will be carried out and the time in which these activities will get done.
  • A responsible person will be appointed to carry out these activities and to make use of the resources effectively and efficiently and also for the budgeting of finance that will be needed for the project.
  • The company will choose a specific method to implement a project according to the guidelines.
  • The implementation process will be carried and all the outlines and responsibilities will be monitored.
  • The involvement of the beneficiaries in the implementation will be drawn out according to the project plan.
  • Organizational structure and staffing will be managed properly to achieve brand position and competitiveness in the market.
  • Working on the project in the market will be analyzed properly to know whether it is working effectively or not and is satisfying the customer's needs or not.
  • Various online and offline stores will be analyzed to see if they are getting the products or not
  • Sustainability of the project will be checked the effect of a product on customers and feedbacks will also be welcomed by the company.

Work Break Down Structure

Work breakdown structure is used by the organization so that overall tasks can be divided into certain groups (Söderlund, 2011). Through this, all staff members will be able to understand their work so that their overall performance can be improved in an efficient manner. Through this, overall objectives can be accomplished.



Resources required

Execution of the project


To conduct a meeting with all the managers of the different departments

The meeting will be held before conducting a survey in the market. In this, the meeting is conducting so that the objectives of the survey can be identified.

Mobile phone, pen, papers and so on.

The meeting will be conducted with top-level management so that effective decisions can be made and the date for the survey can be granted.

The survey is conducted on the workers of the organization so that CSR activities can be performed in an efficient manner.

The documentation is required before the meeting.

Documentation is necessary in order to plan things for the future. On the basis of these, the survey can be conducted in an efficient manner.

Computers, the internet, papers, and pen.

The documentation will be prepared so that questionnaires can be prepared. Through this questionnaire, the manager will identify the reviews of all employees.

Some of the effective survey questions should be designed so that the manager will be able to gather information about the workers so that CSR activities can be implemented in an efficient manner.

To arrange a meeting with the staff members of ASDA

These questions are asked to the customers so that actual reviews can be gathered.

Telephone, pen, papers and so on.

Some questions are asked over the phone so employees feel satisfied with the services.

Examine the employee's reviews due to that dissatisfaction is get increased in the workers.

To conduct a meeting with the investors.

Some set of strategies are developed by the manager and prepare some of the questions so that investor's reviews can be identified.

Pen, paper, and telephone

Here, this manager can ask the questions to the investors so that their satisfaction level can be identified.

After identifying the reviews of the manager, the effectiveness of the CSR activities can be achieved.

The survey will be conducted through social media.

The manager of ASDA has to make some strategies so that their reviews can be identified in an efficient manner.

Some of the resources that are required by the manager are telephone, internet, pen, and paper.

In this, the manager asks the questions to their employees via social media. Through this, they will be able to identify the reviews that distract them from their goals.

The information can be gathered about the current implementation of the strategies.

Project Schedules

Now, on the basis of the work division and other project development plan the schedule is prepared by the manager so that overall activities (Alhawari and et. al., 2012). Through this kind of plan, the manager will be able to accomplish their tasks on time so that overall objectives can be achieved.

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Part 3

Project Processes

The project process is a combination of different processes so that goals can be achieved in an efficient manner. Through the step by step process, an individual will be able to achieve success in the market and along with this, an effect can be achieved. Through this process, the manager of ASDA can implement CSR activities so that their overall performance can be improved (Cook and, 2011). For every project, an effective closing is a must then only the firm will be able to enhance its growth in the market. There are some steps are involved in the process such as initiation, launching, performing and closing. Through this, companies will be able to attain their goals and their overall performance can be improved.

Communication Plan

It is very important to communicate a project plan to stakeholders for the effective implementation of the project. A communication plan will direct the message to stakeholders that are a part of a project or will get affected by the project (Caniëls and Bakens, 2012). They are a critical part of any project. A high level of communication should be there for the essential requirement of any project. For communicating about a project to the team member, to conduct a formal meeting is necessary. The use of emails is also there to have communicated with each other. Emails, social media apps and instant messaging are also used to communicate with employees and bosses. A specific communication plan can be used as :

Type of communication

Communication objective

Way of communication





Kickoff meeting

To introduce the project to the project team and for the review of approaches of management and project objectives in an organization

The direct face on face communication


. sponsor of the project

.Team of the project


Project manager

Aim and meeting minutes

Meetings of the project team

To review project status with the team, and to see its development according to the project objectives

A direct face on the face or through conference calls

As required

Team of the project

Manager of a project

Aim and minutes of meeting

Monthly meeting of project status

To report the status of the particular project to the management or administration of the organization

A direct face on face presentation and conference call


Project management office

Manager of the project


Status of the project report

To report the status of the particular project that is being carried in an organization&amp in the inclusion of its cost, activities, issues, and progress

Direct face to face communication or presentation or Email


To the sponsor of the project, team of the project, customers and stakeholders

Manager of the project

Status of the project report

This type of communication plan can be used in ASDA to communicate the status of the project to various members, whether it is a team, sponsor, customer or stakeholder. To have a proper communication plan is important in an organization for the effective implementation of the project and for the management of the project in an effective and efficient manner (Artto and et. al., 2011). It will also be helpful in reviewing the project and if there are any discrepancies or problems than it can be solved at the starting level.

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From the above-mentioned report, it can be concluded that for every project management plan it is necessary to make the effective objectives so that the plan can be implemented in an efficient manner. Along with this, problem statements and project assumptions are necessary to make an effective plan as through this they will be able to achieve effectiveness. Success can also be measured on the basis of the satisfaction of stakeholders and other factors. The manager of an enterprise can use the work division strategy in order to maintain the performance level. Further, a project schedule can be prepared on the basis of the number of weeks. Communication plans can also be made by ASDA so that they can communicate with their staff members and customers in an efficient manner.


  • Kerzner, H., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Rosenau, M.D. and Githens, G.D., 2011. Successful project management: a step-by-step approach with practical examples. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Gasik, S., 2011. A model of project knowledge management. Project Management Journal.
  • Kerzner, H., 2011. Using the project management maturity model: strategic planning for project management. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Cook, T.M., Woodall, N. and Frerk, C., 2011. Major complications of airway management in the UK: results of the Fourth National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society. Part 1: anesthesia. British Journal of anesthesia.
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