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D/508/0491 Unit 6 Managing a Successful Business Project, Regent College


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4266
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Management of business activities plays important role through which all related activities are integrated in order to produce the valid outcome. It enables firm to support other operation aspects and ensure the meet the expectations of customers in an effectual manner. The present report is based on Sainsbury; a largest chain of supermarket based in United Kingdom. It deals in varied kind products and services are offered to customers (J Sainsbury plc, 2017). The report under investigation focuses on implementing CSR activities in a company so as to integrate all related resources and produce valid outcome out of the same. In addition to this, aim and objective of project as well as plan of the project has been explained clearly. Moreover, collected data are analyzed by using the most suitable technique. Apart from this, appropriate suggestions are also provided for the business to implement the CSR activities and assess its potential impact on its growth.

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Task 1

P1 Project aims

To assess the impact of CSR activities in meeting the sustainable objectives


The objectives has been segregated in accordance with aim through which it becomes easy to complete the project in accordance with stated methodologies.

  • To understand the concept and importance of CSR activities
  • To assess the link between CSR activities and competitive edge of Sainsbury
  • To recommend different ways for implementing CSR activities in Sainsbury and achieving sustainable objectives

Research questions

  • What is the concept and importance of CSR activities?
  • What is the link between CSR activities and competitive edge of Sainsbury?
  • What are different ways for implementing CSR activities in Sainsbury and achieving sustainable objectives?

The current project is applied for implementing CSR activities under which Sainsbury make the team  of expert and skilled personnel who can effectively contribute towards success of the business in the market. It is very important to implement the project on right time whereby all expectations of related stakeholders can be met effectively and business can put efforts to deliver good quality of services to large number of buyers (Turner, 2014). This proves to be effective for support corporation in deriving the valid outcome in accordance with set aim and objectives. It proves to be effective for increasing overall rate of return of the business.

P2 Producing a project management plan that covers cost, scope, time and quality etc.

The project management is considered as the important aspect for working on specific project related to business (Kerzner, 2013). For this purpose, different approaches such as PERT and CPM are used in order to complete all the activities as per the schedule. The below mentioned table is reflecting activities which will be covered under the corporate social responsibility project of Sainsbury.

This would be more effective in completing all project related activities and supporting corporation to segregate all related activities in an effectual manner.

  • Scope of the project-The current project has huge scope as it would be effective for corporation to implement the corporate social responsibility and enable them to ensure success of the business in the marketplace. This proves to be effective to for accomplishing the long as well as short
  • Cost and time of the project-According to the table it has been found that total 118 days will be needed to plan and implement the proposed project effectively. Furthermore, total cost incurred for the project will be 427 GBP.
  • Quality required-The project will be completed with the association of highly skilled personnel and increasing their attention towards the aim and objectives of the firm. However, quality standards are taken into account so as to determine the success of the project and implement the same effectively (Burke, 2013).
  • Communication-The importance of communication is greater in implementing the current project under Sainsbury. This would be effective to communicate the goals and objectives of the project effectively and ensure that team members understand the same effectively and implement it for accomplish the respective objectives.
  • Resources-The project management in the current business will be completed with the help of association of physical, human and financial resources. This aids to implement all project related activities and support corporation to determine its success.

P3 Producing a work breakdown structure and Gantt chart to provide time-frame and stages for completing reference to selected project

The work breakdown structure of the current project has been mentioned as follows. This would be effective for corporation in the successful completion of the project and ensure optimum utilization of limited resources in a most effective manner (Christenson and Walker,  2004). This would be effective for Sainsbury to follow the structured procedure in order to achieve the specific aim and objectives of the project.

The critical path of the proposed project reflects to covers the activities such as  1+3+4+7+9+10+11+12+13+15+16+17. This aids to complete all the mentioned activities at the same time so as to reduce overall time taken for the completion of the corporate social responsibility project.

Task 2

P4 Carrying out small scale research by applying quality and quantitative research methods to meet aim and objectives of the project

Research methodology is very important for the completion of the investigation due to association of several kind of method applied for the collection of information and analysis of the same in an effectual manner (White and Fortune, 2002). The below mentioned methodologies are applied in the selected sustainability project-

  • Type of investigation-There are are two types of investigation such as qualitative and quantitative. The study under consideration will be based on qualitative type of investigation so as to conduct the in-depth analysis. It aids scholar to present the findings with the help of detail analysis in the direction of aim and objectives.
  • Research philosophy-The philosophy used under the research reflects views, perception and assumption as well as values of scholar related to topic (Kothari, 2004). There are basic two types of research philosophy such as positivism and interpretivism. The use of positivism philosophy enable researcher to draw the analysis on the basis of available figures or facts. Furthermore, interpretivism research philosophy is based on existing information to scholar and application of the same in the field of research. Owing to this, CSR implementation project is based on interpretivism research philosophy.
  • Research design-There are three types of research design such as descriptive, exploratory and explanatory. The application of the research design is decided in accordance with the basis purpose of the research. The current project is based on descriptive research design due to involvement of human participation in the study (Vaioleti, 2016).
  • Research approach-The approach of research reflects that pattern of data collection that which one is most suitable for the collection of data and application of the same for producing valid outcome. Inductive and deductive are two types of research approach where the previous one aims to start from the specific issue and the next reflects that initiation from general theory. This would be effective in meeting the research aim and objectives effectively and draw valid outcome accordingly.
  • Data collection methods-There are two types of data collection methods such as primary and secondary sources. The study under consideration is based on both primary and secondary both in order to gather valid information and apply the same for the purpose of producing appropriate outcome. For this purpose, primary data are collected with the help of questionnaire method whereas available data such as journals, books and online articles are referred for the collection of secondary data. This aid to meet the objectives of research in an effectual manner (Panneerselvam, 2014).
  • Sampling-Sampling refers to individual unit of population which aids to gather primary data effectively and supporting in deriving the valid results. The sampling technique applied for the current investigation is simple random through which respondents are selected to reach the valid outcome (Reynolds and et. al., 2014). The sample size selected for collection of the data are 20. It represents the entire population for the project in a right manner.
  • Data analysis-The procedure of data analysis plays important role whereby collected data are analysed in the direction of aim and objectives. The method used for data analysis is qualitative. Here, thematic analysis has been applied which is supported through it becomes easy to derive valid outcome. However, the data collection portion is presented with the help of frequency table and graphical representation. The chapter of data analysis is done with in-depth analysis by focusing upon primary and secondary data.




· 18-30 Years

· 31-40 Years

· 41-50 Years

· 51 and above


· Male

· Female

Q1. Do you know that Corporate Social Responsibility is essential for the business?

· Yes

· No

· Can't say

Q2. Do you think that implementing the CSR leads to decrease the profitability initially?

· Yes

· No

· Can't say

Q3.  Do you agree that corporate social responsibility facilitate to achieve sustainable objectives?

· Strongly agree

· Agree

· Neutral

· Disagree

· Strongly disagree

Q4. What aspect you must focus to implement CSR activities in Sainsbury?

· Ethical and legal practices

· Stakeholder’s interest

· Environmental protection

· All the above  

Q5. Which of the below mentioned points will be considered to implement CSR activities successfully?

· Environmental support

· Proper engagement of stakeholders

· Employment opportunities

· All the above  

Q6. Do you think that  CSR activities help in determining long run growth of the business?

· Yes

· No

· Can't say

 Task 3

P5 Analysing the research and data using appropriate tools and techniques

This is the most important section of the report under which collected data are analysed in the light of stated aim and objectives. It would be effective to get the findings effectively in the direction of aim and objectives so as to propose valid suggestions effectively.

Theme 1: Corporate Social Responsibility is essential for the business





Can't say


The aforementioned graph reflects that 85% participants are in favour that corporation social responsibility is helpful for the purpose of achieving the long as well as short term objectives of the business. It is because with the help of such kind of activities business can effectively contribute towards the well being of society and integrate all related activities in an effectual manner. On the other hand, 10% respondents do not agree with the same stated with corporate social responsibility is just the reason behind higher cost of the production. In addition to this, 5% participants did not say anything about the same. This shows that firm need to focus on corporation social responsibility so as to assess its positive impact on the overall performance (Crawford, 2005).

Theme 2:  Implementing the CSR leads to decrease the profitability initially





Can't say


The data collected from primary research reflects that 90% respondents stated that corporation social responsibility reduce the profitability of the business to a great extent. This assists corporation to implement the activities in a cost effective manner and focus on the well being of business in an effectual manner. On the other hand, 10% respondents are not in the favour of associating of higher cost in the implementation of corporation social responsibility. This is because it can be related to non-monetary activities also. This would be effective for determining the well being of business. Therefore, it is important to shed light on effective (Labuschagne and Brent, 2005).

Theme3: Agree that corporate social responsibility facilitate to achieve sustainable objectives

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


The above mentioned table reflects that 55% participants do strongly agree with role of corporation social responsibility. On the other hand, 25% respondents do agree with the same that corporate social responsibility play important role in achieving the sustainable objectives and determining the long run success of the business in the marketplace. Furthermore, 10% participants neither agree nor disagree with the contribution of corporate social responsibility in achieving the sustainable objectives of the business. In addition to this, 5% participants disagree whereas 5% respondents strongly disagree that corporate social responsibility contribute towards achieving the sustainable objectives. This would be effective in cratering requirement of all related parties and ascertain the success of the business (Söderlund, 2004).

Theme 4: Must focus to implement CSR activities in Sainsbury

Ethical and legal practices


 Stakeholder’s interest


Environmental protection


All the above  


The diagram mentioned above is showing that 15% respondents perceive the ethical and legal practices are applied for implementing the corporation social activities. It enables business to focus on the goals and objectives in a right manner. On the other hand, 25% respondents fond that stakeholders interest must be considered by Sainsbury so as to effective address their issues and other related activities. Furthermore, 25% employees of the company shed light on the environmental protection so as to implement the corporate social responsibility and effectively determine the success of the business in the marketplace. However, 35% workforce stated that all of the mentioned aspects are important for the sustainable development of the business (Pollack, 2007).

Theme 5: Environmental support, employment opportunities and proper engagement of shareholders are considered in implementing CSR activities successfully

Environmental support


Proper engagement of stakeholders


Employment opportunities


All the above  


The aforementioned report reflects that 25% participants do agree with the environmental support whereas 15% stated that proper engagement of the stakeholders is the effective method to implement the corporate social responsibility. It assists Sainsbury to determine its long run success and retain the customers or clients. Furthermore, 25% respondents stated that employment opportunities is created by the business for implementation of CSR activities and in the same direction determine the success of the business. In this manner, 35% respondents stated that varied methods are applied for the purpose of accomplishing the CSR objectives and effectively determine success of the business (Winter and et. al., 2006).

Theme 6:  CSR activities help in determining long run growth of the business





Can't say


The aforementioned diagram is showing that 85% respondents do agree that CSR activities has direct link with accomplishment of long term objectives of the business. Furthermore, 10% participants ensures stated that without implementing CSR activities it is not possible to assess the growth of the business but CSR is not only way to ensure the growth or development of corporation. On the other hand, remaining 5% participants cannot say anything about role of corporate social responsibility in achieving achieving the long term growth. This proves to be effective for creating competitive edge of the business in the marketplace.

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P6 Communicating appropriate recommendation as a result of research and data analysis to draw valid and meaning conclusion

As per the collected information it has found that management need to implement the following suggestion so as to complete the different activities. This aids to cater requirement of the business in an effectual manner. Here, majority of participants stated that they need to work to implement the activities related to corporate social. This in turn corporation get to know about the potential effect of varied kind of CSR activities and its relevance with the competitive edge of the business. It proves to be effective for management to address several issues in an effectual manner. It contributes towards catering requirement of all related parties. This in turn firm can expand business at global level. Furthermore, appropriate resources must be allocated to complete the activities related to corporate social responsibility. In addition to this,  all workforce must be qualified and competent for the purpose of meeting objectives of the business and supporting the related activities of corporation in a right manner. Moreover, poor performance of the business can be managed through implementation of right kind of social activities and ensuring its contribution towards the success of the business. Moreover, corporation social responsibility aids to sustainable objectives in an adequate manner. In this manner, Sainsbury can meet the expectations of all stakeholders and create competitive edge of the business. It has been found that, customers, general community and other shareholders would be very happy with appropriate corporate social responsibilities activities and its direct contribution towards the success of the organization.


Performance of the Sainsbury can be improved and plan can be implemented in the following manner-

  • Financial resources should be allocated properly in order to implement the corporate social responsibility effectively.
  • Sainsbury train workforce effectively so as to implement all the related task in the direction of aim and objectives of the business
  • Social development can be done through creating employment opportunities and satisfying the need and expectations of workforce in the right manner.
  • Clear communication should establish so as to understand the requirement of different stakeholders and apply suitable strategies to meet their expectations effectively.
  • Cost effective alternatives can be used to reduce the indirect cost of production of Sainsbury and implement the corporate social responsibility cost to a great extent.
  • The participation of employees should be there into the decision making process. It would be effective to motivate them and shift their focus towards achieving the long as well as short term objectives.
  • Customers' feedback should be taken so as to consider their views and suggestions so that accordingly they can implement the most suitable strategies.
  • Internal process should be updated in the Eco-friendly manner through which it becomes easy to ensure optimum utilization of limited resources.
  • The feedback of general community can also be taken just after implementing the most suitable strategies of corporate social responsibilities. This proves to be effective in delivering good quality of services.
  • Sainsbury should also shed light on integrating the internal process and resources in the line of aim and objectives so as to ensure its upward direction.

Task 4

P7 Reflecting on the value of the undertaking the research to meet the stated objectives and own learning as well as performance

The corporate social responsibilities is the important task in order to determine long run success of the business. This proves to be effective  to complete the activities related to society and determine the strong goodwill of the business in the marketplace. While completing this project, I came to know about vaird kind of methodologies applied for the data collection and analysis of the same in the line of research aim and objectives. This facilitates to cater the requirement of all related parties and stakeholders effectively. This enables me to apply my existing knowledge in the field of research and derive valid outcome. For example, first of all I collected data and analysed them to conduct the in-depth analysis so as to make it possible for deriving the valid outcome. This contribute towards the successful completion of the project. Not only this but I applied the project management tools in order to under the critical path of the project. This enabled me to understand the longest path for completion of the activities and accordingly acquire suitable resources so as to determine the success of the business.

Furthermore, I came to know about the use of financial resources in a cost effective manner so as to reduce the indirect cost and save the budget of the business in an appropriate manner. This support corporation to cater the specific requirement of the firm. It leads integrate all stakeholders and make it possible for Sainsbury to expand at global level. However, I ineracted with the respondents at the time of collection of primary data. This helped me to effective understand the importance of corporate social responsibilities and level of understanding related to the same among participants. On a critical note, I found myself poor in the management of time. Owing to this, I applied appropriate strategies to complete all the activities in an effectual manner. In this regard, I prioritize the task related to management of project and completed all of the them one by one. This aids to reduce the risk associated with the project. It proves to be effective for me to focus on my personal development also. In this manner, completion of the present project was an achievement for me. At the same time, I got to know regarding the segregation of project activities and its importance in the completion of the project in an effectual manner.

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The aforementioned report concludes that project management is more important for integrating all related activities and ensure its direct contribution towards determining the long run success. It can also be said that critical path method is considered as the most effective for reducing the time taken to complete the project. Furthermore, qualitative method is considered as the most suitable for collecting primary and secondary data and applying the same for the purpose of deriving the valid outcome. In addition to this, CSR activities proves to be effective for achieving the sustainable objectives. Hence, application of suitable methods make it possible to implement the CSR project effectively and accomplishing all related activities in an effectual manner.


  • Turner, J.R., 2014. The handbook of project-based management (Vol. 92). New York, NY: McGraw-hill.
  • Kerzner, H., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA.
  • Christenson, D. and Walker, D.H., 2004. Understanding the role of" vision" in project success. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 
  • White, D. and Fortune, J., 2002. Current practice in project management—An empirical study. International journal of project management. 
  • Crawford, L., 2005. Senior management perceptions of project management competence. International journal of project management.
  • Labuschagne, C. and Brent, A.C., 2005. Sustainable project life cycle management: the need to integrate life cycles in the manufacturing sector. International Journal of Project Management.
  • Söderlund, J., 2004. Building theories of project management: past research, questions for the future. International journal of project management. 
  • Pollack, J., 2007. The changing paradigms of project management. International journal of project management.
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