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Project Management


  • Unit No: 0
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4020
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. References


Corporate social responsibility is essential to an aware society with goods and services of the organization and providing healthy and secure products. However, the social development of a country can be gained effectively. The present report is based on understanding project management tools for CSR activities significant for the effectiveness of Nisa Ltd.

It is a small size retail sector organization of the UK that provides groceries and food items. In this regard, the project's aim, objectives, and different ideas to implement activities can be described. However, critical evaluation on activities of project completion as well as research methods to analyze customer's views on product services of a firm can be presented. Moreover, various research methods and analyses of data are to express for improving service qualities of entity. Hence, learners are able to understand project planning management as well as the technique to accomplish the task through this assignment.

Part 1

P1 Aims and objectives of the project

Nisa Ltd aims to expand business entities and improving quality services. it provides groceries and food items to UK people. However, it sets the target to sustain its effective goodwill in the market in further years through implementing corporate social responsibilities. In this regard, the company uses several tools and techniques on the basis of ethical considerations. It follows government rules and regulations related to consumer protection. In this process, small scale enterprise is able to improve its efficiency by preparing strategies and emerging various ideas for expansion of entity (Boud and, 2014). However, the present projecting is related to implementing action plans for the sustainability of the organization for a long term period. Therefore, various methods are applied for project management to reach out a set targets. In accordance with this, an evaluation of the organization's performance and preparing plans for further business operations are generated through the project. Thus, the aims and objectives of this project for the effectiveness of Nisa can be expressed as below:-


To understand the significance of corporate social responsibilities to sustain the market position of an organization for long term periodicity.


  • Project manager of the organization sets different targets to enhance the efficiency of the firm at large scale can express as:-
  • To enhance the productivity and profitability of a firm
  • To satisfy customers with goods and services of an organization at the maximum level
  • To generate several ideas for the effectiveness of an entity
  • To increase strength for facing competition at a high level
  • To aware society with healthy and secured groceries as well as food items provided by Nisa
  • To operate business activities by focusing on legal obligations
  • To establish a good relationship with customers including other business entities that impact the profitability of small scale enterprises.

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Research questions

For the management of projecting effectively, several questions are raised to implement action plans regarding the sustainability of Nisa can be described as:-

  • Identify the significance of corporate social responsibilities.
  • How small scale enterprise can improve its efficiency by using the CSR approach?
  • Analyze the impact on customer satisfaction level for applying CSR.

Therefore, the project manager of Nisa company sets the above-mentioned target to improve the quality services of products that impact an entity's effectiveness. However, it is useful to achieve effective customer satisfaction that is helpful to enhance business and competitive strategies to take place in the market for a long time period (Burke, 2013). Including this, project planning is based on the basis of setting targets to aware of society and communities related to production and supplement of secured groceries. Thus, project planning is to be implemented on behalf of these targets to apply CSR approach for competitive advantages.

P2 Project management plan

Project management is a composition of analyzing an organization's performance and further preparing plans including the cost to be incurred and consuming time (Gummesson, 2014). However, different tools and techniques can be applied for planning and scheduling related to the efficiency of the firm at a high level. Therefore, planning including time, investment on a project can understand as:-





Conducting market research

Survey to recognize customer's views on organization's products

1-2 weeks


Analyzing collected data

Gathered information is analyzed as per which target set for further business

1 week


Setting objectives and preparing activities for further business operations

According to collected data, goals are created including planning to operate business activities

1-2 weeks


Organizing activities

Converting activities into implementation

3-4 weeks


Performance evaluation

Evaluating performance critically and comparing actual position to standard therefore project plan can be succeed

1 week


Thus, the project manager of Nisa prepares this management plan according to which different steps are to be implemented for operating further business activities. In this process, it is necessary for the organization's effectiveness to gain coordination of each worker of the organization for teamwork. However, it can be forecasted that by following these projecting activities, a project plan can be successful efficiently (Lee, Park and Lee, 2013). Including this, all segmented tasks would be accomplished in the determined estimated time. In this process, resource and fund allocation can be obtained at a high level that affects the productivity and profitability of a firm.


Project management Plan


P3 Time frame for completion of a project

 Time frame for completion of project


Part 2

P4 Conducting research

The researcher of the organization uses different methods to collect data and as per which several ideas are created to sustain market position effectively. However, the analyst uses different techniques for conducting research such as conducting a survey, face to face interviews, analyzing business performance and so on (Lock, 2014). Therefore, for conducting this research, the analyst uses a sample survey method and chooses 50 respondents to recognize several ideas for projecting. In this regard, the analyst asks the following questions by preparing a questionnaire can present as:-

Theme 1: Market position of Nisa Ltd 

Theme 1: Market position of Nisa Ltd

interpretation:- Researcher asks respondents related to the market position as well as familiarity with Nisa Ltd. Therefore, a positive outcome is gained as 40 out of 50 respondents are familiar with the organization and its services. Therefore, it can be forecasted that in future time, an entity can invent funds for its effectiveness. However, this positive approach presents that the firm has effective goodwill and further it can increase its quality services by using CSR approach to sustain its good reputation in the market for long term sustainability. It influences business and competitive strategies at large scale. Therefore, an organization has a good reputation and it can expand its company by implementing strategies efficiently.

Theme 2: Product value in the market

Interpretation:- Under this research, analyst puts up question-related to product value of Nisa Ltd that presents the attitude and perception of respondents towards its product services. However, as per this data interpretation, it is evaluated that 35 out of 50 respondents agree on its effective product value therefore, customers are attracted with its services. Similarly, society is aware of goods and services of the organization. Thus, the product value of the organization is quite good that affects its productivity and profitability in further years.

Apart from this, 10 respondents express their views that the product value of the organization is satisfactory. In this process, it is identified that in further years, an entity can use innovative techniques to satisfy its customers. However, it can enhance its production of goods that affects profitability at a high level. As per
critical evaluation, it is determined that only 5 respondents do not think so that the product value of an organization is effective, Therefore, it is needed for a manager of entity to prepare strategies and implementing action plans at high level to sustain its reputation in the market for long term periodicity.

Product value in the market

Theme 3: Society's awareness towards product quality of an organization

Interpretation:- As per the collected information, it has been determined that the society of the UK is aware of the product services of Nisa Ltd. In this regard, 40 out of 50 respondents views that the organization has effective goodwill for producing groceries and food items. However, its healthy and secured products attract society and the community at a high level. It impacts on further production and distribution system.

 Society's awareness towards product quality of an organization


Therefore, by applying different strategies, society can get more aware of its production. However, the product quality of the firm can be enhanced at a high level in future time. Including this, it is considered a positive aspect for an entity that is interrelated with market position and competitive advantage of entity to make a place in the market for long term sustainability. Thus, it can be forecasted that the company can maintain and sustain the trust of society by providing healthy and secured goods effectively.

Theme 4: Best satisfactory services provided by the company

Interpretation:- through this research, the analyst collects information related to the best services provided by Nisa Ltd by comparing food services to customer dealing. However, 20 out of 50 respondents present their views that its product and service qualities are better than customer dealing. In this process, it is evaluated that 30 respondents express their opinion that its consumer dealing services are more effective therefore customers get satisfied effectively. In this process, it has been interpreted that product services and customer dealing services are satisfactory.


Best satisfactory services provided by the company

Therefore, in further years, it is necessary for the manager of the entity to prepare strategies related to improving the quality services of groceries and food items provided by an entity. Thus, it can be forecasted that by applying CSR activities, the organization can enhance its quality services at a high level.

Theme 5: Required factor to be focused on for effectiveness of a firm


Required factor to be focused on for effectiveness of a firm

Interpretation:- Through this research, analyst evaluates actual business position critically. Under which, the service factor is determined for the sustainability of Nisa Ltd in future time. However, in this process, he asks respondents to which services quality must be improved in future time. Along with this, it is analyzed that 30 out of 50 respondents view that it is required for the organization to improve product services to take a place in market to maintain its good reputation for long time periodicity. While the remaining 20 respondents view that it is essential for an organization to increase the satisfaction level of a customer for producing groceries and food items.
It will be helpful for competitive strength and sustaining its good reputation in the market for a long time period. Hence, by enhancing product quality and customer dealing services, Nisa Ltd can increase its productivity as well as profitability to maintain the trust of society related to its effectiveness and quality services.


Theme 6: Employees performance of Nisa Ltd

Interpretation:- This data interpretation presents that employees of Nisa Ltd deal with customers effectively. Under this system, 40 out of 50 respondents view positively towards dealing services. It is recognized that buyers get attracted towards gaining knowledge related to goods and services provided by the organization. In this process, it has been evaluated that a company can satisfy its customers in a more efficient manner to enhance its quality services. However, a positive approach is obtained regarding dealing with consumers.

 Employees performance of Nisa Ltd

Theme 7: Market position of organization related to sustainability of entity and its products


Market position of organization related to sustainability of entity and its products

Interpretation:- Under this research process, it is evaluated that 50% of respondents view their opinion that organization has effective performance, therefore, it can increase its strength to face competition as well able to take place for long term sustainability. In this process, by applying different strategies, Nisa Ltd can sustain its good reputation in the market for long term sustainability. However, it influences the market value of goods and effective ideas for increasing high-level efficiency.


Theme 8: Corporate image of an organization for long term sustainability


Corporate image of an organization for long term sustainability


Interpretation:- Under this research system, analyst analyzes corporate image that is interlinked with brand loyalty and repeat purchasing. In this process, it has been evaluated that Nisa Ltd can enhance its customer satisfaction level that affects sustainability and competitive strategies. It is related to making a place in the market for long term sustainability.

However, proper satisfaction is obtained by projecting. In this process, it can be forecasted that by attracting customers and providing them satisfactory tools, an organization can implement its corporate image for long time period. However, a good reputation of an entity can be gained that impacts on business and competitive strategies. Thus, the company has an effective corporate image that is valuable for long term sustainability related to taking place in market.

Part 3

P5 Research techniques and Data analysis

Analyst of organization applies various research techniques to analyze the market position of an entity. It includes primary and secondary data collection in different ways. Therefore, primary data collection is conducted at first time that involves surveys, face to face interviews, door to door questioning, etc. Thus, under primary data collection, a researcher gathers data that initially presents the current market position and competitive strategy. While, on the other side, for collecting data through secondary ready and prepared data are analyzed as per which innovative ideas are created to improve the service qualities of an organization (Martinsuo, 2013).

Thus, both primary and secondary data collection methods are useful to achieve the recent market position as per which various activities can be implemented that are helpful for increasing efficiency as well the effectiveness of firm at a high level. Along with this, these research techniques are applied for enhancing quality services and different factors that are also valuable to create a positive environment of the firm efficiently.

Data analysis:- As per collected data, the project manager of Nisa Ltd recognizes different respondents' opinions. On the basis of this, information is identified to generate innovative ideas and formulating strategies as well implementing them for the management of entire business operations. Moreover, implemented activities are also recognized that is related to compare actual and standard performance that is valuable to bridge the gap. In this process, it has been recognized that analysis is a key tool to improve efficiency and quality services of the organization (Boud and, 2014). However, several innovative ideas and techniques can be applied for the effectiveness of the entity.

In this regard, uncertain changes can be reduced. However, data analysis is appropriate for the expansion of small scale enterprise and enhancing its quality services at a high level. According to this project planning, it is obtained that there are several opinions are created related to satisfaction towards the goods and services of the entity. In this process, according to this, the project manager of Nisa prepares a plan to succeed projecting as well it will be able to gain customer satisfaction at a large scale. It influences competitive strategies and increasing market value to make a place for long term periodicity. Thus, data analysis is interrelated with presenting effectiveness and good market position to sustain and maintain consumer attraction towards groceries and food items efficiently.

P6 Conclusion and recommendation

The report is concluded that an organization can increase its effectiveness and efficiency through systematic project planning. In this regard, aims, objectives and a systematic activity implementation is determined to apply CSR activities to sustain the market position of Nisa Ltd effectively. Moreover, the significance of corporate social responsibilities is considered to increase competitive strategies that impact on productivity and profitability of a firm. However, varieties of ideas are created to attract customers and aware of society related to product quality services at large scale. Along with this, tools and techniques are presented for enhancing quality services and providing healthy and secure products effectively. Including this, several research techniques including primary and secondary data collection is obtained through which collected data are analyzed and several strategies are prepared for competitive advantages for the long term period.

In accordance with this, it is required to project manager of the organization to following prepared strategies and activities systematically. Therefore, the project and its planning can succeed. However, it is necessary for the entity to aware of society towards healthy and secured food items of Nisa Ltd. In this regard, by establishing good relationships with customers including agents, other business entities, the market value of organization can be enhanced. Including this, business and competitive strategies of entity can get improved by which long term sustainability of entity can be obtained. Moreover, it is necessary for the entity to enhance the strength to face cut-throat competition and sustaining its place in the market for a long-time period by implementing different action plans.

P7 Reflection on performance

Through the project management approach, I improved my several skills such as communication, problem-solving, dealing with customers, etc. Including this, I learned to analyze market position through collected data critically as per which preparing action plans and implementing them. Moreover, by enhancing working styles, personal and professional development get impacted. In this process, with the help of this projecting, I learned techniques to attract customers and dealing with their complaints.

However, by the completion of this project, I improved my learning attitude related to learning more and more. Along with this, this project management concept also taught me to be punctual and alert towards action planning. Thus, I learned to express feelings and enhancing different characteristics to encourage team workers for contributing in group work efficiently. Hence, through this projecting, I improved my learning as well as working styles that impact on personal and professional life balancing. In this regard, project planning taught me to be supportive and helping each and every individual for effective group efficiency. Therefore, I improved my problem-solving abilities that is interrelated to be flexible as getting adjusted towards changes occurred. It influences different skills and working styles for systematic management of business operations and enhancing quality services for long term sustainability of entity through a CSR approach.


  • Boud, D. and, 2014. Peer learning in higher education: Learning from and with each other. Routledge.
  • Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA. Journal of business research.
  • Gummesson, E., 2014. Service Research Methodology: From Case Study Research to Case Theory. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia.
  • Lee, E.M., Park, S.Y. and Lee, H.J., 2013. Employee perception of CSR activities: Its antecedents and consequences. Journal of business research.
  • Lock, M.D., 2014. The essentials of project management. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
  • Martinsuo, M., 2013. Project portfolio management in practice and in context. International Journal of Project Management.
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