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Top Tourist Destination in UK


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4721
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Tourism is one of the most fastest growing industry as they also contribute the highest in the economy of any country. There is an increase in the scope of tourism sector due to various factors that may include in it are the changes the lifestyle, highest in the young population, high disposable income that grow the tourism industry. There are various place in the UK that the visitors like to go as there is also an increase in the international as well as domestic visitors widely. The London has a top most rank in the UK as there are some many beautiful places that may attract the visitors and also there are heritage as well as ancient culture may attract the most. In the present research project there is discussion on the analysis the tourist destination in terms of number of visitors as well as revenue generation. There is also discussion on the tourism destination trend and its future prediction trends. Further there is also discussion on the various feature of the tourist destination are the culture, physical and social features and there is a comparison on the developing and leading tourist destinations. In the another section part of the main body there is comparison the appeal of current destination with the current developing tourist destinations. There is an evaluation on characteristics how it affect the tourist destination appeal and also various issues that may impact the popularity of the tourist destinations. In the last section there is an discussion on the potential responsibility that may attract the or enhance the host community at the tourist destination worldwide.

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1.1Analyse the main tourist destination and generators of the world in terms of number of visitors and income generation

Tourism destination is categorised into two parts are the domestic and international tourism. Therefore, in the international tourism in which the UK citizens visits an another country or there are some other visitors of ananother country who visit the UK country. On contrast, in the domestic tourism where the local UK visitors made trip overnight or day within the country itself (Beritelli,2011). Tourism agencies such as UNWTO and UNESCO generate report at the global level that shows the  tourism economy in that is create a number of jobs due to which they generate revenue more than 160 billion GBP by the 2015. It will be expecting that the UK tourism industry generate revenue more than 200 billion by the year 2020. Thus, it will be possible if they creates5 million jobs.


Number of visitors ( millions)



Average spend per visit

Average night per visit



£ 11.653





















































The above mentioned table it has been describe that the international tourism that is clearly shows that in the year 2003 there is a about 25.700 number of visitors come from another countries in the world in the UK. It increase in the number of visitors from year 2004 to 2007 that is 28.800 to 32.997 but it has be reduce in the number from 2008 to 2012. Therefore, now it again comes to the same position in the year 2013 that is 32.925 that are nearly same as the number in the year 2007 is 32.997 million visitors. Whereas, it is also clearly indicate that there is a 465 GBP Average spend per visit in the year 2003 there is an increase in the year 2013 60 GBP. In addition there is an observation  that there is overnight visitors per capita in the year 2014 is 7,975 and in the year 2015 it is forecast that there is 8,062.

In the UK tourism there are some most of the countries they receive tourist are the incoming number of visitor in the UK are the most 3 countries Germany, United States and the France. These are the top three countries that majorly visit UK and the people like to visit for many purpose are the holidays, business and the recreational (Tortella, B.D. and Tirado,2011). It has been analysed that the France and the Germany there is about 20% visitors and there is 11-12 % are the visitors to the UK. In the travel and tourism industry some countries are majorly responsible for the income generation China, India, USA, Australia.

1.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourist destination trends and predict future trend

In the UK country there is about 40% inbound visitor visits due to holiday purpose and 30 % are coming for the business purpose. The London is one the most famous destination there is a frequently number of visitors coming to visit from various countries. In the year 2013 there is about 17 million number of visitor spent its time (PandÃ…¾a Bajs,2015). There is another country after the London that is a Scotland it is also a highest destination in which both domestic as well as international tourist like to visit. It has been analysed that there is about 4-5 million international visits these place. The Scotland is mainly famous for the ancient monuments and heritage culture due to which people like to visit this country in the UK.

In the below mentioned table there is some most popular destination in the UK and they are the big income source where the revenue generate. Thus, the table shows the trend tourist visit in the UK different countries with the rank are as follow-



















































DK Towns













It is indicate that the London is the top most rank as the people like the most as there is many places that attract them to visiting the London (Beritelli,2011). The mainly famous places due to which visitor attract the most are includes the British museum, the London tower, the London eyes and the Buckingham palace. Whereas, the second rank the people like to visit is the Edinburg as it is most famous city as well as the Scotland is a Capital. The people attract from these place as it is famous for the Royal Yacht Britannia, Cove and Scotland’s National museum etc. Further, the third famous place is a Manchester in the UK as it is famous for its shopping exhibitions and design centres etc. Therefore, the fourth tourist destination in the UK country is a Birmingham in the England and there are some famous place that people like to visit this place is the Aston hall, Botanical garden etc.  The UK country is most famous for the heritage and culture tourism and almost there is a five destination that are famous for the heritage. In the year 2011 to 2012 there is about 6 million visitors are visiting the British museums. The heritage and culture tourism are the main contributors generate revenue about 4.5 billion GBP in the UK tourism industry.

Future trend in the UK tourism

The online presence in that it is used as a promotional media that plays a vital role in the tourism industry. The Britain destination can promote its destination in sites as a (Santos and Vieira, 2012). Therefore, it is also analyse that there is number of visitors spend more than the holiday purpose visitors that spends about 200 million per trip.

The UK government has mainly focus to establish the coastal resort that aid them to increase as international and domestic tourist in the UK country.

To enhance a number of tourism the UK country can promote the various ecotourism organizations.


2.1 Analyse the tourist destination are based upon the culture, social and physical features

            The TUI group can establish its business in the UK and Thailand as there is some factors that attract them and give them an opportunity to expand business.The UK is 10 top most destination in the tourism industry in which there is a London is select as a tourist destination in the UK. There is an analysis of the various features in terms of culture, social and physical. The London is one of the most attractive places to visit and it is famous tourist destination in the UK country. They contribute more than 9.76 million to the UK country as there is a almost more than 60,000 number of visitor spend time in the London. Thus, there is a economic development and it also contribute that gives the economic employment to the about 0.02 million people. There are some factors of London destination are as follows-

Social factor - The London is famous for the social features that attract the tourist as it gives a culture to the visitors as well as also give them a source of peace.

Thus, it gives them to develop the culture understanding among the people. London supports most of the industry for the business these are the food, construction and apparel industries (Phau, Shanka and Dhayan, 2010). There is a social benefits that it gives lifestyle those people who are look for the seasonal employment and also permanent jobs. There are many purposes that attract the people to visit the London such as education, business and leisure etc. Along with that, it increase a number of jobs that reduce the poverty line and increase the employment level

Culture factor - The culture is one the most factors in which there is an expansion of market in craft and design that helps improving the culture aspects. Therefore, it provides behavioural as well as dressing value to the international and domestic tourist. Most of the places in the London give the visitors to new information about culture that satisfy their needs. The museums and theatres gives them a lifestyle, culture, rituals and festivals to the visitors.

Physical factor - The physical factors of the London place in that there is various attractive place available are the London eye, Buckingham, the tower of London etc. The highland are made up in the London are in valleys, mountains, plains and rugged hills etc.


3.1Compare the appeal of current leading tourist with the currently developing tourist destination

In the tourism and travel industry is depends upon the various characteristics in terms of tourist destination. All these characteristic are positive as well as negative factor that impact the tourism. Thus, the physical, social, political and economical factors that appeal of current leading tourist with the currently developing tourist destination that are as follows-


Costa Rica

United Kingdom

Culture factors

The culture of the Costa Rica is that it has a Spanish culture that attract the most of people to visit the place.

The United Kingdom that gives the classical music that gives the old tradition that attracts the visitors such as Royal opera house and Royal Albert hall.

It also introduce the another chapter in which there is Byron and Milton as well as literature of Shakespeare.

Along with that, there is also a historical museum and architecture that appeal the most.


Environment factors

The Costa Rica are ranked in terms of environmental protection at the 5 place in the world.

United Kingdom is rank at the ninth place in the world.


Economic factors

The Economy of the Costa Rica is a stable as there are some sectors who contribute to the country that include tourism, agriculture, medical manufacturing etc.

The poverty is nearly about the 15-20% from the 20 years and unemployment level is a 7.9% in the year 2013 (Botha, 2016).

The UK country have a strong economic development as the tourism sectors create a number of jobs that leads to reduce in the unemployment level.


Political factors

Costa Rica is also have a most political stability.

The United Kingdom have a political stability as there is not political unrest that is an appeal factor that attracts the tourist.


Transport factor

Costa Rica have a poor situation as it has only national roads and there is an underdevelopment of public transport system.

In the United Kingdom there is a well condition of the public transport system as there is a buses, trains as well as airport system.


Physical features

The Costa Rica is a exotic country that most of the people like to visit these destination as there is a lot of beaches that are beautiful that attract the most. It has a great type of Flora and Fauna.

 In the United Kingdom there are most amazing physical features that includes Scottish mountains, Lake district and British Isles etc.


Hence, it has been concluded that, there is a unique feature in the developed countries as compared to the developing nation. Therefore, the developed countries attract the most both domestic as well as international tourist.

3.2 Evaluation how characteristics of a tourist destinations affect its appeal

There are some factors that are need to be consider to compare the characteristics of tourist destination that impact its appeal that are discussed below-

  • The Promote the sales as well as publicity are the most significant factors that impact positive and negative on the tourism sector of any country. It can be explain by the example there is an Olympic in the year 2012 that have a huge positive affect in the London tourism sector.
  • The UK country is the safest place for the visitors as there is a less number in the crime rate.
  • To provide a better services to the visitor that will increase the product life cycle in the UK. The services that include in it are the maps, latest location and centre for information.
  • The economy factor is also impact on the tourism sector if the economic condition is positive that means it attract a large number of visitors in the UK (Zhang,Cai and Huang,2011). There is an reduction in the inflation rate, favourable exchange rate and reduction in the cost infrastructure.
  • Political stability is one of the most important factor that mat attract a large number of tourist and less in the number of attacks is also enhance the tourist destination that may leads to enhance the growth of tourism sector.


4.1Analaysing the issues that may impact the popularity of tourist destinations

The TUI group manager find out the area that affects the popularity of tourist that are as follows-

  • Weather condition-It is the most determinants that may impact the travel and tourism industry.  The people would like to prefer the tourist destination those places where there is a so much cold and snow falling especially the couples who are newly married. They prefer to go honeymoon in these places but there is a climatic disaster that impact the tourism business. The Tsunami is the best example that impact badly on the economy and it also impact on the tourism sector (Hao, Lin and Shanting,2011). Thus, most of people does not like to prefer these places as there is a fear presence in its mind.
  • Fluctuation in the currency- The currency play a vital role in the tourism sector as people makes decisions to visit the tourist destination that are based upon the money. Therefore, there is any change in the currency rate increase or decrease that are highly impact on the tourism sector. Therefore, the cost of tourist is entirely depends upon the changes in the fluctuation of currency. Most of the tourist would to prefer to go to the UK when there is a weak in the pound currency against the another countries. Thus, that resultant into visitors have to pay less money and the pound is stronger  there is reduction in the visitors inflow in the UK country. It requires a huge amount of money spend to go to visit the destination. The fluctuation in the currency is also affecting the tourism operations . The tourist business make an agreement with the other countries business partner that includes hotels and travel companies.
  • Economy of the nation-The inflow of tourist is very much depends on the economy of the any nation. The infrastructure of any tourist destination will be stronger that shows the economy in better condition (Jacobsen and Munar,2012). The United Kingdom is considerd as the best economy that increase a flow of tourist to the tourist destination. In the developed countries there is huge investment in the tourism sector and have a strong economy as well as tourist cab spend amount on promotional campaigns. Thus, it will attract a large number visitor in the country.
  • Fear of Terrorism- Terrorism is also an another factor that impact on the tourism business, The increase in the number of attack of terrorist decrease the number of visitors in the tourism sector. Thus, the people start thinking that they are unsafe to visit those places where there is an increase in the number of terrorist attacks. The United Kingdom  also influence by the terrorist attacks as they try to hijack the aeroplanes and it creates fear in the minds of the tourist.
  • Government laws and regulations- The changes in rules and regulation of any country is also impact on the tourism sector there are some act to be consider as follows-
  • Tourism act 1969 - In these act there is a laws through which all the tourism business come together that help them to resolve problems in the tourism sector. It also help in promoting the tourism business.
  • Package travel, holiday and tours regulations act 1992 - There is a tourist operators come under these act and all the guidelines are set up that allow them to satisfy the needs of customers.

4.2 Discussion on the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destination

The TUI group operate their business at the Europe so, it is responsibility to enhance the host community at the worldwide tourist destination. The tourism activities that are responsible that need to ignore the effects of tourism on the social, economic,  society and culture. It is responsibility to minimizes the cost so that there is enhance in the tourism benefits for the particular tourism destination. The local people have to attract the tourist and they should become more friendly as well as they have try to treat them in equal manner. Tourism have to generate the jobs that create a more opportunities to the visitor and provide them a equal salary so, they get benefits more effectively. They should also try to know the people and also become more eco-friendly (ZHANG and LU,2010). Thus, it maintain the environment healthier and also weather that attract the most tourist. There is an increase in the number of  problems to the local communities as they are feel discomfort as they are not highly satisfy with the tourism. Along with that there is an increase in the number of crimes in the tourism sector so, it is responsibility for the tourism is that to solve the issues sustainability. They also have to follow the ethical values. There are some strategies to become a sustainable tourism that are to be follow:

Social equality- It is a responsibility of the tourism sector to enhance the social lives of the host country’s citizens. They should provide them an equal benefits to the local people that are made socially.

Protection of environment and culture- It is responsibility to protect the environment and culture of the host country.  The government have to establish the infrastructure to the tourist destination.  The culture should be protect as it attract a large number of visitors towards the tourism industry.

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Summing up the whole report it has been concluded that in the UK there is the London is the first rank the people would to visiting. There are so many factors that appeal the tourist destination in the UK as there is political instability, less number of terrorist attacks, economic condition is favourable as it create a number of job by the tourism sector. The TUI group can done business in the UK country by considering the major factors and there is also analyse in the present research report it that the developing countries like India, Thailand is not attract the tourist as compare with the UK country. The tourism should be responsible for the eco-tourism and also provide various benefits to the local people to enhance the host communities at the worldwide tourism destination.

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Books and journals

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