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Unit 8-Legislation And Ethics-Ethical Travel Issues-ICON College-Level 6


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Law has played a very important role in regulation of the country. All the works and activities which shall be carried out by the organisation became more organised and effective if the execution of such activities has been done with the help of law. One of the most important activity of any country is travel and tourism. By the activity of travel and tourism, the economy of any country get effected very much (Ferrell, 2014). A good tourism bring great economy to country so it is very important to take care of travel and tourism. For maintaining such the government has implemented few laws which shall take care and protect tourism. The following project will reflect about the various laws and regulation which have been implemented for the protection of travel and tourism for unhappy tourism client for a satisfactory visit.

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Task 1

When a law has been passed on any issue a draft has been prepared for the project. Such draft is known as bill which shall be passed in the parliament to take an opinion of all the ministers to pass such bill and make a law. While making up the law it is very necessary to classify the law. In case of travel in tourism, the English law has been made several law in order to protect the tourism of the country as well as it is very important to protect the interest and satisfaction of client. One of the most important law implemented by the US government is the Act of Development of tourism act 1969 (Tourism to lose billions over new travel laws., 2014). the main purpose of the act is to promote and protect the tourism. There are various provisions which have been inculcate in the act to ensure that tourism shall be protected and client who has been visiting the country shall have a satisfactory experience.

Section 2 of the act have detailed description about the authority which have been set up in order to look after all the affairs and activity which have been carried out in tourism. This authority is known as British Tourist Authority. The main purpose on which this authority works is to encourage people who visit great Britain and to take holidays. And to encourage the schemes and amenities to be provided to client for travel and tourism. Such authority work on simple purpose.

section 3 of the act consist of the general powers of the authority regarding travel and tourism. Besides that there is one more act known as Air Passenger Duty 1996b which shall take care of all the passenger and their interest who has been flying to UK for a visit in their holidays.

The rights and duties of a traveller has been safeguarded by the consumer courts. It is because a traveller is consumer of the services so all the matter related to the violation of rights in travel shall be taken by the consumer courts (Zsolnai, 2011). Every region has its consumer court which shall take care of matters related to that particular area. The functioning of consumer court is as same as the other court but the matter entertained by consumer court are of services.

Regulatory bodies plays a very important role in the execution of laws. It is because of these bodies only that all the activities shall be controlled and shall work in a particular manner. While talking about travel and tourism, UK government has implemented an Act which shall comprises of establishment of a regulatory body regarding travel and tourism. According to the section 1 of Development of Tourism Act 1969, the provision speaks about the establishment of a regulatory body known as British Tourist Authority, British Tourist Board. The main frame work of these regulatory bodies is to safeguard the interest of the tourist or the clients who have been spending their holidays in UK (Banerjee, 2007).

The Act states that it shall establish three bodies regarding development of tourism that is British Tourist Authority, The English Board, VisitScotland and the Wales Tourist Board. According to the section 2 of the act the authority shall consist of one chairman and and not more that five members to be elected by secretary of state for trade. All different authority or the board have their own chairman and their members which have been described in the act. Section 2 of the act states about all the general powers and functions which have been taken by the regulatory bodies of travel and tourism. The general powers of body is to encourage the peole to visit great Britain and people living their to take a great holiday and to encourage the provisions and improvement of tourist facilities. Sub section 2 of section 2 state about the specific powers conferred on it by or under the subsequent provision of this Act.

Besides that there are various international conventions which have been set up in order to promote and regulate sea, Air and land transport service for an example on of the most important international convention id about the carriage of dangerous goods by rail, inland, waterways and air. Various parameters have been set while carrying out the dangerous transport intem like what shall be the weight of the good (Beggs, 2007). How labelling shall be done. What important equipment shall be used to uplift the items in water ways air ways or any other.through the working of such international convention there are various guideline which have been implemented in order to transport dangerous goods by Sea, Air, Water. There are various techniques under conventions have been used to ensure that the transport service have been carried out with full safety and the purpose of transportation shall be fulfilled. The customer will be able to avail the services from goods which have been transported.

Task 2

Health, Safety and Security. These shall be first and foremost thing which shall be taken into consideration by any industry. It is very important for any organisation to take care of all health, safety and security measures for the employee as well as for the custmore of the organisation because Health mind reside in a healthy and safe body and for that there are various precautions which shall be taken into care. For a hotel like Bell View it is real necessary to look after all the important health safety and security measures because a hotel industry always deal with the service of customer satisfaction and for attaining such satisfaction it is important to implement some changes (Bowie, 2013). The following report to Mr. Jones, the Director of the hotel, shall consist of all the regulatory act and rule which he shall be aware of and should apply in his organisation.

There are various acts which have been enacted by the government in order to protect and promote health, safety and security for an example, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the main frame work of UK legislation regarding health and safety which shall ensure the maintenance of working of environment and system, handling all the dangerous substance which have been used at the work place. The act also ensure that there shall be adequate welfare provisions for staff at work. Another framework of legislation regarding health safety and security is Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999. this act places a duty on the management staff or the employee to assess and manage all the risk which shall come due to any activity at work place (Bredeson, 2010). The act ensure that all the employee at work place shall carry out any activity in a safe and health environment. Workplace Regulation 1992 states about the normal facilities and care which shall be taking into account like maintaining of proper lights, conditions of floor. Cleanliness and waste materials. The work place shall provide all the sanitary facility. There shall be proper channelization of drinking water. As it is a hotel industry, the director should take care of facilities provided for rest and to eat meals. Facilities for changing clothes. Accommodation for clothing etc. Hence, these are some of the rules formed by the legislation which shall be taken into care by MR. Jones in order to promote and imply Health, Safety and security measures in the hotel.

Equality id the right avail to all that is why even the law states that all shall be treated equally and there shall be no discrimination on the basis of caste, greed, sex, religion or colour and when any suit has been filled in the court it states that all are equal before the eyes of law. There have been various laws enacted in order to promote equality at every organisation specially at workplace because it has been seen that there is lot of discrimination among the employee regarding various things (Breen, 2013). In order to rectify such discrimination, the government has establish an Act know as the equality Act 2010. The main reason behind introduction of equality act is to safeguard interest of staff members working in company and restricting unfair activities such as discrimination on the ground of religion etc.

Race discrimination act 1976: main reason behind development of the present provision is to safeguard right of equality and it provides base in restricting discrimination on ground of colour, race etc. It is not possible for travel and tourism businesses to treat staff members and consumes unequally on the basis of colour etc.

Sex discrimination act 1975: This act provides base in protecting individuals from being discriminated on the basis of sex. Further, in every travel and tourism company equal rights are delivered to male and females. Along with this proper job opportunities to every gender so that they can work efficiently (Dwyer and Forsyth, 2006).

Disability discrimination act 2005: This act has been passed with the motive to protect right of people who have any sort of disability. Further, it is possible for disabled people to take benefit of travel and tourism services where they are provided rights like normal people during working hours.

Task 3

Unfair contract terms act 1977 is applicable to liability which arises in the business course and in relation to liability arising towards other companies. This law provides protection against unfair terms along with this penalty clauses are outside remit. Further, unfair contract terms provide protection at different level and takes into consideration various provisions such as exclusion of liability for negligence, liability for breach of duty, liability in contract for sale of goods, liability arising from misrepresentation etc. The unfair contract term act 1977 imposes some sort of statutory limits on the ignorance of civil liability with the help of exclusion clauses in business contract for breach of duty (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 2014). Liability arising in contract is generally applicable as against the party where other cannot by reference to any type of contract term. This section can be easily applied in between the parties in the contract where on play role of consumer and another as business. On the other hand unfair terms in consumer contract regulations 1999 are totally different where main stress is on harmonizing consumer rights across EU. Regulations work together to deliver ineffective term that benefits both seller and suppliers against the interest of consumers. Generally in case if unfair contract terms it deals with exemption clauses where directive set out requirement in large number of ways.

On the other hand sale of good act 1979 has been passed by the parliament of UK in respect of goods which are bought and sold. This act is applicable in case of goods being transferred or agreed to be transferred for a monetary consideration. In case if the contract is broken by seller then individual is liable to pay for damages (George, 2007). On the other hand supply of goods and services act 1982 is another which is linked with transfer of goods where one person transfer any specific commodity to another party in the contract. The basic difference in between two acts is that former one highlights monetary consideration and later one is based on sample such as property is transferred by reference to a sample.

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Consumer protection acts have been passed with the motive to safeguard interest of the customers so that they are able to receive appropriate services in the field of tourism and no such unethical activity is being present. Such acts have been discussed below:

Trade description act 1968: As per this act it is required for every tourism business to highlight all the crucial information through different advertisement as a source of promotion. Further, by sharing wrong data consumers must not be exploited.

Package travel holiday and tour regulations 1992: This act is based on the provision that any business rendering holiday package service must offer real service as stated in the promotional brochure (Holden, 2000). Moreover, businesses are required to ensure that any large difference must not be present in the services rendered and in case if such issue is faced then company has to pay compensation for the same. Further, it is the moral responsibility of organization to deal with the travellers issue and for settlement of disputes arbitrator can be appointed.

Consumer protection act 1987: All the range of provisions which are associated with this act are conditions in case when any organization is not able to offer services as per actual requirement of customers. Further, protection is provided to the customers so that they may not be adversely affected due to unethical practices (Shaman, Lubet and Alfini, 2000). It is one of the most effective way through which consumers can be protected easily and they are safeguarded in every possible manner.

So, these are some of the main legislations relating to package holiday which every tour operator is required to consider with the motive to avoid civil liability (Aksoy, 2005). Further, it provides base to the customers where they can easily purchase services matching with their requirement and in turn leads to rise in satisfaction level. Proper holiday services can be delivered to target market as per their expectation and this can provide them value for money experience also.

Task 4

Ethics play most crucial role in travel and tourism sector where presence of ethical activities builds trust and confidence towards company and supports organization in accomplishing desired objectives (Beggs and Dean, 2007). Further, through ethical activities business can easily deliver effective services to the customers as per their actual need and requirement. It is well known fact that every tourism organization has some sort of responsibility towards customers such as offering them right services which can provide them value for money experience. Without ethics it is not at all possible to comply with the need of customers and chances of being exploited increases. Apart from this, concept of employment ethics is getting popular within the workplace where it is required for businesses to deliver proper working environment to the staff members so that they can actively participate in the business affairs. Decision taken in relation with the staff member must be in favour of them so that their motivation level can be maintained with the help of this (Cuevas, 2011).

Advertising ethics is one of the main dilemmas where businesses operating in travel and tourism sector are shared to share true facts and figures through promotional means. In entire travel and tourism sector services are purchased after watching advertisements and customers rely on the information shared with them. So, it is the first and foremost duty of marketing manager to share proper information so that brand image of the business can be maintained through this (Hedayat, Shooshtarizadeh and Raza, 2006). Apart from this, green issues are being faced by tourism businesses in the market where activities carried out by them are adversely affecting surrounding. Due to this reason organizations are not able to survive in the market and their performance of influenced due to this. For dealing with this ethical dilemma firms are required to indulge into CSR activities so that they improve performance in the market. So, all these issues can be faced by organization and this can lead to unfavourable outcomes.

Corporate social responsibility is linked with the activities which are undertaken by business in order to reduce negative impact on surroundings. Further, company strictly ensures that all its services are in accordance with the requirement of target market. Further, every activity is socially responsible and main focus is on reducing the burden on environment. Different type of events and shows are being sponsored by business and contribution towards charitable trust is also maximum (Jamal and Robinson, 2009). Organization has taken corrective measures to support individuals who are in need and this has allowed in building brand image of the business. Moreover, for environmental protection purpose different measures have been taken such as planting trees for the welfare of society.

Corporation is a part of different events which are associated with greener activities. Apart from this, on continuous basis new initiatives are taken by business so as to deliver proper support to the people living in the society. Organization is having partnership with different charitable trust and this has played major role in development of society. Time to time new CSR policies are built which focuses on the areas where society is not able to develop. This has allowed corporation to attract large number of customers in the market and has positive impact in terms of higher profitability level and market share. So, with the help of this it can be stated that CSR activities of the business is effective and has contributed in the success of business (Pattinson, 2006).


The entire study being carried out has supported in knowing about the legal and ethical consideration in the travel and tourism sector. Further, different laws have been framed by government of UK which every business has to comply with necessarily. Main focus is on protecting right of customers through presence of different laws. Apart from this, the ethical issues faced by travel and tourism companies can adversely affect business activities such as those linked with advertising etc. Business is required to take corrective measures so as to deal with the ethical issues and with the motive to attract large number of customers.


  • Aksoy, S., 2005. Making regulations and drawing up legislation in Islamic countries under conditions of uncertainty, with special reference to embryonic stem cell research. Journal of Medical Ethics.
  • Banerjee, S. B., 2007. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.  Edward Elgar.
  • Beggs, J. M. and Dean, K. L., 2007. Legislated ethics or ethics education?: Faculty views in the post-Enron era. Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Bowie, S., 2013. Business Ethics in the 21st Century. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Bredeson, C., 2010. Applied Business Ethics: A Skills-Based Approach. Cengage Learning.
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