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Planning Sustainable Tourism - International Tourism Consultancy

University: University of Nottingham

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3449
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: TM6002
  • Downloads: 1164
Organization Selected : International Tourism Consultancy


Hospitality is an essential way which is traced from the Latin word such as Hospitaire, it means to welcome a visitor. Sustainable tourism development depict to the effective process of success which can be accomplished by applying the limited and optimum resources in the effective manner (Sustainable development of tourism,2017). It is more essential concept for the travel and tourism industry in order to save natural resources for the forthcoming generation. Hospitality and tourism industry is a board concept of fields within the service sector that includes event planning, lodging, transportation, theme parks, additional fields and cruise line within the travel and tourism sector (Aldebert, Dang and Longhi, 2011). This report is based on International Tourism Consultancy, located in London, UK. In this assignment, given destination is Qatar which has rich history and culture in the Middle East. This report divided into different parts which includes Rational for planning, different approaches to tourism development and planning. Need for planning for sustainable tourism is also shown in this project. Current issues and socio-cultural, economic and environmental impacts of tourism in both countries such as emerging and developing also determined in this assignment.

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P 1.1 Analysis of tourism development planning features at various levels

Tourism development planning is referred as preparation of managing the future to achieve some particular sustainable objectives or purpose of specific region. Hence, the tourism planning for Qatar will supports in accomplish the various objective of sustainable tourism. Prime objectives of this preparation is to improve the satisfaction of tourist, social, environmental as well as economic development of Qatar, proper use of resources, consolidation of assemblage of country, etc. At various levels of Qatar, Tourism development planning emphasizes on national, international, regional as well as sub-regional plans (Ashworth and Page, 2011). Characteristics of several level of plans are defined as follows:

International level: At this level, Tourism planning of Qatar emphasize on services related to transportation of the country. Apart from this, it also emphasize on development of tour programmes as well as numbers of tourists that are coming from other countries. Moreover , one of the main attraction of tourism planning is contemporary development. Tourism plan also consist of the place, strategies related to marketing and various promotion programs in order to attracting large group of tourists towards the place, that is, Qatar.

National level: At this level, the planning of tourism emphasize on the physical framework and policy related to tourism of the nation. A plans is developed by it for connecting leading or main routes of particular region or country (Bramwell, 2011). Evolution of tourism organizational structure as well as investment and legislations related policies for Qatar is also the major concern of main phases of planning at national level.

Regional level: Tourism planning of Qatar at this level emphasizes on regional policies, various kinds of attractive location, internal transport network, different marketing strategies as well as education at regional level etc.

Sub-regional level: Elements of planning of tourism at this level emphasize on the conditions of sub-regions of Qatar. In addition to this, a major emphasize is given on the various attractive characteristic for tourist, accommodation, general location and other services related to tourism, etc.

P 1.2 Importance of interactive planning system & processes in tourism development

Interactive planning is referred as the process that assist in promoting the involvement in both the evolution in specific industry and the arrangement of a desirable future. Thus, Qatar tourism development enables the nation to accomplish the enviable future of sustainable process without any delay. The processes and systems related to interactive planning in development of tourism is advantageous for tourism of Qatar in several ways like it render huge number of benefits to various stakeholders (Buckley, 2012). In addition to this, it also assist in accelerating the communication among stakeholders that will render a chance to understand the entire concepts, objectives and goals of tourism in an efficient and effective manner. Apart from this, interactive planning will assist in anticipating the future of a nation in regards of sustainable development. Moreover, it is important for accomplishing short as well as long run objectives. Interactive planning related to tourism development involves plan of resource that comprises of several information regarding the available, required and deficit of resources for sustainability of tourism of Qatar. Thus, interactional planning supports in continuous use of present environmental and natural resources of Qatar. Apart from this, such kind of planning also emphasizes on the procedure and safety of tourist. Interactive planning activity consist of various interrelated stages which aid in rising sustainable tourism in Qatar. It facilitates in creating awareness about various events of tourism. This planning is a constant process that assists in attaining goals and targets of tourism industry. It is a effective mechanism that assists in solving the issues so that market shares as well as profits of tourism industry in Qatar can be increased (Castellani and Sala, 2010).

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P 1.3 Evaluation of various approaches available to measure tourist impact

There are various techniques that facilitates in measuring the influence of tourism on distinct aspects of Qatar. Such approach includes analysis of all those techniques are described as follows:

Cambridge Economic Impact Model: This is one of an industry respect tool or technique that aids in measuring the impacts of tourist on Qatar. It primarily centred on economic effect of tourism on developing nation like Qatar. This is a model of spreadsheet which assist in creating the approximation from existing local and national information of tourism level in nation (Choi and Murray, 2010). According to this information, it reiterate the mass of visit into economical terms that facilitates in figure out the amount that tourist spending on an average for per trip. It supports in identifying the influence of tourists spending on various sectors or organizations of Qatar. This leads changes in jobs and business turnovers, etc. moreover, this model of Cambridge Economic Impact measures total sum of amount spent by tourists, number of jobs based on their visit, income amount for domestic population by this spending etc. Thus, this model assist in deciding economic effect of tourists stability of economy of Qatar.

Environmental impact studies: Studies are conducted by large number of researcher on influence of tourism on surroundings of Qatar. A vital role is played by these studies in measuring the affect of travellers on surroundings of country. This will assist in identifying the data or information regarding the existing natural resources for constant tourism in Qatar. Various policies related with the benefits of environment and also assist in identifying influence of tourists on Qatar environment.

Social impact studies: Assessment of social effect tourism studies is also an important technique for deciding the social affect on Qatar tourism. A direct as well as indirect impacts that tourist have on domestic community or population. In addition to this, various primary & secondary sources are there in order to measure the societal influence of tourisms on the nation like Qatar. It can impact on the religion, norms and culture of this nation in both positive as well as in negative manner (Miller and et. al., 2010). literature review, Questionnaire, survey, etc. are most essential techniques in order to measure the social impacts of visitors on country such as Qatar.

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2.1 Different method of resolving a conflict

Various Factors of resolving conflicts Date- 17 May 2018

From- XYZ

There are different types of conflict in sustainable development of Qatar tourism which have direct effects on the future growth and success of tourism. Main issues that have been raised between developer, tourists, tour operator, local community, developer and many other. Main conflict and misunderstanding fall out due to the variation between tourist culture and local community also. In Qatar, society has followed Muslim religion and visitor of international nation belongs to the various religions. Thus, difference between beliefs and norms develop complex situation and condition. So, there is formal activity for resolving and reducing such type of issues in which participation of another business assist in making effective communication between local society and visitors as well as render better solutions which is essential for both business. Beside this, there are so many policies and plans which are made by the government of specific destination. It will generate some complex conditions for visitors at the time period of tax payment. Therefore, such type of misunderstanding or issue can be reduced by applying proper process of resolution of problem in which effects and reason of issues are recognised in legal place of Qatar. In this government assist in making better solutions of this issue with intellection of entire legislation and regulations. In order to solve conflict, travel and tourism industry should apply various kind of factors and aspects which assist to maximise their growth and development at marketplace. Further, it is benefited for the International Tourism Consultancy to attract large number of tourist towards business services and products. Beside this, business should try to provide quality products and services to the visitors so that they are happy with the organisation and maintain long-lasting relation with them.

2.2 Implication of balancing supply and demand

Implication of Balancing supply and demand

Date- 17 May 2018

From- XYZ

In order to balance between supply and demand is identify as one of the important part for the sustainable development and growth of Qatar. There are various approaches by which relation between demand and supply can be handled in a effective and efficient manner. Various factors which impacts on supply and demand management in a direct manner of tourism sector such as force on limited resources, imposition of limits and many other. Thus, suitable calculation of demand, supply and planning development strategies which assist in handling the supply ad development in an effective and systematic way. Consideration of these type of factors which assist in enhancing the coordination and cooperation between the internal and external force of environment of Qatar. In other words, Delphi tools which is most of the essential approach for forecasting demands and requirement of the future clients of the Qatar. Therefore, supply and demand of high service quality can be handled by proper utilization of existing resources of Qatar. Thus, all these approach are beneficial and essential for sustaining balance and relation between demand and supply in an effective and appropriate manner. In order to implement balance between supply and demand International Tourism Consultancy firm should try to apply different tools and techniques which help to maximise attraction of customers and increase sales and revenues of the company. It is also beneficial for the organisation to maintain long-lasting and strong relationship with visitors and clients. It also support the company to gain competitive advantages and benefits in limited time duration.

2.3 Evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism

Ethical and moral issues Date- 17 May 2018

From- XYZ

Enclave tourism:It is identify as an innovative concept in which activities of tourist are given in specific destination to render entire occurrence of travel at particular place without turning to other locations. For example: One of the best example of enclave tourism is Cruise ship that renders different services like experience, local food and music in their cruise. Thus, visitors spent large amount of money and most of the time on cruise which control the changes restaurant, hotels and local community of Qatar. Thence, the main ethical and moral problems in implementing enclave tourism is negatively effects the International Tourism Consultancy of local enterprise. Theretofore, it decrease the communication betwixt local people and tourist. Hence, visitors would not become to understand regarding the traditions and customs as well as local people also. Such type of tourism is generally finished by moneyed individuals for example; cruise ship, owner of resorts and many other. This further develops a gap between poor local community and wealthy owners. Ethical and moral issue is highly impacts on the tourism and its services in a effective and efficient manner. This type of issues are highly impacts on the travel and tourism sector while applying new technologies, methods, concepts, tools and techniques. So that it has direct and indirect effects on the business activities and performance effectively. Ethical issue also effects on the local community and its people which is influence on business profitability and performance in an effective and efficient manner. In order to resolve such kind of issues easily, travel and tourism industry should try to render quality services and products to the customers at reasonable price which keep loyalty and long lasting relation in the organisation

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3.1 Current issues associated with tourism development and selected emerging tourist destination

There are different current issues which are mainly associate with the development of tourism (Morrison, 2013). Two countries like emerging and developing i.e. Qatar and Bhutan, there are various issues which is faced by both nations are determined as below:

Current issues Qatar Bhutan
Social issue Development of tourism is mainly associate with various social problems such as crime, changing value, social changes, gambling, crime, lack of moral behaviour and so on. In case of Qatar, large number of the populations are mainly belongs to Muslim religions which chiefly emphasis on the moral attitudes and behaviours with customers which support in retaining better connection with tourists (Ooi and Laing, 2010). Beside this, government policies also assist in decreasing the diversion and crime at Qatar. But legal authority of such destination doest not emphasis on the development of culture. One of the main social issue in Bhutan is unemployment issues which impacts on the entire performance of them. Further, most important issues is poor educations which effects on the economic condition in a negative and positive manner. Along with this, policy of government is support in reducing the crime and diversion at Bhutan. There re another social issues which are effected on current tourism development such as working conditions, social network support, health services, social and income status, life skills and many other.
Environment issues Current tourism development and growth is faced the foremost issues in utilisation of optimum or natural resources. Likewise, at Qatar tourism development faced the similar problem which cover the ineffective use of water, land, finite sources and many other. In other word power of tourism in such nations is unable to demonstration of environment like drainage, national parks, irrigations and many other. There are different environmental problem in Bhutan are flock and crop protection, traditional firewood collection and wildlife conservation. Another modern issues such as waste disposal, industrial pollution, and climate modification that threaten Bhutan's biodiversity and populations (Robinson, Heitmann and Dieke, 2011). All these are highly effects on the current tourism development in direct and effective manner.
Economic issues It is another issue in which fluctuation of economic situation of the Qatar is the foremost problem for actual tourism development and success. In case of Qatar, that face various economic issues like low population of occupation, economic leakage and many other (Scott, 2011). Bhutan's has made success in decreasing poverty and modernizing its economic structure. Economic classification is now a high priority, especially with demographic of statics for property precise. Constraints on current development of tourism includes an important nontraiff barriers of commercialism, inefficient regulatory framework and a incomplete investment code. It is also impacts on the current development and growth of tourism.

3.2 Recommendations for future development of tourism in destination places

In order to overcome all discussed issues effectively both countries should apply different ways and strategies. These assist in the future development and success of tourism in Bhutan and Qatar. Better utilisation of natural and present resources of the environment, it is best way to decrease the all issues which is linked with tourism. In other world, legal authority of such places should implement accurate policies for tourists such as exchange rate, minimum payment of tax and many other (Waligo, Clarke and Hawkins, 2013). It will support in resolving entire issues such as social, economic and environmental of destinations. In planning and development of sustainable tourism, stakeholders involvement is also foremost way to create long-lasting connection with entire stakeholder which will assist in decreasing negative effects of social problems. Thus, all these mode will enhance the future success and development of tourism. There are various recommendations for future development of tourism for Qatar and Bhutan are as follow:

  • Should innovate the new concept of sustainable planning and development to product or safeguard the environment while encouraging tourism.
  • Must make a proper utilisation of its optimum resources for International Tourism Consultancy planning and development.
  • Should extended knowingness among stakeholder of travel and tourism regarding the benefits of tourism development and growth (Weaver, 2012).
  • Tourism marketing and promotion will assist both countries such as Qatar and Bhutan in maximising international visitors.
  • Tourism should be encouraged is high time period as compare to other months; phase should be sized to maintain the environment.
  • Visitors should be promoted to use local food and to buy products systematically. This will enhance the cultural or social values of both countries.

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From the above mentioned report, it can be concluded that development in sustainable tourism assist the travel and tourism industry to maximise their sales and revenues easily. Sustainable tourism will support Qatar in protecting and safeguard its rich culture, environment and biodiversity. Thenceforth, by consider the governments, stakeholders can make an effective planning or preparing in the route of sustainable development. Different concepts are used by the travelling and tourism industry in order to attract large number of tourist towards travailing services and products. For this, company apply green passport that will support nation in order to accomplish its objectives and goals of sustainable planning and development. Enclave tourism is also a main and essential part of the hospitality industry which help business organisation to maintain long lasting relation with tourist and many other local stakeholders effectively. Public-private sector tourism also effects on entire performance and profitability of travel and tourism sector in a positive and negative manner.


  • Aldebert, B., Dang, R.J. and Longhi, C., 2011. Innovation in the tourism industry: The case of Tourism@. Tourism management. 32(5). pp.1204-1213.
  • Ashworth, G. and Page, S.J., 2011. Urban tourism research: Recent progress and current paradoxes. Tourism Management. 32(1). pp.1-15.
  • Bramwell, B., 2011. Governance, the state and sustainable tourism: A political economy approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 19(4-5). pp.459-477.
  • Buckley, R., 2012. Sustainable tourism: Research and reality. Annals of Tourism Research. 39(2). pp.528-546.
  • Castellani, V. and Sala, S., 2010. Sustainable performance index for tourism policy development. Tourism management. 31(6). pp.871-880.
  • Choi, H.C. and Murray, I., 2010. Resident attitudes toward sustainable community tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 18(4). pp.575-594.
  • Miller, G. and et. al., 2010. Public understanding of sustainable tourism. Annals of tourism research. 37(3). pp.627-645.
  • Morrison, A.M., 2013. Marketing and managing tourism destinations. Routledge.
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