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Examine Knowledge Regarding Media And Political Economy

University: University of Bristol

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 36 / Words 8949
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: POLSCI101
  • Downloads: 813

Question :

Topic- media and political economy censure in 21st century

You are required to prepare a dissertation on political economy and media based on critical approach and Frankfurt school theories based on such books like Manufactured consent by Chomsky and his perspective of five filters and propaganda model or Why We Are the Good Guys by David Cromwell which is another great piece of work that highlights the flaws and manipulation of information in the mainstream media and or any other similar sources.

Overall, you are required to address the recent establishment of the new age social and alternative media technologies and internet its impacts and influences over the mass population for example addressing of marketing strategies social platforms or political rhetoric and bias.

The main question is of the ownership of the giant media industry and censorship Labelling strategies, for example like orientalism or sexism. To mention ethics and social responsibility of the media industry. In general base, the narrative around the media censure neo-liberal discourse dominance and global market structures.

Address the 4th power of media and alternative sources as well as mention negative news coverage which is at around 80 percent of the content.

Discuss how media can be instrumentally used for political or economic ends and probably address that this is a moral issue of the 21st century and social responsibility which is important to be aware so that we can take governments to account for their actions hence it is eroding democracy and trust in institutions.

Be critical but also show the positive side of media alternative media and internet. Address the importance of the information and that today is a commodity.

Discuss Informational Warfare Global Pollution of information.  Please recommend, whether the topic name should be changed or anything else to do with structure or idea.

Answer :


Media and political economy censure in 21st century.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Overview of the Research

The present study initiate to explore knowledge about media and political censure in 21st century. Therefore, this is an effective and broad area of investigation which develops knowledge about media and political economy censure in 21st century. Thus, the media is recognised to be the most influential aspect as the creation of new forms of digital social media during the beginning of the 21st century has changed the way in which individual communicate and share the data. Furthermore, the influence which the implementation of social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, online discussion fora and blogging environment etc. have had on the political processes remain controversial and are not well recognised (Hardy, 2014). The political economy of media involves domains involving broadcasting, journalism and information and communication technology. There are two potential beliefs which inhabit the canon of contemporary thinking in regards to journalism, therefore, the primary is that the internet is recognised to be the most powerful force disrupting the news media. On the other side, the internet and the communication and information technologies likewise, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram etc. are concern over transforming the power through government to civil society and to individual bloggers, netizens and citizen journalists. In the 21st century, social media has become an integral part of an individual life, as people using social tools for the purpose of implementing an effective communication which in turns in creating value in transforming of information in effective manner (Vallor, 2012). The mass media is basically serves as an effective system for establishing communication on the basis of message and symbol to the general population. Political economy is defined as an interdisciplinary brand of the social science which focuses over the interrelationship between governments, individuals and public policy (Bettig, 2018). The countries in which the levers of power are in the hands of state bureaucracy the monopolistic control over the media often supplemented through official censorship. In addition to this, the media basically serve the ends of a dominant elite. It is very much tedious to see a propaganda system at work where the media are private and formal censorship is absent. The study aim to determine media and political economy censure in 21st century, therefore, media performs a vital role in influencing the intention of people within society as the living of people is very much based on media and its aspects (Biltereyst and Meers, 2011).

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Rationale of the Research

The research into practical implementation is based on analysing the media and political censure in 21st century. Therefore, the scope of study is so wide, as it is effective in exploring the idea and knowledge of the researcher and learner in regards to the specific research phenomenon. The major intention for conducting the research is the personal interest, thus the investigator is willing to explore the area of research in relation to media and political economy censure in 21st century in effective manner and also it is an effective area of research as media is an effective source which performs a vital role in the development of political economy (Kuhn, 2016). Therefore, this study is also significant in developing the personal as well as professional skills that could be beneficial in attempting an individual's future projects in more liable manner. This study is efficacious in providing professional ability to the individual who are seeking for their career growth in the similar field, Therefore, media and political economy censure are recognised to be the key concern of 21st century and it is required for each individual to have suitable knowledge regarding the same (Bunn, 2015).

Research Aim

An investigation aim mainly defined as the imperative area of an investigation as it basically express the aspirations and intention of the investigation study (Giraud, 2014). In addition to this, research aim is effective in exploring the major intention of conducting the study in a single statement, therefore, the key aim of this present exploration is "To examine knowledge regarding media and political economy censure in 21st century".

Research Objectives

Research objectives basically determined what an investigation is trying to achieve, therefore, it mainly summarize the accomplishments a investigator wishes to attain through the project and gives assistance to the study in appropriate manner. This section of investigation is interlinked with the aim of the study and explore the variables in different statements in respect to assisting the overall work in right manner to reaching at the key results and outcome (Robinson, 2013). The potential objectives of this study are associated as under: 

  • To explore the oppressive and deceiving practices on the powerful corporates and governments.
  • To outline how media can manipulate society and their opinions.
  • To determine the monopoly of media body and their role as mediator between powerful media and society.
  • To analyse most recent developments of the internet and social media and outline the possible flaws.
  • To stress the importance of the transparency and legitimacy of the 'dual' system.

Research Questions

This is also another key area of an investigation as it is efficacious in providing suitable assistance to address the issue in appropriate manner (Fleming, 2014). This section of research is interlinked with the aim and objectives of the research, thus this section mainly helps in assisting literature review for developing the understanding of the learner and researcher in regards to the chosen study phenomenon. The questions of this investigation are determined as under:

  • What are the key oppressive and deceiving practices on the powerful corporates and governments?
  • How media can manipulate society and their opinions?
  • How to determine the monopoly of media body and their role as mediator between powerful media and society?
  • What are the most recent developments of the internet and social media and outline the possible flaws?
  • What are the importance of the transparency and legitimacy of the 'dual' system?

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Project Structure

This is the most imperative area of an investigation as it provides an appropriate outline specification to the investigation activities as it is effective in assisting the overall work in right manner to drawn valid and reliable results (Apple, 2013). This section of research provides suitable idea about the chapters on which the whole investigation is based. The suitable analysis of the chapters are associated as below:


This is the fundamental stage of an investigation as in this overview has been provided over al specific investigation area, Therefore, this also involves background of the study and also determine the major intention of executing an analysis. In addition to this, in this chapter predetermined aim and objectives are developed to represents the intention and the area on which are study needs to be carried out.

Literature Review

This is the second important aspect of an investigation as it is effective in providing detailed analysis over the investigation area, Therefore, this section plays imperative role in developing understanding in relation to a specific area via the help of creating theoretical framework. Furthermore, this section of research is mainly based on gathering data from secondary sources like books, journals, published articles and so on (Fuchs, 2013).

Research Methodology

Research Methodology is the third important area of an instigation as it provides suitable direction to the research to execute its actions in right manner. This part is mainly incorporates over selecting the suitable methodologies that are significant for this particular analysis as the methodological selection is the fundamental consideration of the researcher to guide the investigation in potential way to draw valid and reliable results.

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Data Analysis

This is the fourth and another essential area of an investigation as in this information has been analysed to determine the validity and reliability of the information. Therefore, data analysis is effective in evaluating the accumulated information in suitable manner so that issue can be addressed in proper way. In this present investigation work analysis has been done through applying thematic analysis.

Conclusion and Recommendation

This is final chapter of an investigation as in this conclusion and recommendations has been provided to reaching at the key results. Therefore, conclusion has been draw over the findings of the research as in this detailed analysis has been developed over the results of the research. In addition to this recommendation is effective in providing suitable suggestions to the business to make appropriate alteration in their executions (Everard, 2013).


This section is based on an investigator’s personal experience, therefore, the researcher provide description in regards to their gains as in this overall description has been provided by the researcher that are gained by the investigators (Fuchs, 2013). Therefore, in this, suitable information regarding the methodological contribution has been provided to the researcher.

Literature Review

Literature review is defined to be scholar paper which is related to a particular investigation area. This is the most important area of an investigation as it is efficacious in developing detailed theoretical framework that plays effective participation in developing an individual’s understanding in relation to a specific area. This is the most imperative area as it renders detailed analysis over the area draw valid and reliable results (Powers and Jablonski, 2015). This part of investigation is mainly encompasses over secondary sources of investigation i.e. books, journals, published and non-published research articles and so on, thus these sources are imperative in developing the suitable information that helps the work in right manner to overcome the issue in effective manner.

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The oppressive and deceiving practices of media on the powerful corporate and governments.

According to the views stated by Katherine van Wormer, 2015, oppression is defined as the act of placing severe restrictions on a personal group or institution. In addition to this oppression is also defined to be the aspect of a government or political business in the power place restrictions formally or covertly on oppressed groups so they may be exploited and less able to compete with other social groups. Here are multiple oppressive practices like Social Differences, Linking political and personal power, Historical and geographical locations, Mutual involvement and so on thus these are effective oppressive practices of media on the powerful corporate and governments, thus these all are significant in better execution of government operations (Alonso-Fradejas, 2012). As per the views expressed by Huan Liu, Jiawei Han and Hiroshi Motoda, 2014, social media is defined as the most popular source which involves various aspects like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and so on. There are multiple deceiving practices of media like Misrepresenting coverage, Outright lying about coverage, Threatening ill consequences if insured doesn’t take action, thus these all have wider influence over the powerful corporate and governments. Therefore, social media is recognised as the powerful tool which performs an imperative role in creating awareness in among the people, thus, government and the corporate bodies are concern over implementing social media tool in respect to developing the operations of the business and the political bodies are using social media tools to increase their recognition within the society (Brevini and Murdock, 2013).

The media can manipulate society and their opinions.

According to the opinion stated by Lisa Vaas, 2019, media manipulation is defined as the series of related tools in which partisans develops an effective image and argument which favours their particular interests. These aspects mainly involves the use of logical fallacies, psychological manipulation, outright deception, rhetorical and propaganda tools and often include the suppressions of data or the opinion by the crowding them out through inducing other individual or groups of people to stop listening to develop specific arguments or by simply diverting attention elsewhere (Stehr, 2017). Social media is an imperative tool which is highly used by the people in society as the key source of information, Therefore, businesses in today’s modern business era are implementing social media as their key sources of information as it also imperative in developing effective interconnection with people also manipulates their decision to buy the products and services of the firm (Ernst, 2014). According to the views analysis of Nex, 2017, manipulation of individual and the opinion of society isn’t anything new, therefore, it is traditionally been attained through repeating over and over a particular message in the public and to the media to install a specific narrative which serves an individual interest. However, social media has become an extension of business at wider level, thus the emergence of social media and internet has transform the way of conducting business. In today’s internet globe, the economic incentives foster an environment of click bait and instant gratification which is basically leveraged through online promotion or moneymaking, but which it turns out is perfect too for catchphrase politics, mainly in a moment of resurgence of demonizing politics (Brevini and Murdock, 2013).

With the help of social media which is significantly becoming a primary raised area for the expenditure of data, it also clearly has become a area where propaganda and misinformation campaigns play out. But the Internet doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s quite simply a reflection of society, with all good and bad that comes with it. According to the opinion analysis of Professor Philip Howard, 2019, the manipulation of public views over social media remains a crucial issue to democracy as computational propaganda becomes a pervasive aspect of daily routine. In the entire globe the government agencies and political parties are concern over implementing social media to expand disinformation and other aspect of manipulated media (Fuchs, 2013). Although propaganda has always been an important aspect of politics, thus the broad ranging purpose of these promotion campaigns developed critical focus for modern democracy. In the context of economy and politics, social media plays an effective role in manipulation of individual opinion as in today’s modern era, political parties and government agencies are using social media as the key source of information which is effective in providing suitable idea about the people in relation to the political and economic aspects, thus the use of social media in the society is high so it may turns in creating value in manipulating the views and opinion of people within society (Sandbrook, 2011).

The monopoly of media body and their role as mediator between powerful media and society.

The opinion analysis of Korinna Patelis and Pavlos Hatzopoulous, 2013, the development of social media mirrors the antinomies of the late capitalism. Therefore, social media is defined as a global platform which helps in providing global reach, thus it is embedded in diverse localized context. In addition to this, social media is defined as a public utility theory which states that social networking sites like twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr and so on are effective in providing suitable public services which needs to be regulated through the government in a manner similar to the way electrical and phone utilities are mainly regulated by the government or its bodies (Fleming, 2014). Therefore, it is mainly based on the notion that, social media platforms have monopoly power and wider social impact. Thus, social mainly refers as a effectively demanded aspect which is significantly used by the businesses or the economic and political aspects for the purpose of developing better relationship with individual at global scale. Social media is an important aspect which has its monopoly in each field as the businesses and the political and economic parties are very much based on social media tools, thus these tools works as mediator between powerful media and society (Stehr, 2017). Thus, social plays imperative role in establishing connection among the society and the political parties. Society is a key aspect in the political development, thus in today’s modern business environment, government and its political bodies are focuses over using social media tools to implement good connection with people and provide them suitable knowledge regarding their propositions (Biltereyst and Meers, 2011). However, social is also imperative in creating awareness among the people and societies in towards to the political norms which are effective in supporting the views manipulation of people. Face book, Instagram, YouTube and so on are recognised to be the key aspect of social media tools, thus these social media tools are effective and widely used by the people in today’s modern society as the living of people are very much based on social media and its tools. Although, this is significantly applied by the economic and political parties in respect to creating awareness about the political aspects (Fuchs, 2011).

The most recent developments of the internet and social media and outline the possible flaws.

According to the opinion stated by Dave Chaffey, 2020, social media has converted the way of conducting business or transforming the marketing, thus it provides a wider platform to the businesses to explore their operations within a wider area and increasing awareness among people are global level (Fuchs, 2011). Internet and social media has growing at rapid basis and the number of users are also increasing.

Figure 1Number of People using social media platform.

(Sources: Number of people using social media platform, 2019)

Social media is the combination of multiple sources like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snap chat, Twitter and so on, thus Out of all of that, Facebook is evaluated as the largest social media tool in the globe and has around 2.4 billion users, therefore, the another social media tools are involving YouTube and Whatsapp also have more than one billion users each. The number of users of social media tool are increasing as people are very much focus over using social media and its tools for the intention of implementing effective relation ship with people at workplace. Facebook is recognised to be the most developed sources of social media as the number of social media users are high and individual, business and political parties are focuses over using social media as the imperative part which influencing the opinion of others and affects their decision (Sandbrook, 2011).

Research Methodology

Research Methodology is defined as an important area of an investigation as it plays a vital role in directing the whole investigation in right manner to drawn valid and reliable outcome. In addition to this, investigation methodology introduces as the broad pattern of developing the procedure or activity for gathering reliable and valid data or information for an investigation (Campbell and Pedersen, 2011). It renders an descriptive comprehensive and accurate explanation of the procedures of research that are applied during the investigation. This chapter of dissertation clearly defines different methods of research used to conduct an investigation. This section of investigation is encompasses over selecting the most suitable methodologies to moving ahead in right manner. In present investigation based on determining the knowledge regarding media and political economy censure in 21st century, suitable selection of methodology is required for an investigation to assist the work in right manner. Therefore, this section is based on multiple applications that are suitable to a specific area, in which some are associated as under:

  • Type of investigation: In an investigation researcher performs an effective role in making appropriate selection of research methodology, thus the selection is mainly incorporates over the information that are gathered for a specific investigation area. A research is mainly of two type i.e. qualitative and quantitative research methods. In the present investigation work, quantitative research has been applied by the researcher, thus this tool is significant for examining the knowledge regarding media and political economy censure in 21st century, this quantitative analysis is effective in gathering detailed analysis, that are available within actual facts and figures (Billiani, 2014).
  • Research Approach: Research approach is basically defined as an effective plan and procedure which are consist of the steps of broad assumptions to detailed tool of information accumulation, evaluation and analysis. The choice of research approach is mainly based on the nature of the investigation issue which is being studied in a particular study (Alonso-Fradejas, 2012). This section of methodology is encompasses over inductive and deductive research approach. In this present investigation work, deductive research approach has been applied by the researcher, thus it is an effective approach as it is based on developing theories and hypothesis that are significantly based on evaluating the knowledge regarding media and political economy censure in 21st century.
  • Research Philosophy: This mainly defined to be the belief in relation to the way in which information related to a specific phenomenon needs to be gathered, analysed and implemented in the context of a specific research area. This section is mainly relay upon positivism and Interpretivism research philosophy. In the context of this present investigation encompasses over determining the knowledge regarding media and political economy censure in 21st century, positivism research philosophy has been applied by the researcher as it is efficacious in determining detailed analysis over the quantitative evaluation (Cantoni Chen and et. al., 2017). Thus this tool is significant in providing qualitative information via the opinion evaluation of authors and writers.
  • Data Collection tools: In an investigation the appropriate choice of data collection tool is significant to assist the overall work in right manner, thus this section is mainly based on primary and secondary sources of data collection. Primary investigation is efficacious for a specific area as in this first hand information is gathered to draw valid and reliable outcome (Vallor, 2012). On the opposite side, secondary investigation is effective in providing direction with the support of past investigation or the data which are already being gathered before. Therefore, in this present research analysis, data has been gathered through both primary and secondary sources. Thus, primary research is imperative over executing survey with the help of developing questionnaire. On the contrary side, secondary sources like books, journals, published and non-published articles are effective in conducting theoretical information (Roy, 2011).
  • Data Sampling: Data sampling is recognised to be the choice of participants which are mainly arises through the original population. This section is mainly relay upon, probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling tools. In this existing exploration work, sampling has been select at random basis, thus in this participants are select at random basis from the probabilistic tools. The sample size for this particular project is 20 as in this number is enough to gather appropriate data (Giraud, 2014).
  • Ethical Consideration: This refers to be the important consideration of an investigator at the very beginning of the research, thus, it is important for the investigator to follow the research ethics, as it is imperative in assisting the whole work in right manner without facing any kind of issues and conflicts. In addition to this, the investigator also needs to ensure their respondents about the safety and security of their private information as the participants are very much willing to protect their private data. Despite from this, the researcher also requires to manage time and cost in respect to suitable execution of research activities. Therefore, the researcher needs to design a time scale in which all the activities are implemented so that completion of the investigation is being done within the provided time. Researcher also needs to manage cost and capital in respect to maintaining suitable from the investigation (Kellner, 2019).

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Data Analysis

Data analysis is defined to be the most efficacious area of an investigation as it is effective in accumulation, identification and analysis of information in respect to drawn valid and reliable results. Therefore, in this present investigation based on determining the knowledge regarding media and political economy censure in 21st century, data has been analysed through implementing thematic analysis as in this the approach of thematic analysis is most appropriate tool which is effective in drawing suitable outcome via developing themes over the questions of questionnaire (Pedro, 2011).

Frequency Table

Q1) Do you have an appropriate understanding in relation to social media and its significance in 21st century?






Q2) As per your opinion, social media is imperative in regards to influencing economic and political practices?






Q3) According to you, what are the key oppressive practices on the powerful corporate and governments?


Social Differences


Linking political and personal power


Historical and geographical locations


Mutual involvement


Q4) As per your view, what are the key anti oppressive models that are effective in social work?


Personal Oppression


Cultural Oppression


Structural Oppression


Q5) According to you, on which aspects the deceiving practice is based?






unsolicited goods or services


Q6) As per your opinion, what are the key deceiving practices on the powerful corporate and government?


Misrepresenting coverage


Outright lying about coverage


Threatening ill consequences if insured doesn’t take action


Q7) According to you, in which manner media manipulates society and their opinion?








Q8) According to you, media has its monopoly in the political economy censure in 21st century?






Q9) As per your opinion, what key roles are performed by the media within society?


Connector between media and society


Establishing wider customer base


Implementing communication


Q10) According to you, what are the key significance of the transparency and legitimacy of the dual system?


Effective engagement


Building trust


Appropriate feedback


Greater Clarity


Q11) According to you, what are the most recent development of internet and social media within 21st century?


Influencer Marketing


Chat bots


Augmented Reality


Building social connection


Q12) As per your view, the use of social media is effective for the economic and political growth within 21st century?






Thematic Analysis

Theme 1) The individual are having an appropriate understanding in relation to social media and its significance in 21st century.

Q1) Do you have an appropriate understanding in relation to social media and its significance in 21st century?






B06934 1


In this present investigation analysis the study has been executed over the area of having an appropriate understanding in relation to social media, thus the survey has been executed among 20 respondents and out of that 18 respondents are agree with the statement that they are having suitable idea in relation to the concept of social media and its significance in 21st century. Therefore, remaining people are not in favour with the same as they are not having suitable idea about the same.

Theme 2) Social media is imperative in regards to influencing economic and political practices

Q2) As per your opinion, social media is imperative in regards to influencing economic and political practices?







B06934 2


From the detailed analysis of the project, it has been determined that, 17 out of 20 people are in favour with the statement that, social media is imperative in regards to influencing economic and political practices, thus, as per their opinion, social media is defined to be an effective aspect which has direct impact over the political and economic practices. Remaining, people are not in favour with the same, as per their opinion social media is not much imperative in regards to influencing economic and political practices.

Theme 3) There are different key oppressive practices on the powerful corporate and governments

Q3) According to you, what are the key oppressive practices on the powerful corporate and governments?


Social Differences


Linking political and personal power


Historical and geographical locations


Mutual involvement


B06934 3


In this existing evaluation work the analysis has been executed over determining the different key oppressive practices on the powerful corporate and governments, thus as per the views analysis of the respondents it has been interpreted that, 6 out of 20 people are in favour of social differences, 4 respondents are in concern with linking political and personal power, 5 individual are go with historical and geographical locations and remaining people are go with mutual involvement.

Theme 4) There are different key anti oppressive models that are effective in social work

Q4) As per your view, what are the key anti oppressive models that are effective in social work?


Personal Oppression


Cultural Oppression


Structural Oppression


B06934 4 


According to the detailed analysis of the given graph it has been determined that, there are assorted key anti oppressive models that are effective in social work, thus 8 out of 20 respondents select the option of personal oppression as per their opinion this is the most effective model which is significant in social work. In addition to this, 5 respondents are in favour of cultural oppression and remaining responsive are in concern with structural oppression.

Theme 5) The different aspects the deceiving practice is based

Q5) According to you, on which aspects the deceiving practice is based?




unsolicited goods or services


B06934 5


In this existing study the exploration has been executed over the area of determining the different aspects the deceiving practice is based. Therefore, as per the analysis of the respondents it has been evaluated that, 7 out of 20 respondents are in favour of Misrepresentation, as per their view this is the key aspect on which the deceiving practice is based, 6 responsive are in favour of Unconscionability and remaining people are in favour of unsolicited goods or services.

Theme 6) There are different key deceiving practices on the powerful corporate and government

Q6) As per your opinion, what are the key deceiving practices on the powerful corporate and government?


Misrepresenting coverage


Outright lying about coverage


Threatening ill consequences if insured doesn’t take action




According to the descriptive analysis of the given graph it has been determined that, here are different key deceiving practices on the powerful corporate and government, therefore, the survey is being executed among 20 respondents and out of that 8 are in favour of Misrepresenting coverage, 5 respondents are go with Outright lying about coverage and remaining responsive are go with Threatening ill consequences if insured doesn’t take action. As per their view, these all recognised to be the effective deceiving practices on the powerful corporate and government.

Theme 7) In different manner media manipulates society and their opinion

Q7) According to you, in which manner media manipulates society and their opinion?








B06934 7


According to the descriptive analysis of the above mentioned graph it has been interpreted that, individual said that in different manner media manipulates society and their opinion, thus, 15 out of 20 people are said that media positively manipulates society and their opinion. Therefore, social media is an effective aspect which is significantly used by the people in society as their important source. 2 responsive are in favour of negative influence as per their opinion media negatively influences the opinion of people and remaining individual are not in concern with the same as they are not providing any discussion on the similar.

Theme 8) The media has its monopoly in the political economy censure in 21st century

Q8) According to you, media has its monopoly in the political economy censure in 21st century?






B06934 8


In this present research the over all study has been executed over determining the perception of people in regards to the monopoly of media in the political economy censure in 21st century. Therefore, in this present investigation survey has been executed among 20 respondents and out of that 16 people are in favour with the statement that media has its monopoly in the political economy censure in 21st century and remaining respondents are not in favour with the same as per their opinion media does not has its monopoly in the political economy.

Theme 9) There are different key roles that are performed by the media within society

Q9) As per your opinion, what key roles are performed by the media within society?


Connector between media and society


Establishing wider customer base


Implementing communication


B06934 9


As per the in-depth analysis of the project it has been evaluated that, here are assorted key roles which are performed through the media within society, therefore, 6 out of 20 respondents are in favour of connector between media and society, 7 responsive are in concern with establishing wider customer base and remaining individual are in favour of implementing communication. Thus as per their opinion these all the imperative role that are mainly performed by the media within society as the key influencer of manipulating opinion and views of others.

Theme 10) There are key significance of the transparency and legitimacy of the dual system

Q10) According to you, what are the key significance of the transparency and legitimacy of the dual system?


Effective engagement


Building trust


Appropriate feedback


Greater Clarity


B06934 10


From the detailed analysis of the project it has been evaluated that, there are assorted key significance of the transparency and legitimacy of the dual system, thus dual system is efficacious in attaining higher transparency. 5 out of 20 respondents are in favour of effective engagement of people at global level, 5 responsive are go wit building trust, 5 respondents are in favour of appropriate feedback and remaining respondents are in favour of greater clarity.

Theme 11) There are different assorted recent development of internet and social media within 21st century

Q11) According to you, what are the most recent development of internet and social media within 21st century?


Influencer Marketing


Chat bots


Augmented Reality


Building social connection


B06934 11


In this present study the overall analysis has been executed for determining the recent development of internet and social media within 21st century, therefore, there are assorted inventions are taken place in 21st century, thus 6 out of 20 respondents are go with option of influencer marketing, 4 responsive are go with Chatbots, 4 individuals are in favour of augmented reality and remaining people are go with building social connections.

Theme 12) The use of social media is effective for the economic and political growth within 21st century

Q12) As per your view, the use of social media is effective for the economic and political growth within 21st century?






B06934 12


From the descriptive evaluation of the dissertation it has been identified that, the use of social media is effective for the economic and political growth within 21st century. Thus majority of respondents are in favour with the statement that the implementation of social media is imperative for the economic political development within 21st century. Social media is an effective aspect which is effective for a business, individual or government bodies to build effective interconnection with the people at global level and remaining people are not in favour with the same.

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Conclusion and Recommendation


This refers to be the imperative area of an investigation as it is efficacious in representing brief analysis over the outcome of the research, thus this section of investigation is mainly based on drawing conclusion and recommendation. Conclusion is the most important area which is mainly encompasses over the findings of the research which are mainly accumulated through the effec6tive execution of primary and secondary research. On the contrary side, recommendation has been developed to provide suggestions to the business to make appropriate alteration in their operations and functions that are significant in terms of generating higher development.

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From the detailed analysis of the project it has been concluded that, media is an imperative aspect which has its significance in the society to build appropriate interconnection with the people at global level. 21st is recognised to be the most developing century in which higher development has taken place to the growth and maturation. Social media is defined to be the key aspect which is mainly implemented and utilised by the businesses and individuals to build effective interconnection at global level. As per the detailed evaluation of the project it has been determined that, majority of the respondents are in favour with the statement that, media is effective in political economy censure in 21st century, therefore, oppressive and deceiving practices are effective for the corporate and the governments. In the context of politics media is also playing a vital role in developing recognition among the public in respect to the growth and development of political norms. the media is perceived to be the most compelling angle as the making of new types of computerized internet based life during the start of the 21st century has changed the manner by which individual convey and offer the information. Moreover, the impact which the usage of web based life stages like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, online conversation fora and blogging condition and so forth have had on the political procedures stay dubious and are not very much recognised. The political economy of media includes areas including broadcasting, news coverage and data and correspondence innovation. There are two potential convictions which possess the ordinance of contemporary speculation with respect to news coverage, in this way, the essential is that the web is perceived to be the most remarkable power disturbing the news media. On the opposite side, the web and the correspondence and data innovations in like manner, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and so forth are worry over changing the force through government to common society and to singular bloggers, netizens and resident writers. In the 21st century, internet based life has become an essential piece of an individual life, as individuals utilizing social apparatuses to execute a compelling correspondence which in turns in making an incentive in changing of data in successful way.


In the present analysis the study has been considered over examine knowledge regarding media and political economy censure in 21st century, therefore, from the detailed evaluation of the project it has been recommended that, media is a combination of multiple sources which are effective in implementing imperative connection with the people at global level, therefore, individual and political parties, government bodies and the businesses for the purpose of developing awareness among the people at global level. From the detailed evaluation of the project it has also been recommended to the political parties and government bodies to implement most secure and widely applied sources of media in respect to enhancing collaboration among people so that growth of society can be done appropriately. In the 21st century, the challenges of media is high as the most applied tool people are also having their own perception regarding the use of social media and its tool, therefore, the businesses and the political parties should determine the perception of people and trying to develop the use with the help of creating awareness in regards to the appropriateness of social media and its tools. In addition to this from the evaluation of the project it has also been recommended to the businesses, government bodies and political parties to implement effective practices of media which are widely used by the people in their daily life.


The investigation into consideration is based on determining the knowledge regarding media and political economy censure in 21st century, therefore, it is a wide area of investigation which is imperative in exploring an individual’s skills and knowledge base which would be helpful in improvising the personal as well as professional ability. As I have been glad to get a chance to execute an investigation over that broad area to explore my own opinion and knowledge about media and political economy censure in 21st century. Therefore, from the detailed analysis of the project I have been realise that, for a better execution of an investigation it is important for the investigator to select the most suitable sources in respect to executing the whole investigation in right direction to carry out the work in right manner. Thus, as I have been recognising that, in this present investigation work quantitative research has been implemented as it is the most suitable in executing detailed analysis that are significant for the investigation to provide data with actual facts and figures. Furthermore, I have also been seen that in this deductive investigation approach is recognised to be the most effective methodology as it is providing support via developing theories and hypothesis that are significant for the research to reaching at the key results. Thus, in this, positivism philosophy has been applied as this provides a right direction with the recognition of determining the opinion and views of the authors, writers. Therefore, positivism philosophy is the most suitable tool for conducting quantitative research in an effective manner. In addition to this, in this existing investigation work, both primary and secondary tools are implemented by the researcher as these two are significant to gather valid and reliable information. As per the evaluation of the study I have been seen that, primary research is being utilised in executing survey with the suitable implementation of questionnaire. On the other side, secondary tools like books, journal, published and non-published articles are implemented to develop understanding of an individual learner and researcher in relation to the present investigation area.

Although in this present evaluation primary investigation is being the most important part of an investigation, therefore in this primary data has been gathered through questionnaire as there are assorted ways like interview, focus group, survey and so on , therefore, as per my own perception I have been seen that, in this present investigation analysis in this present research work, interview could be applied as the alternative source of primary investigation, thus, this is the most effective tools for gathering primary research but in this questionnaire has been applied because it is effective in gathering information from the wider population and interview is quite time consuming in nature so this is the reason for not using interview in this particular project.

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  • Hardy, J., 2014. Critical political economy of the media: An introduction. Routledge.
  • Bettig, R.V., 2018. Copyrighting culture: The political economy of intellectual property. Routledge.
  • Kuhn, A., 2016. Cinema, Censorship and Sexuality 1909-1925 (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.
  • Robinson, K.H., 2013. Innocence, knowledge and the construction of childhood: The contradictory nature of sexuality and censorship in children’s contemporary lives. Routledge.
  • Apple, M.W., 2013. Teachers and texts: A political economy of class and gender relations in education. Routledge.
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