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Organisational Behaviour of 4Com Plc

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4716
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 1460

Question :

it is important to shape the behavior of an organization so that it moves forward towards success and growth. This unit is based on Volkswagen which deals in the automobile industry and the project is based on its culture and motivation. The aim of this is to establish an influence on which organizational behavior and motivation carry on in the workplace.

  • Analysation of the influence of culture, power, and politics on the behavior of other employees in 4Com Plc.
  • Evaluation of different approaches which are to be undertaken in order to motivate people in 4Com Plc.
  • Demonstration of the understanding of how to effectively cooperate with others.
  • Application of the concepts and philosophies relating to organizational behavior.

Answer :

Organization Selected : 4Com Plc


Organisation behaviour is the study of employees behaviour within the workplace and the way persons communicate within teams. For getting effective HR attitude in a firm, managers have to provide better equality and workplace to them. It will be useful in meeting enterprise goals and objectives within a given period of time (Andersson, Jackson and Russell, 2013). In terms of organisation behaviour, it have the influence on managers, individuals and workers of the company. The organisation which will be referred here is 4Com plc; which is providing telecom products and services linked with UK involving digital handsets, call recording etc. It is having turnover within £20M to £30M as it is the medium sized firms. In this assignment, it involve the company culture, politics and power that gave influence over team as well as individual behaviour and their performance within the firms. It will also discuss about the motivational theories for achieving the organisation objectives and goals. In this, they will also implement concepts as well as philosophies of organisation behaviour.

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Company have to manage coordination as well as management of functioning particular actions and tasks in the context of achieving objectives and goals. Organisation behaviour is an technique of behaving and interaction which are used by individual within their business which gave influence over workplace. Individual person who are performing functions of the firms. They have to provide effective training & development. Various complied parameters to efficient outline which is applied in the organisation. The value, team and culture play a very main role at a time of determining of framework and policies of 4Com plc that influence over the companies results efficiently.

4Com plc was started in 1999 by the aim of modifying as well as developing their products and services of UK small enterprise market. Company is having approx 300 employees as well as having broad range of services which they are providing to millions of buyers within the world (Avey, Palanski and Walumbwa, 2011). They consider the value of their organisation behaviour and culture, firms require to outline the influence of elements like as power, politics and culture of company.


Culture Influence 4Com is Medium sized company which is supplying their services and products all over the universe. Therefore, 4Com plc has carried out different culture of business recognition within the buyers and society. It is necessary to have a distinct as well as effective culture and make its awareness within workers which will aid in managing, behaving and performing activities accordingly. Business require proper management to make a better brand identification which is important for company to enhance their growth and development within individuals. If the workers are convenient in performing functions within the workplace then culture should be more productive as well as creative in managing all the functions accordingly. Their must be higher level of employees productivity and along with this employees should be comfortable at the time of performing activities. 4Com deliver more influencing and positive environment of working to their workers (Bolino and et. al., 2013). Moreover, better culture is helpful to motivate an individual to perform more effectively which facilitates to establish positive and efficient cooperation among team members. It will provide support to complete requires tasks in an appropriate manner though achieving desired outcomes in given duration of time. For understanding much about the impact over culture, organisation had adopted Handy's typology culture which is divided on the grounds of individual behaviours are as follows:

Task culture:

It create teams within the organisation which is introduced to address some project issues and progress. Mainly, it is depend on the team work in which al the workers perform their task in allotted time frame.

Role culture:

In this, firms mainly relied on rules and terms. Some of entities are monitored at high level for making awareness of its roles and duties. Power within role culture is determined by an particular person position within the company structure. It is simply evaluate as well as determine by the person who hold the power within the company. With the assistance of this workers can easily attain their set goals and also improve their performance.

Power culture:

Their are some rules as well as regulations within power culture. It will aid workers to manage their working surrounding where firms coordinate with practices of power are being attempted by every particular person.

People culture:

In this, persons cultures see themselves as superior and unique to the company. Company simply exists for persons to work. It is the collections of specific persons who happen in working for same company.

4Com is having the culture of people within their workplace. Organisation culture is refer as the principles and values which is shared by companies associates by its managers and leaders. It is the process which determine the employees communication standards as well as enterprise transaction measure. 4Com is mainly dealing with a pride culture within the firm. It is made over the hard work within the entire business, striving excellence and achieving at each functions. Negative and positive behaviour and practices that is represent within the workers which gave impact on its performance. Culture represent its office workplace, enterprise hours, employees advantages, customers treatment, satisfaction and so on.


The power of the organisation also have impact on organisational behaviour which involve those functions that are important to act for meeting set results which is not possible to meet. These tactics have negative impact over person behaviour, individuals and teams as it have negative impact among working environment and employees which decline the performance and productivity efficiently. 4Com is a medium sized company of telecommunication which prefer culture diversity for enhancing creativity power. The given company should use power in proper manner and use authority positively so that people will remain loyal to company and perform effectively. It will reduce possibility of occurring conflicts among staff members which facilitate to establish mutual understanding and better coordination to complete project successfully. As it classified intro four segments which can be understood by following points are as follows:

Legitimate Power:

This power come with the position of the person within the organization. In this, manager has power to assign task and project. For example, manager of 4Com assign project in a speculated time to their workers in which they have to responsible for performing their task.

Reward Power

This power is hold by single person in which manager provide promotions, compensation and many more to their workers. With the help of this workers get motivated towards their task and also perform well to attain set goals.

Coercive Power:

In this power, person has ability to done the task either by punishment or fear. Mainly it is reciprocal of reward power. In this manager has power to force their workers to work for extra time. Along with this they also can be terminated from the allotted job.

Expert Power

It is as a power which relate with skills that acquire by a person towards the specific area. In addition of this, every business organization has expert who provide better support and solution to resolve issues in effective way. In context of 4Com, they also have expert in every division the help in improving overall performance of the company.


Politics have fundamental role of governing decisions in the company linked with interaction and management among the employees. In the 4Com enterprise, large, medium and small companies influence the politics power that gave negative and positive impact over workers within the workplace. Employees who understand to direct the companies politics in an creative way for those who keep out from loop. State of United Kingdom has improved certain rules and regulations linked with international global marketing, exchange rate taxation, CSR practices and many others (Colquitt and et. al., 2011). 4Com is obliged to make changes as per regulated due to political affairs to function organisation smoothly. Political aspects are required to analyse by an organisation in order to operate business accordingly so as 4Com. These alternation in company influence staff members of organisation and firm itself. Therefore, this can affirm from the notion that it is fundamental to understand political affairs and its influence for managing team, individual and organisation in commercial sector. Hence, it is understand from above discussion that politics, power and culture of business are need to managed as well as maintained more effectively and efficiently way.


HR manager of an company is mainly liable for managing individual and team by motivating them within a time period. Employees are the main part of organisation as they help in accomplishing enterprise activities. Companies like as 4Com need to run practices accurately which will help in achieving results and demands effectively. Various methods as well as techniques are there for encouraging employees which are used by business. This is important for firms to use distinct techniques linked with motivation as it emphasis employee's performance and productivity. This will aid in manufacturing higher quality of goods by increasing the level of buyers satisfaction. Therefore, this is paramount for employees to apply effective planning within workplace. Various techniques and methods are given below:

According to this, managers gives roles and duties to employees according to their demands which are more favourite, delivering problems etc. This provide higher level of employees satisfaction which help in increasing quality of performance (Demir, 2011).

Managers need the techniques of motivation which employees can accommodate in order to target their objectives and goals. It will aid in improving employees confidence and organisation services at the same time.

In this 4Com business environment and situation, management have to analysed their working place. Along with this they have to choose a effective techniques for motivating them in an efficient way for achieving goals and objectives within the span of time. Each company require effective motivation relatively but it will be not easy to apply. Thus, in the context of improving workplace, performance and so on by using different theories of motivation. Motivation theories are classified within two types are given below:

Process theory

This type of theory is related with ideas which help in determining that how business organization change and develop. Mainly it deal with process of motivation that concerned with How motivation occurs at workplace. With the use of this, company can easily motivate their workers and also encourage them to perform well.

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Advantages Disadvantages

This will focus on behaviour of employees to encourage them for improving performance so that productivity of organisation can be increased to gain more profits.

In this, theory of requirements its purpose is to carry out employees needs as well as designate motivation components in term of satisfying their needs along with this it emphasis performance which help in stimulating them in an effective way.

Reinforcement theory: In this theory, it find out the behaviour that gave its outcomes which are beneficial for enterprise as well as its purpose retain them for a long time. On other side, behaviour of individual which outcomes are not favourable results are suspended. This theory use tool and techniques of punishment as well as reinforcement for managing individual behaviour (Motivational Theories, 2017).


The positive reinforcement will provide support to boost up performance of staff members on regular basis which facilitates to increase profitability of business through attaining goals properly.


Negative reinforcement may result into demoralisation and frustration of employees due to which employee turnover can increase.

Vroom's Theory:

In this, it predict the behaviour results from the conscious choose from all the alternatives whose aim is to enhance the satisfaction along with that decline the pain. It will aid in realise employees performance linked with particular person factors like as skills, knowledge, personality, abilities and so on. They believes that person require to choose their behaviour in an effective way. In which managers believe in receiving suitable outcomes. It is divided into three parts like as Valence, Instrumentality and Expectancy.


This theory influence to fulfil expectations of employees with the help of providing them rewards and incentives which motivates to them perform in better way and become loyal for company.


This theory will only work while managers and leaders put strong efforts and participate actively otherwise it has no meaning in terms of motivation.

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Content theory

This type of theory is play vital role in business organization as it explain that why human needs are continuously change with the time. Along with this, it also determine the specific factors that directly motivate workers towards the task and set goals of the company. The main focus of this type of theory is to evaluate what factors motivate workers at workplace. With the help of this company can easily evaluate the employees needs within the organization.

Advantages Disadvantages

This Content theories of motivation are related to needs of business which can completed by encouraging staff members in effective manner. These are helpful to motivate employees with large goal of achieving targets which facilitate to attain better outcomes for business. • Focus on completing business needs are not able to motivate employees more effectively because practice to achieve goals are included in them. People may face much pressure because of working load of fulfilling desired objectives may frustrate individuals.

Organisation manage the requirements to analysed individual behaviour in term of considering their demands and priorities which assist in resolving problems. For example: How presentation of work is affected from work process. Their are different theories within this are given below: Maslow's Hierarchy Need Theory: In this, it is eliminated within 5 parts which every organisation have to adopt for motivating their employees. It is categorised in an very effective manner. Their 5 factors of this theory are given below: • Psychological Need: In this, it is refers to basic needs of humans like as cloths, house, food, water etc.• Safety Need: Each individual working desire their safety linked to Finance, health and so on. In term of enjoying life without any uncertainty (French and Holden, 2012). • Social Need: In this, it involves family, lover, friends, support and many more, every individual should satisfied by using resources and gives happiness.• Self-esteem Need: After achieving needs, particular person require to respect others person which emphasis their self confidence, motivation etc.

In this, particular person desire to perform their prestige, they have to need social enhancement by creating better portrayal which can motivate them in an effective way.


It is very easy to understand and apply in organisation die to its pyramid of needs which encourage people more effectively to increase their productivity.


The weak point is that; all people have different thinking then it is difficult to fulfil needs of every individual through increase performance policy is not possible.

Theory of Alderfer: In this it is eliminated within three categories which are as follows: • Growth Requirements: Each employees want growth in their career at the time of delivering the opportunities of development to their staff members by motivating them to work (Griffin and Moorhead, 2011).• Relatedness needs: Organisation management create healthy, better and safe within the workers. Therefore, it emphasise stimulation For example: it is associated with the satisfactory relation with employees within the firms.

Existence Need

As per this, company have to check employees that they are fit physically for working or not. Strengths – It is helpful to make strong points of earlier content theories and it is less restrictive so that easily applied to motivate people.Weakness – It will not provide clear guidelines which create problem to implement and people are not able to understand as it is quite confusing to determine needs of different individuals.


Teams is where more than one people perform the activities for meeting same goals and objectives in an efficient way within a given period of time. It is an responsibility of leaders to enhance better relations within each others for better performance within team functions (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2012). It will help in declining problems and emphasis their performance within a span of time. Organisation have distinct projects with every person which make a team with particular objectives and targets to produce results. It can aid in enhancing goals and aims. In this context there are some difference between effective team and ineffective team: Basis Ineffective Teams: Effective Team:Meaning In this, particular person mainly not able to learn findings as well as make modifications as emergence of problems is much. So, individual mainly depend on leaders that impact on work in an negative way. It is the duty of management to made a effective relationship within employees at the workplace. As per this, each team persons have to perform their roles to meet targets. Organisation management is using strategy of open communication in their teams which emphasis work knowledge, skills and so on. It can rely aid in discussing about problems and work.Member contribution In this, few team members are tend to dominate the discussion and their contribution is off the point in the company ad team as well. In effective team, all the team workers are includes huge discussion and also encourage each other to take participate. Listening Under this, team members are not share and listen to each other and also ignore their ideas from other members. In this all the members are listen to each other and also share their ideas to others. Their are various teams within the organisations which aid in meeting targets and objectives properly. Some of teams are as follows:

Cross-Functional Team

In this, it is having various kinds of functional divisions which are performing every segments within their teams for achieving objectives assigned by managers. Work allocation is accomplished accordingly as well as segments are divided into different sub-sections (Lu, 2014). In this team, managers deliver report to the leader who are mainly liable for team performing. In this team members of group play four types of roles which are: • Team Leader: They have to assign the work with the aim of coordinating, managing and controlling team members in an effective way. They are able to give impact on employees behaviour which they have to follow it. • Record Keeper: Documents are linked to the work functions which are aid in meeting groups objectives. It is in a form of summoned work. • Progress Chaser: Each practice has given the work time. So, that process of chaser require to outline roles or duties to complete the project and task within a given period of time.• Document Controller: Team members document their work activities and linked data by the help of taking decision within future. Self Managed Work Group: Company require to allocate their work within tasks altogether according to assigned duties and roles by management. It saves the companies resources as well as raise tits advantages. Individual person is enough to support in an most suitable way. Problem Solving Team: In this, team members carry out distinct categorises with different capacities, skills, knowledge, capabilities and so on. In this kind of organisation, various problems are emerge that gave impact on their performance and sustainability of firms with8in marketplace (Moore and et. al., 2012). It evaluate every problems which are linked to different segments as well as provide them solutions by their own experiences. It is an priority work for 4Com which involves temporary nature. Whole employees work with each other and combine their actions for effective performance in term of meeting goals and targets. Virtual Team: Works are controlling problems as well as situation through online techniques by conferencing, technological application and many more. Working environment is not an initial concern, employees segments of geographical can not gave impact on their process but creating of connectivity can insure problems. Team members are selected coherently by management assistance which need effective communication skills because of their dependency as well as physical interaction on voice virtualise. Technologies had transformed the extensive impact on organisation functions. HR manager has conducted a training program for developing workers skills linked with technology. In this, firms have to avoid work pressure on workers which help in emphasis their work performance and productivity for long time (Shell Highlights Importance of Innovation and Technology in Today's World, 2017). Different technologies are used for making changes within workplace are Smart PC's, Emails, Groupware, Internet, Smart Phones, New media and many more. Team Development Model of Tuckman: This model help in developing team in an suitable way. This involve 4 major ways which are as follows: • Forming: In this, members of teams are positive as well as polite. Roles and duties of group members are not clear. • Storming: Group members after forming moves in the stage of storms where team members are pushed into the boundaries which are made in previous stage. Disputes emerge because of different working styles in an effective way. (Source: Team Development Model of Tuckman, 2018)• Norming: Team members resolve and appreciate the respect as well as different in the context of their leader.• Performing: With no friction, performance of work help in meeting set goals and objectives (Osland and Turner, 2011). This consist by the help of management to enhance their interdependency within employees as well as leader. It emphasise their staff members which aid in meeting goals and objectives in an effective way within the limited period of time.


In this, it undertake the behaviour within 4Com, it is critical to demonstrate their principles, values, cultures as an main part of an company. Enterprise values as well as culture of 4Com gives direction to workers within their decisions and judgement that analyse each and every practices. Some of major aspects are as follows: • Integrity: Organisation is committed in the term of its integrity because of their creation of market knowledge. • Respect: Firms is loyal toward their goodwill of company confirm that peoples of organisation must be fair and honest. • Responsibility: Manager is very concern for their employees and buyers with its social surrounding in which firms run their enterprise. Whatever firms agree to provide workers work on it (Pinder, 2014).• Pioneering: Firms has created by their own by operating various practices. They give more passion for building as well as delivering it in an effective way for better future. Path goal theory: It is an effective theory through which manager of the company can easily motivate their workers that help in achieving objectives in an effective way. Manager of 4Com select the way of performing in an effective way for manufacturing goods as well as enhance motivation within employees. Management support and empower workers in term to emphasis workers performance which help in meeting the aim within a span of time. It is linked with Vroom expectancy theory in this employees act as a particular way in the term of their expectations that provide positive outcomes. By using this theory, 4Com can easily motivate staff members at workplace. As it includes factors which can be understood by following point:• Directive: Under this stage, manager of the company provide direction and guidance to its workers at the time of performing their activities in appropriate manner. • Participative: It is an effective for workers because in this manager of 4Com Plc, encourage workers to take participate in organizational activities. With the help of this, workers share their ideas and views in front of manager so that they can easily take right decision at workplace.• Supportive: In this manager of 4Com provide support to their workers so that they can easily share their issues with manager. With the assistance of this, employees can easily improve their overall performance at workplace. • Achievement: This stage is vital because it is based on the workers trust. In this context, 4Com encourage and appreciate their workers in order to build a better relationship towards the business organization.

Contingency Theory:

In this, it explainsvarious situational components which impact on direct bonding within liberal and dependent variables within the company evaluation behaviour. It is caused by alteration within dependent uncertainty while others respond influence by independent covariant (Sinclaire, 2011). 4Com leaders chose the leadership style on the situation grounds not on their way. Particular components are achieved in an effective way. Some of parts of this theory are: • Leader-member relations, which cooperate with different atmosphere of team and feeling such as confidence, loyalty and trust which team has in term of their leader. • Power of position, linked with reward punishment, they are having more team members. • Structure of work, is linked with the clarity of work as well as attainment of the task. The policies as well as concepts that are run by 4Com gave impact on their performance and behaviour of workers. Different concepts as well as theories such as path goal and contingency leadership theory are discussed above which help in making alteration. It affirms that companies leaders provide more groups and giving them methods of workers if they are not liable to perform activities. Functions of team develop that are run in 4Com can be linked with aims and objectives of organisation. It is the cause of setting goals which 4Com requires to achieve. Therefore, it can be affirms that behaviour of company as well as different aspects linked to this for enhancing and managing the growth of firms and its productivity. Relationship building – This can be described as to establish effective and healthy relation among superior and sub- ordinate which helps to conduct every operational activity in proper manner by completing targets successfully.Goal setting benefits – This includes the criteria of setting goals which helps to make appropriate plan of action to achieve desired goals in accurate manner. Managing diverse workforce – The management of workers is very essential which is responsible for attaining better outcomes. It is necessary to allocate tasks as per their field of expertise to gain maximum output in less time duration.Management style – This involves way of working and managing people with procedures by managers such as directive, authoritative, affiliative, participative, pacesetting and coaching to complete target properly.Leadership styles – This can include several leadership styles through which leaders perform their roles including democratic, autocratic, bureaucratic, laissez-faire and many more.

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As per above report it has been concluded that individual as well as team performance can gave impact to a great extent by the power, politics and culture within the company. Culture is refers to set the social and ideas behaviour in the term of an firms. In term of enhancing performance, better workplace by motivating employees. Company can do by using various theories of motivation within their work environment such as Herzberg, Maslow and many more which firm can adopt for stimulating their workers. Through this team can enhance goals and aims which are eliminated into two parts like as ineffective and effective teams. Team Development Model of Tuckman is also adopted for improving the capabilities of team work. It will aid in meeting the company targets and goals within a time in an effective way. In this, also discuss the vrious kinds of teams like as virtual team, self managed, issues solving teams and cross functional teams are their within the company for smoothly running of all functions of companies.

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