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The Growing Concern of Dementia in Modern Society

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2194
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 62
Organization Selected : Dementia


Executive summary

Dementia is one of the leading cause of death among old age people and has grown across the world from past few years. This study mainly explains harmful effects of the dementia that affects the old age people worldwide and the risk factors which leads to its development. The major factor due to which dementia arise is the age. With the growing age, people began to lose their memory. Besides this, restricted blood flow generally increases the chances to develop dementia in old people. Drug therapy is considered as the most effective treatment wherein people are kept under medication and given some drug which increases the blood flow to the brain.


Dementia is a disorder in which an individual loses their capacity to remember, thereby affecting normal cognitive functioning. This disorder can range from mild to severe stages, where an individual completely loses the ability to remember anything, which may even lead to death. The primary contributing factor to the development of this disorder is age, as it is typically seen in people aged 65 and older. However, it is also observed in children, especially those living in underprivileged areas due to a lack of proper nutrition, though it predominantly affects older adults. The incidence of dementia has sharply increased in recent years and has been reported in a large number of people. There are various types of dementia that affect different groups. The symptoms range from simple headaches to significant memory loss. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, which primarily develops in older individuals. Dementia not only affects cognitive abilities but also impacts physical health, including symptoms such as skin irritation and spots on the body. The main purpose of this report is to explore the risk factors behind dementia and understand its harmful effects to develop strategies that could reduce its prevalence. For further support, assignment help and dissertation writing services are available to assist in deeper analysis and research.

This report mainly gives a brief about risk factors of dementia, chances of acquiring dementia and developing the new treatments.


Overview of dementia

Dementia is basically the loss of the cognitive functioning like thinking, remembering as well as reasoning and the behavioural abilities in such a manner that it usually interferes with the daily life of person and hiders their activities (Livingston and,2017). The functions mainly includes memory, visual perceptions, self-management, language skills etc. The people suffering from dementia are not able to control their emotions and thus their personality tend to fluctuate. It has become of the leading disorder across the world that has surrounded not only adults but even the children. It usually ranges from the mildest stage to most and highly severe stage.

Risk factors in dementia

Dementia is considered as one of the fatal disease which not only lead to the change in personality of an individual but also sometimes leads to death. It mainly increases the risk over the health and mid of individuals and affect the normal functioning of their brain. Thus, there are various risk factors which have trapped the entire world in this dangerous disorder (Woods and,2018).


Dementia and depression share a very complex relation and which is unbreakable and hence transform the lives of individuals. Depression is considers as the one of the most prominent risk factor that is the main cause of dementia. Depression is mainly the early sign in Dementia which means when the dementia began to develop, individual seems to be under depression. People who remain under depression tend to withdraw themselves from the social contact and thus this eventually accelerates their mental deterioration. According to many researchers, being isolated is the main cause of depression which affects the brain to great extent. Therefore, this often leads to dementia where people began to forget various things as this affect their mental functioning. Because of the depression, the personality of the individual changes and they began to become irritated. This is the first sign of dementia which is seen among individual prior to its development (T O'Brien and Thomas, 2015).


Age is considered as the prominent and the biggest risk factor which results in different types of impedimenta. According to the report of World health organization, once the individual hit the age of 65, then the risk of developing dementia usually doubles. After 65, the probability of dementia increase in every five year and thus its intensity raises to the great extent. According to Disease control and prevention centre, the dementia is mainly seen in people of old age and this is the reason that the ratio is much less in children as compared to old aged people. As per the report of 2017, it has been noted that 1 out of ever 20 people who are suffering from dementia developed this disorder at the starting age of 65. As the people starts getting older, The intensity of its development reaches to the great level (Jung, 2015).

Cardiovascular diseases

This is the another risk factor which results in the development of Dementia. The healthcare professionals and experts suggest that five million people across the entire world who suffers from heart related diseases like blood pressure, cholesterol develops the chances of dementia and hence their normal brain activities got hindered. The blood vessels which are connected from heart to brain often supply blood to the brain and thus helps in the performing its activities effectively. But when an individual develops some heart disease then these blood vessels get constricted due to which enough blood is not available to the brain. This leads to the emergence of Dementia (Forbes and,2015).


This is the another risk factor which leads to this disorder. Mostly the middle-aged people who suffers from diabetes are seen to have lower mental capacity. According to the report of 2018, more than 40% of the population having diabetes have been witnessed to have developed dementia. This is due to the reason that when blood sugar increases then the mental capacity decreases due to restricted blood flow. This leads to dementia.

What affect the chances of getting dementia

There are various factors which are affecting the chance of getting dementia. Dementia is affected by the way of the high blood reassure and stress and trauma as well.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is linked to most common problems in the body. Scientist and doctors have claimed that the high blood pressure is the factor which would affect the dementia people. High blood pressure is increasing the protein in the brain and so it would damage the blood vessel damage. It would not affect the people which are at the young age but the people which have stressed the age of the 50 so it would affect them (Chan, 2018). At the young age it would affect the brain health but the proteins are not built in the necessary situations. High blood pressure is affecting the blood vessels and the brain architecture as well. Women which are suffered from the blood pressure problem have the changes of getting dementia in the future. High blood pressure is affecting the blood systems of the brain which can affect the neuron activity in

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