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Gibbs Circle Reflective Essay

University: N/A

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 4 / Words 1059
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 66
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During my tenure as a registered nurse in NHS, I underwent through a lot of experiences and my transition from the first year to the second year has been very eventful. I can use Gibbs reflective model to re account my experience and evaluate what were my learning and feelings throughout the entire procedure.

Gibbs reflective model

Description: I joined as a registered nurse in NHS hospital. I worked in NHS for one year. During my tenure I was placed in Dementia and Delirium ward, I also got placed in surgical ward. In those wards I was engaged in providing acute care to patients by using holistic approach. I just noticed that so many old aged people were being admitted in ward and was suffering form last stage of dementia. They were facing a hard time. I was engaged in providing them with acute care and concern. I communicated with them and I tried to analyse the issues faced by them. During my tenure as a registered nurse, I also found out about that fostering relationships with service users actually worked and it enhance their health outcome. I was also placed in gynaecology surgical ward where I took care of women who was about to give birth and also I have taken care of women suffering from various gynoecia problems.

Feelings: When I joined NHS I was really feeling nervous as I have never worked with such a big health care centre (Jiang and, 2018). As a registered nurse, while treating patients with dementia I was really worried, I though what if I am not able to take proper care of old aged people. By seeing them suffering I felt nervous, I was not able to have control on emotions. I took help from senior health care professional, they guided me on how to keep a pace with emotions. During my tenure I found out that there were so many old aged patients who do not have support from their families, I tried to communicate with them and provided them with support. I took holistic care of them and tried to improve their quality of life. I also worked in surgical ward where by seeing pain of women while giving birth I really got distressed. I learnt about various interventions to improve health outcome of patient in that ward.

Evaluation: During my placement in NHS as a registered nurse I was really nervous, after completing one year in clinical care setting I have analysed that I have become more confident. Also I have learnt about how to take holistic and evidence based care of patients suffering from dementia as well as other diseases. I have learnt about early signs and symptoms of dementia forgetfulness, losing track of the time, becoming lost in familiar places (McShane and, 2019). I have also understood about the fact that how communicating with patients and health care professionals can reduced the defects and errors while treating patient. I also learnt about how to motivate service users to engage in taking healthy diet so that their health outcome improves. I invited the patients to take part in therapeutic sessions and also took care that they take their drugs on time (Sekarwinahyu and, 2019). During my placement in surgical ward, I have gained knowledge about the medical terminology used by health care professionals in that ward. I also provided acute care to women in that ward.

Analysis: I can effectively state that the most poignant learning was that I learnt what are the early signs and symptoms in the people whoa re suffering from dementia and how these can be effectively addressed if they are recognized in a timely manner. I also learnt about the holistic care approach that is given to patients in the surgical wards. Initially, I had many difficulties in adjusting to the way of living that patients in the dementia ward had i.e. I could not effectively tackle the patients and identify what was the thing that they required but eventually I learnt to recognize the characteristics and behaviours of the dementia and delirious people. I can state that I became immensely knowledgeable regarding how had to give care to the patients but however, the major limitation was that I failed to effectively manage distress that came when I had to associate with the patients.

Conclusion: I can effectively conclude that I was able to gain immense insight in the care plan and treatment that was given to the delirious patients and the care plan for the surgical ward patient was also acknowledged by me. I recognized what are the early symptoms and how I was required to identify those early signs so that care plan could be developed accordingly. However, my experience in the dementia ward was not so good because I was mostly left bewildered by the condition of the patients is such ward and therefore I had a stressful time while serving as a registered nurse in that ward (Markkanen and, 2020)ementia and delirious ward as well as in surgical ward.

Action Plan: I have decided that I intend to develop my career in the surgical ward treatment rather than in dementia and delirious ward. I will also ensure that I do not make the same mistake again of letting my feelings come in before the treatment that the patient requires. The entire experience helped me in learning about the task of giving care and treatment to the patient in a practical way and the knowledge that I lacked prior to this experience was sufficed by it. I now understand what it is to actually give care to the patients who require it. I intend to use this experience for my future career and I will further work on the identification of the correct diagnosis for the patients as quickly as possible.

For assignment help and dissertation writing services , it is essential to follow reflective models like Gibbs to assess clinical experiences and translate them into effective learning and professional development strategies.

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