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The Benefits Of a Healthy Pregnancy Diet

University: BPP University School of Business and technology

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 31 / Words 7662
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 90
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The term “Health” defines the condition of overall mental, physical as well as social well being of an individual. An absence of any illness or disease may be also related to good health by being healthy physically, mentally as well as socially is refers to a healthy person. For keeping an individual healthy they must rely on healthy diet. For protecting a person from non communicable disorders like cancer, diabetes it is necessary to have healthy food filled with nutrients and minerals (LISA, 2019). A woman's health especially when they are pregnant should be kept safe and sound for keeping the baby healthy. Eating nutritious and healthy food during pregnancy is directly connected to a healthy weight of a baby, good brain evolution of foetus and reduced risk of birth related defects. A balanced as well as proportionate diet lessen the morning sickness of the women during pregnancy and also lower the symptoms and signs which usually make the pregnancy unpleasant and bitter. Good and balanced diet is believed to control the mood swings in pregnant women and improve the experience of delivery as well as labour.

General Background of the Research Study

The benefits of healthy diet in pregnancy is immense and improve the pre as well as post health status of pregnant women overall. However, it has been seen that healthy diet is an integral part of flourishing lifestyle every time, but very essential and necessary during pregnancy. A balanced and complete diet having all important components that need to be added in the diet of pregnant women must includes protein, calcium, vitamins especially C, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, folic acid, iron rich items, adequate fat containing food. Such food aids in keeping the mother as well as the child safe and healthy throughout the pregnancy and after the delivery (Costa and, 2018). Food which have high content of fat, sugar and salt must be avoided as it may contribute in gaining too much weight and may lead to tooth decay. Proper diet lowers the complications which may cause during the pregnancy and also reduce the probability of getting birth defects in the baby.

Rationale of the Research Work

In the rationale research the benefits of healthy diet in pregnancy is important because eating a nutritive diet in the duration pregnancy is associated with a good development of craniate brain, a healthy weight of birth infant, it reduces the risk of many birth disadvantages. A good nutrition is thought process in help to balance their mood swings and it might be modify delivery and labour as well. A well balanced pregnancy diet consider as protein. During pregnancy a woman micronutrient like vitamin and and minerals and micronutrient is energy, these demand are raised. It is more essential that a pregnant women consumes food which gives energy to both baby and mother. Moreover, a particular types of micronutrients which are beneficial for maintaining their growing baby health in foetus (Gaskins and Chavarro, 2018).

Approximately three hundred extra calories are needful daily to keep and maintain a health in pregnancy. These type of calories should come from a proper balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, a multigrain, diet of protein with fats, sweets which is kept to a minimum. It minimize some symptoms during pregnancy for example constipation, nausea etc. By healthy diet it is beneficial for a pregnant because it occur less complications, increased energy, successful fetal development, improved sleep, reduced risk of getting sick etc.

The purpose of this research is dieting to lose weight during pregnancy can be risky to mother and baby. Healthy diet keep nutritious to baby and mother, they should consume fruits and vegetables, whole grain and cereals, meat, poultry, alternative and fish, fruit and drink lots of water stay hydrated. Because it will maintain healthy and growth for baby and mother.

Main Problem Statement

This main problem statement in this research of benefits of a healthy pregnancy diet. Mothers who eat an unhealthy diet in the gestation period may be putting their infant at hazardous of developing long term, irreversible health issues consider as raised level of cholesterol and blood sugar, obesity (Cid and González, 2016). If mother consume junk and unhygienic diets had increase the level of cholesterol and higher level of triglycerides. A type of fat found in the bloodstream. Both are famous to the risk of developing heart diseases. Similarly, the offspring had higher level of glucose and insulin , both are raise and developing of diabetes.

By diet, sometime weight is gain during pregnancy. It is normal but essential for the health of baby and mother. Its also crucial not to gain too much weight. Increasing weight increase during this time can enhance the risk of a amount of health problems mainly gestational diabetes.

In gestation period of time, their necessity for raise iron in body. Its because the developing foetus draws iron. If iron looses are reduced in pregnancy, because the women is no longer menstruating. It is not sufficient to offset the needs of the developing foetus. It is important for pregnant women to consume iron rich foods every day, such as chicken, green leafy vegetables, dried beans and lentils, seafood etc. Iodine and pregnancy is also a problem statement if it will low. It is an essential mineral needful for improvement and growth. If mother don't have adequate iodine consume during maternity, it enhance the hazard of intellectual alteration and congenital hypothyroidism.

Manner of Organization of the Research Work

The way of organising the research work is to identify the prime path so as to complete the task by achieving the aims and objectives. The way of such organised research work is being illustrated below.


The term “Health” has been considered as the condition of overall mental, physical as well as social well being of an individual. A woman's wellness particularly when they are pregnant must be kept risk-free and secure for keeping the baby firm and healthy. It has been showed that flourishing diet is an integral part of healthy lifestyle every time, but very essential and necessary during pregnancy. The welfare of healthy diet in pregnancy is essential because consuming a nutritive diet in the time period of pregnancy is connected with a groovy evolution of craniate brain, a firm weight of birth infant which overall bring down the endangerment of birth defects.

Aims and objectives

The aim of this study is “To analyse the importance of health diet in pregnancy and its benefits”.

Research objectives

  • To identify the importance of health diet.
  • To evaluate the recipes and food for improving healthy diet in pregnancy.
  • To examine the ways of maintaining health in pregnant women.

Why healthy diet important in pregnancy?

The nutritional and mineral status of the women during the pregnancy depends upon the content of the food item they eat which actually refers to as a nutritional reservoir for the growing foetus inside the mother. The content of iron and calcium which is already being built in the body of pregnant lady from the consumption of medicines and food containing such micronutrients. Unbalanced maternal diet plays a negative role and leads to poor development of baby which further raise the risk of baby's instant death or chronic illness.

The health of foetus and susceptibility to some disorders other than genetic elements are mostly affected by the nutritional content and status of the mother during the pregnancy (Milman and, 2016). It has been observed that whatever mother eat during the pregnancy relates with the foetal programming, and due to this practice the baby learns the eating habits which further affects the choice of child for rest of its life. The foetus have been seen to accommodate its metabolism according to the type of nutrition it gets during the course of the pregnancy. It may be seen that the foetus remain under nourished if it does not acquire enough energy from the mother. This may happen due to very less consumption of sugary food which ultimately results in lowering down the maturity of the foetus and danger of less birth weight.

What is the importance of healthy diet?

Good nutrition and balanced diet is the most important way of living secure and healthy life. The diet can help an individual to lower the risk of getting number of diseases and remain healthy in old age too. It has been observed that weight is not related to healthiness. People with healthy weight often associated with poor diet as these individuals are more relied on junk and fat providing food rather than on food which has balanced content of every micro as well as macro nutrients. Poor diet often cause prolonged disorders and may even cause death, the diseases may include hypertension, heart diseases, osteoporosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure (Aamir, 2016). By eating balanced diet food an individual can protect themselves from having such health related condition and improve their quality of living. Healthy diet must have combination of various food items which may consist of cereals, legumes, food items form animal sources, fruits as well as vegetables.

What pregnant women have to do in pregnancy?

The pregnancy is a very important stage in the women's life. This stage brings the lots of changes in the body such as hormonal changes, mood swings, etc. So, there are lots of things are necessary to do at the time of pregnancy as this brings the positive impact on both mother and baby and this things are described below.

Prenatal vitamin:- The intake of supplements is vital part of a mother life. This helps in the development of both mother and baby. The essential vitamins includes the folic acid, vitamin D on a regular basis so it can prevent the baby and as well as mother from any disease.

Quieting bad habits:- The quieting of bad habits is important to prevent any miscarriage or from any complications. So, at the time of pregnancy the mother should quiet the use of smokes, alcohols and other substance which can cause the adverse effect on body.

Daily exercise:- A good exercise habit leads to a healthy life so the mother needs to do proper exercise on a daily basis to remain active through out the day (Tryggvadottir and, 2016). The daily exercise can reduce the risk of weight gain.

Balanced diet:- The balance diet is necessary in the stage of pregnancy as it provides the energy to mother. So, the women need to take a full and proper balanced diet in the all trimesters.

Which food are most important in pregnancy?

A pregnant women drink and eats in the duration of pregnancy is the major source of nourishment for baby. So the doctors recommend that a mothers to be diet should consider as variety of healthy beverages and foods to giving the essential nutrients that is needful for a development and growth of infant. It will also make it easier to lose the pregnancy weight after given birth. There are several nutritious foods that can eat in pregnancy are:

Dairy products- During pregnancy, mother want to take in excess protein and calcium to just the needs of increasing fetus. Dairy products comprise two type of protein that is whey and casein. It is the best dietetic informant of calcium as well as provide high amount of vitamin B, zinc and magnesium.

Fruits and Vegetables- It may be in the from of dried canned, fresh, frozen, juice etc. Frozen and fresh produce normally have high plane of vitamins and some other nutritious food. To eating fruit is generally better for pregnant women than just drinking the juice. A sugar quantity in juice is very high (Malek and, 2017). View vegetables juices like beetroot, wheatgrass, carrot, tomato for the dense nutrition.

Eggs- It is ultimate food for health, as they incorporate a little bit of almost every nutrient they need. It has great source of choline, because it is very important for many processes in body, including development of brain and health.

Fish Liver Oil- It is made from oily liver of fish, most frequent cod. It consist very high in vitamin D and beneficial for those who don't eat regularly seafood or supplement with omega-3.

Explain one best recipe for pregnant lady which is full of nutrients and vitamins?

The pregnant lady has to add each and every nutrients and vitamins in their diet so as to provide the growing foetus with all necessary elements which are required for proper maturity and organ development. Various plant as well as animal sources has been identified which can be used as a chief way of getting essential nutrients and minerals in mother as well as in the baby (Martin and et. al., 2016). Chicken and tomato pasta may be considered as the most nutritional and delicious food item which can be added in the menu or in the diet chart of the pregnant lady.

Chicken which is majorly present in the recipe contains pyridoxine which aids in lowering the morning sickness and also assist in forming red blood cells which lower the possibility of occurring anaemia in the mother. Tomato consist of vitamin C which act as an antioxidant and aids in safeguarding the tissues from external harm and also tends to increase the absorption power of body towards iron. The vegetable oil used in making the recipe renders vitamin E which aids in forming muscles of body and keep up the count of red blood cell. More vegetable may be added in the recipe to make the food more rich in vitamins and minerals.

What benefits get from healthy diet?

A healthy diet consist of range of vegetables and fruits which contain proteins, adequate amount of fats, starch, good fat, whole grains and right amount of sugar. By taking balanced diet people can reduce their weight and may overcome the risk factors associated with obesity. Various vegetables and fruits containing fibres have less calories than other processed packed food, thus relying more on such food items result in lowering down the weight.

It has been evidenced that the diet including fibres, fruits and vegetables has phytochemicals which actually secure the body cells from causing cancer, due to such practice the risk of getting cancer is also decreased. Healthy diet also manage the diabetes by controlling the glucose level in the blood (Grobler, Visser and Siegfried, 2019). Relying on such healthy habits prevent from strokes and heart diseases. There are some food like almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, leafy vegetables which contain vitamin E that further prevent in forming clots in the blood and lower the case of heart attacks. The items rich in calcium like dairy products, legumes, broccoli, fish keep the bones and muscles strong and effective, thus prevent in acquiring osteoporosis. Healthful diet have been observed to improve the retaining power of the memory, such food are rich in omega-3, flavonoids, fish, polyphenols and vitamin D, E, C.


The major key points to justify to conducting this research is that it can provide the benefit of diet in the pregnancy. With the help of research, the issues can be measure across the world. The healthy diet in pregnancy is must necessary as it provides the energy to the mother. The consumption of healthy diet is necessary from the starting phase of pregnancy. A women should understand the importance of a health diet on a daily basis (Tyree, Baker and Weatherspoon, 2012). As the lots of risk can be developed from the unhealthy diet such as complications, miscarriage, reduce in the growth of baby, etc. The measures are must initiated to analyse the effects of diet. This kind of assignment increase the changes in the thinking of women and on their surroundings people. So, that the people can aware about the pros and cons of pregnancy and can take steps to prevent from consequences.

A healthy diet helps both the women and baby during this phase. It has been justified from the above statement is that it is easier to understand the benefits in pregnancy as it is the most important stage in a pregnant women. It helps the women in understanding the diet menu of a pregnant women that what should she eat. It also reflect the understanding of diet before the pregnancy in which the women start planning to having their child. As the diet also necessary before the pregnancy because it provides the inner strength to the body which help the mother in conceiving the child. The determination of this assignment can help the in providing the understanding of diet among organisation so that they can help the pregnant women effectively. It is helpful in understanding the healthy diet if a pregnant women doesn't able to intake. This is a justified assignment as it helps the various workers to collaborate with pregnant women so that they can achieve the better health of women (Cleary and et. al., 2014). The healthy diet includes all essential requirements such as macro-nutrients and micronutrient which help in the pregnancy in all trimesters.

So, this is a justified research as it helps in the understanding of diet in pregnancy better. It can help in the control of various factors includes risk factors which can develop from the intake of insufficient diet. This can help to promote the health before and at the time of pregnancy across the world.

Outline of the project

This project work has been clarified by specify to provide the overview of major measures that are must be taken to initiate the approaches of healthy diet across the world. This project has stated the various benefits of healthy diet in a planned manner. The objective of this project is to promote the benefits of healthy diet to the all mother who are at their pregnant stage and who are planning for conceiving. The main problem of this research is to provide the benefits of healthy diet to the all people including those who are nearer to the pregnant women (Zhou and et. al., 2019). As there are many risk factors at the stage of pregnancy such as complication at the time of delivery, miscarriage, etc. This risk factors affect both mother and women as it can also bring risk to the developing foetus. So, with the help of this research the risk factors can be prevented and helps the women to attain a healthy life.

The aims and objective of the project is here to clarify the major points of healthy diet in pregnancy. In this, the general background of the research also stated which clarifies the benefits of healthy diet. It also provides the information about the changes in the hormones of a pregnant women that how a unhealthy diet can affect in the gestation period by developing the danger factor. This factors are of various types such as changes in blood pressure and other risk factors. It also assist if a pregnant women consume the junk food at the higher level then it increase the level of cholesterol in the body which can cause the adverse impact of disease on the developing foetus. The main aim of the task is to analyse the importance and benefits in the pregnancy across the world. It also includes the research on how a diet can be benefited to the pregnant women and in what ways it can provide profited to a pregnant women life.

With this, it also includes the measures of recipes and food which can help in the improving the healthy diet in pregnancy. As each and every food has their specific role in providing the nutrient so from this it can be easier to understand the specific food products which can promote the health of pregnant women (Hale, 2014). There are lots of ways which can be use to maintain the health of pregnant women which includes proper and regular exercise, intake of prenatal vitamins, etc. Moreover, it can help in the promoting health of pregnant women by identify the risk factor of bad habits that can be a cause of various risk factors. The measures of maintaining health can be achieve through by research.

The complete research provide the idea to readers that what precautions are must needed to take at the time of pregnancy. This also provide the positive and negative impact of healthy and unhealthy diet during pregnancy. The Gantt chart also provided in this project which is a timeline of project to provide the simplicity of the project to read and understand in a long term. The justification are also given in this project which provides the positive impact of healthy diet in pregnancy. It also includes the positive outcome of research which can successfully help the mother and baby to prevent from hazard challenges. The proper conclusions and recommendations also given in this project which helps the reader to understand the key points of benefits of healthy diet in pregnancy in a better way (Hibbard, 2015). This research project work has planned in a systematic way to maximize the value of healthy diet on a daily basis in a pregnant women life.

Project Timeline- Gantt chart

The overall tasks has been presented in the form of Gantt Chart. 

Major Research-based Activities











Determinants of major aspects of the research topic




Clarification of research aims, objectives and task outlines




Selection of data procurement

Methodology and clarification of justification




Gain of essential information




Analysis of information and theories




Development of proper and decisive conclusion




Clarification of relevant recommendations




Completion of the task




Table 1: Gantt Chart (Timeline of the Task)

(Source: Created By Self)

Leadership and Change Management Theories and Models

The leadership theories which desire to explain why and how definite individuals that become leaders. These type of theories frequently focus on the distinctive of leaders, but some attempt to recognise the behaviours which person can adopt to improve their own capabilities of leadership in various kinds of conditions. Beforehand, debates on the psychology of leadership rarely advisable that such accomplishment were only cognition that individuals were born with this. In different word, these theories proposed that convinced person s were merely born leaders. Moreover, some more latest hypothesis suggest that definite feature traits might assist to create nature of persons, but on that situational and experience changeable also play a important role (Lindsay and et. al., 2016).

A number of various kind of leadership possibility have been acquaints to explicate precisely that why and how most of persons get on great leaders. The certain personality traits make person better who are suited to the roles of leadership as well as symptomatic of the condition make it much liable.

In leadership some persons have long been fascinated end-to-end history of humans, but its only been comparatively currently that a number of conventional leading concept have appeared. The interest in the leading status in the time period enhanced the primal portion of twentieth century. The early leadership theories centred on qualities imposed between followers and leaders. While consequent content looked at variety of protean for example situational component and level of skill.

There are some leadership theories which can be classified as in different types are as follows:

Great Man Theory- This theory was given by Thomas Carlyle 19th  century. It put idea that worlds history is nothing more than a accumulation of life history belonging to the Great Man. One of the advance impression of leadership, which is stills well known in definite areas is that leadership is an inborn choice. This theory maintain that leaders in great leader and generic in specific are born and not developed (Mathiesen and et. al., 2016). It reported to this theory, the leadership calls for confident qualities such as aggressiveness, intelligence, courage, judgement, high degree of intuition, commanding personality, persuasiveness, charm as well as action orientation which are so much a nature which they cant learnt or taught in formal way.

They were not pot-trained in leadership nor adopt any skills of leadership in their living for example most of type of acquisition were natural to them. On the other hand, there were something in their personality, physiology, anatomy that is marked to them out from the common and normal aggregation of finite mortals. They had an spontaneous desire to expect leadership and had an innate will to get success and greatness. Some persons inverted to them inherent aptitude for the inspiration, support and solace. 

Moreover, expression of the possibilities in which leaders are born and not to made are as follows:

  • Everyone cant plan to become a leader a well as to accomplish greatness.
  • Leaders are reward of God to humanity. As well as criterion of immortal is imputed to their actions and leaders (Faintuch and et. al., 2019). 
  • The qualities of effectiveness and leadership are autonomous and independent covariant. The situational factors are like needful and nature of followers. The demand of project and the socio-economic and generic environment have tiny or no effect on leaders outgrowth or effectualness.
  • The discounts of this conception that person can be trained for assuming roles and positions of leaderships. This type of qualities is can't be transmitted through vulnerability and education.
  • The inborn leadership qualities are alone and it is essential or enough for a leader to exercise causing over their followers and to turn prosperous. 

Critique of this theory-

It is crystal clear that Great Man theory has no particular empirical and basis validity. It is more high-risk piece of idea. The weakness of this concept that separate from the uncertainty of inbuilt traits, is the illogical content that some type of people become successful and great leaders who are independent of their environmental conditions (Everette, 2019). This theory is totally ignored by modern and new theorists and even by some leaders themselves.

Trait theory of leadership-

A modification of the Great Man Theory is the Trait theory which debate for leadership qualities or trait can be assumed. furthermore, They don't need ever be inborn. This hypothesis states that there are definite recognisable qualities or characteristics which are limited to leaders and those good leaders feature such type of choice to some degree. Those qualities might be non inheritable or may be acquired through practice and training.

  • Intelligence- The good and loyal leaders must be intelligent, brilliants enough to understand the content or context of their function and position, to appreciation the level of dynamics of environmental variables, both external and internal. They affect their activities and to have good orientation of the recent and upcoming dimensions of their administration. 
  • Personality- Hence, this is essential that its not be baffled with physical structure. More than the outside appearance, definite inner- personality qualities which mark out for good leaders from some others. There are such qualities consider as skill in getting along with others, discipline, purposefulness, achievement orientation (McKinley and et. al., 2017). Moreover, extroversions, optimism, strong drive, decisiveness, self confidence, maturity and emotional stability. Wholeness in character and a inclination to be combined.

These type of qualities attend to support leaders to coordinate efforts of human and organise, to motivate and guide people in the conditions of tasks. Furthermore, its active concrete goals and results and create sound decisions. As well as resolve conflict and to manage modification in organisation.

  • Other Qualities- Apart from personality and intelligence dimension. The good leaders also possess a few main qualities like sense of realism, pragmatism, an abiding interest in people, objectivity, capabilities to communicate, social sensitivity, scientific spirit, open mindedness etc. 

Limitations of Trait Theory: It described as out-dated by many modern and new theorists who described this concept:

  • It is possible to separate a particular set of traits which can be systematically applied to leadership crosswise a scope of situations, cases can be mention to demonstrate that specified ownership of definite trait is not sufficient for one to become a leaders.
  • Its not based on any kind of systematic or research improvement of conception and principles. It is a notional statement which have fails when taxable to verifiable tests (Graham and et. al., 2015). It is only descriptive theory on how some people come forth as a leader. It has predictive and instructive belongings.
  • The trait theory is looking -innermost towards the leader alone to the state of affairs of the group of multitude and situation of task, which are in fact more crucial for leader effectualness. 

The situational Theory of Leadership

This theory punctuate not on their personal trait or qualities of a leader, but on the status in which they can work. The exponent of this formulation believe that leadership is outstanding stricken by a position and hold up that major condition form is the ware of situation at a specific time. A good leader is one who dirt themselves accordant to their needs of given conditions.

This hypothesis endure from the limitations that it neglect to include the information that in the captious procedure of leadership, qualities of an person and traits of the leader also play an crucial role. The various style of leadership my be more proper for convinced kind of decision making (Magee and et. al., 2017). Just for example, in a situation where the leader is the most experience and knowledgeable member of unit and group, a style of autocratic may be most suitable. In other position where group members are totally skilled practised, a parliamentary style would be more impressive.

After informed the style of leadership and defining all the conditions, they will selects the leader who will acceptable for the situations. There are some ways in which to alteration effectiveness of leadership are change the leader to fit the situation and other is alter the condition to fit the leader.

Contingency theory of Leadership

This hypothesis of leadership focus on specific variables associated to the environment that may find out which exceptional style of leadership is best suitable for the status. In reported to this theory, no leadership style is better in entire situations.

It suggests that truly affectation leadership is not just about the qualities of the leader, it is all about dramatic the fine balance between context of use, needs and behaviour. Good leader are confident to evaluate the necessity of their followers, take shop-worn of the condition, and then set their behaviour conformity (Lindberg, 2018). Success rely on number of covariant considering the variety of leadership, choice of the masses and feature of the situation.

For example, a individual with overall applicable skill, training in the selling of books, education, it will prove to be more successful in the field of books marketing instead of the production the merchandise.

The fundamental to contingency theory is conception of the situation, which is defined by three factors are:

  • Leader- member relations, it bargain with the generic ambience of the group and the feelings for example trust, confidence and locality that the group to their leader person.
  • Task Structure, is associated to duty and challenges clearness as well as the source to project execution. 
  • The position power, this collegiate to the amount of wages penalty authority the leader has over social unit of the group.

These three factors which defined the advantageousness of respective situation in company.

This is work to the support of contingency theory, which suggest that the best leaders are those who better-known how to follow various kind of leadership in assorted situations (Horn, 2018). These leaders know that just because one formulation to leading activity well in the foregone time, it does not mean that it will work over again when the state or project is not identical. 

There are several variable which effect Contingency leadership style is include as:

  • The speed at which the project should be accomplished.
  • An amount of time available to complete the work
  • A culture of an organisation
  • Level of power given by the position of leader.
  • The amount of personal power held by the leader
  • Clarity of the task at hand

The Behavioural Theory of Leadership

The disadvantages of the trait theory led to a significant modification in the accent of leadership formulation. This shift in intensity has started to focus an attending on the real behaviour. Human activity of the leaders as against private choice or attribute of leaders.

According to this formulation, leadership impact an social relationship between a subordinates and leader in which the behaviour of the leader towards the inferior appoint the most captious component (Ezmerli, 2019). The good activeness of the leader increases the disposition, builds up assurance and spirit among the team members and deficiency of good behaviour will abandonment them as a leader. 

As a matter of fact, various kind of theories were created and that leadership approached from the point of view of real behaviour of leaders. But this hypothesis also suffer from definite drawbacks. Furthermore, a peculiar behaviour or activity of a leader might be effectual at one point while the identical most probably non-effective at some other point of time and in different consideration.

In the behavioural theory, it shows depression as the result of low-level rate of affirmative strengthen. Accordant to this expectation are based upon the impression that great leadership are successful, not born. It including the flip- side of the Great Man concept. Unmoving in behaviourism, this leadership is focusing on the act of leaders, not on the inner states mental choice. It reported that people acquire to become leadership through with observation and teaching (Hui and et. al., 2017). It is the grand theory of human improvement that analyse noticeable behaviour. There three types of behaviour concept of leadership that is the sociological as well as the second is introspection based and third one is behaviouristic. Moreover, It go forth as a confederation of category- assorted disciplines.

Change management theories

There are lot of changes occur with in the organisation so to manage these changes there are some models who work on this. The change management is a time taken process in which dedication and efforts are necessary to implement the management in changes. Before the adapting these models, the organisation must understand the cause of change and how the change can benefited to the organisation. There are some approaches which are adapt by the organisation to apply the change management and they are described below.

McKinsey 7 S model:- This model is used to determine the design of organisation. This model manages the consistency of management with incoming and outgoing trend. In this there are 7 key factors which uses in the identification and permit the organisation to achieve their aim. These key factors are described below. 7 stages are.

Strategy:- This is the first stage of change management which involves the initiation of idea step by step. This developed by the firm to attain the competitive benefits so that they can effectively compete in the market (Hale, 2018).

Structure:- This stage follows on the concept that relates with the manner of divide of organisation. This also helps to follow the organisational structure. It also provides the information about the who is responsible to whom.

Systems:- It includes the process and procedures of the company which defines the daily schedule of an organisation. It helps in find out the operation of business.

Shared values:- In this the standards are occur which guide the activity of employee and actions of the company as they are the core of any company.

Skills:- It includes the abilities that a worker perform in the organisation. It also includes the competence behaviour in the organisation which is obsessed by the employee.

Staff:- It includes the staff members of the organisation that how and what capabilities of employee are required with in the organisation.

Style:- It represents the style of the mangers of the company which includes their action and interaction to manage the changes.

The benefit of this model is that it combine the emotional and practical factor of change . This model helps in the life of pregnant women as if any changes can occur with in the diet of a pregnant women then they deliver the best care to them (Milman and et. al., 2016).

Kotter's change management theory:- This model focuses on the people who are experiencing the change with in the organisation. This model is basically divided into eight stages which are described below.

Build a team:- This involves the selection of right people in the team by analysing the skills, commitment and knowledge of an individual.

Communicate:- It is an important part of the change management theory as it includes the communication about the detail of changes with in the organisation.

Increase urgency:- This stage involves the awareness of urgency among the individual in order to motivate them to achieve the objective of the company.

Get the vision correct:- This stage involves the creativity, objective, strategies which helps in developing the correct vision of the company.

Focus on short term goals:- The good manner to achieve success is to focuses on the small goals rather than the big one as it is comes with less pressure.

Incorporate change:- The reinforce of managing the change and to make the work area cultural can bring the management in the company.

Don't give up:- During the change management, it is important to make consistency in the work whether the things tough or not (Wadsworth, 2017).

Get things moving:- This stage is necessary to empower the action by providing the support, to implement the response and other factors.

This model benefits in the pregnancy by adapting the change by pregnant women. This model focuses on the manager to promote the women to adapt the changes on their daily basis.

ADKAR model:- This theory is goal oriented model which focuses on the possible changes activities which are directly linked to the desire goals. In this for implementing change, the individual must get results of the change. This model is used to identify the gap of the change management so that the required training can be provided to the workers so that they can deliver further. This helps for the pregnant women by successfully implementing the change. This model basically based on the five factors which are stated below.

Awareness:- In this the requirement and necessity of the change are included.

Desire:- In this the change is carry out with in the organisation and promote others and itself to become a part of it.

Knowledge:- The one should have knowledge about the change that how can be bring this.

Ability:- This refers to the ability which includes the merged with changes on a daily basis.

Reinforcement:- In this the implementation of change occur and after that it reinforce also occur.

Kubler-Ross five stage model:- this model state about the mental state of a person which are occurring through various stages of life. These stages includes the life situation of a pregnant women such as health condition, changes in their routine which can affect on their emotional state. So, this model helps the individual to deal with their trauma and in this there are different stages which are described below.

Denial:- It is the first stage in which the individual deny or doesn't believe the happening situation. The person suffers from a shock and unable to accept the situation.

Anger:- It is the behavioural state of a person which comes after the absorbing the situation. This can occur from the emotional state of realizing that the change will going to affect them and this will reflect anger (Jovanovic-Peterson and Peterson, 2016).

Bargaining:- In this the bargaining occurs which utilize the best solution of the situation. It includes the avoid of other changes by the people.

Depression:- After the improper working from bargaining, the people start getting depressed about the situation and start losing all faith.

Acceptance:- When a person is realise that there is no point of depression then the person finally accept the situation and take the further step towards it.

Conclusions and Recommendations

As per the above report, it can be concluded that to maintain good health, individuals must rely on a healthy and well-balanced diet containing a variety of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients. To safeguard against disorders such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, it is crucial to consume nutrient-rich and balanced meals in adequate proportions.

In the case of pregnant women, who are more fragile, additional attention is required to ensure both their health and the baby's development. A balanced diet provides equal nutrition to both the mother and the fetus. Pregnant women should consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, meat products, dairy and poultry items, fish, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day. Chicken and tomato pasta is considered one of the best recipes for pregnant women as it provides pyridoxine, vitamin E, vitamin C, and other essential nutrients for fetal development.

The report also highlights various recommendations for pregnant mothers. It is important for them to consume the right amount of calories each day to maintain an adequate weight for both themselves and the baby, ensuring smooth physiological functioning. Folate is a key nutrient that should be incorporated into the diet to prevent birth defects. Foods rich in folate include strawberries, beans, oranges, spinach, cereals, and broccoli. Evidence suggests that foods and beverages like alcohol, pineapples, papayas, and fish with high mercury content should be avoided during pregnancy to protect the health of both the mother and the baby. Physical activities are also recommended to reduce leg cramps and backaches, while drinking plenty of fluids and consuming fresh, healthy food can help ensure a healthy pregnancy and reduce post-natal complications for mothers who do not engage in healthy eating habits.

For students needing assistance with assignments related to pregnancy nutrition and maternal health, assignment help and dissertation writing services are available to offer expert guidance, ensuring well-structured and research-backed academic work.
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