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Strategic Resource Management in Organizations


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3373
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What is Strategic Resource Management in Organizations ?

Strategic Resource Management includes all the components related to the human resource such as recruiting, payroll, discipline etc. It is one of the most important concepts which help the company in setting their HR planning as well as various development and training models. The present report is divided into two parts in which first part describes about the marketing planning and strategies. For launching a new product, a marketing plan is set by using different models and techniques (Mason and Sanders, 2009). The role of new technologies and information systems is used in marketing strategy and planning. In the second part of the report Marriot International is taken into consideration which is an American diversified hospitality company. Different development models as well as HR planning models are determined in this section. They can adopt various strategies in order to enhance their business such as the recruitment, retention, training and development strategies. It also includes different strategies for maintaining positive relationship with their employees as well as performance management. It is essential for them to monitor the performance of all their employees.

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Recruitment, retention, training and learning & development strategies within the Marriot

Marriot International is an American diversified hospitality company with more than 3,900 properties, 18 brands. It is the world's leading hospitality brand and it is essential for them to maintain their overall business operations. In order to maintain their brand image they need to recruit highly skilled people. In any hospitality industry recruitment and retention are now indispensable skills (Turki, 2011). One of the most important processes of company is to retain good employees. In order to retain all their employees they should have to hire right person.  One of the major challenges they are facing is high rate of attrition of employees. In order to achieve their target companies are adopting various innovative recruiting strategies such as Gamification.

Gamification: It can be described as the use of gaming principles and design in non-gaming situations, identifying potential employees by posing virtual challenges. This strategy helps in increasing brand awareness. A fun game application has been designed by Marriot for those applicants who have not previously considered a job in this industry. It helps in recruiting and attracting more applicants for international branches. Marriot launches the "My Marriot Hotel" game. It helped in generating more interest in hospitality industry and increasing brand awareness as well as identifying talent across the globe. This increased traffic on company's career site and helped them in recruiting more potential candidates (Kenny, 2012).

Recruiting qualified applicants: Employment specialists recruit qualified employees by various ways such as they organize a job fair in which more and more candidates can participate. They will choose the best suitable candidates for their hotel. Hundreds of people are attracted towards such job fairs. These people show their true commitment towards the company as well as take initiative to handle all the possible situations.

Social media and new media: It is one of the most famous and fruitful resources for Marriot. It helps them in connecting their professionals worldwide and searching the best suitable candidate for their industry. Social utility websites can also be used as a viable source and it helps the hotel in attracting many qualified professionals. Marriot hotel's social recruiting site helps them in hiring large number of qualified applicants towards their business.

Moreover, the corporation can enhance their recruitment through staff and encouraging them to participate in the community professional activities.  Employee's retention is also a challenging task they are facing and it is essential to retain the right talent (Ahmad and Schroeder, 2002). It helps them in achieving higher competitive advantage as well as increasing market share. Retaining employees is all about meeting employee's job expectations. Marriot promotes the recruitment, retention and advancement of diverse employees. They are committed towards the global markets where they work with local communities to create opportunities and value differences. There are mainly six key areas that have been identified by Marriot International for developing an effective strategy for their employee's retention such as:

Commitment of business to provide personal and professional development for all employees: It is one of the most important techniques through which the hotel can retain all their employees. They can provide suitable training through which employees can improve their skills. To keep all their staff members motivated about their job, top performers are involved in training and development (Germano and Stephenson, 2012). It is the best way through which employees feel that they are free to develop their skills and process in order to meet the desired outcomes of customer service and quality. Moreover, it provides various opportunities to employees to learn new skills through the delegation of additional responsibilities. With the help of self development they will feel more engaged with the company. Focused training and development initiatives should be combined with the counseling of employees as well as guidance. Employees cab enhance their knowledge by  professional programs and courses

Acknowledging the importance of financially rewarding employees: In order to retain their employees it is essential to provide them various rewards. It may take different forms such as financial or non-financial. Various bonus schemes have been designed by the organization for meeting employee's needs (Khatri, 2001). Marriot provides bonus to its employees in form of incentives as well as good appraisals. They generally give good appraisals to best performer as well as flexible working hours. This retention technique provides overall information about the benefits in terms of remuneration package, incentive schemes etc. In some of the cases top pay may keep people on the job that may not necessarily motivate them to produce more value for the company.

Team building and job enrichment: Working within a team helps the corporation in motivating all their employees (Linn, 2008). It also helps in making rich working culture at the workplace and provides proper job improvement. With the help of the team an individual can enhance his/her learning skills by taking help of others and it helps them in making them understand their job in a better way.

Communication: Clear and honest communication with all the staff members to meet their expectation level is essential to retain them. It helps the management people to understand the needs of all their employees and fulfill their needs.

Supportive management: The overall management teams of the Marriot support each other. It helps in motivating all the staff members and improves the working environment of company as well (Karami, Analoui and Cusworth, 2004).

Understanding the changing needs of employees: It is also essential for top management staff to understand the needs of their people in order to motivate and retain them. Top management people help their employees by fulfilling their needs on time. It motivates them and they will perform better. Employees can perform best and easily achieve the target of company.

Moreover, all these strategies come under HR planning as well as development models of company. These strategies have been designed as per the needs of employees and it helps them in achieving their target. Marriot can easily achieve their target and maintain their brand reputation with recruiting and retaining right people on the right time.

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Strategies implemented for positive employee relations, performance management and reward

In order to perform better it is essential for Marriot that all their employees are comfortable with each other and work towards the common objective. It is also important for the management promote healthy employee relation at workplace in order to extract best out of each individual. Building a strong employee relation in Marriot International require to create an environment that delivers what people wants (Lawler, 2012). All their employees should feel good about who they are and where they work.

Culture: One of the most important factors that motivate all the employees about their work is the culture of their company in which they work. Marriot is one of the leading hospitality industry and they provide all the best services to their customers. In order to improve their services they should have to maintain positive working environment (Soliman and Spooner, 2000). For this purpose they can encourage individual to share their work with each other. In addition to this, they can organize various fun activities in their company in order to make friendly culture. Further, birthday parties, New Year parties etc. should be celebrated in order to maintain good working environment.

Communication: It is essential for them to encourage effective communication between team members so that they can perform best. Poor communication leads to misunderstandings and confusions. It leads to decreasing performance of company and poor quality of service. The overall communication between team members should be précised and relevant.

Compensation: Marriot should compensate their employees in the form of good appraisals and rewards (Leopold, Harris and Watson, 2005). They should feel valued for the job they are doing. It helps in maintaining good relations between top management people as well as

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