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Employability Skills of Travelodge


  • Unit No: 0
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4549
  • Paper Type: Case Study
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  • Downloads: 3920


Different types of skills are required to perform variety of tasks. These inefficiencies can be termed as employability skills. It includes making plans, communicating effectually, organizing the work, team management, etc. The stated skills are helpful for a person to get the desired job as well as one can also use these skills to improve the actual position. Implementation of the required abilities and ideas in a right way can excel the performance of a person. The report is based on given case studies in context to Travelodge. It is a private organization which deals in hotels or it can be said that the firm provides hospitality services in UK. By considering the given case studies on Travelodge, certain evaluation will be done. Report will depict the analysis of an employee that helps the organization to achieve its goals. It also defines a fruitful solution to work based problems that arise in the organization (Andrews and Russell, 2012).

Task 1

1.1 Developing a set of own responsibilities and performance objectives

An organization is made up of variety of people who come from different backgrounds, cultures and motive. But, when they work in a company, their efforts are made to attain the common organizational objectives. To perform various acts and tasks, different skills and abilities are needed by an individual. It is important to analyse the use of required skills at correct place. Being a Human Resource (HR) manager at Travelodge, there are different responsibilities that are needed to be performed by me. I keep in mind the duties and responsibilities that are needed to be fulfilled. There are different responsibilities of mine towards organization and my designated position is mentioned further. Being the HR manager, it is my duty to provide the best human resources to company who can effectually contribute in the success of business. Moreover, the firm can achieve its desired goals and objectives by taking the right use of selected workforce. My responsibility is to examine the process of recruitment, selection, training and development. With proper supervision of stated activities, abilities of a candidate can easily scrutinize by me (Avramenko, 2012).

Being an HR manager at Travelodge, recruiting a right talent for the organization is my performance objective. I ensure none the employee in the firm feel discriminated on any ground of employment. My aim is not only to achieve the objectives of the company but to improve my current position as well. It can be improve by making self evaluation which can be done by SWOT analysis. This analysis helped me to know my strengths and weakness. On the basis of analysis my strengths are

1.Leadership skills

2.Technical skills

3.Friendly behaviour

And my weaknesses are not good at communication, needs improvement in making plans and strategies. By focusing on my weaknesses I can improve them and grab the upcoming opportunities. If I do not focus on my weakness and required improvements can not be done than it can affect my future opportunities (Burnett and Jayaram, 2012).

1.2 Evaluating own effectiveness against defined objectives

The evaluation of own effectiveness against the organizational objectives is necessary. The analysis of one's current position would not only aid the organization but the individual too. Being an HR manager at Travelodge, I perform several tasks at a point of time. These tasks require some skills to perform in an appropriate manner. The evaluation of effectiveness can be done by taking SWOT analysis into consideration. This analysis would help me in finding out the abilities and skills in which I am good. It also defines the shortcomings or qualities that I require as a manager. Being the HR manager, it is necessary to have good communication skills so that proper interaction can be done with employees at different levels. On the basis of analysis, I found myself not good at interacting with people. I also came to know that improvement is required while making strategies and plans. Moreover, the success of Travelodge is purely depended on the strategies framed by management. This is the reason; it is crucial to improve the above mentioned skills so that performance of work can be done effectively (Chertkovskaya and, 2013).

The analysis also defined strengths which are required to accomplish the objectives of Travelodge. The industry works with an aim of increasing customer base and providing best services in UK and rest of the World. However, it is the leading sector of UK for providing great hospitality services to the customers. The firm requires accomplishing demands of customers in such a way that the objectives of industry can be accomplished. I can use my strengths to excel mine and the firm's position. On the basis of evaluation, I realised my strengths According to which I am good at managing my team, in technical skills as well as in the implementation of plans. I am good at performing technical tasks that would help me to conduct the proper operations of organization. Various tasks are performed by me that require good level of technical knowledge. It remains useful especially when I need to do the management of human resources. I need to maintain the data regarding their personal details in HR management system. However, the stated strengths and weaknesses were needed to be analysed so that the goals of firm can be accomplished (Dacre Pool and Qualter, 2013).

1.3 Recommendations for improvement

To work in a dynamic environment, it is important to improve the present position on timely basis. To cope up with the variety of tasks, one needs to keep on improving his skills. Being an HR manager at Travelodge, it is my duty to provide quality work to company so that I can fulfil my responsibilities towards organization in the best possible manner. I have mentioned my strengths and weaknesses on the basis of SWOT analysis. For better performance of work and to grab the future opportunities it is important to improve weaknesses. My communication skills are not that good as it requires being a HR manager. I have to deal with other employees, clients and customers too. At that point of time it is necessary to have good interactions with all the mentioned category. However, communication is the best way to express the ideas and feelings. With the help of effective communication I can make a good interaction with them. I need to make sure my team is working properly or not. In this situation I have to deal with different employees of my team. At this point my communication should be expressive so that I can deliver my message to them. It is recommended to join personality development sessions that would help me to improve my skill. I can use seminars and conferences that leads to improve my skills (Dhiman, 2012).

On other side, I need to modify myself at making plans and strategies for organization. As the success of Travelodge is depends on proper planning and strategies. Forming effective strategies can gives a direction to work. That is why it is necessary to improve this skill. The recommendation for the stated skill is that for making strategies high and updated level of knowledge is required. The level of knowledge can be updated by accessing internet on which the latest trends can be known. Even the magazines and newspapers can also remain useful for updating knowledge.

1.4 Motivational techniques can be used to improve quality of performance

Motivation can be the best tool for uplifting the quality of performance of an employee. These techniques are helpful for the employees at every level of hierarchy. Being a human at some point of time we may feel boredom or not willing to complete a task. In that situation the tools aids in improving the condition and make an employee to get back to work. There are different motivation theories that can be used enhance the morale of an employee. The two theories can be taken into consideration for understanding the subject. Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two-factor theory would give an idea about the concept. The management of Travelodge needs to implement the stated theories in practical aspects. According to Maslow, the management needs to understand the needs of an employee. It includes psychological, social, safety, self-esteem and self actualisation. On other side, Herzberg's theory includes motivational factors and hygiene factors. By keeping in mind these theories, the management needs to motivate its employees for betterment of work. The management must provide incentives and rewards so that one can get himself into work. Appreciation is the best tool to get work done by others. It is the duty of leader to appreciate its team members on timely basis. It would increase their efficiency and willingness towards work. Incentives should be provided to the deserving candidates so that they can ignore work distractions and get back to work (Finch and,2013).

Task 2

2.1 Solutions to work based problems

As working in Travelodge Hotel as HR manager, it is my responsibility to overcome from the problems occurs during the working hours. Problem is such difficult and doubtful situation which requires the solution. There are mainly two types of problems identify by the manager such as setting up goals and the barriers.

The problems are as follows:

Setting Up Goals: It is the main problem occur at the workplace. It is the prime function of the management of the Travelodge Hotel to set up goals. When it is set up by the management another responsibility goes to the lower manager and employees to set their own goals and targets to achieve the organizational objectives. At the workplace, it is the main problem which effects the functioning of the enterprise. Until and unless the targets are not set up by the employees themselves, the work will not go in smooth way. The weak point of the workers or employees at this hotel is that they are not able to set up their targets (Helyer and Lee, 2014).

Performance of the employees: The second most important problem at workplace is related to the performance of the employees working there. The employees at Travelodge Hotel are not performing there work or functions properly. The performance of the employees has direct impact on the productivity of the enterprise.

Solutions to the above problems

Being HR manger it is my duty to solve the problems occurs in the organization and to overcome from the above problems. The first step is to provide training to the employees to increase their efficiency. Under training, the different and latest techniques are to be used to educate the manpower. Through training session their energy as-well-as efficiency will be boosted. Motivation is also very effective tool to boost them on right path. It will help in increasing their morale (Jackson, 2014).

2.2 Different styles of communication in Travelodge Hotel

Communication is the process of transferring the information from one person to another. Travelodge Hotel uses three types of communication at the workplace such as verbal, non-verbal, written and visual communication.

These are discussed as below:

Verbal Communication: Verbal communication is such which involves the use of spoken words, sounds and specific languages. Today, there is a large diversity of people that create the standard workforce. There are various types of employees work in this hotel with different ages, cultures and races. So it is important to create environment of verbal communication to communicate with them. It is easy to understand the business activities through this communication.

Non-Verbal Communication: This is such under which physical manner of communication is being used to transfer or share the ideas and information. At the workplace, this type of method is generally, used in the board meetings, conferences and seminars. Here, the person observe the other through his/her behavior, body language, gestures and other activities. So, this type of communication is also very important for the environment of Travelodge Hotel (Miller, Biggart and Newton, 2013).

Written Communication: This method of communication is also very essential for the management of Travelodge Hotel. This involves either writing or typing out the facts, figures, ideas, information and other necessary things. It is a written way to express the thoughts and ideas of the individual. It could be in formal or informal way to exchange the information. It includes the letters, reports, emails, text messages, evaluations, memos and other documents.

Visual Communication: In the workplace, it is very common to interact with the individuals through visual communication to provide information to them. Examples of these communications are electronic communication, documents, presentations, etc. The employees working at Travelodge Hotel should have the capability to implement this method to their workplace to make it more effective.

2.3 Strategies for better time-management at workplace

The term time-management is misnomer. It is the duty of the HR manager of Travelodge Hotel to adopt different strategies to improve the time-management. As the time cannot be manageable, the events in relation to time can be managed. The time-management strategy is totally depended on the ability, personality and self discipline. From the strategies discussed as below, time can be managed by HR manager more effectively (Mohamed, SPR and Yacob, 2012).

Set Priorities: To manage the time effectively it is more important to distinguish between the important and urgent work. The simplest way to prioritize is to make list to do work accordingly. The HR manger has to make list as per the work delegated by the superiors.

Use of Plan Tool: The manager may use a personal planning tool to improve the productivity of the individual. For this he can use the different methods such as pocket diaries, calendars, wall charts, notebooks, index cards, etc. For this the targets and tasks should be written down and according to that schedules are made to focus on the priorities.

Delegate: Delegation is shifting of transferring the workload from one person to another. The managers at top, generally, uses this tool to manage their time effectively for the other important work. It is the responsibility of the HR manager to delegate the overloaded work to some experts, who can accomplish that. For delegation, HR manager has to first identify the tasks that others can do and then selecting the suitable person to perform it (Nilsson and Ellström, 2012).

Avoid multitasking: In recent trend, the persons do multiple tasks at a time and thinks that it will save their time. But this concept is wrong, as per the psychology multitasking does not actually save time. In fact it has opposite impact on the work. Through routine multitasking individual cannot focus on the task.

Stop Procrastinating: The management may put off tasks for variety of reasons that will lead to overwhelming and unpleasant task. So, to overcome from this, HR manager of Travelodge Hotel should break down the tasks in smaller parts which required the less time to complete it. For implementation of this he may collect the materials or organize the notes. Try to build up a reward system on the completion of each small task.

Task 3

3.1 The roles people play in a team and process of working together to achieve shared goals

A team is formed of number of people to work together for a particular task. Different roles are played by different team members to accomplish a task. The roles played by the team members can be understood by taking the Belbin's theory. The theory states the different roles that can be performed by the team members. The theory is based on three roles that are action oriented roles, people oriented and thought oriented roles. These roles are further segregated in three. By adopting this theory the particular role that an employee performs in a team can be seen (O'Neil, 2014). The action oriented role includes shaper, implementer and completer- finisher. The people come under the category of shaper are dynamic and extrovert people. People under this category are ready to face obstacles and challenges. Whereas, people under the category of implementer are the one who implement the plans and strategies into practical action. This kind of people are disciplined and believe in completing the work systematically. Another one is complete- finisher who examines the projects and eliminates the errors and omissions. Further, people oriented

Theory of Belbin

Illustration 1: Belbin's theory
(Source: Nilsson and Ellström, 2012)

Roles are explained in which three elements include. Coordinator is the one who helps other team members and guide them to perform a work. Whereas team worker are the one who supports the team and make sure the work of people is effectively done or not. Resource investigator is the one who is innovative and brings new ideas (Pillai and, 2012).

The last category is thought oriented roles in which again the three factors are included. They are plant,monitor- Evaluator and specialist. Where a person includes in the category of plant is the innovative person. They believe in working apart from the team.monitor- Evaluator makes strategic plans. Sometimes, they may become poor motivator. And the last one is specialist, people under the category are good at having specialised knowledge to complete the work.

3.2 Analyse team dynamics

Team dynamics can be defined as the process through which the behaviour of team members can be analysed. The performance of team can affect the whole task. To understand the concept of team dynamics, Tuckman's model can be taken into consideration. This model consists of four factors i.e., Forming, storming, Norming and performing. According to the following stages the behaviour of employees in team can be analysed.

1.Forming stage: the behaviour of team members are positive and polite. They do not have any idea about the work they need to perform. In this stage the role of team members are not clear. This stage remains for some time till the work.

2.Storming stage: This is the next step in which employees start crossing their boundaries of forming stage. In this stage there may a condition arises when people my create conflicts. Employees may work in their own way at their personal level. But after being a part of team it is important to take the thoughts together and implement them on one plan (Rao, 2014).

3.Norming stage: In this stage a perfect level of understanding is created among the team members. As a result, employees start to resolve their conflicts and differences. At this stage they are able to understand the perceptions and behaviour of each other. They started developing a good level of communication and understanding among the employees.

4.Performing stage: This is the final stage of Tuckman's theory in which the whole team work with one aim i.e. team goals. At this stage the chaos, conflicts and differences are removed. A leader can divide the amount of work according to the abilities of the employees.
The management of Travelodge can take the steps into consideration for understanding the team dynamics of their organization's team.

Model of Tuckman

Illustration 2: Tuckman's model
(Source: Rao, 2014)

3.3 Suggest alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals

The team goals can be achieved by adopting certain ways which would help the team leader to understand the alternatives. Mainly, there are three alternative ways to complete a task and achieve team goals.

They are mentioned below:

Setting standards: Setting team standards would help in accomplishing a task on time. The set standards will also help the team to evaluate and improve their performance. The evaluation of performance can be done by comparing the past performances with the present ones. It aids in creating competitive environment in a team which leads to improve in group and individual performance as well (Rosenberg, Heimler and Morote, 2012).

Communication: Communication is considered as the best way of expressing views and ideas. At different level of hierarchy different form of communication is required. In a team all the employees are equal. So, the form of communication can be used in a team is verbal. Proper interaction would help the team to express view and thoughts. It leads to removal of confusions and misinterpretation of thoughts. It is the duty of team member of Travelodge to conduct the verbal communication sessions. So that it will broaden the relationships of employees with each other.

Motivation: Motivation can be defined as the best tool to get work done by others. A team leader should focus on motivating its members so that their willingness towards work will tend to increase. The leader should give rewards and incentives that would enhance the morale of employees. Sometimes, the situation arises when one may feel boredom in that situation the leader makes sure to appreciate them. It will turn up the willingness and interest towards work.

Task 4

4.1 Evaluate tools and methods for developing solutions to problems

Problem can be explained as an act due to which one is facing difficulty in completing a task. Being a HR manager at Travelodge, I found my employees facing problems in the organization. I also face problems at the time of dealing people and tasks. It is not necessary that all the people have same point of view or perception. Thoughts of two persons may vary in a situation. In that condition an argument may arise which can become a big problem. At that time it becomes necessary to deal with the problem as soon as possible. To cope up with the conflicts and situation I follow some methods and steps that help me find a solution of any problem (Wang and Tsai, 2014).

Evaluate the problem: Analysis of the situation is important to find the actual reason behind any problem. Diagrams and flowcharts can be used to gain a better solution of any issue. It is necessary to writ the problem so that recalling again and again would help in finding the best alternative.

Generate alternative solution: It is crucial to think from all the corners of a problem. So that alternative solutions of a problem can be generated. Having more than one solution will enhance the weight age of final solution. It would make the half task easy in decision making.

Evaluate and select the alternatives: After generation of alternative solution it is time to evaluate the alternative by keeping in mind the interest of others. The final selection should not hamper the values of others and must be coloured.

Implementation: It is the last step of the process in which the plan and strategies are implemented. The most effective and suitable solution is taken as final solution of a given problem in the company (Goodling, 2011).

4.2 Develop a strategy for solving the problem of labour turnover in an organization

Labours are known to be the most required people in the organization. They do a lot of handwork and they are the base of an organization. The labour class of Travelodge includes room service people, dishwashers, waiters and watchman. It is the duty of the management to keep in minds the needs and demands of lower level. To resolve the problems the management can provide feedback form to the labours. Or a short meeting or session can be conducted with them. So that they can easily express their views and demands. It is necessary to take actions against the demands of the labours. They must feel satisfied while working in the organization.

The management must make sure the interest of employees is valued or not. By keeping in mind the above stated strategy the organization can solve the problem of labour turnover (Gündüz, 2008).

4.3 Evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy

A positive impact can be seen in the company by implementing the strategies. The major problem that an organization faces is labour turnover. If the stated strategies are followed by the company, the cost of training can be minimised (Finch and, 2013). However, the labour would stay in the firm for long which leads to gain in experience. Having the experience employees the company will not need to provide the training to new employees. Because the training can be give by the existing employees at the workplace only. It would decrease the cost of organization and as a result the company can increase its profits and revenues (Andrews and Russe

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