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The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activities


  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 28 / Words 6891
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/0491
  • Downloads: 1467

Question :

Managing project is an important for an organisation to achieve pre-determined goals and objectives by utilising limited resources. For this, different aspects are required to consider by the project manager. You are asked to determine each aspect that will require to execute desired project:

  • Concept of project management plan. Determine aims and objectives of project.
  • Produce project management plan consisting of different aspects such as scope, risk, resource, communication etc.
  • Produce work breakdown structure and Gantt chart.
  • Sources of data collection and its analysis to draw a valid conclusion.
  • Give appropriate recommendations.
  • Reflection

Answer :

Organization Selected : Thomas Cook Group PLC.

P1 Producing aim and objectives of the project for company

Operations management is an integral part of the management which helps business to achieve efficiency within stipulated time frame and also it is beneficial in resolving and carrying our complex business problems (Worcman and Garde-Hansen, 2016). It is the responsibility of operations department so as to enhance  overall operational activities in that manner by which maximum efficiency can be garnered by organisation. Digital technology is advancement in today's scenario which has paved the way for better management operations and accomplishing tasks quite effectually (2018). Combination of digitisation and operations management have effectively boosted performance of company. Thomas Cook Group PLC which is engaged Sin hospitality sector has efficient operations management actively engaged to simplify complex issues by deploying digital technology. Machines are helping human to reduce their efforts and complexity is resolved by developing mathematical algorithms. However, to handle the same, human efforts are required so as to personalised with new features aided by digital technology.

Project Aim:

“To ascertain the influence of digital technology on operation management in hospitality sector- A study on Thomas Cook Group PLC.”

Project Objectives:

  • To understand the concept of operations management in context of hospitality sector.
  • To identify relationship between digital technology and operations management.
  • To ascertain the influence of digital technologies on operation management in Thomas Cook Group PLC.
  • To recommend strategies for improvement in application of digital technologies in operations management at Thomas Cook Group PLC.

P2 Preparing project management plan by taking  into consideration various elements

Project cost-

The project should be within costs which are budgeted for it so that no over expenditures can take place. Cost stipulated for this project is £15000 required for meeting project. In relation to this, budgeted Cost sheet is being prepared-



Materials to be purchased


Attaining software license


Database licensing


Machinery expenses


Cost of labour


Server expenditures


Networking expenses


Cost of stationary


Travelling expenditures


Cost for receiving secondary sources




 Project scope-

The project scope is being achieved by assessing digital technology on operations management of Thomas Cook Group PLC. In addition to this, employees' of firm are included and questionnaire will be deployed to 50 employees'.

Project time-

Time is the main element in each and every project of organisation. All the listed tasks and activities are to be completed within time frame. Gantt chart and Work breakdown structure both are produced showing that 51 days will be needed for project completion.

Project quality-

Qualitative factor is required to be ascertained in a better way. For accomplishing this, data and related statistics are needed by which research can be achieved or in simple words, outcome can be attained. Moreover, primary and secondary data are taken for aiding research objective.

Project risk-

Risks are part of project and operational tasks of organisation are highly affected by the same. Moreover, risk evolves because of lack of time and resources. It might occur in business as it is not certain regarding its happening or non-happening.

Project resources-

Resources are needed so as to achieve research aim and objectives in timely manner. For this, scholar has taken human, financial and technical resources for effectively attaining conclusion and all this would be possible because of digitised advancement.

Project communication plan-

Sr. No







Status update about ongoing project



Members and stakeholders

Progress regarding research would be evaluated


Communicating action plan and follow-up

Conducting meeting

Alternate days

Entire team of action plan

Steps for task completion


Research problem



Members and stakeholders

Issues to be assessed


Analysing use of budget

Group Discussion (GD)

Once in a month

Members and stakeholders

Discussion on expenses made


Analysing risk and update of the same

Email and  meeting


 Project Manager

Approval by Project Manager

Project scope statement-

The scope statement is helpful in allocating duties to employees which would lead to completion of project with ease. Below is listed project management plan highlighting activities to be conducted for overall completion.

Project Management Plan

Task Name





Resource Names


Actual Cost


Research topic selection

2 days








Initiating and implementing problem statement

4 days








Review of the literature

6 days








Devising and attaining deadlines and schedules

5 days








Selecting methods of research

8 days




Books and journals, articles from internet




Analysing collected data

7 days








Representing the data

4 days




Project management




Evaluating outcomes and findings

5 days








Conclusion and recommendations

2 days








Reflecting on chosen methods' effectiveness

2 days








Documenting attained outcomes

3 days




Technical and human resources




Closure of project

2 days








Final Submission of report

1 day








P3 Preparing Work Breakdown Structure and Gantt Chart for the project

M1 Producing comprehensive project management plan and monitoring aims and objectives of project

Project management plan is being carried out in effective manner and all milestones could be achieved as highlighted by activities listed in Gantt chart. Overall project will be accomplished in 51 days by taking into account time constraints and other related aspects.


P4 Conducting  small-scale research by deploying qualitative and quantitative techniques

1. Research Design-

Design is an important part of research as it guides schema of entire project requiring to be completed within stipulated time. In other words, it is called as blue-print before conducting research and scholar is benefited regarding how to achieve to well-structured project sticking to aim and objectives enlisted. It will help to attain and analyse various problems which needs to be answered and carrying out research. There are several types of research design namely exploratory descriptive and experimental design. In this scenario, exploratory design will be used so as to ascertain characteristics of population and attaining useful insight about research and conclude the same (Pagani and Pardo, 2017).  Scholar will use descriptive research design where he will depict the current sceanrio of the problem which has been chosen.

2. Research Philosophy-

It is the research which will be conducted in relation to the belief or attitude adopted by researcher in carrying out research with listed objective. It will guide on how data will be accumulated and analysed so as to use for research purpose in the best possible way. There are various types of research philosophy such as pragmatism, positivism, realism and interpretivism approach which can be used best suitable for the purpose.  In present research, scholar has adopted interpretivism philosophy. This will help in interpreting collected data and as a result, particular theory would be accomplished, which will be outcome of research problem formulated. Hence, it will be suitable for the company so as to attain research by effectively interpreting data with ease. Interpretvism philosophy will be used by scholar in which he will interpret the information derived from various sources.

3. Research Approach-

Research approach is technically referred to channelise or provide correct direction to the  research for completing the same and attain outcome. Basically, research approaches are inductive and deductive. Both methods should be used in accordance to underlying purpose. In this research, inductive approach will be used so as to interpret data in the best possible manner and then reach at the outcome. Conclusion can be accomplished by formulating theory which would be extracted from outcomes or findings of research. Deductive approach is out of the purview because it does not consider statistical data analysis for reaching towards outcome. This will help scholar to achieve aim of project in that manner which will be helpful in reaching out to constructive conclusion regarding research (Heintzman, 2016). Scholar will use inductive approach in which he will  formualte theroes upno the informatuon which he will derive from other sources.

4. Data collection-

It is required that data should be collected in that manner which could serve for the purpose in the best possible way. It is needed that research aim should be in relation to data collection as without adherence to the same, outcome cannot be accomplished quite effectually. In this process, secondary source and primary source both are collected so as to come to conclusion within timely manner. However, primary data is used to explore impact of digital technology on the operations management of Thomas Cook Group PLC. The questionnaires is circulated to 50 employees' of organisation which are sample of entire employees of company. This aids in taking responses from the selected sample and carrying out results of research. It will be collected through various sources such as primary and secondary. In primary he will derive data through surveys by forming questionairre.

5. Data Analysis-

Mere collection of data does not serve for the purpose as it is required to analyse the same and then meeting out of conclusion in effective manner (Davcik and Sharma, 2015). This is essentially needed so that valid outcomes may be achieved and project can be finish-off in time. Basically, techniques for analysing data are quantitative and qualitative. Both can be used to analyse results of research in effective way. Particularly, qualitative technique is being utilized and thematic analysis has been conducted to carry out research. Themes are used to assess the responses of employees' and are supported through pictorial representation, tables for evaluating with ease. Thematic analysis will be used for depicting several information provided through varios sources.

M2 Evaluating the accuracy and reliability of research methods applied in the project


P5 Analysis of research  and data using appropriate tools and techniques

Data analysis is accomplished by scholar for transformation of data in to a specific information in order to draw valid conclusion and outcomes of research. In this study scholar, Questionnaire has been made by scholar for collection of data from selected 50 employees of Thomas Cook PLC. This aids in analysing the influence of digital technology in management of operations.




Q1. Does your organisation have implemented digital technologies in operations departments.

  •  Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  •  Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Q2. Extent to which operations management activities are influenced by utilization digital technology?

  • High
  • Limited
  • Low
  • No


Q3. Which important digital technology is mainly used by company to manage its operations?

  • Digital software
  • Cloud computing
  • Mobile
  • Online portal

Q4. Does the productivity of Thomas Cook is increased after implementation of digital technology?

  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree


Q5. Are your satisfied with implementation of digital technologies in managing operations?

  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Q6. Which is important facility has influenced and increased customers of Thomas Cook group PLC?

  • E Booking
  • Mobile Applications
  • Online Payment
  • Information portal


Q7. Is your organisation provide focus on increasing employees competencies to improve operations?

  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree


Q8. Which provide you have faced in utilization of digital technologies ?

  • Lack of knowledge
  • Complexity
  • Time constraints
  • Training


Q9. Do you think that digital technologies have increased competencies of organisation to manage and expand its operations across countries?

  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree


Provide your suggestion towards improvement in application of digital technologies at Thomas Cook Group PLC.


 Theme 1: Thomas Cook has implemented digital technologies in operations departments.


Does your organisation have implemented digital technologies for operations management.




Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree




Interpretation: Survey is conducted by scholar for analysing whether company has implemented digital technologies in operations department or not. From the sample size of 50 respondents, 20  respondents are “Agree”  and 10 are strongly “Agree” as they feel that Thomas Cook has implemented digital technologies for operations management.  Further, 15 employees are “Disagree” and 5 are “strongly disagree” with the statement. Hence, it can be said that Thomas Cook Group PLC has implemented digital technologies for operations management. 

 Theme 2: operations management activities are “Highly” influenced by utilization digital technology

Extent to which operations management activities are influenced by utilization digital technology?












Interpretation: Above table provides understanding that 25 respondents stated that operation management activities as “highly” influenced by use of digital technology. 10 respondents stated that it provide “limited”  impact on activities. However, 10 respondents have stated “Low” and 5 viewed that there is “No” influence of digital technology on activities. Hence, It is classified that operation management activities are “Highly” influenced by utilization digital technology 

Theme 3: Online portal is mainly used by Thomas Cook to manage its operations


Which important digital technology is mainly used by company to manage its operations?


Digital software


Cloud computing




Online portal




Interpretation: From the survey on 50 employees, it is analysed that 10 respondents stated Digital Software, 15 stated “ cloud computing”, 5 stated Mobile application and 20 employees are agreed with “Online Portal”.  From the above analysis, It is clear that online portal is mainly used by organisation to manage its business operations. 

Theme 4: Productivity of Thomas Cook is increased after implementation of digital technology

Does the productivity of Thomas Cook is increased after implementation of digital technology?




Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree




Interpretation: Above analysis provides clear understanding that productivity of Thomas Cook have been increased after implementation of digital.  As 20 out 50 respondents are Agree, 15 are “strongly Agree”, 10 are “Disagree” whereas 5 are “Strongly Disagree”

Theme 5: Employees in Thomas Cook are Satisfied with use of digital technologies in operations management

Are your satisfied with implementation of digital technologies in managing operations?




Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree




Interpretation: Above questionnaire Survey provide information that Employees are Satisfied with the implementation of digital technologies in managing operations. As 30 employees are “Agree”, 5 are Strongly Agree, 10 respondents are “ Disagree” and 5 are “Strongly disgaree”. Hence, it can be sated employees in Thomas Cook are Satisfied with use of digital technologies in operations management.

 Theme 6: Booking facility has influenced and increased customers of Thomas Cook group PLC

Which is important facility has influenced and increased customers of Thomas Cook group PLC?


E Booking


Mobile Applications


Online Payment


Information portal




Analysis: In this researcher, Scholar has used questionnaire to conduct survey of 50 employees at Thomas Cook. 25 respondents viewed that E Booking facility influence customers. 10 stated this  for Mobile Application, 5 stated this for online Payment whereas 10 stated this for information portal. Therefore, it can be stated that E Booking facility influence and increased customer of organisation.

Theme 7 Thomas Cook provide focus on increasing employees competencies to improve operations.

Is your organisation provide focus on increasing employees competencies to improve operations?




Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree




 Interpretation: It can be interpreted from the above chart that organisation do not focus on providing or improving upon employees so as to make them efficient and increase their competencies as 20 out of 50 workers disagree with the fact. While, 15 of them agree and rest disagree.


Theme 8: Complexity was the problem which employees have faced in utilization of digital technologies

Which problem you have faced in utilization of digital technologies ?


Lack of knowledge




Time constraints






 Interpretation: It can be analysed from the chart that mostly employees face difficulties in using digital technologies is complexity related to it. 15 of respondents believe they have lack of knowledge and 10 believe due to time constraint and 5 face issues due to lack of training.

Theme 9: digital technologies have increased competencies of organisation to manage and expand its operations across countries

 Do you think that digital technologies have increased competencies of organisation to manage and expand its operations across countries?




Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree




Interpretation: It can be interpreted from the chart that 25 employees' strongly agree with the fact that digital technologies have increased competencies of organisation to manage and expand its operations globally. On the other hand, 10 respondents agrees and rest disagrees with the fact.

Analysis- It can be analysed that digital-technologies are pretty much helpful in attaining operational efficiency as it is highlighted by above thematic analysis carried out in the best possible manner. It has channelised efficiency in operations management and thus, it has been fruitful for Thomas Cook Group PLC.

P6 Communicating appropriate recommendations and conclusions

Hereby it can be concluded from the above research that impact of digital technology on the business activity prevails in attaining particularly efficiency in operations management. It can be assessed that it is equally applicable in hospitality sector to effectively garner efficiency as  Thomas Cook Group PLC has deployed digital technologies for achieving quality and providing speedy services to customers with much ease. This organisation has been satisfying customers since its inception and it is also clarified by primary data collected from employees which highlights that they are equally satisfied by company. It has been surveyed by making themes that employees feel complexity is main issue which they face while using digital technologies. It is required that proper training must be provided to the employees so that operations managed in a better way.

In addition to this, it can be recommended that adequate training may be provided to the workers so as to enhance their efficiency and particularly, issues faced by them due to complexity could be resolved up to a high extent. Furthermore, it can be identified that productivity of workers needs to be enhanced so that daily operational activities may be injected in effectual manner. This will have positive effect on the company as productivity would be increased and firm may be able to multiply profits in shortest possible way. Moreover, it is recommended that official website should be loaded with additional features so that firm can effectively attain booking on online basis and as such, sales of  Thomas Cook Group PLC would be effectively maximised to great heights.

Furthermore, it has been analysed that global reach has to be increased and which could be possible with the help of digital technologies and as a result, it is required that firm could be able to meet out sales and eventually income may be increased quite effectually. Moreover, it would be beneficial for the organisation as profitability position can be increased in a better way. Hence, it can be said that digital technologies are important and has impact on business activities.

P7 Reflecting about own performance undertaken in completing research

Above research has been successfully carried out with listed aim and objectives in effective manner. I have been able to grab knowledge regarding the purview of research project which was to analyse impact of digital technology on the business activities and as such, it is being analysed that digitisation plays crucial role in the company in carrying out operational activities. The project strictly describes that scholar should posses skills, abilities and competencies to effectively extract research in the best possible manner. Furthermore, I have learnt all the relevant skills which are needed to perform and is required that performance should be enhanced in carrying out research quite effectually. Moreover, it is essentially needed that cause and effect relationship should be evaluated. In relation to this, I have been able to assess that digital technology is helpful for  Thomas Cook Group PLC so as to attain efficiency in managing operations with ease.

Read more: Management and Operations - Morrison Supermarkets PLC

Objective of current topic is used to analyse whether digitisation is beneficial for the firm or not and assessing its impact on business activities. Interpretivism philosophy is being used in the research by me which facts and all related data has been evaluated and outcome of research is achieved as well. Exploratory design is being used by me and as such, to carry out research outcome in the best possible way. Quantitative method is also used and I'm able to finish-off entire project in stipulated time. Moreover, I'm able to focus on research more effectively and will be able to carry out future research projects in effectual way.

M3 Evaluating selection of appropriate tools and techniques

Performance Review

Rank to own performance

  • Exceptional performance
  • More than expected
  • Meeting expectation
  • Partially expected

Rank to quality of work

  • 1= Impressive
  • 2= Good
  • 3=Average
  • 4=poor

Communication skills enhancement

  • Yes
  • No

Learnt about research methodologies

  • Yes
  • No

M4 Evaluating the value of the project management process

Performance Review

Project management process is met with conclusion

  • Yes
  • No

Meeting qualitative aspect of project

  • Yes
  • No
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