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Project Management and Professional Development Activities

University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 3 / Words 650
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: CIS5675
  • Downloads: 1066
Organization Selected : Royal Brunei Airline


Graduate attributes are the high level qualities and skills which a students need to develop within themselves by engaging interacting with other students and engaging in learning activities in universities. Present report will help the students to understand three graduate attributes and the activities performed that help in improving that skills.

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Graduate attributes have the potential to enhance and outshines the knowledge in which they were originally acquired (Oliver and Jorre de St Jorre, 2018). The three main graduate attributes that are important for final year students are:


It is one of the most important skills for every students whether in final or doing masters. Changing career and increasing competition in the colleges and workplace makes it important for students to increase and improve their communication skills. A students can well develop their communication skills when they listen, understand and convey their ideas and issues in an appropriate way (Hoosain and Sinha, 2018). There are certain activities which can help the students increasing their communication attributes and skills. The activities that a students can done to improve their communication are:

  • Use technology: technology can be a great source from which a students can improve his communication skills. Students can listen to different audiobooks to learn how speakers pronounces the words or phrases. The students can in-act and done self assessment for speaking and self- assessment to increase their communication skills.
  • Reinforce active listening: communication is not just about speaking, its also about active listening. Students can attend seminars and conference to listen the session and reflect on to the content (Bridgstock, 2012). Active listening also means listening to understand rather than replying. Students can reinforce good listening power by asking and clarifying the questions by themselves.
  • Offer reflective learning opportunities: working on a short group discussion can encourage the students to work on their communication skills. Students can practise their oral performance by speaking in short group. It can help in resolving their fear of communicating in front of everyone.

Problem-solving skills:

Educating the students about the problem solving skills can be done through various activities by students. The ability to analyse a problem and get all the facts regarding the problems and preparing a workable solution is one of the most student that a high level students should have (Hager and Holland, 2012). There are many activities through which a student can enhance its problem solving skills.

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  • Case-study and researches: solving case study and researches can increase the problem solving power of students. It helps them to analyse various situation and assist to finf a solution from their own point of view.
  • Foster critical thinking: a task based method that will help in increasing the problem solving skills is through critical thinking exercise. It can be done verbally or through written assignments that can help students to think critical in solving the questions by thinking creatively.
  • Active games: playing problem-solving or puzzles games can help in boosting the brain and thinking capability to solve a problem. A student can apply it in realistic strategic thinking solution.

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By summing up the above report, it can be analysed that graduate attributes are important for high level students to develop the graduate attributes in themselves. The above report concluded the attributes and the activities that helps in improving that.

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