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Customer Engagement Services - Leon Restaurant

University: laureate international universities

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3920
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: BIZ104
  • Downloads: 1054
Organization Selected : Leon Restaurant


Management of customer experience is defined as the interaction of an individual with the organisation In other words it refers as the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of customer by the services which they used or experienced. Customer experience is enhanced or managed by the organisation through providing them effective quality in services. The present report is based on Leon restaurant. It is a Multinational fast food restaurant which was founded in 2004 and based in London. Present assignment will discuss about the importance of needs wants and preference of targeted customers. This report also covers the affect on customer engagement services. For increasing customers a customer map will be created. Influence of the digital technologies on the Customer relationship management and management of customer experience will also discussed in this report.

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P1 Value and importance of understanding the needs, wants and preference of target customer groups

The targetted customers of Leon restaurant are primary school children, business men and handicapped customers. Their customers are belonging from different category so, their needs, wants and preferences are also differ which can be further understood by as following:

Needs are primary requirement of a customer through which they feels satisfaction. The requirement of school children is localized food that can be easily provided by the Leon. Characteristics are defined as a feature of a product that is uses for attracting customers. School children's characteristics are humorous along with entertaining and tasty food as they are in child age and not understand about their health (Bourne,2011). So, staff members of Leon have to manage this customers by providing healthy and hygiene food. If they are not satisfied with the services it will gave wrong impact on the image of restaurant. Now the time for wants, wants of this type customers may be localised food because they like to eat noodles and burgers. Therefore, they can select easily in among of them. When their wants would be fulfilled then their preference will be come in effect. As they are school children they should be prefer burger, So that Leon's staff have to ready for this type of customers.

Business persons are the another targeted customers in Leon restaurant. As they are involved in business activities therefore, they have less time for performing their activities. These type of customers have also some needs and wants. Their needs may be a a proper place along with all facilities such as power supply and internet connection, where they can easily conduct their business meetings with a healthy food. Their wants may be a huge sitting area through which they can easily operate their functions. When their needs and wants would be fulfilled their preference may be a hygienic food. These are the need want and preferences of business persons that can be managed by Leon in order to enhancing customers experience.

Handicapped customers have also some type of requirements from the restaurant. The requirements of these type customers are a healthy food which contains low calories and high nutrition. The characteristics of these customers are, they want an environment that includes an educated staff members who may not perform fool activities on their conditions. The wants of this customers would be an atmosphere therefore, they can feel comfortable. Their preference may be the menu of restaurant that should be in Braille so that, blind and dumb persons easily read and orders the food as per their requirement (Nysveen, 2014). These are the type of needs preference and wants of disabled persons which can be easily managed by staff of Leon restaurant so that, organisation can take growth and sustainability.

Leon restaurant have to manage their services for attracting these type of customers in future. Due to this, they can easily increase the customer experience and get satisfaction from them. It will also provide a healthy relationship with the customers through which restaurant will improve their brand image in marketplace.

P2 Different factors which drive and influence customer engagement of different target customers group

There are different type of factors that affects the engagement of customers in restaurant. Leon have to concentrate on these factors for improving the customer's experience. There are some kind of factors which can influenced the targetted customers of Leon. They can further understood by as following:

School children are the customer whose primary requirement is an atmosphere that includes various elements such as games, quiz and many more. Management of Leon have to focus on these factors because it may gave a wrong impact on the brand image of restaurant. On the other hand, they have also focused on the delicious food which is provided to the child because it is also their primary need. If their needs may not fulfilled by the Leon it gave wrong influence in the customer.

Business men are the customers who wants to perform their activities in a suitable environment. So their requirement would be a location where they easily organise their meetings and after meeting they can easily get food. There are some factors which have to considered by the management of Leon, such as proper facility of electric and internet in the meeting lounge so that, business meeting will be easily organised in the atmosphere of Leon. They have also focus on managing peaceful environment for such type of customers in order to getting satisfaction from them.

There are some elements which can affect the brand image of Leon while providing services to handicapped customers such as hygiene quality in food, well educated staff. Because primary requirement of these customers are healthy food which contains less calories and a peaceful environment as they are disable. They also requires a well educated employees in the restaurant so that, they will not face foolish activities. These are some elements in that management of Leon have to focus (Pomirleanu, 2016). They will improve their services by providing healthier environment to them.

With consideration of above elements Leon will improve their services and would be able in creating a brand image in customer's mind. For improvement of services they can take feedbacks from their customers due to this, a huge satisfaction will be provided to the customers and achieve loyalty for future period of time.


P3 Create a customer experience map for the Leon restaurant.

There are various elements through which experience map of customers can be created in Leon restaurant they are briefly explained as following:

Website- It is the first part of experience map because in it, first interaction is created by the organisation with the customers. So that, it should be proper because it makes the positive experience in the mind of customer about the organisation. The photos and content of website which is shown on website of organisation should be real so that, customers will easily attract towards the firm. On the other hand, website should be maintained on the regular basis so customer will create a positive image of organisation in their mind.

Telephone- In this part of customer experience map, when customer is attracted towards the services of organisation. They will make a call to the organisation for taking more informations so, it is the obligation to receptionist of organisation that they have to provide all information to the customers which they requires. In these informations contains various details such as about the services of restaurant along with price of them, availability of catering services etc. therefore, receptionist should talk politely on the call due to which, customer will attract towards the restaurant premises.

Review sites- Every organisation have to maintain their services so that, they will get effective outcomes from their customers. In addition to this, hospitality industry provide various services to their customers such as food, healthy atmosphere, comfortable living rooms and many more. Therefore, all the services which are offered to customers should contains standard so that, customers will gave right reviews of their experience. For this, it is prior responsibility of Leon's staff to gave quality services to their customers due to which, their visitor will provide good response on their website ( Chakravorti, 2011).

Restaurant environment- It is a crucial factor which plays an important role in making customer experience map. So that, atmosphere of restaurant should be effective because when visitors visit at their restaurant they feel comfortable. Through managing a healthy atmosphere in the Leon, a pursuant information will delivered to their customers due to which, more number of customers will attracted towards the restaurant.

Staff of restaurant- In hospitality industry, it is essential to provide quality in services to the clients which can be possible by the energetic staff. As, they are represents the organisation so, they have responsibility to making good image of firm in front of customers. Therefore, Leon restaurant should recruit skilled and well experienced employees in order to providing good experience to their customers.

E- Mails- It can be defined as a source by which an organisation can easily delivers their informations to their customers. Management of Leon have to provide attractive messages to customers which contains optic catching pictures of the restaurant. It will provide assistance to management in acquiring attention of customers.

P4 Evaluation of customer touch points throughout the customer experience which created business opportunities

Touch point is the way in which customers interacts with an organisation it may be on website, emails and many other factors of communication. In addition to this, it is the method of communication that creates positive or negative perception of a customer about the firm. Touch points are the important part of customer experience. There are various touch points through which experience of customer is influenced. They are briefly explained as below:

Website- It is the first part of touchpoint of customers, as they are willing to get information about the products and services of restaurant. The Information of the restaurant should provided on the website so that customer attracts towards the services of organisation. The details which are shown on website should be clear and true. If customer will not attract from the content of website they should not visit the hotel. Therefore, management of Leon have to maintain their website in order to getting more business opportunities.

Telephone- It is another essential aspect of customer's touch-point through which customer get knowledge about the services of organisation. In this part, customer makes a call in the restaurant for taking more informations of the organisation. If the customer will not get satisfaction from the information they will not visit in the restaurant (Yagil,2012). Therefore, the receptionist of Leon should provide all the informations which is required by the customers. It will surely increases the more number of customers in the restaurant.

Restaurant staff- It is also an essential touch-point of customers in it, the working employee's behaviour is concentrated. If the staff members will not behaved politely with the customers it will bring dissatisfaction into them. So that, management of Leon have to improve their quality in services and provide training to the employees which brings skills and strength in the employees. It will be helpful in getting satisfaction from the customers.

Management of Restaurant- Leon have a good brand image in the market place which helps management in grabbing customer towards restaurant. But there are some elements that can influence the attractiveness of customers such as delay in services, bad quality of food. Therefore, management of Leon have to considered on these factors so that, they will get the growth and sustainability in marketplace.


P5 Examining digital technology which employed in managing the customer experience within the service sector, providing specific example of customer relationship management systems

Customer relationship management (CRM)

It is a theory of management which is based on the experience of customer and provide assistance to management in improvement of services within the organisation. By the help of CRM management can improve their facilities through adopting new techniques, plans and strategies. A proper data is collected of customer's experience in Leon. Therefore, management of Leon can easily get the better results and solve the upcoming issues in effective manner (Kline, 2013). This procedures provide help to restaurant in improvement of customer experience and they will easily achieve competitive advantage in marketplace.

Who is created the presentation for the company ?

The name of the company who is created the presentation is The Green Hospitality. Which engages in web developing business.

What is the name of person who is created the presentation for organisation ?

Bryan Smith is the name of presentation creator.

Which is the operating system is used in development of presentation ?

Linux is the operating system.

What are the essential element of their programmes ?

Their programmes are included various elements such as operning and booking of a table, Book my, Table reservations. It is basically used by three or five star hotels.

Name the Hospitality industries where they provided their services ?

Hilton Hotel, Logan food, Hotel Marriott, Inter-continental Hotel group.

How long have they been in business ?

Linux is performing their activities from 1991 and The Green Hospitality is performing its activities since 2013.

How can company develop their future through these programmes?

These programmes provide opportunities for getting growth and sustainability in the market place. And they will also expand their business through making new relations with their customers.


P6 Illustrate customer service strategies in a specific service sector context

In Hospitality Industries, services are the necessary part which assists management in attracting more number of customers. Effective quality in services improves the brand image of organisation. In present scenario, there is a huge competition in the service industry so it is essential for organisation to provide quality services or better facilities to their customers in order to getting more number of customers. It provide assistance to management in getting loyal customers in the firm. Management of Leon have to implement some specific strategies so that they improve their customer experience. There are some type of strategies which can be adopted by Leon for improvement in customer's experience they are as follows:

Follow Up Post Booking: customer's service is started when they enters in the restaurant or book a table for eating food. Therefore, management of Restaurant should focus on the requirement of customer which may be atmosphere of the restaurant, dinner with wine and many more. It enhance the satisfaction of customers (Merrilees, 2015.).

Offering technology that require: Hospitality industry is based on the customer satisfaction. If they are not satisfied with the services they will not visit in the hospitality industry. So it is necessary to every organisation to fulfil their requirements. There are various sources of technologies which can be provided to customers in order to getting positive response from them. These technologies contains free Wi-Fi in the environment of restaurant, video games facilities for the children and many more.

Trained staff to read guest: Management of Leon have to consider the requirement of customers. So that, they easily provide the facilities to customers as per their needs. It is essential for staff members who are working in the Leon from many years. Who are new in the restaurant a training programme is provided to them so that, they can easily predict the need of guests and provide services according to their need.

P7. Demonstration of customer service strategies which create and develop the customer experience in a way that meet the needs of customers and required business standards.

Customer Audit Trail, Critical Observations:

Name of the restaurant visited

Leon Restaurant

Date and time of visit:

30th November, 2018

Ambience and First Impressions:

Positive things observed by me during the visit

Negative things observed by me during the visit

Changes that I would do if this is my restaurant?

The outside environment of restaurant was quite good. Lighting and sound system were attractive in nature (Biemans, 2018.).

The staff behave was not good with their customers.

If I was the owner of this restaurant I will trained my employees so that, they will behave politely with the customers.

Signage, Tariff Boards, Labelling, etc.:

Positive things observed by me during the visit

Negative things observed by me during the visit

Changes that I would do if this is my restaurant?

There are various signage such as lift service, control rooms were available in the restaurant

The menu card was not proper as it not contains the price value of product which is offered by the restaurant.

I will create a menu card which contains the all details of price with pictures on it.


Positive things observed by me during the visit

Negative things observed by me during the visit

Changes that I would do if this is my restaurant?

The food quality is better along with affordable price.

Wash rooms were not clean in the restaurant.

I will consider the issues which were faces by the customers and providing them value of money to them.

Range of Products:

Positive things observed by me during the visit

Negative things observed by me during the visit

Changes that I would do if this is my restaurant?

They are offering a variety of products and providing technologies to customers such as Wi-Fi, video game for children.

The video games were old fashioned (Bourne, 2011).

In order to improvement in quality, I will maintain game facilities for the children.


Positive things observed by me during the visit

Negative things observed by me during the visit

Changes that I would do if this is my restaurant?

Well educated and experienced staff members were available in the restaurant.

There are some low experienced employees in the staff of restaurant therefore they can't provide service to customers in effective manner.

I will provide a training programmes to the less experienced employees so that, their skills and efficiency will be improved.


Positive things observed by me during the visit

Negative things observed by me during the visit

Changes that I would do if this is my restaurant?

Effective services are provided by the staff members in given time.

Air condition services of restaurant were not good.

I will call the maintenance staff and manage the air conditioning services in order to getting customer's satisfaction.

Supplementary Items:

Positive things observed by me during the visit

Negative things observed by me during the visit

Changes that I would do if this is my restaurant?

Behaviour of receptionist was quite good and they has ability to build relations with anyone in sometime.

The parking facility was not good.

I will maintained the parking facility in order to getting more number of customers.


Positive things observed by me during the visit

Negative things observed by me during the visit

Changes that I would do if this is my restaurant?

Restaurant accepts payments by credit cards and cash.

Their card swipe machines were taking a huge time.

I would repair the swipe machines or purchase new machines for payments (Pomirleanu, 2016).

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It has been concluded from the above report that management of customer experience is very essential for the organisation. Because it provide assistance to firm in enhancing of revenues. It also increases number of customers in the firm. For delivering information various factors are adopted by the restaurant such as electronic mails, website and messages. Implementation of digital technologies are also improved the services in the restaurant through which they are attracted towards organisation. A customer experience table is created for solving the upcoming issues in the restaurant. There are number of strategies are created for getting improvement in services.

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