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Implementing Digital Technology - Apple Guest House

University: Loughborough University London

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 32 / Words 8018
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MGT4009
  • Downloads: 1380
Organization Selected : Apple Guest House



In this present project researcher would be focusing on what effect digital technology is having on business activities especially that of SME like that of Apple guest house in UK. Digital technology is very much essential for carrying out all activities of company which is making them achieve their desired targets and satisfying the customers by giving them the best form of services. Digitalization is that part which is helping into modification of working and profits of company as well which having deliberate use of innovation into operations of firm. So researcher would be studying impact, issues and barriers and the how digital technology would be implemented within firm.

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Aim and Objectives

Aim: To analysis impact of digital technology on business activity in SME – A case study on Apple Guest House.


  • To evaluate different stages in regard to technological changes of Apple Guest House.
  • To identify issues and barriers that impacts the integration of technology within business.
  • To understand the technological developments and their relationship with company operations.
  • To determine stakeholder’s engagement with implementation of digital technology in business.


  • Which kind of stages are essential for technological changes of Apple Guest House?
  • What kind of issues and barriers impacts the integration of technology within business?
  • How technological developments are being promoted and how they are related with company operations?
  • How stakeholders engage with implementation of digital technology in business?
  • Which methods can advance technological application within organisation to enhance work effectiveness?


Business firms are effectively focused towards long term development in regard to technological values. By having an application of such measures, the issues in terms of sustainability can be resolved. It assists in meeting objectives and lead to impressive level of success. It allows to have better productivity and cost control. It means the overall process need to be advanced at great context so that better technological applications can be taken into account (Canzer, 2016). Specialized help and client administrations are principle two capacities that helps to create successful outcomes at working environment. Next to this, independent venture undertaking has chances to utilize web promotion and reach towards the market and clients with deliberately set flags. We also have Employee Retention for Company Success - Milestone sample paper that could be helpful.

Digital change is the powerful viewpoint that helps to achieve targets and destinations. At work environment, there are diverse components incorporated that helps to energize individuals for achieve objectives and targets. As per the view of Bruce and Ho (2009), it incorporates a few components that helps to determine procedure of the advanced change, for example, nothing new, present and dynamic, formalized, key, joined and creative and versatile viewpoint. What's more, the same old thing includes exercises that works by the venture with natural heritage point of view to the clients, forms, plans of action, and so on. Along these lines, it stays for the arrangement in computerized pertinence. It is the most ideal approach to achieve objectives and targets that are decides through particular point.

According to Bruno (2012), there are a few difficulties exists which make effect on the business condition. With this respect, there are a few components actualized which helps to make viable outcomes in organizations. In the first-place challenge along these lines decides is proficient advancement. This test faces by the endeavour due to absence of satisfactory characteristics that are required in representatives of the business. In this way, it comprises utilization of the particular innovation to coordinate new capacities in the business. Canzer (2016) said that it demonstrates that outcomes will be created with new speculation which will likewise create process for advancing and all the more captivating the clients. It is the most ideal route for find out target showcase for advancement of the association.

Furthermore, at working environment of Apple Guest House, protection from change is another test happens that make effect on its capacities and tasks. With this viewpoint, specialist recognized that make powerful capacities for expected set of responsibilities. There are a few zones in which business will find out successful outcomes at work environment. According to Jackson (2015), new models likewise creates at work environment that decides compelling rivalry with conventional perspectives in business. Along these lines, establishment helps to make viability in the endeavour. Necessities of the consideration is required at work environment with the goal that results will be finished in methodical way. Computerized innovation makes successful capacities and activities that has a few focal points to determine target showcase. It is vital to characterized capacity for successful specialized devices. It is the most ideal approach to influence coordinate with various capacities and tasks to access to and incorporate data towards the business. Morteza, (2011) has contended that digital innovation assumes fundamental part in the achievement of the association that influence colossal gathering of data and information for achieve general to assignment. In the computerized proficiency, capacity likewise performed to oversee, coordinate and assess the capacities for society. Execution of the fruitful approach handle a few dangers in the specialty unit for advancements change.

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Digital innovation additionally expanding for a few people that make victories in the business venture. With this respect, global difficulties additionally connote with methodologies to take care of issues. Ng (2005) has stated that education and advanced correspondence additionally helps to ensure that objectives likewise set for find out viability in the specialty unit. For providing food successful data and destinations, advanced innovation additionally helps to increase better comprehension of the necessities and issues. Conveying reasonable administrations likewise helps to increase better commitment of people with a few web sources in alluring way. Thusly, it likewise conveys worldwide arrangement objectives that help to defeat the issues and issues. There are a few components exists, for example, absence of enthusiasm for request to accessible of the innovation.

According to Bruce and Ho (2009), partners are taking vital interest to achieve the destinations and objectives. With this respect, advancement of the business will be keep up in methodical way to draw in a few people in it. There are a few stages will be taken that make important access for proposes destinations and objectives. Web-based social networking is the fundamental component that make commitment of the association to convey new openings and objectives. In such manner, normal intrigue will be recognized for coordination and mediation in the business condition. Also, Bruno (2012), stated that at picked business condition there are a few terms and conditions will be suggested that make powerful outcomes in the association. With the assistance of infer recommendation solid base of client will be made that create adequacy. Corporation and stakeholders has effective relationship to identify forms and outcomes with online publications. Therefore, consumer segmentations also ascertain to conduct present research


Research Strategy

It is a standout amongst the most vital section in the examination approach, when the analyst is choosing the exploration technique, at that point it is critical for him or her to choose the fitting one with the goal that information can be gathered and broke down appropriately. Based on examine procedure, every one of the kinds of research system is reliant. It causes the analyst to gather the pertinent information of the examination keeping in mind the end goal to lead examination appropriately (Bak, 2011). There are two noteworthy kinds of research technique that are subjective and quantitative. Choice of research philosophy is subject to the point and destinations of the exploration. Of the examination. In this strategy profound investigation is made by the specialist with the distinctive idea and hypothesis. Other than that, when it is being examined about the quantitative scientist system, at that point specialist utilize diverse viable instruments and methods, for example, relapse, relationship, t-test, a nova test and standard deviation and so forth (Saunders, Lyon and Möllering, 2012). These techniques encourage the analyst to discover the connection between the diverse autonomous and ward variable. In this examination, scientist have chosen subjective research system, which causes the examiner to locate the suitable consequence of the investigation. Among these two, the research will make use of qualitative method as it enables to focus of theories, models, etc. to develop in depth understanding of the research topic. If you want assistance with your University Assignment Help, then we are the perfect choice for your solutions.

Research Approach

This is another essential part of research procedure by which agent can dissect the data about the subject. This technique helps the examiner to gather the best possible data about the theme with the goal that fitting result can be distinguished. There are two fundamental kinds of research approach that are inductive and deductive. When it is examined about the inductive approach, at that point it making of new hypothesis rising up out of the information. This technique is connected with the subjective research system utilize investigate inquiries keeping in mind the end goal to build the extent of the examination (Creswell, 2013). Then again, deductive research approach, it generally begins with development of speculation which is identified with the investigation. It is exceptionally organized kind of research approach, this is on the grounds that here specialist need to achieve some point and goal. It beginning stage is premises and its procedure incorporates hypothesis, speculation, perception and affirmation. In this examination, specialist key point is to break down the effect of computerized innovation over the business task of little scale endeavour (Merriam, 2009). Among these two approaches the researcher has made use of inductive approach as it enables to present the information from specific to general aspect.

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Research philosophy

It is likewise another major noteworthy section in the examination technique, it comprises of various esteem, presumption, convictions identified with the specific point. It manages the source, nature and advancement of the learning. It has incredible effect over the agent esteems, convictions and suppositions. There are two sorts of research rationality that are interpretivism and positivism. When it is worried about the interpretivism reasoning, a few elements reflect one single certainty (Ridley, 2012). Other than that, when it is being examined about the positivism look into logic, researcher depends upon the specific certainty and figure with respect to specific perspective. Consequently, one might say that both of the exploration rationality is not quite the same as each other. The key goal of the agent is to assess the effect of computerized innovation over the diverse task and exercises of independent venture endeavour. With a specific end goal to achieve this point, examine have chosen interpretivism explore theory keeping in mind the end goal to gather the applicable result of the investigation (Jackson, 2008). Among these the researcher has made use of both positivism and interpretivism as it enables to carry out the research by covering the aim and objectives.

Research Design

There are two sorts of research outline that are engaging and exploratory. When it is examined about the exploratory research outline, distinctive thoughts and contemplations are found. This sort of research configuration is extremely adaptable, as it included non-probabilistic testing. Exploratory research configuration serves to the researcher to get the high calibre of result by profound examination of the gathered data.

Data collection

There are two methods for information gathering that are essential and auxiliary. When it is worried about the essential information accumulation, at that point the data is assembled from those sources from which information have never been gathered. The wellsprings of essential information accumulation are talk with, perception, study and so forth then again when it examined about the auxiliary information accumulation, at that point it is get-together of data from those sources at which information is now being gathered (Chui, 2007). The sources that are incorporated into the auxiliary information gathering are diary, sites, books, magazines and so on in this investigation, information is gathered from both of the sources. Alongside this, poll is being intended to meet targets. The researcher will make use of both primary and secondary research. Primary with the help of questionnaire and secondary will be gathered by making use of books, journals, online sources, etc.


The real target behind the testing is to choose the quantities of respondent from the entire individuals so as required data can gathered from different individuals. Inspecting are chosen in such route as to be illustrative of the populace. In this examination, basic arbitrary inspecting will be chosen, where 10 chiefs have been chosen to direct examination.

Data analysis

It is a standout amongst the most vital part of the exploration strategy, which causes the researcher to investigate the gathered information with a specific end goal to locate the fitting result. It is a strategy which helps with investigating the data of the subject and decide the powerful arrangement of the exploration issue. In this examination, subjective will be chosen, enables to present the information in the form of tables, graph, chart, etc. subsequently, topical investigation is being finished. Thematic analysis is used to present the gathered information. It

Ethical consideration

The real viewpoint in moral thought is information gathering. Survey ought to be surrounded so as to not hurt the inclination and feelings of respondent. Other than that analyst need to look for consent from the best level administration of Apple Guest house keeping in mind the end goal to record the reaction of the supervisor. Moral code of behaviours like privacy of respondents will likewise be considered.

Expected Outcomes

As per the findings, it can be started that companies need to understand the strategies that they should apply so that they are able to attract customers in effective manner. The rate of sales and profitability can be raised when management is able to make use of digital technology in appropriate manner. All the steps goals can be attained by the business when use of digital technology are done.



Research on total population is taken on group of individuals or population or certain segment of people having similar traits. A sample size of 50 people can be taken upon which examination can be done.For random selection various sampling methodologies are used. In experimental designs probability sampling is used which is derived from the interest of population. In this every member get equal opportunity and population is divided into equal groups so that systematic and cluster sampling can be done (Adell Segura, Castaneda Quintero and Esteve Mon, 2018). Thus, probability sampling can be categorised into random, stratified, systematic, cluster and multi-stage sampling. While, non-probability sampling does not depend on tools and techniques of selected individuals. These include purposive, accidental, modal instance, expert, proportional, diversity and snowball sampling. Here members are chosen for observational studies and outcomes are analysed on future basis. Thus, probability sampling is preferred by most of the researchers because prediction goes from bottom-line and between randomly allotted groups. Research philosophy is a term that describes nature, source and development of knowledge. It is a mere belief in which information about a phenomenon should gathered, examined and used properly (Enright and Gard, 2016). Though, idea of knowledge used appear to be intense but researchers of apple are engaged in generating knowledge and collecting primary and secondary information. There are various research philosophies such as pragmatism, positivism, realism and interpretivism. In Pragmatism data collected are mixed up. Positivism has highly structures information while Realism has some methods that must fit in the respected subject. Lastly, in interpretivism information gathered are few in sample wise and qualitative. All these methods are quantitative and qualitative. These philosophies mean to formulate assumptions, beliefs and involves being aware of these predictions. It can be more classified into ontology, epistemology and axiology. These approaches help researchers to identify which is best to adopt. Ontology is based on subjectivism and objectivism. It describes nature of reality. It illustrates the aspect of reality in which social objects prevail externally. Secondly, consequences and perceptions emerge fromsocial phenomena of social actors are concerned with subjectivism. Epistemology is categorised in two features such as resources researcher and feeling researcher.

There are two kinds of collection of data i.e. primary ans secondary data collection. Primary data is collected through observation method which is structured and unstructured. Careful characterization of units are taken care of when this method is performed. Another method is disguised observation in which observer ditach himself from the group and observes different functions of participants (Huggett, 2015). Observer remain in the group in such a way that its presence is unknown. Its advantages are various like information collected is not influenced by earlier behaviour or upcoming intentions of any social group. The, natural behaviour of group can be taped and there is elimination of subjects that are biased. But it has further limitations too like it is very expensive and data collected is not wide in amount. Factors that unforeseen can interrupt with experimental task. Another method included is conducting interviews and questionnaire which have certain advantages like samples collected can be controlled, flexibility is more in this method, personal information can be abstracted more in amount and chances of mis-interpretation can be reduced (Kane, Palmer, Phillips And Kiron, 2015). It is more fast and cheaper way of conducting analysis of activities. Response from people is higher and questions are straight forward and to the point. Main features of organising questionnaire is that vague expressions and technical terms can be avoided and sufficient space for answers are provided.

Secondary data is collected through social books, business magazines, libraries, internet etc. these can be qualitative and quantitative. One of the major advantage of collecting secondary information is that it consumes less time and is less expensive. But authenticity of research cannot be judged.

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Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations include various dissertations such as respecting research participants should be prioritised. Their consents should be taken into consideration. There should be assurance of participants of research work. No exaggeration or deception regarding goals and objectives of task is required (Kehoe and Mateer, 2015). There should be broad ethical norms and it should be informal than laws. Ethics mainly includes method, perspective or procedure for examining issues and problems. The features included are critical in nature. They help in preventing false data and collaborate important work because it empowers mutual respect, accountability and trust among researchers (Lemon and Garvis, 2016). Many codes have adopted by them which includes factors like honesty, social responsibility, confidentiality, non-discrimination, intellectual property etc. these codes and policies outline ethical behaviour and path ways to them. Ethical practices are being utilized. Standards are protected and anonymity of subjects are kept confidential. Ethical views are adhered to researchers so that public support tasks and data sharing is there among them. It distinguishes between true and false thing.

Theme 1: Majority of individual visited apple guest house at least once year.

How many times you have visited to Apple guest house UK.















Theme 2: Majority of respondents said that Apple guest house is providing services which are as per satisfaction of customers.

Do you think this firm provide services which can satisfy customer satisfaction.









May be







Theme 3: Most of the respondents said that Apple guest house is taking efforts to implement technological advancement.

Are they are taking efforts to implementing the technological advancement. Frequency %
Yes 15 75.00%
No 4 20.00%
May be 1 5.00%
Total 20 100.00%

Theme 4: Most of respondent said online marketing is helpful to ware customer about the products.

What kind of source firm uses to prefer in order to aware customer about products.






Online marketing



Promotional activities






Theme 5: Most of respondent said that Online marketing is helpful to reach large number of customer in market.

Is online marketing is helpful in term to reach large number of customers.









May be






Theme 6: Most of the respondents said that staff of Apple guest house UK are providing satisfactory services.

Is staff of Apple Guest house UK are providing satisfactory services.









May be






Theme 7: Respondent said that technological implementation has increased the satisfaction of customers.

Do you think digital implication increase customer satisfaction.









May be






Theme 8: Most of respondent said that technological advancement is cost effective process.

Is technological advancement is cost effective.









May be






Theme 9: Most of the Respondents said that technological advancement brings systematic operational activities

Do you believe technological advancement will be helpful in order to bring systematic business operations.









May be






Theme 10: Technology is helpful in order to raise customer satisfaction.

Does technology helpful in order to raise satisfaction of customers.









May be






Findings and interpretation on the basis of questionnaire

Theme 1: Majority of individual visited apple guest house at least once year.

How many times you have visited to Apple guest house UK.
















Based on the above diagram it can be summarized that there are total number of 20 respondents. Among this all, it can be interpreted that 14 individual has visited Apple guest house of UK once in year, 4 has visited twice in year and 2 have not visited yet. In addition to this. It can be said that technological advancement is playing the essential role in term to bring the long term profitability in business enterprise. The effective and systematic operation works as to bring long term profitability. The systematic operation will be helpful in order to attract the large number of customers.

Theme 2: Majority of respondents said that Apple guest house is providing services which are as per satisfaction of customers.

Do you think this firm provide services which can satisfy customer satisfaction. Frequency %
Yes 13 65.00%
No 5 25.00%
May be 2 10.00%
Total 20 100.00%


From the above diagram it can be concluded that technological advancement plays the crucial role in order to bring systematic operational process. Thus, it can be said that technological advancement plays crucial role in order to run systematic operation in business enterprise. Thus, there are total number of 20 respondents. Among this all, 13 said that technology has crucial effect in order to run systematic operation, 5 said that this firm is not providing satisfactory services to its customer and 2 are not sure about it. With help of providing satisfactory services the firm can capable to enhance its profitability and productivity.

Theme 3: Most of the respondents said that Apple guest house is taking efforts to implement technological advancement.

Are they are taking efforts to implementing the technological advancement.









May be







From the above diagram it can be concluded that this enterprise is taking various kind of initiatives in term to implement the technological advancement will process business activities systematically. There are total number of 20 respondents. Among this all, it can be seen that 15 respondents said that this firm is having implementation of technological advancement, 4 said that enterprise is not taking any serious steps in order to implementing the technological advancement. Thus, it can be said that technological advancement plays the crucial role in order to run systematic operation in business enterprise. Technological advancement bring competitive advantage in market. Under this manner it can be said with help of implementation of technological advancement the firm is able to process its business activities in systematic and efficient manner.

Theme 4: Most of respondent said online marketing is helpful to ware customer about the products.

What kind of source firm uses to prefer in order to aware customer about products.






Online marketing



Promotional activities






Based on the above diagram it can be concluded that technological advancement plays crucial role in term to bring systematic business operation. There ate total number of 20 respondents. Among this all, it can be analysed that 6 respondents said that advertisement is effective process in terms to aware customer about products and services, 12 respondents said that online marketing is one of the effective tool in order to target the market. With help of this the firm is able to reach potential customers. Thus, 2 were in favour of promotional activities. With help of promoting products and services in market the firm is able to process its business activities in the systematic manner. Thus, Online marketing will helpful to process large number of customer in market.


Theme 5: Most of respondent said that Online marketing is helpful to reach large number of customer in market.

Is online marketing is helpful in term to reach large number of customers.









May be







From the above diagram it can be concluded that using of online marketing activities will be helpful in order to reach potential customer in market. Thus, there are total number of 20 respondents. Among this all, it can be interpreted that 11 respondents said that online marketing is useful in order to reach potential customers, 6 said that online marketing plays no role in terms to reach out the customer in market. Thus, it can be said that effective marketing planning with help of online tools will be helpful in order to each the large number of customer in market. In addition to this, 3 are not sure about it. In addition to this, it can be said that online marketing plays greater role in order to bring effective and systematic operational activities.

Theme 6: Most of the respondents said that staff of Apple guest house UK are providing satisfactory services.

Is staff of Apple Guest house UK are providing satisfactory services.









May be






Based on the above diagram it can be concluded that the hotel employees plays essential role in order to maintain the satisfaction level of customers. Thus, there are total number of 20 respondents. Among this all, 13 respondents said that staff are providing effective and efficient services, 5 said no employees are not capable in providing better and efficient services to its customer and 2 are not sure about this kind of factors. The staff need to provide the effective training facility so that they can able to provide satisfactory services to customers. The good employees will be helpful in order to enrich the growth of an enterprise. Thus, impressive working of employees will bring long term profitability in business enterprise. In this way, employees play essential role in order to process business activities in systematic mode.


Theme 7: Respondent said that technological implementation has increased the satisfaction of customers.

Do you think digital implication increase customer satisfaction.









May be






Based on the above diagram it can be interpreted that technological advancement will be always helpful in term to provide satisfactory services to customers. Thus, it can be said that customers are crucial part of the enterprise. In addition to this, there are total number of 20 respondents. Among this all it can be concluded that 16 respondents said that implementation of technological advancement process better working environment and this will be helpful in order to process business activities in systematic manner. In this, 3 said that it is not that much effective and 1 is not sure about it. Thus, it can be said that technological advancement will play crucial role in order to brings systematic operational activities.


Theme 8: Most of respondent said that technological advancement is cost effective process.

Is technological advancement is cost effective.









May be







Based on the above diagram it can be concluded that implementation of technological advancement is also cost effective process. Thus, there are total number of 20 respondents. In this, 14 of respondents said that technological advancement is also needed huge amount of investment, 4 said no to the implementation of technological advancement and 2 among them are not sure about it. In this way it can be said that technological advancement will bring systematic working and it is also helpful in order to enrich the firm growth. This kind of investment will be helpful in order to bring better return to an enterprise.

Theme 9: Most of the Respondents said that technological advancement brings systematic operational activities

Do you believe technological advancement will be helpful in order to bring systematic business operations.









May be







Based on the above diagram it can be concluded that technology will be helpful in order to process systematic working. Thus, there are total number of 20 respondents. In this, it can be said that 17 respondents said technical implementation will process systematic working and 2 said no that technological advancement will not bring major changes and 1 is not sure about it. In this way, It can be said that technology is helpful in order to process business activities in systematic manner. Thus, technological advancement will be helpful in order to do each activities in timely manner. This kind of approach will bring long term growth.

Theme 10: Technology is helpful in order to raise customer satisfaction.

Does technology helpful in order to raise satisfaction of customers.









May be







Based on the above report it can be concluded that Technological advancement plays crucial role n order to bring systematic operation in firm. Thus, it can be seen that there are total number of 20 respondents. In this way, it can be seen that 15 said technology is helpful in order to maintain satisfaction of customers, 4 said that technology has no role in order to attract the customer's in market and 1 is not sure about the same. Thus, It can be said that technology bring smart work. This is helpful in terms to enhance satisfaction of customers.


Further recommendation can be done in areas like of digital advancement which is rapidly increasing in each and every field. Apple is taking full advantage of it in marketing. In future in can make use by creating different websites and exciting online proposals can be made. Innovative devices can be launched that can beat other companies in market. Human intelligence is making much advancement and this profound knowledge is creating employment and expanding companies in various nations of the world. This requires constant activities and long term planning which ensures success of any firm. For this, various strategies are driven by the department and transparent communication is required. Strategies applied in future should be cost-effective and should result in productivity.

Also Check: Impact of Digital Technology


Thus, it is concluded that digital technology effects many SME and plays an important role in business activities. It helps in building loyal customer and create new customer base line. To see the effect of this, a survey or questionnaire can be prepared which provides better understanding of its impact. It is used by apple widely. Skilled employees are required to handle customers on daily basis. They should solve the problems regularly. Professional role should be performed in effective manner.


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  • Canzer, B., 2016. E-Business: Strategic Thinking and Practice. Cengage Learning.
  • Chui, W., 2007. Research Methods for Law. Edinburgh University Press.
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