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Importance of Information Technology in Business Sector - Sainsbury

University: Stanford University

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2210
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MGS 101
  • Downloads: 1029

Question :

Questions- This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Provide the in-depth understanding of social and ethical issues which is related with the technology in the Sainsbury organisation.
  • Sainsbury is a retail supermarket in the UK.  Generate the difference between types of work.
  • Explain the role of human technology in the management.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Sainsbury


Information technology played an important role in business sector. It is use of computers to save, transmit, retrieve and work information or data. It gave a lot of information about new techniques and development. This type of technology is managed computer based data system. There are six types of job in IT sector. The purpose of this technology is to provide best networking devices to people. It is very essential for business world. Sainsbury's organization provide groceries and electricals product to people. It is UK based company. They achieve the second position in retailer marketplace within 16.9 % stock of supermarket. This study explains social and ethical issues related with technology and describe role of information technology in management.

Literature Review

IT is very important for every successful business in the world. The purpose of this review is to mention all the information about this sector. In according to () information technology support businesses in competitive business world. At present they perform to increase productivity and affectivity of any organization. It saves money and time of organization. () information technology support people in order to provide their needs. They played a progressive role in business management. By using these techniques' industry get all the knowledge of marketing as well as know how to control information and data. According to () markets are continuously grown which make it become much complex (Im, and, 2016). IT system provide retail business's development and advanced cope with all involved transactions. Management of inventory is the role of information technology. They help to improve customers satisfaction in business market. Information technology provide the basic detail of organization and investor. It gets reduce investors costs for gaining information and applying new techniques. The advantages of IT in business sector is that they increase ability of any company's to react for changes in flexibility and speed of marketplace. While enchaining they provide or analyse industry data after having differentiation in it. It can use to save financial information, confidential management decisions and many other important details which helps to lead at the time when competitive make their strategy to expand their business's in marketplace or business world. Information technology keep away or get protect all the ideas of their business and new planning of increasing business's effectively. Through using this process in industry it builds a strong communication with people and customer’s. Great techniques of technology attract customer towards buying company products. They support client by giving all details of industry, process, productivity and functions. Technology helps organisations to understand its cash flow need. Retailer enterprise used this process to get the basic data of other companies, marketplace positions and techniques. For using this system it has the capacity of researching new techniques and opportunities which help companies to stay in marketplace against its competitors.

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Implementation costs is the disadvantage of information technology in industry. The aim of IT is to make company more efficient than the others. They worked for managing sales process to increase and improve client services. For getting more solutions implemented needs money and time. It gets interpreted by the needs of new phases of services. Increasing regulation day to day for using IT sector. For protecting data is an issue for people who used this technology. Increasing new technology is the biggest challenge for information technology. Big data analytics is another issue of this sector. There are many challenges that IT can face in business world. Networking technology is the best way to provide great services to people. It can be connected through cable, wireless connection, and satellite. Networking is used to stay connected with other people in the world for the purpose of gathering informations by internet. It also helps to make communication with family, friends any many other persons. Adaptive security, cloud computing, wearables and block chain is the latest technology in networking. Networking is used to share data and importance information anywhere in the world. Connections, shared knowledge and increasing confidence is the benefits of this system. LAN and WAN both worked together for serving better services to people. In business sector networking played an important role. Good networking increase brand name in marketplace. Personal area network, local area network, wireless local area network, wide area network etc. are the types of networking technology (Orlikowski, and,2016). All these are very beneficial for society and business sector, for the purpose of sharing there knowledge throughout the world as well. There are five benefits of networking technology which raise the power of achieving success in business's world. It faces a lot of challenges also by the competitors within same business's services. Ethical technology behaviour consist on every using technical assets in classroom that is a way of this word means, is decent and honest. There are the many challenges are faced by using this technology is IT security, resource or staffing, budgets or costs controlling, bridging business etc. Sainisbary used IT service to spread there work around the world. For getting more solutions implemented needs money and time. It gets interpreted by the needs of new phases of services. Increasing regulation day to day for using IT sector. For protecting data is an issue for people who used this technology. Increasing new technology is the biggest challenge for information technology. More dependency on technology increases social issue like increases life style diseases., lack of face to face interpersonal communication, mental disorders, people are getting addicted of this technology which hamper their personal life

Role of information technology in Sainsbury

Information technology help an organisation in every managerial work. SAINSBURY use data mining to predict customer behaviour and preference. It reduces the operational cost of organisation. By minimise the wastage and error in supply chain management. With the help of RFID it can maintain optimum inventory. Production department and supplier automatically get to know requirement of inventory with the help of data integration facility of RFID. Information technology also in help in manage huge valuable data in cloud which can retrieve globally. SAINSBURY customer experience smooth purchasing by technical sound stores. Sainisbary use information technology in product design and research so that is can provide maximum satisfaction to customer. Artificial intelligence help SAINSBURY to take proactive action on the behalf of SAINSBURY like customer automatically get notification for new launching. Use information technology in recruitment and selection process for instance s SAINSBURY can sort candidate with required skill and experience. Digital marketing help organisation to practice all the marketing function like planning, advertisement, promotion by only one click. These all role playing by information technology help SAINSBURY to take competitor advantage and increased in market share.(Shanmugam. And, 2014)

Social and ethical issue of information technology- information technology has some ethical issue. Data become most dangerous weapon for bad elements. Data theft, cyber crime, privacy breach, fraud, hacking, sexual harassment, blackmailing are some ethical issue of information technology. Recently almost every country face a major cyber attack “Wanna-cry and Pet-ya” which demand ransom for stolen data. More dependency on technology increases social issue like increases life style diseases., lack of face to face interpersonal communication, mental disorders, people are getting addicted of this technology which hamper their personal life. Social abuse, fake news are the new social problem. Technology is used to for brain wash and change the thought process of individual. Mob lynching is result of spread fake news thorough social media like what's app and other. (m. and,2016)

SASNISBRY uses facial recognition information system, when a customer enter in store his facial mapping is done through suning HD camera and store his identity in cloud. Sansiabey use this information to delighting the customer. Sanbury also get knowledge about where a customer go first after enter in store,so that company can make that section more attractive is also called emotional recognitio technique. If data is stolen or hack by bad elements than it will result in privacy breach. Another information system used by Sansiabey are transaction process system, in which payment record of customer are stores. It helps company use know about purchasing power of customer so that it can be use for pricing the product for new launching. In case of data hacking and stealing huge financial loss and fraud can be done. Clouding network for storage data is the most popular network nowadays used by companies. In this method the data stored in a virtual cloud. This cloud is a virtual space where all data placed. SASNISBRY use cloud computing because of global presence. Cloud computing has one major advantage over other network that data can be retrieve from anywhere in world. Geographical barrier not the problem in this network type (Avram, M.G., 2014).Cloud computing disadvantage is it have more risk of data hacking, stolen and breach. In strage area network (SAN ) information is shared among clusters only. It is safer than cloud computing but it does not have integration facility. For example different clusters can not see what modification done by other in same time.(Nguyen. And,2015)


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From above research clearly show how much importance information technology have in today's business operation. It definitely has huge positive benefit on SASNISBRY business. By the help of using information technology it reduces its operational cost and time wastage in taking decision. Accurate and huge information help organisation in maintaining co ordination among functional unit. Like SASNISBRY's marketing department use customer data in making marketing plan and trategies where same information use by finance department for allotting budget to for marketing. SASNISBRY aslo start making customised product after customer data mining which give it competititor advantage. Information also use for supply chiain management. I.T help SASNISBRY by providing more accurate information about all the stakeholders. Now forecasting become more easy than earlier by analysing available data. Earlier SASNISBRY has to deploy more employee for gathering , analysing and presenting . But after it adot the information technology these all activity become more smooth and quick and it saves psyciacal expeses which has to made like paper and files. Intregation is the best feature in information technology because SASNISBRY has global presense, so it becomes more easy to top management to get information about performance and problem faced by company in particular country. Its not about quantity of data only, quality of colltee data also have major significance because if organisation have worng data than whole process of planning, controlling, satffing and invebtory manag,ent will be affetced. Woring data result wrong research and it further leads as worng product and ervice given to customer. For insuring the corrections of data SASNISBRY is one step ahead it uses software like facial expression which is more accurate than any previous preatce of gathring data. I.T has huge role on supply chain management as discussed earlier. These are postive effect of information technology SASNISBRY have. Although information technology has so many benefits to SASNISBRY but recent example is there where data stole by some hacker and demand for ransom which freeze all the business activity of some organisation. Over dependency can not be solution for every problem. SASNISBRY must use alternative option for storing and gathering data. In case data hacking it can perform its business activities. Data protection must be major concern either it is organisational data or customer data because privacy beach can emerge as lack of trust among customer and they can withdraw their future buying decision.(Shayo, 2017)

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It has been concluded that information technology played an important role in many organisations. Information technology help an organisation in every managerial work. Accurate and huge information help organisation in maintaining coordination among the functional unit. By using these techniques' industry get all the knowledge of marketing as well as know how to control information and data. Data protection must be major concern either it is organisational data or customer data.


Books and Journals

Avram, M.G., 2014. Advantages and challenges of adopting cloud computing from an enterprise perspective. Procedia Technology.12.pp.529-534.

Eason, K.D., 2014. Information technology and organisational change. CRC Press.

Hawkridge, D., Vincent, T. and Hales, G., 2018. New information technology in the education of disabled children and adults. Routledge.

Im, S. and,2016. How knowledge management capabilities help leverage knowledge resources and strategic orientation for new product advantages in b-to-b high-technology firms. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing.23(2). pp.87-110.

Jones, S.S., and, 2014. Health information technology: an updated systematic review with a focus on meaningful use. Annals of internal medicine. 160(1). pp.48-54.

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