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Role of public health


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Introduction to the Role of Public Health

The basic responsibility of the health and social care organization is to protect the health of individual from the different type of diseases (Glanz and ishop, 2010). In this respect, it can be said that varied communities involved in such type of practices plays very effective role. This is because, it is with the help of different communities only the promotion of the major diseases occurring within nation is being carried out. The report will provide the description regarding the various approaches that health and social care organization can use with an aim to control the incidence of diseases.  The report will also showcase the factors that may affect the health and well-being of the individual.


1.1 Explaining the role played by different agencies in terms of assessing the level of diseases in community

The agencies that function within nation plays very elective role in terms of analyzing the level of diseases and health in the community. The agencies are as follows such as WHO (World health organization), department of health and local authorities in UK etc. It is the international organization. The agency such as WHO plays very crucial role. The given agency establishes varied kinds of rules that is being followed by all nation. The agency searches the diseases that has impacted the health of many individuals (Role of WHO, 2015). After assessing the same, organization will take measure in terms of developing the vaccinations with regard to the specific diseases. In addition to this, WHO also make sure that the citizens of nation will receive the good quality of health and social care services. The significant role is being played by WHO in terms of taking the measure towards the diseases named as Smallpox.

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Besides this, department of health is the another agency which is the national health care organization of UK. The given organization also plays very effective role in terms of assessing the level of health and diseases in the community. It has the main objective with regard to frame policies as well as guidelines for the health and social care organizations prevailing in UK. The policies framed by department of health assist corporations in terms of delivering their best services to the patients. By taking assistance from varied agencies, the enterprise organizes varied type of health promotion programs. Furthermore, local authorities identify as well as respond in accordance with the health care related need of local population (Goldstein, Kriesky and Pavliakova, 2012). Bromley health care is being considered as the one of such type of local health care organization. It have the major role with regard to assess the diseases that has impacted the health of many local individual. After assessing the same, efforts will be taken by it in terms of taking the measure with regard to reduce the spreading of specific diseases (Hudson, 2011). In this context, it organizes varied training and development programs for the local doctors as well as GP (General practitioner).

1.2 Describing the epidemiology of HIV and diabetes (Type 2) in UK

The epidemiology of two different type of issues is being assessed that has impacted the health of many individual in UK. It is of HIV and diabetes (Type 2). HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is being counted under the category of infectious diseases. The given virus causes direct impact on the immune system of human. In this regard, it can be said that white blood cells are being regarded as the important part of immune system. The given virus causes direct impact on the white blood cells. Having the unprotected sex with someone and using the same needle for two individual are being considered as some reasons due to which the disease gets transferred from one person to another. The given virus affect the nervous system of  an individual (Jones, Hillier and Comfort, 2009). The survey conducted in 2012 states that around 98400 citizens of United Kingdom is being suffered from the virus such as HIV. However, 2013 statistics on HIV in UK indicate that there are around 107800 people in the country are suffered from the given diseases. In which around 24% of the people are totally unaware about the diseases (Number of people living with HIV, 2015). 

In addition to this, diabetes (Type 2) is the form of non infectious diseases. Type 2 diabetes metabolic disorder in which high level of blood sugar is being occurred. In an individual, the level of blood sugar is being regulated through insulin. However, in the type 2 diabetes the insulin does not work in an effective manner. As the result of it, sugar gets strayed in the blood due to which high blood sugar type of condition is being occurred. Lifestyle of the people as well as genetic condition of an individual are being regarded as two main factors due to which the given diseases is occurred (Jernerén and, 2015). The individual who is obese and perform less amount of exercise on regular basis are being impacted through such type of diseases. There are several effects of type 2 diabetes identified such as kidney damage, eye blindness and heart diseases etc.   From the 2012 statistics, it has been identified that there are around 2.7 million people in UK are diagnosed with the Type 2 diabetes. Moreover, 750000 people in UK believes that they have symptoms of Type 2 diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes, 2015).

1.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of different approaches used to control incidences of these diseases

Varied approaches assessed that health care firm can use with an aim to carry out the control over the assessed infectious and non-infectious diseases. The strategies consist of following such as education, surveillance and health campaigns etc. The control over the infectious diseases like HIV can be established by spreading the education about the given infection among the large number of UK population. It is an effective approach because by using the given technique, information can be spread among UK citizens about the causes of HIV. In addition to this, with the help of strategy like surveillance control over the Type 2 diabetes can be carried out (Angles and, 2013). The given approach is used by various health care authorities where they tend to direct their efforts in terms of systematically analyzing and collecting the health related data.  With the help of given approach, earlier symptoms of Type 2 diabetes among UK citizens can be identified. In addition to this, by organizing health campaigns in both the given diseases education regarding the ways of protecting the individual from the given diseases can be spread. Thus, the assessed strategies for controlling the diseases is effective.

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2.1 Using relevant research to determine current priorities and approaches to the provision of services for people

It is essential for business to attain the well being of individual living in the local area in UK and thus there are various types of current priorities and approaches identified in regard to the provision of services for the individual with the diseases and illness. However, it is essential for government to analyse the disease and risk factors so that effective services can be provided. It is essential to measure the gap between current health status and an ideal health situation where the population lives to an advanced age, free of disability and illness. However, through recent research it demonstrates that service providers should provide utmost quality health services to the people living in the area and thus attain desired results (Cromley and McLafferty, 2012).

It is essential for health centers to provide education related HIV and Diabetes diseases to the local people with respect to the spreading of infectious diseases like HIV. Therefore, it should be the first priority of UK government to carry out varied practices and control the spreading of disease among individuals. Government can provide education to local people regarding the diseases through organizing campaigns and overcoming the diseases. However, it is also significant for UK government to take effective measure so that they can prevent the diseases like HIV and Diabetes.

Furthermore, it can be stated that prioritizing the work in regard to control the diseases and thus effective action should be carried out (Fisher, 2005). Therefore, there are two basic types of approaches in regard to provision of services for people with the specific diseases or illness. Government should provide palliative care and remedial care to patients suffering from such diseases like HIV and Diabetes. Thus, through carrying this approach service providers should deliver emotional support to the individual who have very little chance of being cured. Moreover, such remedial care helps individuals to overcome the disease and thus provide specific care to individual and attain desired results. In addition to this, another priority of the health care firm should be maintaining the daily reports of its patients. By maintaining the such type of report, regular eye on the particular diseases that has impacted the health of individual can be maintained. As the result of it an effective services can be delivered by the health care firm. Burden of diseases as the concept in which impact of the health problem is being measured through morality and financial cost etc.

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2.2 The relationship between the prevalence of Breast cancer or HIV in relation to the requirements of health services

Prevalence in the presence of number of cases of the particular diseases among present population. The relationship between the prevalence of diseases and requirements of the services in order to support individual within health and social car provision. Therefore, in accordance to the prevalence of diseases, it is essential for health care business to provide effective services to patients suffering from HIV and Breast cancer. The requirements of health services is essential so that such diseases can be mould by HSC. For instance, in order to deal with the prevalent diseases like HIV and Breast Cancer, health care businesses can use varied preventive services such as educating people about the diseases (Youngand, 2014).

Providing education and appropriate services to the patients of such diseases helps them to recover soon and also assist their families to protect themselves from such disease. In order to deal with the disease like HIV and Breast Cancer, the health care organization has directed their efforts in terms of providing the utmost quality of care to the individuals. Thus, it enable doctors and nurses to provide effective care and treatment to individuals who are suffering from such infectious diseases. It helps health care organization to comply with the practices like organizing various health care campaigns and also educating individuals about the diseases and providing measures to protect the symptoms of HIV and Breast Cancer.    

Furthermore, the prevalent diseases like AIDS and Cancer affects the health and social care organizations to adopt new ways to treat the patients and use well sterilize equipments in order to provide effective treatment to patients (Swayne, Duncan and Ginter,  2012). Additionally, health care organization also influences the different ways for coping with the emergencies type of situations. Therefore, prevalence of new diseases entails organizations to install effective technologies machines and equipment for checking the initial symptoms of Cancer and HIV. In addition to this, for the diseases like breast cancer clinical services like palliative care can also be used by the health and social care organization. It is the type of care in which utmost services is being provided to the patients that is being suffered from the serious diseases like breast cancer. The main aim of this care is to improve the quality of life of patients as well as its family members.

2.3 The impact of lifestyle choices on future needs for health and social care services

The current lifestyle choices have direct impact on the future needs and demands of the health and social care services. However, in this regard there are various types of current lifestyle choices identified such as exercise, diet etc. has been followed by the people of UK. Although it is lack of complying with the practices like dieting and exercises people of UK are facing such serious diseases and also increasing the use of bad habits like smoking and alcohol among young individual. Therefore, all these lifestyles which is being adopted by the people of UK tends to enhance the risk of various diseases among young individuals in future such as obesity, high blood pressure and cancer etc. All these types of lifestyle causes their significant impact on the future needs and demands of the health and social care services.  

For instance, there are varied diseases like high blood pressure and cancer that influences health and social care organization that is to carry out changes in their current services (Gulliford and Morgan, 2013). However, in order to deal with such issues, health care businesses should install new equipments and latest technology machinery so that they can diagnose the early symptoms of the disease and cure it so that individual can be given proper care in order to attain results. Furthermore, it is crucial for the health and social care organization should organize various health care programs in future in order to educate the local people about the benefit of adopting healthy practices. Also, it is significant for the health and social care organization to carry out more investment in the research and development department in order to develop medicines for the diseases which occurs due to adopting unhealthy lifestyle practices in an effectual manner.

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3.1 Assessing the health and well-being priority for the people in health and social care

For the health care firm operating in the London Borough it is important with regard to assess the health and well-being priorities of the individual living in the particular area. With an aim to determine the health and well-being priority of an individual living in the particular area of London the tool like Joint Strategic Need Assessment can be used.  The tool is effective because, by using it well-being need of the local population of the London can be determined by the health and social care organization (Aspinall, 2014). Here, the health of local population are being assessed on the basis of following aspect such as emotional, social, security, diet and hygiene etc. In this respect, there are some priorities at the London borough identified and it consists of following such as reducing obesity among children and young individual, reducing the intake of alcohol and minimizing the situation like teenage pregnancy etc. By taking measures against all these given conditions, improvement in the health of individual in the London borough such as Brent and Bromley can be carried out. In addition to this, the firm like WHO also provides assistance in terms of determining the health and well-being priority of the local population of London borough. The given organization carries out research and after performing the same it take measure against the assessed diseases. For example, through research WHO has identified that many people in the Camden is suffered from type 2 diabetes. Then, in the given circumstances measure will be taken by it in the following form such as organizing health campaigns and explaining the patients about the importance of adopting the healthy lifestyle (Shahri, Ismail and Rahim,  2013).

3.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of varied strategies and policies for the purpose to ensure the health and well being of the people

Different strategies and policies identified that leads to the health and well being of the people. It consists of following such as provision of services, complaint policies and quality Of provision etc. In this respect, regulation on complaint policies is being assessed. The regulation in relation to the complaint came into existence in the year 2009. The given regulation is launched by NHS and it is popularly known by the name of National Health Services Complaint. With an aim to improve the quality of services within the health care firm in London Borough, complaint policy framed by NHS plays very effective role (Hort, Djasri and Utarini, 2013). This is because, by taking the complaint from the patients as well as staff members about the services provided by the local health care firm an effective measure with regard to the same can be taken. For example, one of the customer has given complaints that, the hospital operating in the Camden area does not possess individual that has specialization in terms of dealing with the mentally retarded individuals. Then by taking an appropriate action against the given aspect quality of services within health care firm can be improved. In addition to this, Care Standard Act has the responsibility to ensure that all kind of health care provision must be reside in the firm. In this respect, it set the health care services related standard which needs to be followed by all the firms (Rusiman and, 2011).

3.3 Discussing the changes that can be made with an aim to improve the well-being of individual

Besides these assessed strategies, there are some changes need to be made within health and social care firm for the purpose to improve the well being of the patients. It consists of following educating patients about the negative impact of particular diseases and taking the input from the specialist etc. Improvement in the health of local population of London can be carried out, the organization such as NHS takes efforts in terms of educating the patients about the negative impact of the diseases like HIV and Type 2 diabetes etc. Through education varied ways can be identified by the patients in terms of taking the measures against given assessed diseases in an effective  way (Collins, 2009). Furthermore, health care firm should also appoint specialist so that input from them can be taken by the patients suffered from the diseases like Type 2 diabetes and HIV etc. By complying with all such type of practices well being of the individuals can be achieved.

3.4 Evaluating an activity that has been implementing to encourage behaviour change for maximising health for individuals

Moreover, An activity is being identified which can be implemented with the aim to encourage the behavior change for the purpose to maximize health for individual in health care organization. There are various programs that has been adopted like Smoking Cessation Programme so that individual can be educated about health education and consultation can be provided among young people in order to change their behavior of individual can be carried out (Hort, Djasri and Utarini, 2013). Through providing health related education to the individual about the symptoms of diseases and negative impact of the diseases like HIV, blood pressure, health diseases, moth cancer etc. Therefore, it is essential for health care organizations to adopt effective education program related to Smoking Cessation Program so that individual can be educated about the negative impact on the health of individuals. However, the effectiveness of such type of program will be occurred if the measures suggested for reducing the addition of smoking will be effectively followed by the enterprise.   

Therefore, through complying with such practices individuals can be encouraged with regard to the healthy lifestyle to be practice in an effectual manner. Through conducting such consultation programs, young people should be educated about the impact of such bad practices and thus health care services should be adopted by them in order to get well soon. The service providers should adopt the technique like counselling the patients in order to adopt healthy lifestyle practices in an effectual manner. However, it can be stated that through adopting such program or technique it can help in changing the behaviour of individual (Collins, 2009).  


Thus, it can be concluded from the report that by using varied type of tools and techniques health and well being priority of the individual living in the specific area of London can be understood by the health care firm. In addition to this, by analyzing the epidemiology of the specific diseases an effective measure with regard to the same can be taken by firm. Furthermore, by using varied type of technique an effective control over the incidence of occurring the specific diseases can be carried out.


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  • Collins, S., 2009. Health and Safety: A Workbook for Social Care Workers. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Cromley, E. K. and McLafferty, S., 2012. GIS and public health. Guilford Press.
  • Fisher, A., 2005. Health and Social Care. Heinemann.
  • Glanz, K. and ishop, D. B., 2010. The role of behavioral science theory in development and implementation of public health interventions. Annual review of public health. 31. pp.399-418.
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  • Gulliford, M. and Morgan, M., 2013. Access to health care. Routledge.
  • Hort, K., Djasri, H. and Utarini, A., 2013. Regulating the quality of health care: Lessons from hospital accreditation in Australia and Indonesia. The Nossal Institute for Global Health, Working Paper Series.  28.
  • Hudson, A., 2011. All that Glisters: Are the NHS Reforms Good for Local Government?.  Journal of Integrated Care. 19(2). pp.4–12.
  • Jernerén, F. and, 2015. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Modify Treatment Effect of High-Dose B Vitamins in Cognitively Impaired Elderly. The FASEB Journal. 29(1). pp.401-1.
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