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Enhancing Mental Health in Public Health Services: Strategies

University: N/A

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1845
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 56

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Organization Selected : N/A


Health care providers provide public health services with the goal of enhancing the communities' mental and physical well-being (Heenan, 2018). Professionals including doctors, nurses, therapists, and other allied health service providers are included in health care public services. The study will address subjects related to tactics that an organisation should do to support employees' mental health and help them manage stress at work. Techniques for building resilience and the function of supervision for public welfare. There will be a plan created that raises awareness of mental health issues for public servants.


Due to busy schedules, work pressure and challenges and increasing load of public health issues, health care professionals are facing mental disorders in which intervention plays a very important role in coping with the mental health. Mental health plays a very important role for better completing of the task and delivery of safe or quality care services (Barry, 2019). For solving the issues strategies as well as policies should be adopted which will resolve the issues of the mental health. The health professionals are feeling stressed and depressed due to which their performance is hindering. The order to cope with this issue creating positive work environment is must in which each employee should be motivated to work so they can focus towards the work instead of the stress. The work management should be improved in which multiple shift should be adopted in the work culture this will lead to reduce in the stress and the productivity in the work will increase. If the health professionals are ready to adopt the stress then only the employee is allowed to take the stress for the hike in the salary.

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Recreational activities in between the work also plays key role in reducing the stress and should include activities such as yoga and yoga (Tennant. and, 2018). This will boost the confidence in the work and the employees will feel less stressed and more focused towards the work. In order to cope up with stress a proper record of the performance of the health professionals will be maintained in which how much the employee is working on hourly basis in a day will be recorded and how much the employees is taking breaks in between will be seen on the basis of which the causes of stress will be calculated and accordingly steps to resolve the issues will be taken. Mental health plays a very important role for better completing of the task. For solving the issues strategies as well as policies should be adopted which will resolve the issues of the mental health. The health professionals in public health services are feeling stressed and depressed due to which their performance is hindering (Keyes, 2019). The order to cope with this issue creating positive work environment is must in which each health professionals should be motivated to work so they can focus towards the work instead of the stress. The work management should be improved in which multiple shift should be adopted in the work culture this will lead to reduce in the stress and necessary for a worker if the worker is feeling stressed due to family issue or any other issue then the same issue must be addressed by talked to the immediate boss. For this open communication is must between the boss and the subordinate.


For resolving the issues related to stress by resilience in individuals and strategies for promoting mental well-being at workplace, the strategies used is the 4 C's in which competence, connection, character and contribution will be followed. As per this strategy the health professionals will be taught how to be competent at work place by making them learn soft wares and giving them technical knowledge. This will create interest in the workers (Payton. and, 2019). The employees will be connected from one branch to other branch, which will help in sharing experience with each other. This will lead to sharing of problems faced by employees of one branch with the other branch, the most common issue will boost and then steps will be taken for issue resolving. Character of the employees will be judged and if the employee is hard working and leaves will be provided for the better performance and this will reduce the stress among the employee and the same performance of the employee will be maintained. Contributing factor for the stress will be seen under this by asking the employees what is the problem due to which there is non completion of the task.

Another strategy used will be training of emotional intelligence among the employees this will lead to controlling of emotions among the employees, due to which stress of the employees will not be reflected at the work place (Proeschold-Bell. and, 2019). For the purpose of resilience of emergency situation of mental health of the employee will be National Health Program, UK, in which the employee will be immediately referred to the doctor and will not be charged with the additional charges.

Appropriate treatment will be given to the employee which will involve free ambulance facilities and free accommodation facilities for the one who is with the patient. As per the analysis of impact of the policies for the promotion of the mental health and emergency services well-being it is found that the policies helps the employee to be stress free as the officials used to check the employee and satisfaction related to job (Case. and, 2019). The level of work load and level of work done by the employee including the compensation paid to the employee is checked and ultimately the stress level affected due to this are checked as per the national policies. There is a low suicide rates due to stress as the employees are feeling safe that if something happen to them they can get free treatment as per the national health policy.


Health professionals are using social media during the work and face hatred news and comparison of social and income status are making the employees more stressed. One of the popular social media which is causing such issues is Facebook (Herman. And, 2019). There are other limitation as well such as keeping oneself away from the society and becoming more introvert which is making the employees think more and which is the reason for the stress. There are benefits of the social media as well if following is done of appropriate communicate and appropriate person who is a motivating factor then it will lead to reducing the stress and if positive messages and positive jokes and videos are shared then it can reduce stress at much greater extent.


Supervision plays a very important role in the mental well-being of the employees in which the supervisor checks whether the employee is unable to complete the task on time or not and if not then the reason is due to mental pressure or any other reason (Breslin. and, 201). If it due to work-related pressure then the management of the work will be done by reducing the working hours for the purpose of increasing the output of health professionals . When I was feeling stressed I contacted the supervisor and he managed my work in which I was allotted less work on the day when I was feeling stressed.


I used to feel well when I spend time with my family for the trip for a vacation and I feel that my stressed is gone. I used to share my bad as well as good experience with my colleagues and friends which make my mind release the stress (Osher., Cantor. and Caverly, 2019). Me and my friend used to play sports and keep ourself engaged in the social activities which rejuvenate us and we work more stress free and more focused towards the work. The stress creating things which I experienced due to impact of my friends and family is doing extra work related to home and disputes among the friends and colleagues (Heenan, 2018). Controlling factor for the stress will be seen which can be due to higher intake of the caffeine, Nicotine or drugs with friends and the same will be addressed by concerning with the employees the reason for the stress. If I am having experience in dealing with the situation and the employee is feeling stressed to deal with the problem then the same should be addressed by increasing the confidence and this can be done by project manager or a team leader. This will improve the involvement to the employee and the employee will take better participation in the completion of the project or task.


It is very important to produce a mental health plan for the well-being of a worker in which all the factors related to mental health will be covered. The plan will cover details related to amount of physical activities performed by me after or before working (Barry, 2019). How much stress I am taking due to psychological factors which will be calculated on the basis of behaviour of mine due to working in a job. Emotional intelligence will be added in the plan in which I will be getting training related to emotional intelligence which will help me in management of emotions of mine and I will be not influence by the emotions which will help me in better performance of the job (Keyes, 2019). Spiritual activities will be added in my plan which will include every Saturday going to the church. This will help me in getting spiritual support which will be necessary for the motivation. Personal activities will be enhanced of mine in which I will be become more active socially. This will reduce stress of mine as my mind will be diverted and also health of my mind will improve. Professionally sound results are also necessary for which I will include activities which will make laugh the employees working in my organization.


As per the study it is concluded that stress relieving is very important for the personal as well as professional development. It is very important for the employees to keep themselves motivated and free from stress, this will make the employees fit. There are various factors which can make the employee happy and the employee should keep themselves happy. Social media should be used for spreading positive messages and negative factors of the social media should be ignored. The employees should built positive work environment in which laughing and creative environment should be included which keeps the employees motivated and indulging.

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