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Business Management in Super Drug Store: Study Overview

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 6 / Words 1504
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: FY021
  • Downloads: 79
Organization Selected : Super drug store Private Limited Company


According to Cano-Kollmann et al. (2016), business studies is the study of managing people to control the productivity process, help achieve certain creative goals, and increase income for the firm. The Super Drug Store Private Limited Company, located in London, United Kingdom, has been included in this study. Founded in 1964 by Ronald and Peter Goldstein, it is one of the biggest retailers of health and beauty products. Products comprise all accessories for beauty that are necessary for maintaining good health and skin. We additionally provide health examinations in several pharmacies. The roles of marketing, finance, and HR will be assessed in this report.


Describe role of promotion within organisations

(Included in poster)

Describe the role of HR within organisations

Human resource department has been considered as a major component in maintaining the employees welfare in any kind of company whether it is small or large. HR also take a participative role in updating employees about their positions regarding certain ailments. HR team in respective company have to influence a great number of capable employees who can attain desirable amount of goals within enterprise. There are several roles of HR which influence working of or departments as well and make the missions of company possible by collaborative working. Several roles of HR in Super drug store plc are mentioned below.

Recruiting – Process of hiring and recruiting is one of key role of HR, it is their duty to devise such strategic plan which includes all recruiting guidelines required for stating job description (Aguinis, Cascio and Ramani, 2017). HR have the capability to directly communicate with candidates about the policies and rules of enterprise before such candidates are hired. Recruitment involves in attracting talented candidates as per needs of company and hire such resources which will positively drag organisation towards success.

Training –  Crucial part just after the desired candidates are hired is to provide particular training so as to make such people acquainted with working of company. Roles and duties which they will be conducting in their job role will also be specified in such training sessions. Induction training, vestibule training and job instructions training are some type of training which are conducted by HR for increasing competency and skills of employees.

Performance appraisal – It is the role of the HR to evaluate the performance of the employees for checking whether the performance quality of the employee is appropriate enough for achieving missions of an organisation (Alcácer, Cantwell and Piscitello, 2016). Such appraisals not only influences the relationship between the HR manager and employee but also helps in improving the working capability of the employees and make them motivated to complete the task confidently.

Resolving conflicts – One of the role of HR is to resolve raised conflict among the associates by interacting with each members on daily basis. Such practice aids in storing harmony in the given company and help in delivering good quality work.

Such roles and others like managing the talent management, compensation management, promoting the rules, sharing job information, analysing performance and job design are some more roles of HR which handles the employee relations, incentives, payrolls and administrative functions in Super drug store plc.

Develop an understanding of collaborative working practices

Collaboration defines as the manner through which the whole group members as well as the business can collectively work to attain a predefined objectives. The major part which is responsible in achieving a certain level of performance or the task in the provided time framework involves effective collaborative practices. Different ways have been adopted from which the collaborative practices can be made practical in an organisation. It is very important that Super drug store plc is greatly promoting the practices of collective working for making the relationship among the employees more trustworthy and strong. People working under such practice thrive freely and expresses their perspective and thoughts in more integrated way. The team members when working collectively, it has been found that they are more focussed and enthusiastic (Martelli and Greener, 2018). So as to promote the collaborative working practice more in Super drug store plc few measures can be adopted which are discussed below.

Build a clear cause – It is quite necessary to render a convincing reason to the team members for collaborative work. The excitement level of workers exceeds if the task is more compelling, once the members are involved in such practice they become inspired to achieve the aims as per required from their leaders. If they have ambiguity about their job role and the reason behind the collaboration, then they can not work effectively and there performance is not up to the mark.

Communicate expectations – Each and every team member must be clearly communicated about the roles and duties which they have to achieve while working in a group. Such practice lower the chances of arising conflicts as they work on their own and do not step on the working of other member (Van and Maseland, 2016). It also maintains a decorum which are followed by all the associates for increasing the productivity.

Encourage innovation – All the team members must be encouraged by the leaders for making more efforts in bringing innovation in the working. The attitude of optimism must be kept up to date by realising the worth of each and every associates in the department. The ideas and the feelings of the members has to be understood so that the relationship among associates and the managers can become strong. Such practice make the worker to think out of the box and extra ordinarily to acquire the aims in the most unique and creative way.

Demonstrate knowledge of the role of financial management and reporting within the organisation

The finance and report both have influencing role in attainment of business aims and already defined objectives. It has been always observed that any organisation has to manage their financing and reporting activities so as to upgrade the functioning of enterprise. Some of the roles of financial management and reporting are defined below.

Finance decisions – Such managers have been seen to take essential financial decisions in respect to the activities in finance (Brannen, Piekkari and Tietze, 2017). By employing various tools like ratio analysis or profit planning the controlled decisions are utilised. Such practice have been suggested to achieve high earnings within the business.

Financial planning – All the activities associated in planning financial assets and resources are achieved by finance managers. They utilise current data which later assist them in understanding the priorities and demands of an organisation, it also aids in knowing the economic state of company which further help in building effective budgets.

Cash flow management – Another crucial function of the finance manager is to maintain the flow of cash so as to meet with growing administrative and operational expenses. Such management centres on the amount which has to be paid and received which later ensures the cash flow.

Management reporting – The reporting system assist in seizing data which are required by the managers for operating activities in running effectual business planning. The information can be collected from financial data, accounts, investments (Castaño Méndez and Galindo, 2016). Such data later helps in forming decisions and analysing the trends which imparts positive effects to provided company.

Financial reporting – The financial management role is to regulate all the required documents associated with the organization. Such reports are then utilized in forecasting the planning and the activities which are related to the finance department. 

Each and every role has indispensable part, an organization can not survive without the support of finance managers. They not only maintains the flow of findings and cash but also control the financial action.


From the above report it can be concluded that there are functions of organisation which will help in achievement of desired goals and objectives. Human resource play a crucial role in development of company as well as enhancing its sales and probability. It is important for manager to conduct promotional activities in effective manner as this will help in attract large number of customers towards business. Collaborate term work practices will lead to effective and efficient function of organisation. It is significant that each and every employees of organisation are working in collaborative way. Financial and reporting activities of company will help in managing budgets and other financial resources of company in appropriate manner.

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