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Organisational Behaviour

University: Kensington college of business

  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4733
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 370
Organization Selected : BBC

Organisational Behaviour


The study of intricate characteristics exhibited by workers within an organisation is the definition of organisational behaviour (Aderibigbe and Oluwole, 2019). Measuring is crucial so that individuals can receive the appropriate instruction and motivation. The BBC, a significant political, cultural, and power institution in Britain, is the source of this report. With 308 million viewers worldwide, it is the most reputable organisation in the world. London, United Kingdom is where it's situated. This assignment examines the ways in which politics, culture, and power impact team dynamics and output. The extent to which the content and process theories of motivation facilitate the achievement of predetermined goals and objectives is assessed. A deeper comprehension of what distinguishes an ineffective team from an effective team is developed. Differentiate hypotheses are established

LO 1

P1) Examine organizational culture, politics and power on employees.

In the intense competitive world business is able to grow and develop because of employees hard work. Staff member behaviour directly or indirectly affect organizational politics, culture and power which affect their ability to perform better. Culture depends on companies structure. Whereas, power and politics totally depends on the management and leadership which is exercised in the working premises (Alblas and van Noort, 2019). The analysis of organizational employees, culture and power are illustrated as under:

Influence of organisational culture on team and individual behaviour:

In working premises of BBC which is the most important political and cultural institution in Britain. organization culture refers to as values, beliefs and assumptions of all the workers that impact their behaviour. BBC adopts Handy's cultural typology to understand influence of organisational culture on team and individual behaviour and performance. The distinguish types of organisational culture are explained as under:

Power culture: In this case, power levies in few hands and not in the hands of owner. They has quality of charismatic leader. Power culture is mostly found in small start up firm because here power is centralised. The staff members working in small start up business are quite loyal and trustworthy. It influences team behaviour and performance because owner levies power in their hand due to which all the business activities are performed according to expected level. As well as performance of employees are mould respectively so that set goals can be attained easily.

Role culture: This is because role culture is highly job oriented and have strict policies and norms that are to be followed by employees in this type of culture. The power of the people working in organization is measured by the role played by them in the premises (Balwant, 2018). This culture impact individual behaviour in negative way because there is no freedom to perform the task in their own way. They need to follow the set formate of the business to complete the project. Due to which performance of the employees decreases. 


Source: Handy's Model, 2020

Task culture: Matrix enterprises mostly has task culture in their working premises. The employees working in this type of firm posses problem solving approach and are highly professional in their work. Additionally, the coordination and relationship among the co-workers are very strong that directly assist top level supervisor to operate their daily functions of business smoothly. This culture impact team behaviour and performance in positive way because they are able to solve the problem and are highly skilled in their work. That enhances overall productivity of the employees and motivate team members to work effectively and efficiently.

Person culture: This culture is identified in those firm that has sub-ordinate which are highly professional in their work and posses independence in several forms. Moreover, this type of employees are highly qualified. Person culture is found in law firm. This particular culture affect the team behaviour in positive way because they are free to perform their task independently which enhances their overall performance.

BBC is adopting task culture in their working premises because it assist in ensuring high performance by their co-workers in the cut throat competitive world (Blake and Lloyd, 2019). Moreover, the coordination and relationship among the co-workers are very strong that directly assist top level supervisor to operate their daily functions of business smoothly.

Influence of politics in organization on teams and individual behaviour:

To get desire outcomes politics in firm is associated with use of power and tactics. BBC top management need to take decision for the betterment of the business that will indirectly assist in establishing control on this type of politics. More politics in the working premises results in reduction of productivity. The influence of politics on team and individuals in company are illustrated beneath:

Decrease in productiveness: The overall productivity of employees reduces because of raising politics in the premises. Politics creates negative working environment due to which desire outcomes are not attained in the set deadline. By this firms set goals and objectives are not meet as per the expectation level (Burrell and Morgan, 2019).

Demotivation: Politics occurring in the premises demotivate potential employees to perform better. This divert their mind from work due to which complete focus is not given in the work. Politics impact can be seen in their work by comparing their previous and present outcomes.

Influence of power on team and individual in organisations:

In the working premises power can be determined as the ability of the top management that is used by them to control numerous business function. Additionally, in order to control the attributes of the staff members power is used by firm supervisors so that positive working environment is created. The distinguish power that are available in BBC are discussed below:

Reward power: It is directly associated to power where co-workers are rewarded on their work performance. In BBC CEO uses reward power to reward their hard working employees who contributed their all potential to meet the desire outcome in the set deadline. It build positive attributes in employees and boost them to perform much more better s compare to earlier performance.

Coercive power: With the support of threat and fear group[ members are pushed to perform their assigned work. The fear of getting terminated from the company if work does not get complete in time push them to accomplish the assigned task. Coercive power is exercised by senior most member or by manager of the BBC. This power influences employees in positive way to complete their task. Some people work effectively when are warned. By this their performance can be raised.

Legitimate power: On behalf of the position this particular power is used. BBC top level supervisor uses their power to monitor the day to day activities conducted by co-workers in the premises This power directly impact team behaviour and performance in positive way. When employees work is monitored on daily basis they try to perform their work effectively. By this chances of error can be reduced and they can be motivated to enhance their overall productivity.

Expert Power: The manager of BBC exercise this power, where they use their skills and knowledge in particular field. In extreme condition, expert power is used so to come up with relevant solution for any kind of problem. It improve their performance because with the support of expert power solution is provided to problem.

M1) Critically examine the affect of power, culture and politics on team and individual behaviour and performance


Positive Impact

Negative impact


If there is positive organizational culture in the premises and timely work are assigned by the manger then overall productivity of the BBC can be raised. Due to which set objectives can be attained.

If unhealthy organisation culture is build at workplace then BBC is unable to compete with rivalry prevailing in the open market place.


Positive politics motive employees to work effectively and efficiently. By which assigned work can be completed in the set time frame.

Un-necessry politics reduces productivity to a large extent. This is because employees get distracted from their work because of the raising politics.


Power used in positive way guide employees to accomplish their work properly in better way. By this workers can be retained for longer time duration.

If power is used negatively upon staff then mental stress is increased among employees . Which creates conflict among the team members ( Jacobs and Manzi, 2019).

LO 2

P2) Contents and process theories used to attain firm's goals.

Skilled, potential and capable employees can be retained back in the BBC by motivating them timely by this their overall performance can be enhanced in better way. Motivation is the best way to push workers from within so that they can work effectively and efficiently. To retain their potential sub-ordinates in the premises top level management adopts various motivational theories which are showcased as under:

Content theory: This theory is explained as according to the dynamic environment demand of the customers fluctuate accordingly and tend to full-fill those preferences. Manager of the BBC can follow content theories as under:

a) Maslow's Hierarchy of Need: Abraham Maslow founded this theory. In this theory explains that every individual has set hierarchy of demand and they work accordingly from lower to upper level of hierarchy so as to satisfy them completely (Karatepe and Kim, 2019).

Psychological need: BBC provide basic salary to their staff so that they can full-fill their psychological need like, food water, shelter and clothes. The salary of the workers are designed by keeping in mind the employment legislation of the nation regarding the remuneration. To full-fill this basic needs employees work effectively and efficiently in an organization.

Source: Maslow's Hierarchy of Need, 2020

Safety needs: Benefits such as safety equipments is given to employees at workplace so that security and safety needs can be fulfilled. By this BBC is able to retain back potential employees in the company for longer time duration.

Social needs: Here, friendly relation is build with other staff members in the BBC premises so that they can feel connected with the firm. By this their morale value is boosted by other existing team members.

Esteem needs: In this case, staff desire for appreciation and recognition for the work performed by them. BBC provide monetary and non-monatry reward as well as apprise them to their employees for their best performance (Larijani and Saravi-Moghadam, 2018).

Self- actualization needs: To flourish in the both personal and professional career theses are the needs of workers. It is very essential to satisfy these needs so as to give complete satisfaction to the individual. 

BBC is able to attain the set goals and objectives in the set time duration because they are able to satisfy their employee in every aspect . By which staff work effectively and efficiently to meet the the set standards. Additionally, management is able to retain employees for longer time duration. 

b) McGregor's X and Y theory: This theory states that there are two ways by which employees can be motivated by manager. Theory X explains that staff members reject to perform those work which are of less interest for them. So BBC adopts strict action and forces along with completely supporting them in each and every phase of the work. By this assigned work gets accomplished in the set deadline. Whereas, theory Y showcase that candidates are motivated when they are given appreciation and recognition for their work. By this more productive results are attained as well as more innovation in work is done.

This theory helps BBC in accomplishing set goals and objectives because employees are made satisfied by giving them rewards for their best performance. This boost their them to come up with more innovative idea which assist firm to create tough benchmark for rivalry prevailing in the open market place.

Source: McGregor's X and Y theory, 2020

Process theory: This theory clears that employees can be motivated by satisfying their psychological and behavioural processes. Below are illustrated process theory which are adopted by BBC in order to motivate their workers to perform better:

a) The expectancy theory: Vroom says that motivation is the result of choice made by candidate (Lugosi, 2019). If employee think they can attain huge success after completion of the task it will motivate them to full-fill the assigned work in the set deadline. Desire incentives and threat encourages the workers to enhance their overall workforce performance. It involves elements such as Expectancy, Instrumentality and Valence which are explained as under:

Expectancy: It refers to as idea which is raising the amount of effort will enhance performance. On the other hand it is affected by some elements like, having sufficient raw materiel and time available, having the right skills to so and many more.

Instrumentality: In this case, it the idea which is stating that they employee perform better the result will be positive. This gets affected by certain aspects such as, clear understanding of the relationship between performance and outcomes, transparency of the process which decides who gets which outcomes etc.

Valence: This is the perceived value which workers puts on the results.Here, the depth desire of employees for extrinsic(money, promotion, time-off etc.) or intrinsic (satisfaction) are studied. So that management can frame tactics to full fill their desire want accordingly.

This theory helps in meeting set goals because it realized that staff members performance is based on knowledge, abilities, personality and experience. By working on this aspects and motivating workers to perform better helps them to meet their set standards in the specified time frame.

b) The equity Theory: This theory states that company must balance between their employee's input and output to encourage them to work better. This theory helps in achievement of set goals and objectives because they create equal balance among staff members input and output. Due to which set targets are attained in the specified time frame.

From the above mentioned theories BBC adopts equity theory so that employees can be motivated to raise their overall workforce efficiency. Which leads in accomplishment of set standards in the set deadline.

M2) Critically evaluate the influence of motivation on behaviour of others.

The expectancy theory can be used by senior supervisor so as to motivate workers and to make them goal-oriented. By this employees can be encouraged to work effectively so that set standards can be achieved. However, motivational factor and preferences are to be examined so as to provide them effective motivation. By this act more trustworthy and loyal worker's can be build for the firm as well as they will be motivated timely to perform their tasks in appropriate way (Soto and Rojas, 2019).

D1) Critically examine relationship among culture, power, politics and motivation which enables teams and firm to succeed.

Culture, politics, motivation and power are all related with each other in an organization. Positive culture helps in reducing unnecessary politics in the premises. Positive politics helps in using the power wisely. Due to which skilled and potential workers can be retained for longer time duration. If all this are properly managed in the BBC then set goals can be attained smoothly. Positive culture, politics and power helps the business to succeed in the global market.

Recommendations in context of BBC are:

  • Adopt more positive politics and power in the premises as it assist in raising employees performance.
  • To retain staff members for longer time duration in the company Reward power should be exercised continuously (Muchiri and Ayoko, 2019).

LO 3

P3) Demonstrate about understanding that makes an effective team conflicting to ineffective team

Team and group are regarded as the assemblage of different individuals who are engage in company operations to achieve similar goals. The main motive to perform work in a team is to accomplish organisational objectives within exact manner through delegating roles as per abilities, skills and aptitudes of each team member. Further, effective and ineffective team are two different categories which demonstrate results of team by monitoring team performance constantly.

Effective team- Effective team leads to enhance employee motivation as well as business productivity for achieving common goal that increases profits for organisation. BBC is performing their work at multi-national level so by encouraging member to work them as effective team leads individuals to adopt optimistic and positive behaviour which will be developed in all division which enhances productivity for organisation (Mansouri and Khan, 2018).

Ineffective team- Individuals are the base for a team but due to low skills and capabilities it is complex for organisation to perform all work in effective manner because members are not able to execute their roles in proper manner. So due to mismanagement in work it is complex to develop positive environment in organisational divisions. Along with this, conservation gap also generates objections and misunderstanding for BBC due to which stress is faced by employees in internal division that impact on productivity of firms. On the other side, ineffective team members impact on overall performance of organisation due to which goals and objectives of organisation are not accomplished in specified time period. 


Effective team

Ineffective team

Objectives and goals

According to effective team members, each individual are aware about methods for accomplishing organisational goals and objectives that helps to adopt alternations which take place in external environment of organisation. So effective team members also ensure long term results for organisation.

Ineffective team members are straight in contact with performance of operations and functions of organisation. This result because of low skill involvement in operations it is complex for management to achieve their goals in proper manner. 


Within context of effective team, transparent and clear communication is empowered by employees to increase the level of their productivity and profitability. Along with this there are two contrary approach of communication which is open and correct expression that impact on healthy relations as manpower is major asset for organisation. 

The ineffective team members face various challenges due to improper communication it results there are various misconception will be generated that impact on opinion and thoughts due to improper transfer meaning of words that generates difficulties to transfer right meaning of words to individuals. 

Work performance

Operations as well as functions which are performed by effective team members leads BBC or other organisation to execute their efforts towards the direction of goals and objectives. It also refers that with right performance and right results it is easy to get sustainability in operations and functions of organisation (Omodan and Tsotetsi, 2019).

Ineffective teams and its workforce directly reduces organisational performance as they are not able to perform work according to decided benchmark which impacts on performance of all operations which is performed by management.

Tuckman team development theory

It is one of the most well known team development theory that is based on organisational performance as it also impacts on upcoming ideas and concepts of management. The major advantage for BBC to implement Tuckman theory is that it tackles better ideas for completing work from its initial stage and they stay on them until completion of project.

Forming- With the forming stage an organisation divide all roles and responsibilities to individuals as per their skills and capabilities. In the context of BBC, potential and capable individuals are able to perform all work effectively because job roles and responsibilities are assigned according to their skills and expertise. 

Storming- BBC perform several task according to international rules and regulations in order to perform their work with ethical approach.This results all individuals are recruited according to skills and objectives that are required for particular job. (Pangil and Nasurdin, 2019).

Norming- norming stage leads organisation to implement better communication among all individuals and division due to which team members perform their work in collaborative approach. This results it is easy for management to evolve and implement unique and new ideas in organisation. The main motive of norming stage is to gain competitive advantage in market by managing human resources. 

Performing- According to performing stage all the task and operations of organisation which is performed by team members must be evaluated by top authorities and superiors. This determines work productivity will be improved as performance will be monitored on daily basis by top authorities.

Adjourning- This is one of the final stage under which team performance as the superior persons and work with motive of getting reward either on monetary basis and non-monetary basis. This results long term profits will be gained by management as well as team individuals.

M3 Analyse of relevant team and group development theories to support development of dynamic co-operation

With the relevant theories and its implementation all task which are performed by management are focused towards achievement of organisation goals and objectives. From the perspective of organisation which are performing their work at small level but now are focused towards expansion of business at global level. Tuckman theory of development is a major perspective for organisation that enhances and execute a project in proper manner because it consider a task from initial stage and then complete it with proper rules and regulations (Paull and Whitsed, 2018).

LO 4

P4) Concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour

Path Goal Theory: This particular theory aid in identifying different types of leadership style that can be adopted by an organization. This is dependent on the nature of the employees and the environment in which they are operating their business.

Source: Path Goal Theory, 2020

Classification of path goal theory

Employees characteristics: This directly helps workers in acquiring sufficient skills and knowledge so that perform their roles and responsibilities in proper manner. Top management is accountable to enhance their skills by providing them proper training and guiding them in their work.

Task and environmental characteristics: Here, the issues are focused which occurred at the time of assigning activities to the workers. BBC manger with the help of effective plan is able to resolve the problems and take steps for the betterment(Sheedy and Jepsen, 2019).

Leadership styles : It aid top seniors of BBC to control and monitor staffs of the firm that desire results can be meet. Some of the leadership styles are illustrated as under:

  • Directive Leadership: They provide guidance and direction so that the set goals and objectives can be attained in the set time duration. On the basis of performance they are rewarded so they are motivated to perform much better. BBC can apply this theory in their premises by directing the employees in their work timely so that necessary rectification can be done in the initial stage and assigned work can be completed in the set deadline.
  • Participative Leadership: In this leader encourage their team members to participate in the firm's activities that aid them in decision making process of BBC. Company can adopt this style in order to utilize the ability of workers by taking feedback on them. By this this can be assured that they are valuable asset of the firm.
  • Supportive leadership: BBC adopts this style in the working premises so that stress and frustration level in employees can be reduced. By this positive working environment can be build so that employees can be hold back in the premises for longer time duration. This style is beneficial when work tasks are dangerous then supportive leadership is needed in the premises.
  • Oriented leadership: In this type of leadership leader concentrate on overall success and growth of the business by accomplishing the work in the set time frame. BBC by adopting this style can bring more creativity in their task. By which emerging needs of the customers can be fulfilled easily. However, it is beneficial for those team members who lack behind in managing their time well. Additionally, it ensures that set deadlines are achieved and tasks are achieved properly.

M4) Evaluation of all concepts & philosophies related with the organisation behaviour

Company need to follow participative leadership in an organisation. By this positive working environment is build in the premises because in this style employees are motivated to participate in the decision making process. This style impact organization behaviour in positive way because by this employees are assured that they are valuable assets of the firm (Vaughan, 2019) . On the other hand it impact negatively because it is difficult to consider views of all the employees in the decision making process. Due to which feeling of biasses emerges in the mind of the customers. 

D2) Evaluation of the relevance for different team development theories

Tuckman team development theory influence behaviour in the workplace because it define that team can grow by stating all the stages, task-focused teams, formulation of groups of individuals and so on. By this set objectives can be attained in the set deadline. The major advantage for BBC to implement Tuckman theory is that it tackles better ideas for completing work from its initial stage and they stay on them until completion of project.


From the above discussion it can be summarized that organizational behaviour plays a vital role in the business. It is important to understand the attributes of the employees working in the firm so that they can be mould and motivated accordingly to perform better. The influence of power, culture and politics on organization are studied so that necessary improvements can be done so as to attain productive outcomes. Distinguish ways are examined to motivate team so that set standards can be attained in the specified time duration. By this competitive advantages against rivalry can be attained which is a positive mark for the business in the intense competitive world. Additionally, understanding regarding what makes effective team as opposed to ineffective team is deeply evaluated so that changes can be done in the loop hole areas. By this productive results can be attained in the global market. Several theories are determined to understand the how they impact behaviour of employees.

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