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Unit 12 - Organisational Behaviour

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  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 20 / Words 5074
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Organization Selected : Apple company

Organizational Behaviour



Organizational behavior studies how individuals act within groups and aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of enterprises. It encompasses various research areas focused on enhancing performance, job satisfaction, and leadership. This report examines Apple Inc., a multinational tech company founded by Steve Jobs in 1976, known for its electronics and software. It will explore how organizational culture, power dynamics, and politics impact individual and team performance. Additionally, the report will cover motivation theories and their role in achieving organizational goals. It will also compare effective and ineffective teams and assess different organizational behavior concepts to improve business performance.

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Discuss about how organization’s culture, power and politics influence individual and team performance within “Apple”

Organization culture is based on theorized as a collection of principles and belief within organization that aid to form nature, behaviour of staff members. In another way, it can be defined as an initiative that categorises the contribution as well as efforts of structural members. It is useful for understanding about the business goals and objective where employees achieve effectively. Sometimes, it has summarised the shared process of mind that segregates members of groups from others. It means that employee coordinating and influencing towards Apple objectives (Barry and Wilkinson, 2016). Therefore, it easily recognised the link between culture and performance of business. Nowadays, it is rapidly increasing the digital technology and globalization that always influence the organizational culture for improving overall business performance and efficiency. In apple, employee can use various type of advanced technology for reshaping its working environment or culture.

As per Handy’s model of organizational culture, it is a leading the business culture that can be defined into different forms.

Classification of culture

  • Power: In context of power culture,Power always influence the individuals those who are improving business capabilities and abilities. In Apple, Staff members are judged by what they become achieve rather than how they can do things. The power culture influences the decision-making in business development even those decisions are useful for long-term benefits. In apple, it has found that there are facing many issues because of limited power of individual within organization. in this way, employee will not take important decision related organizational policies.
  • Role: The role culture is based on working of organization that driver force and enables to run smoothly. in the Apple company, it can be divided equal responsibilities of employees so that they are performed task. It is highly managed and controlled with staff members. Through power culture, it has facilitated the open communication of individual in the business organization. It will be used for decision making and often to handle overall business operations (King and Lawley, 2016).
  • Task: It is associated in the form of teams within apple that are formed to address issues, problem and progress in current project. It is an essential thing where power within team often shift depending on the status of project. In Apple, task culture provides an effectiveness that will largely identified by dynamic team and increase the production of business in global marketplace.
  • Person: Within apple firm, each staff members see themselves as superior and unique. The company is simply existing in order for individuals to work because person culture is becoming group of people who happen to be working within same Apple.

In apple, it has seen the effective culture or environment because manager always support for employee and encourage towards business goals. In this way, it influences for achieving the business task in proper manner.

Influence of power:

Power is based on the capacity to get other to act on the basis of positional authority. It always influences the ability to modify that how employee develops, behave and think within Apple company. There are different types of power exists within business such as positional power, coercive power, Expert Power and so on.

In Apple, Manager should be used the Coercive power within organization to manipulate the behaviour of workforce. In most of cases, A manager may force a staff member to work long house to meet project deadline. Afterwards, it also identified that the Coercive Power influence the employee in apple firm for completing their task within specific deadline.

The managers have the power and also authorised to make important decision related business development. The power influences the people, who are performed the different operations and functions. in this way, it directly impacts on the Apple to achieve their goals and objective. It will increase productivity and profitability in marketplace. It also beneficial for staff members to gain rewards and appreciation after completing task on time.

Influence of Politics:

Within organization, Politics are related to the behaviour and nature that outside or inside in the organization. It has influenced specific position, behaviour that intended to acquire individual ends. It also opposed to other in business terms. The organizational politics create the ambivalent response because people look at whole process in terms of negative and positive (Dutta and Khatri, 2017). On the other hand, it also developed the situation where dividing overall structure of business. In most of cases, organizational politics become more prevalent and important for individual at higher management level as the high competition. So as various tactics applied within organization for changing overall business environment or culture.

In Apple, it has seen the positive organizational politics is to favour some people and provide more power. On the other hand, the negative organizational politics can be functional while providing motivated minority. These are influencing the behaviour and performance of employee within organization.

Organizational psychology

Organizational psychology may be defined as an application for identifying principles, facts and figures to problem. It also concerned about employee operating within business performance and improvement. First of all, it has required for understanding about the business psychological itself to identify need of individuals and then afterwards, it will increase distribution, consumption and production of services in global marketplace.

Network and system theories

Apart from that principles of network and system theory applicable within Apple firm that help for enhancing business culture or environment. through theories, it has a build good relationship between individuals and group of people. It enables to clear their organizational goals. In order to maintain and control overall system effectively. (Saintilan and Schreiber, 2017) By using network theory within apple, it can easily analyse entire structure of system and amplifying action that needed for survival. Thus, modifying the relationship between individuals and group members at workplace.

As per system model, it is useful in competitive environment that has increased ability to determine functions and relationship, thereby establishing a good communication for maintaining flow of information within business. in this way, it directly influences individuals and team members for building relationship to improve business performance. In order to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

Discuss about motivational theories and Behavioural psychology.

Motivation is basically the process of facilitating as well as stimulating the people for actions in order to accomplish goals as well as objectives. In short, motivation is the internal process which drives the individuals towards the fulfillment of a specific objective or the goal. Extrinsic motivation is predominately the behaviour of individuals which is driven by the external rewards such as fame, money etc. Intrinsic motivation on the other hand is primarily the behaviour which is mainly driven by the internal rewards like self-satisfaction etc. There are generally two motivational theories which are content and process motivation theories.

Content theory

This is one of the foremost as well as widely used motivational theory and thus this theory mainly attempt for exploring the various factors which motivates the people for seeking their needs and satisfying desires. This theory is generally associated with needs and thus concentrates on the factors which motivates people (Rudolph, 2016). There are range of motivational theories like

Maslow hierarchy theory

This is one of the most important as well as renowned theory in motivation which is being used by Apple. This theory depicts the hierarchy need through which employees in organization goes through and thus needs to be satisfied for decreasing turnover ratio. Physiological needs are the foremost need in this theory which is related to biological requirements and thus includes basic necessities required by employees (Brown and Capozza, 2016). These includes food, shelter, clothing etc. For example- if these needs of employees in Apple are not satisfied then this eventually leads to their decreased motivation. Second is safety needs which means need for security and protection. For example- Apple needs to ensure the security of their employees by offering safe and secure environment. Third need after safety need is need for love and belonging and this relates to need for social belongingness as well as interpersonal relation at workplace. For example- Apple should build a culture of teamwork and friendliness in their organization in order to satisfy this need of employees. Fourth need is esteem need and this is all about the need for dignity, interdependence, respect as well as prestige. Apple should continuously appreciate the working of their employees by providing the recognition, rewards etc. which will help them to feel respected. Last need is self-actualization need which mainly relates to the self-fulfillment, personal potential etc. For example- Apple should provide challenging tasks and activities to employees for their increased engagement and for realizing one's potential.

Herzberg theory

This is another theory of motivation and thus addresses that there are generally various factors within workplace which causes the job satisfaction and on the other hand some factors cause dissatisfaction. Herzberger divided these factors into two classes which are hygiene factors and motivators. Hygiene factors are the one which helps to inculcate high level of motivation in workplace. When these factors are absent then this eventually leads to dissatisfaction (Gopalan and,2017). Another factor is the motivational factor which yields a positive satisfaction within employees. These factors mainly motivate employees for their superior performance. For example- Promotion as well as appreciation is one of the important factors of motivation thus when Apple continuously provides growth as well as promotional opportunities to their employees then this eventually results in high motivation with them.

ERG theory

This is another motivational theory which is being proposed by Clayton Alderfer and thus divided the human needs within three categories. First one is existence needs which mainly includes the materials which are required for the survival and thus includes physiological needs and safety needs. Apple should ensure the fulfillment of these needs in their workplace for retaining employees (Hong, 2017). Another is relatedness needs which includes the need for interpersonal relationship and thus addresses social needs. Apple should provide constant recognition to their employees for increasing their productivity and motivation. Last is the growth needs which is need for the self-development and the personal growth. Apple should provide growth opportunities like promotion to their employees for their personal growth.

Process theory

This is the second most used as well as remarkable theory of motivation which mainly relates to the whole process within motivation. It addresses that how overall process actually woks and thus stains over the time.

Vroom expectancy theory

This is the foremost and important process theory which is based on the premise that the behaviour mainly results from the conscious choices where main aim is to increase the pleasure among employees at workplace. There are three variables within this theory. First variable is expectancy which is belief that the increased effort eventually results into enhanced performance (Skinner, 2016). For example- Apple should provide effective training to their employees for inculcating right skills within them and for increasing their productivity. Second variable is instrumentality which is based on assumption that if employees will perform well than valuable outcome will emerge. Apple should provide a clear understanding of relationship between the outcome and performance. Last variable is Valence which is mainly the importance which an individual place on expected outcome. For example- Apple should be motivated through non-monetary aspects as this will enable employees to value outcome.

Adam equity theory

This theory is mainly based on the premise that individuals generally maintains fair relation between performance as well as rewards in contrast to others. In short, employees tend to get encourages and motivated when their input are high than output. Thus, Apple should encourage as well as motivate their employees to increase their contribution and commitment towards work in order to yield high output. This can be done by continuously celebrating with them their good work and enthusiasm (Brown and Capozza, 2016).

Implications of motivational theory

The various motivational theories help Apple to incorporate effective leadership within the organization. Through the help of these theories, leaders in Apple are able to effectively motivate their team members and thus helps them by providing effective guidance and direction. Besides this, the motivational theory allows management of apple to estimate what are the needs and desire of their employees and hence help them to design effective strategies for fulfilling them (Rudolph, 2016). Apple can use this motivational theory by continuously encouraging their employees. Apple can seek the help of various rewards as well as recognition which will eventually help to increase the motivation level within employees.

In above discussion, it has concluded that Apple can use the motivational theories within organization by providing rewards, recognition. It directly impacts on the behavior of employees and their performance because they always try to put an extra effort in goal achievement within organization. In this way, they can develop the positive attitude and behavior towards organizational objectives.

Behavioral psychology

Emotional intelligence is predominately the ability for understanding as well as managing the emotions in a positive way for relieving stress and communicating effectively. There are various soft skills which are being used by managers and teams of Apple like positive attitude, communication skills etc. These soft skills eventually help the managers as well as teams of Apple to effectively communicate with the customers as well as with each other and thus this eventually increases their productivity (Brown and Capozza, 2016).

The task leadership theory mainly describes leaders which is mainly motivated by attaining the tasks and is mainly concerned with delineating role to employees. For example, leaders in Apple creates the policies and thus informs subordinates about procedures and thus develop criteria for evaluating employee’s performance. Relationship leadership theory on the other hand describes leader who is mainly motivated by as well as concerned with communicating with people. For example- leaders in Apple interact with employees and make their working experience enjoyable by providing effective feedback (Gopalan and,2017).

The psychodynamic approach mainly involves theories which addresses the various psychological forces which underlie and thus influences human behaviour, emotions, feelings etc. This psychodynamic approach in organization mainly helps to deduce the numerous motivational factors which motivates employees and thus influences their behaviour. Freud's theory is considered as most effective psychodynamic theory which helps to understand the attitude and behaviour of employees towards different aspects (Hong, 2017).


Demonstrate that how makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.

There are different types of team that are performed significant role within apple. I could determine the various team involves problem-solving, virtual team and project team. In this way, it also identified that how an effective team always oppose ineffective team in different manner.

  • Functional Team: It can be defined as group of people who are working within same functional areas. In Apple, I have examined that staff members are working together and focused on same goals or objectives. As I have found managers are being shared by specific objective by staff members and organization (Egeberg and Stigen, 2018). The functional team has handled the operational capacity since many specialists with share their own cut-off points.

I realised that Functional team also maintained and controlled daily activities of business task. In this way, authorities are gathering information on daily basis with affiliation going as inspiration divining across different localities.

  • Problem-Solving Team: In apple company, I have measured the criteria of problem-solving that teams are working together on same type of goal but their work become different as performed various task. I could determine that team role is based on the identifying problems or issues within business development process. So that it helps for resolving issues in business operation and function.
  • Project Team: It refers to the group of people where each member belongs to another group, functions and handle various project within apple company. I have analysed that each member is performed various task to fulfil need of organization. As per my opinion, the management team of apple company can be divided into sub team and give specific responsibilities to handle project functionality.
  • Virtual Team: In apple company, I have found that virtual teams are basically made group of individual, who are working with different location. The team must provide the better efficient member that always balance work-life and allows for business to employ expert in different fields. As per my views, the apple company undergoes several types of project where staff members are located in different areas but they are working in same team and work on single project.

I have concluded that There are different type of skills and knowledge support for improving business efficiency and performance within “Apple” organization.

Impact of technology on these organizational team:

In my personal experience,an advancement of technology is directly impact on the different organizational team such as problem-solving, virtual, functional and project team. These are performed different functions for improving overall business performance as well as efficiency. I have realised that Technology allows for manager to facilitate the communication among different members by using distribution channel, email and telephone. In this way, it impacts on the team to reduce time and expenses at workplace.

According to personal opinion, A virtual team is group of people that can be used the technology for sharing data from one place to another through electronic device. I have realised that virtual team can work across time, space and organizational boundaries for establishing linked between them (Maiorano, 2018). On the other hand, I have used the internet and other type of network for purpose of coordination, communication and collaborate with each other on project management. This will help for me to understand about the virtual team to manage and control their specific task in proper manner.

  • Team group: It is a group of individuals that have developed relationship from one people to another. it can be defined that group of people refers to social entities and also have a common property among members.

Difference between team and group



  • It is group of people that have identify to join together in particular task.
  • It consists of one or more people.
  • It is mainly focused on the individual goals.
  • It is a collection of individuals, who are working together for completing project.
  • It consists of more than one people.
  • It mainly focused on accomplishing team goal or objective.


Benefits of team:

  • I have identified that increased the opportunity to adopt or learn new things for self-improvement and development.
  • I realised that it is beneficial for providing the opportunities of synergistic combination of idea in organizational achievement.
  • An effective team membership can provide social support for resolving difficult situation or condition.

Risk of team:

  • The risk is related the conflict among team members due to different view point towards project development.
  • Misleading the information or data within task management.

Tuckman’s team development model and how its impact on individual development

Tuckman’s team development theory is mainly focused on several team within organization that could be tackle business operations. In apple, it can be described about the theories that available in marketplace. I have analysed the Tuckman theory that consists of different steps to described the development group within organization.

  • Forming: It is initial step for team development where staff member usually does work in order to find their place in the organization.
  • Storming: It is the second step of Tuckman that being applied in workplace of Apple company. At my point of view, team members are faced challenges in task management so that they can do work in team and compete with leaders (Chitale, Mohanty and Dubey, 2019).
  • Norming: I have realised that this process is defined that where each team members gather information about the business development and further implement new innovation for business expansion.
  • Performing: it is last step where each team members effectively start their own work and building an effective relationship for resolving issues within current project. In this way, it can improve organizational performance in task completion.

I have found that Tuckman’s theory impact on the individual and group of people for achieving their specific goals. It is helping for staff members to improve their ability, capability and establish relationship with organizational leaders. So, as an effective team which may produce a successor leader and move towards new team. It continuously processes for maintaining and controlling overall business profitability.

In above discussion, I have examined that effectiveness use of Tuckman’s theory within Apple company for developing an effective team and find out efficient members. it will be effective team member where it easily analysing situation or condition of business.

On the other hand, I have found the challenges when ineffective team is not properly complete their task on time, sometimes, I realised that it has increased the poor management culture or environment within organization.

Belbin Typology

Apple company is quite prescriptive when building an effective team and also applied typology for performing particular project task. In person opinion, Belbin typology is considered as important theory that help for identifying behaviour, attitude and characteristics of individual at workplace (Hanaysha, 2016). It also facilities the progress of team towards achievements and goals. By using Belbin’s typology, it is managing an effective team and also identifying their significant skills and knowledge. required for effective teams. Belbin typology is useful for predicting in which team would be succeed.

  • The implementer: I have described as a systematic, conservative and practical within business operations. In Apple, Manager is an implementer within business management, their primary contribution is to turn into theoretical aspects and make successful plan base don the practical approach. In Apple, it can easily maintain or balance adaptability or capability.
  • The Co-ordinator: In Apple, Leaders are mainly described about the level of confidence and controlled, where how to coordinate entire team and every one work together in particular project. I have determined that when it can control and organise team in proper manner that get achieve better performance.
  • The resource investigator: within Apple company, resource investigator always relaxed with strong inquisitive sense and try to find out new innovative things in organizational development (Alessio and, 2019). Main contribution is to explore the essential resources and also develop connection from external people.
  • The team worker: It is important part of Apple firm where supports entire team members and always concern about their feelings. According to my opinion, they have adopted the situation for maintaining effectiveness of team in proper manner. The primary contribution is to build an effective coordination or communication for resolving any issues.
  • The complete finisher: It is helping for team members within Apple company to ensure efforts of individual. It must have identified the capacity, skill, performance of each employee within organization.

Describe about the philosophies and concepts of organizational behaviour to the business situation or condition.

I have studied about the concept of organizational behaviour that is becoming interesting as well as challenging. It can relate to the individual, group of people that are working in single team. Sometimes, I found that it is important for manager within Apple company to predict behaviour, nature of individual or team members, each one contributes for performing different role to achieve goals and objectives.

Path goal theory

As per my opinion, it is based on the model that involves for specifying leadership style and behaviour, best way to fit on staff member and work environment. in order to achieve the significant goals and objectives. By using path goal, I have been selected the employee on the basis of their behaviour and talent where they can handle business operations. In Apple I have used path goal theory in their business to find out an effective team member (McShane, Olekalns and Martin, 2018). Furthermore, I can determine performance of team and also improve business situation in proper manner. The nature of goal theory is to address complexity as well as maturity of individuals that can present in the form of effective team.

The path goal theory can be identified four different style that useful for organizational goals and achievements.

  • The directive path: I must ensure that leader behaviour refers to handle business situation while perform their tasks. As per my opinion, within apple firm the positive behaviour of leader impact on the employee performance and satisfying the demand of task management.
  • The achievement: I have understood the achievement which is based on the business challenging goal for staff members within Apple that perform at highest level and ability to meet expectations.
  • The participative: I include behaviour of employee where how they can treat other members during task management. It is based on the decision making for improving business performance.
  • The supportive: I have analysed that an effective leader always directed towards needs, preferences and demand of employee within Apple. Manager shows their concern for staff member psychological well-being.

Apart from that I have seen that addressed an expected result of situational leadership. There is required for analyse necessity of leadership theory. In Apple, Manager can use leadership style that allow for leader to understand business complexity and difficulty. As per my opinion, an effective team member is participating as a specific role under team for handle any type of situation in proper manner.

I have realised that leadership style will allow for member to interact with other people and get an idea of business development. Through leadership theory, it is better way to analyse business situation while implementing the innovative idea for increasing performance and efficiency.

Contemporary Barriers to effective performance within “Apple”

I could identify the different type of of contemporary barriers that are being effective in terms of employee performance and speed. I could understand the required of team-work theory while providing opportunities for employee to share own experience in business development. according to me, it is necessary for “Apple” company to keep record employee issues related relationship between members at workplace. Sometimes, Improper management style affects on the overall performance of Apple in global marketplace (McShane, Olekalns and Martin, 2018). I have been determined the common barriers find related environment, culture, lack of communication and taken improper feedback from client side.

In apple, I have realised that these types of barriers are prevalent because of diversified staff member that will affects on the performance of entire team at workplace. As per my consideration like poor communication which is quite prevalent in the organization where it will increase diverse working culture among staff members but it directly affects on the performance as well as efficiency of different team. It is the most common issues within team members.

In my personal experience, I have analysed about the different concepts and philosophies within organization. I have understood that Path goal theory which providing the direction of leaders in organization. I have found that challenges and obstacles when employees are not properly work together with managers. So as faced issues related lack of coordination, communication, interaction and improper response.


From the above discussion, it concluded that Organizational behavior is based on the academic study that help for identifying people act within groups. The organizational behaviour may include different areas of research and dedicated to improve performance, satisfaction and encouraging the leadership. It has summarised about the organizational culture, power and politics influence individuals and team behaviour or performance of employee. It can be determined the content and process theories of motivation in which enables an effective achievement of organizational goals. Furthermore, it can examine the role of effective team and how it directly opposed to ineffective team within organization. However, it evaluates the different concepts and philosophies of organizational behaviour within business context and improve overall situation or condition of enterprises.

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