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Unit 2 Tour Operations R/508/0486 Regent College


  • Unit No: 0
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 3 / Words 785
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 1232

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Task 1


Tour operation consists those process and plan which support in giving different and better quality of visitors and effective tour packages to audience (Tour Operations Management, 2014). It renders various facilities through which visitors can visit different places within the outside the country. Travel and tourism industry have different sectors such as food and beverages, tourism lodgings, transportation, retail and so on. They also apply latest and current technologies and many other resources which output in quick development and progress of this sector (Allahyari, Salari and Vigo, 2015). It is a fastest flourishing industry worldwide and having significant involvement in the GDP of country. In this tour operation management mainly considered as planning, market evaluation, implementation and controlling of the activities and tasks to meet the companies objectives and retain the functions flow in professional manner. In present assignment, given organisation is Thomas Cook, it is an integrated travel & tourism industry related to financial service headquartered in London, UK. This report divided into different tasks which are cover effects of recent and current trends and stages which involve in developing holiday. Review of brochures and methods of distribution also involved in this project. At last, tactical and strategic decision making for operators also analysed in this study.

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Task 1

1.1 Influence of current and recent trends on travel industry

There are different kind of tour operators including domestic, outbound, direct sell, incoming and specialist. These are determined as below:

Inbound tour operator: It is a type of operators which are chiefly deals in inbound international visitors and render them effective facility related to sightseeing, transportation, accommodation, currency, entertainment and so on (Bagan and et. al., 2013) .

Outbound tour operators: Main role and responsibility of such operators is to advertise and promote tourism services and products in order to attract international clients. They sell tour package of domestic country to people of foreign nation. 

Domestic tour operator: It is also main part of the tourist industry and role of this to control entire market. In this, operators develop their own place effectively. Thomas Cook which is a travel and tourism sector in United kingdom has impacts of tendency in business activities and operations. There are several effects which are analysed by the company are determined as below:

Changes in technology: Traditional method to reservation or book ticket regarding the tour package is replaced with modern technology. Thomas Cook is applying mobile app, websites and many other internet sites to facilitate clients at door phase to deal with packages and tickets (Bhatia, 2012). Thus, it help the customers to obtain necessary information and data about tour packages.

Climate awareness: It is the role of manager is to handle the availability of tour packages about the awareness of climate at tour destination. In this business analysis the customer and better place where they can provide their effective services and products to the customers. For example: if a destination is more amazing and awesome to travel in winter, then, Thomas Cook conduct special programs to attract as well as aware large number of visitors regarding the sightly impression of environmental condition at destination. 

Diversity: World and environment is flexible due to different variation in religions, culture, caste and many other modification. So, travelling agency has to analysed different business conditions and make goods as well as provide tour packages as per the customers taste, preferences, needs and many other (Chaumont and Yor, M., 2012). Thus, outputs of this in the happiness and satisfaction of visitors.

All these are main effects which are hinder on business operations and activities. It is the role of trade bodies including, Federation of Tour Operators and Association of Independent Tour Operators are determined as below: 

Federation of Tour Operators: Main role and duty of this group is to ensure the long term growth and progress of tourism sector by causing legal authority and thought formers on the advantage to customers and many other stakeholders. 

Association of Independent Tour Operators: It is a British based tourism industry that represents approximately 120 expert and autonomous tour operator. They have complete protection of consumer in destination. It also causing policy that impacts travel industry and its consumers.

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