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Sustainable Tourism Development


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Introduction to Sustainable Tourism

Tourism also involve primary transportation at a general location, entertainment, accommodation and shopping. The present report is based on a Philippine case study, where president is focusing on development of tourism activity for attracting more tourist. The present report covers, the advantage and disadvantage of public and private sector tourism planning partnership is discussed. Along with this, Feature of tourism development planning at different level is analysed. Apart from that, different method of interactive planning system and process in tourism development is evaluated.

Discussing a way through which Stakeholder can benefit from planning of tourism development

Stakeholder play a significant role in the tourism industry and the stakeholders involved in the tourism business are tourist, local community, government, in the international agencies different types of organization and educational institutes. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and it also brings a lot of economic benefits for the grownup country. According to the case study of Philippines, stakeholders are important for this country in a tourism industry. Further, there are some important stakeholders that are government, local resident and tourist without this stakeholder the demand of tourism cannot be increased or managed. It is the responsibility of the government to increase the demand of tourism among people so that economy can be benefited. Further, if demand increase then employment opportunity will also increase and it will beneficial for the country. Hence, to keep a demand of tourist high at a Philippine country, it is necessary that the stakeholder suggestion and ideas is useful for tpoursim development. There are different stakeholders of tourism industry which are discussed below:

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Local resident: The Local resident is people who live in a country . People who live in a country have lot of information about their nation and they can easily help the tourism company in planning process. The Philippines tourism industry also made a promise to a country that they will help in increasing employment opportunity and improving all rural areas so that tourist like to visit there. Further, if all planning is done in a systematic manner then it will help people of Philippine in raising their standard of living.

Tourist: Tourist is also an important stakeholder of the tourism industry without them tourism company cannot survive and earn profit. If tourist does not like to visit the Philippine country then its economy will not grow because there is no flow of money from another country. Further, all tourism activity and planning is done for attracting tourist so they are important stakeholder for survival of the tourist industry. Furthermore, for the benefit of customer/tourist, the tourism company needs to make a destination more beautiful and attractive for grabbing the attention of tourists and for increasing the demand. They are also required to focus on customer demand and improve that destination which consumer like to visit more. Further, the tourism company can also offer attractive service to the consumer and some benefit on tour package which encourage them to visit the new place.

Government: Government is an important stakeholder of the tourism industry. There are many rules and regulation made by the government which helps the organization in running its business smoothly. Without the support of government, all tourism activity cannot perform smoothly. The government is also benefited from tourism industry that is when people form other country came at Philippine destination then there is a floe of money which help in the growth of the economy. Further, there is also an advantage for a regulatory authority and nation in a tourism industry.

Advantage and disadvantage of public/ private sector tourism planning partnership

There are several private firms which are operating at Philippine in the tourism industry. Both the private and public sector run its business in their own way. Public sector organizations are mainly run by a government which facilitates the transport facility and accommodation to the customer. On the other hand, in a private sector it provides a facility such as hotel, restaurant and another accommodation facility. All the private organization is privately owned and no there is no interference of the government. According to the given case study of Philippine, the tourism company of both private sector and public sector is merged which increases the scope of earning profit and market share. At the time when both the companies are merged then they deliver high quality services to the tourist. Further, both organizations are working together to increase the resources. There are some advantages if public and private sector work together and that are as follow:

Shared risks: At the time, when both sector work together it help in reducing overall risk of the firm. It result that higher profit can be earned with a low risk further there is higher revenue gain which help growth of economy.

Increase productivity: Public/ private sector tourism planning plays an important role in increasing productivity of the firm which supports in delivering fast service to the customer. At the time when productivity increases, the company can earn a higher profit at low-cost production.

Innovative product: Partnership of public and private sector help in making innovative product for its customer and further, they deliver high quality services to the tourist which help in attracting more customers.


Overuse of resources: Partnership of both the sector helps in increasing a resource, when these resources are overused at the same time their may be a high wastage of the that resources . Further, it may also harm the surrounding environment of Philippine.

Loss of the government control: If both the sector works together then the government may lose its power of making decision. There is a little control of government on price making decision and affect the rule and regulation made by government.

Analyses features of tourism development planning at different level with reference to case study

There are features are there which are involved in tourism development planning at a different level according to the given case study of Philippine. It is necessary to meet the need of tourist so that customer can be attracted toward the new destination. For this purpose, it is necessary to plan a development of tourism at a different level. Further as per accordance to the government rule and regulation tourism department is divided and the task is allocated to each department. There are different level which are discussed below:

National level: At national level where development of planning is done for the tourist at Philippine. It is necessary for the management of firm to coordinate wit large sector of country. For this purpose different policy are made for the tourism sector by a government . According to this policy tourist who visit Philippine must treat properly and their should be no discrimination done between them at any level. Further destination should not be destroyed or polluted by a people who are living their, it may be affect the demand of customer.

International level: At an international level tourism development planning is done at a bigger level so that customer can be attracted toward the destination (Zhang, Lan Qi, . and Wu, P., 2016.). In order to meet the needs and demand of people, it is necessary for the government of Philippine that they develop their country in such a manner which can attract the customers.

At site level: At the site level, planning is a planning for construction leisure services and developed an infrastructure. Further, it is necessary that tourist who visits Philippine should get an effective transportation facility, hotel accommodation etc. All this thing is necessary to develop for the comfort of tourist so that they like to visit again and again.

Significance of interactive planning system and process in tourism development

Planning refers to a process where the goal is set, strategies are developed, Task is divided and time is set in order to achieve goal and objective. While interactive planing is the process in which all stakeholder are involved in decision-making process. At the time of planning it necessary to keep some factor in mind so that strategy cab is formulated. There are some aspects of stakeholder such as Government, customer, local people etc which help in making tourism development so their idea is very important for the Philippine. The higher tour sits develop a suitable strategy and policy which help in the success of tourism development plan (Sharpley and Telfer, eds., 2014.). The feedback system is introduced by the government which helps in feeling the gap between actual desired of tourist and offer given by a tourist. In this feedback is taken by a tourist which help in identifying the desired need of both existing and potential customer. Interactive planning is very important for the tourist company as well as for government so that suitable changes can be made in their tour package offer. Further, through interactive planning tourist company and government can easily allocate the resources and used it in effective way without wasting it. For example, tour-sit company needs to make a proper interaction with a hotel and government authority of Philippine for this it is necessary to introduce new technology and use it properly for staying connected with a different country.

Apart from this, tourism company need to introduce a tourist activity which help in not pollute the environment or cause any damage to destination. For this purpose, government focus on using a high tech aspect to reduce this pollution problem. Further, it can also state that if stakeholder involve in a planning process which help in getting a innovative ideas and taking effective decision. From the above, discussion it is clear that interactive planning and process in tourism development is very helpful in for the Philippine.

Different method to measure tourist impact with references to Philippines case study

There are several method available which help in measure the tourist impact. There are some positive and negative impact for this tour company need to formulate appropriate strategy.

By using this strategy it help in minimizing the negative effect while encourage the positive impact. Both negative and positive impact can be measure by checking the environmental condition as well as implication in surrounding society. There are some method discussed below:

Economic measure: According to this, income of local people can be compared after and before the season in which tourist visit the Philippine. Further this help in identifying how much profit local resident earned form the tourism activities in their nation. Further it helps in measuring whether this development is negative or positive for the country (Healy, van Riper and Boyd, 2016. ). There is a STEAM model which help in measuring the quantitative impact on the local people. Along with this Cambridge economic model help in getting idea of economic impact of tourist activity. This model have two stage, in first stage calculation done of the volume and value of the day of visitor while in second stage economic impact of visitor on a local economy can be calculated.

Environmental measurement: Environmental impact assessment is method which help government of Philippine to measure a environmental effect of tourism. Through this government can easily identify which tourist activity is harming the environment of Philippine and which activity are safe for nation (Healy, van Riper and Boyd, 2016.). Further if any activity affect the surrounding environments of destination then government can use environmental impact assessment technique for protecting the environment. There is also another way though which damage to coastal area can be reduce such techniques are environmental auditing. Apart from this, it is necessary for the government of Philippine to protect the environment and destination so that more tourist can attract toward the destination.

Evaluating method of resolving a conflict of interest and to ensure the future welbeing of tourism development

In the present time, conflict between different stakeholder become a threat for the tourism company and for country growth and elopements. As per given scenario it is is clear that president of Philippine is looking for the development of tourism in their country (Larionova, , , Zaitseva. and Zhukov, 2015). For this purpose it also visits to a different destination and posted some picture of destination where it visits. In this case of Philippine, conflict arises when president posted a image which it is touching the corals, as according to the law it is completely prohibited to harm a natural beauty of nation. According to the rules and regulation tourism company built a fragile of natural environment so that no human can destroy the environment. It is necessary for the government of Philippine to take action for preventing the natural environment so that no conflict can be arises between a stakeholder.

Furthermore, for resolving the conflict between stakeholder it is necessary to take some preventive measure for protecting an environment (Larionova, Zaitseva and Zhukov, 2015). For this government can adopt new development approaches and promote those tourist activity which are not harmful for the environment. It can also implement an integrated coastal management which help in protecting natural look and tourist also find it interesting. This coastal management program also help in introducing an eco-friendly product which will support a local community. The another conflict is that inporer behavior and disturbance for local people because of intensive development and new hotels. This all negatively affected the people who live near the forest area. There is also a conflict of privatization of interest among stakeholder for making sure future well being. Further revenue of local people is getting low which increase the conflict among them. To resolve this conflict government need to provide a employment opportunity to a local people so that they get satisfied with a change taken in tourism development.

Analyzing the implication of balancing supply and demand

Tourism industry of Philippine need to keep a proper balance between a supply and demand for success. For a proper balance tourism company need to focus on what they are offering to tourist so that they attract to come in their country. As Philippine is developing country and it has a limited resource (Torres-Delgado and Saarinen, 2014). Which need to preserve for fulfilling the needs and demand of tourist. Further it is necessary to do forecasting that how much visitor visit in their nation if present and future. After analyzing future need tourist company need to provide proper support to them so that demand of tourist can meet on time. Further government need to take some action so that balance between supply and demand can be fulfilled of tourism. Apart from that, local people also play an important role in meeting the needs and demand of people. They can forecast in which area need to develop hotel for tourist and transport facility, so that tourist not face any type of problem related to stay and transport at a Philippine. Tourist company need to fulfill the needs and demand of tourist on time, if not done so revenue can be decrease and industry may suffer from loss. In a Philippine, tourist company is focusing on fulfilling the needs of tourist so that high revenue can be generated which help in growth of economy.

Evaluating the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism in the Philippine

Enclave tourism is a development of one area in appropriate way so that people not like to visit that place again and again and avoid visiting other place. Tourism industry of Philippine need to keep its customer satisfied by offering them various type of luxury services and render them a good experience (Briassoulis and Van der Straaten, eds., 2013). Philippine is a developing country so enclave tourism play an important role in its development. Tourist industry of nation can develop a coastal area so that it can offer numerous services to its customer such as, swimming, club etc. apart from that, there are some moral and ethical issue arises due to enclave tourism. There is a little benefit to the local people and profit of hotel is also declined because tourist like to stay near the destination. For resolving this problem it is necessary that proper information related to a destination given tourist so that they not feel dissatisfied or cheated. Further, fair transportation facility need to provide to tourist and a hotel facility so that people not face any type of issues. Enclave tourism not benefited the the local population in term of generating revenue. Further tourism company should bnot focus only on a making a destination attractive but they also need to make sure that people live near the destination may not be affect by their tourist activity.

Compare current issues associated with tourism development

Different country have a different culture and belief which is related with development of tourism activities. There are some rules and regulation of different which need to be fulfilled at the carrying out tourism activity. According to the given scenario chosen to develop country is Philippine and emerging destination is Vietnam.

Evaluate with recommendation the future development of tourism

  • It is recommended that Philippine need to focus on the strength, that is it need to improve a coastal area so that large tourist can be attracted in their country.
  • Philippine government should not harm the environment and offer highly safe environment for consumer and local people welfare.
  • Further government of Philippine can implement the latest technology so that environment not get polluted. Further it need to recycle the wastage product instead of throwing them in water or soil.
  • It is also recommended that tourism company need to focus on need and demand of customer and serve them a product which are liked by them so that demand of product can increase (Lee, 2013). For this company can conduct survey which help in identifying taste and preference of consumer.
  • Further government need to focus on increasing a safe transportation facility for the tourist so that they may not face problem in their country. Further it need to develop hotel and food facility according to taste of visitors near the destination so that tourist not face any type of difficulty.

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From the above report it can be concluded that there are different type factors which impact the tourism such as economical factor, environmental factor etc. There are some advantage and disadvantage of private and public sector partnership that it if both work together then overall risk can be reduce. Further it can be concluded that there stakeholder also get benefit from a planning of tourism development that is when more tourist attract in country then it helps in growth of economy. Interactive planning help in attracting more customer at destination and help to increasing a profit of tourism company.


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  • Briassoulis, H. and Van der Straaten, J. eds., 2013. Tourism and the environment: regional, economic, cultural and policy issues (Vol. 6). Springer Science & Business Media.
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  • Torres-Delgado, A. and Saarinen, J., 2014. Using indicators to assess sustainable tourism development: a review. Tourism Geographies, 16(1), pp.31-47.
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