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Managing Quality in Health and Social Care

University: St. Patrick’s College

  • Unit No: 27
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3161
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 59
Organization Selected : Stretton Nursing Home


Treatment of medical disorders within health centres, community and hospitals need a high quality of services and operations. Healthcare as well as social sectors, need to maintain quality in their service delivery. Quality is one for the most essential aspects for both service users and providers along with other stakeholders within the organisation. It is a major concern for stakeholders as it leads towards customers satisfactions and help to put a positive impact on organisation (Leyerle, 2016). In this report, Stretton Nursing Home organisation has been chosen which is a care home that provide wellness and care services to all sets of individuals. Furthermore, the report will cover various orientations of the stakeholders in respect of quality in healthcare organisations. In addition to this, different planning in order to maintain an improve quality in clinical services has been discussed. Lastly, systems evaluation, policies and procedures in health care services has covered.


1.1 Discuss various perspectives of stakeholders within health and social care regarding quality of services.

Stakeholders can be define as an individual or group who could be effected by the achievement of organisational objectives. There are number of stakeholders which are particularly involve in managing their service quality(Davies and et. al.,2018). Qualities such as setting guidelines for meeting customer satisfaction, reduce wastage, lowering costs, facilitate training and involving staffs are need to be reinforced in healthcare organisations. In context to Stretton Nursing Home organisation, there is a need for improving quality of their care services in order to meet the guidelines of CQC. It stands for Care quality Commission which is a self-directed regulator of overall healthcare services in England. Key stakeholders who contribute in improvement and management of qualities are discussed below.

Customers: Individuals who seek services of respective organisation have their own specific perspectives regarding service quality. It is the duty of Stretton Nursing home to improve the equality of services in order to get customer satisfaction. Quality in services not only consider with offering medicines and using equipments but should also focus on cleanliness and confidentiality of information share by customers ().

Staff: Healthcare practitioners or workers have a responsibility of maintaining the service quality of given organisation. The duty of care practitioners in the organisation is to consider guidelines require to deliver quality care to patients. It could be attain if care practitioners of the respective organisation are oriented towards performing better clinical practices effectively. 

Government: Healthcare organisations require a deep support of government agencies for managing the functionality in order to manage effectiveness of organisation (Dowding and Barr, 2018). Government has a vital role in improving and monitoring of service qualities based on quality standard. UK government is putting efforts in developing guidelines for healthcare services quality an use of resources.

1.2 Examine the duties of external agencies for setting standards.

These agencies are regulatory agencies who are responsible for regulating the quality of operations within an organisation. There are number of agencies available for analysing the conditions and requirements of patients for changing environment. Organisations like healthcare sectors, are need to follow the standards and benchmark of quality in order to fulfil the demands of service users and for sustainable growth of organisation (Leung, Yu and Memari, 2016). Number of external agencies are available in UK which are responsible for accessing and developing quality standards in services such as information, developing healthy environment and effectiveness of products. Some of the external agencies are discussed below.

Care quality Commission: It is a self-directing controller for various healthcare sectors in England. The prior duty of CQC is to control services supply by NHS, local government, private and volunteer organisations. They assures that high quality of care is provided for each and every individual in health facility, home care and people's own home. It focus on improvement in quality.

NICE: National institute of health and clinical excellence. It is involve in setting guidelines and standards for quality in serves. They produce evidence based guidelines and give advices regarding healthcare and social care practitioners. NICE also develops an area of important data for commissioners managers and practitioners.

Healthcare Inspectorate:The main objective of them is to analyse and identify all the facilities in health and social care organisations. They ensure if all healthcare organisations are delivering quality care to the patients according to the quality standards.

1.3 Analyse the effect of poor quality of services on stakeholders of healthcare organisation.

The stakeholders of healthcare organisations have the responsibility of maintaining quality of services that would be standard. In respective organisation, there is need of improving service quality for meeting the standards of CQC. Poor quality services in Stretton Nursing Home will put a negative impact on overall functionality of organisation. Main reason behind the poor quality of services in healthcare organisation are lack of monitoring and limited use of resources in order to mange the standards (McPake and Hanson, 2016). Lack of health professionals or skilled human resources for managing the quality is also a major reason behind this. Government and staff members of the organisation are responsible for taking necessary initiatives in order to encourage the quality and utilization of services in healthcare sectors. If the level of satisfaction of patients of respective organisation decrease due to such poor services it will lead to negative mouth publicity. Services such as poor quality of equipments and machines could bring risk factors to the service users of the respective organisation.


2.1 Justify the standards occur in health and social care for evaluating the quality.

Standards of quality in healthcare organisations are develop for maintaining the general structure of organisation. They provide the guidance for such organisations and measure the quality of operations. Such standards are consider by different home cares to assure the impelling implementation of service quality practices on service seekers (Mintzberg, 2018. Quality standards are generally a level of excellence which assist the organisation to meet the level of quality in their services. In context of respective organisation, it is necessary to set some guidelines with an aim of improving service qualities. Some of the standards are given below:

Care quality commission

The standards set by CQC for organisation to maintain their quality are as follows:

  • Service users must be treat with a level of respect throughout the treatment process. Organisations should make sure that every customers is being treated equally without any discrimination.
  • Healthcare organisation should maintain privacy and confidential of their patients and give a valid statement about it.
  • It is the responsibility of healthcare practitioners to assess the risk factors that can be arise during any care or treatment.
  • Health and social care organisations should safeguard their patients from any kind of abuse or improper treatment (Stanhope, 2017).
  • Organisation should provide good quality of food and drinks to their patients throughout the procedures of treatment.
  • Healthcare organisations should keep their premises and equipments clean and suitable for their patients. Equipments which are using must be safe and secure to be use on individuals.

2.2 Discuss about the approaches need for applying quality systems.

There is a need to implement quality systems in healthcare sectors for bringing improvements in quality standards. Mainly quality system is included in documents of organisations and been informed to all sorts of stakeholders to bring the positive results out of it (Söderström, Eriksson and Åhlfeldt, 2016). Systems of quality in such organisations develop an understanding of elements of quality by applying several models in Stretton Nursing Home. It helps in investigating and develop equation methods so that best methods could be adapted by the respective organisation for facilitating its functionality. Some quality system or models use by healthcare sectors are discussed below:

Total quality management: It is process of reducing and eliminating risk factors that could be arise during operations of the organisations. Stretton Nursing Home can use this quality system in order to improve their clinical services. This model help in continuous improvement of internal operations. Overall outcomes can also be improved through this quality systems.

Clinical Standards: This is a process in where recent clinical activities of organisation is compared to best practices available, Benchmarking is a component of managing quality which facilitates continuous process through which an organisation can compare its outcomes with fellow organisations outcomes. Respective organisation can use this system for improving heir quality.

Six sigma: It is a quality system approach based on data for minimizing the defects in operations of organisations. It is disciplined and statistical based approach. Respective organisation could use this approach for measuring process performance and for improving overall organisational services.

2.3 Identify the potential barriers which come in a way of delivering quality care services to individuals

With the objective of maintaining and improving quality of services in healthcare organisations, it has been identified that number of hurdles are there which could lead a negative consequence. Organisations like Stretton Nursing Home faces number of barriers both internally and externally. Internal barriers may be cause due to lack of facilities like equipments, lack of communication system and application(Gardner, Linderman and McFadden, 2018). Such barriers could lead to disappointment in customers. Outside hurdles could be lack of financial sources, health insurance, lack of family and social support. Some of the internals and external barriers are explained below:

Staff related barriers: It can be a reason of low quality of services. Staff related barriers such as less skilled care practitioners, need of team spirits among staff members, low level of communication and want of leadership quality in team could lead to destructive effect on respective organisation. It has been analysed that care practitioners are not able to accept the changes and thus leads to poor performance of health professionals.

Organisation related barriers: Healthcare organisations face some basic organisational barriers like demand of financial sources, need of equipments, lack of technology and lack of human resources. These barriers are the major issues in healthcare organisations.

Service users related barriers: Some of the barriers related to patients are financial barriers, less services provided by organisation, unmet health needs and no insurance coverage prevent them to take profit of healthcare services (McDermott, Kitchener and Exworthy, 2017).


3.1 Justify the efficiency of policies, systems and procedures utilize in healthcare and social organisations for accomplishing service quality provided.

Number of system, policies and procedures within healthcare and social organisations followed by NHS to make the services up to the benchmark and to maintain effectiveness. According to the authorities of UK, it is the right of individuals to attain modular healthcare facilities for public and private healthcare settings. Important policies of organisation is to boost the healthcare facilities within the population of country in all geographical areas. It help to maintain the professional standards of services. CQC system help to improve overall quality of work in such healthcare sectors by developing some of the basic standards.

Organisations like Stretton Nursing Home are need to follow regulations which has been proposed by CMS and council of healthcare services. System following by National healthcare system are putting a positive impact on healthcare systems of nation as an organisation has develop some of the guidelines in order to mange the operational activities and maintain procedures and practices according to the need and requirements of the patients (Southwick, Evans and Davies, 2018). After the analysis, it has been identified that policies and systems following by local health and social care organisations has a positive effect on settings of healthcare in order to achieve the quality and to fulfil the requirements of patients. However, organisations are looking to improve the policies by conducting a survey and getting feed back from service users.

3.2 Evaluate the factors which effect the attainment of quality in care practices.

Several factors are available that influence the attainment of quality in service of healthcare organisation. Some of the factors are discussed below:

Availability of resources: This is one of the most important factor which cause a leading effect on healthcare sectors. services. In respective organisation proper resource availability should be there so that there are no limitation in delivering quality care to the patients. Maintain a high quality of service has a direct impact of availability of resources. There should be all necessary resources available to bring customer satisfaction and for value of organisation.

Size and services: To maintain the quality and effectiveness of services, the size of the organisation has a major influence. Organisations like NHS who is providing their health and social care services in both urban and rural areas lead to major customer satisfaction. Thus, respective organisation should build strategies for expanding their services to all geographical areas which they could cover. Healthcare staff should be skilled and talented for enhancing the effectiveness of work.

Economical factors: In care practices, economical factors have a critical part for planning of services and to improve quality of services. However, respective organisation should have strong economic conditions because it has a direct impact on health and social care services. It help them to make several strategies and planning of new services to meet the satisfaction level of customers. Planning of services is important for to meet the objectives and goals of quality. 

3.3 Discuss the methods for improving the healthcare services in organisations.

Stretton Nursing Home should implements some ways through which they could change the service quality in healthcare organisations. As a quality manager, I would plan some of the strategies for maintaining quality of respective organisation. Evaluation as well as analysis of national development plan should be done in respective organisation in order to fulfil desire objectives. For implementing this, collection of feedback is important so that quality manager could evaluate the weak areas of organisation (Bierman, 2019). Organisation should follow the guidelines set by all extraneous authority that will assist them to maintain the quality of services.

There should be proper availability of resources for respective organisation so that care practitioners could deliver quality care to the service seekers. For enhancing the quality of care online registrations and follow ups could be good approach. It will be cost effective and less time consuming for both organisation an customers. Rating process should be there so that service users could give their feedback in more efficient manner. Advanced and latest technology machines should be introduce in organisation in order to minimize the risk factors. Experts and specialists should be there so that they could work in their area of specialisation and organisation could make a better brand name. Proper registration services should be there so that customers do not have to wait for long time in lines also there should be facilities like extra beddings, portable water, eatables so that customer will not feel any kind of further requirements.


4.1 Identify the methods for measuring the quality of care in healthcare organisation with respect to internal and external perspectives.

Evaluation in healthcare sectors can be refer as determination of service qualities in order to analyse its worth. Evaluation is important in healthcare organisations in order to assess the effective of work and to improve operations of the organisation. It is a aspect of improving quality and if it goes in right direction it can assist the organisation to solve basic issues, communicate decisions and to develop cognition. Key purpose of assessment in health and social care is to improve service qualities. Respective organisation could use number of evaluation methods for improving its quality. Some of the methods are discussed below:

Quality Inspection: This kind of evaluation technique involve regular examination of a unit. CQC use this evaluation method through documentation or reviews.

Quality circuit: It is an unexpected inspection of healthcare organisations. 

Quality sampling: It evaluate the service choice of organisation through random sampling methods.

Quality scrutinise:It is a method of evaluation which is an implementation of formal and core inspecting procedure(Synyayeva and et. al., 2019).

Thus, such evaluation methods will help the respective home care for maintain their operation and functioning.

4.2 Justify the effect of involvement of service users in the identification process have on quality of service.

Looking at the collaborative work, Stretton Nursing Home can set up a classification of quality scheme. Analyzing the service quality of health and social care requires a broader perspective. Not involving service users in the organisation could be problematic and affect overall performance. The isolation of stakeholders such as customers from the organisation would make it impossible to evaluate the quality of health and social care services. Involvement of customers or service users will have a constructive effect on the overall organisation, leading to creativity and innovation. Development within the organisation needs diversity and quality measures to mark performance and provide supervision. Through the enhancement of facilities and development of services, more customers can be served. Increasing resources and funds will help the organisation attract customers and build a positive image among service users. For those needing assistance in structuring their work, a thesis statement generator can help frame such analyses effectively. Thus, the organisation needs to scale new heights in service delivery.


It can be concluded from the above report that managing quality is an important aspect which should be focused on by every healthcare organisation regularly. It includes the perspectives of stakeholders like staff members, customers, and government in regard to quality. Meanwhile, it consists of input from outside authorities like CQC, NHS & Healthcare Inspectorate and examines the impact of poor-quality services, including complications in patient conditions. Effective quality approaches such as total quality management, Six Sigma, and benchmarking are essential for improving the effectiveness of clinical procedures. Moreover, it includes potential barriers like employee resistance, organisational structure, and the needs of service users. Additionally, factors like the availability of resources, size & facilities, and economic elements help achieve better quality. For further clarity on such topics, students may seek assignment help to better understand the complexities involved.

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