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Case Study Analysis

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3455
  • Paper Type: Essay
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Health and social care encompass various work activities aimed at providing support and services. This includes medical care delivered by trained professionals in hospitals and other facilities where individuals can live safely (Snape, 2014). Residential care also falls under this category, which may involve some health care and social work without direct involvement from healthcare professionals. This case study focuses on John, a six-year-old child affected by his parents' substance misuse, leading to multiple risk factors and disabilities. John suffers from severe learning difficulties and stuttering, making it challenging for him to attend school due to bullying and mockery. The analysis will explore the risks and protective factors using Holder and Morton's safety elements, discussing both long-term and short-term impacts. Additionally, it will cover relevant legislation, child protection systems, and approaches to prevention and intervention. 



1)Risk and protection analysis by using Holder and Morton's elements of safety.

In this case study John is six year old and abused by people and family. John is youngest of three children. Due to the parents substance, mother and father consume drugs and alcohol. Their family condition is very effective to children.

In this essay John is suffering from severe risk factors for example domestic disturbance, unhygienic house and malnourished and infected with lice. Other risk factors that John had problems settling and suffered speech and language difficulties as well as severe stuttering. By these risk factors, they refused to go school because people and other children bullied them and make fun of him (Nakanishi, 2014).

The absence or presence as well as different type of combinations and risk factor contribute to the mental health of children and youth. The protective factors is determined as a characteristics at a biological, family, psychological or community level. It is connected with a lower likeliness of difficulty resultant or that reduces the negative effect of risk factor on trouble termination. On the other the risk factor is mention that characteristic at the biological, family, community, psychological or cultural level that concede and is related to with higher probability of issues final result. The examples of risk factor are family, peer, society, community.

By using Holder and Morton's constituent of safety the risk factors are

  • Threat- The harm is defined as any prejudicial effect of important nature on the child's by physical, emotional, psychological well-being. It is threat that is not little or insignificant and might moderately be awaited to cause considerable ans negative effect on child. The harm should be distrust by adults, suicidal thoughts and self harming, low self esteem etc. (Hewitt, 2014).

In the case John has severe disabilities and he threatened by their parents who are consume drugs and alcohol and they doesn't give pamper and love to their kid. Children are miserable form their parents because they don't get love from parents. Other threat by severe learning difficulties. John could not be able to explain their views to other and stuttering also people make fun of John and refused to go school attend classes etc.

  • Harm- The child abuse is an inaction or action which causes death, injury, emotional and mental harm to child etc. In this case study the psychological harm is occurring where the behaviour of their parents, caregiver, caretakers etc. This type of harm can damages the self esteem or confidence of the child which resulting in the psychological trauma and emotional disturbance. 

John is troubled by psychological behaviour of parents because of substance misuse of mother and father. He is suffering from psychological harm, in this study, John and their siblings has wretched. Child harm emotionally and mentally and they lose their confidence in-front of anyone.

  • Vulnerability of the child- The concept of child vulnerability, mention to the degree of a particular child is wedged by risk engagement based on person child characteristics. Is is determined as being under the age of eighteen years and presently at high level of risk of deficient able protection and care. All kids are vulnerable by nature compared to adults, but some are more critically vulnerable than different (Snape, 2014).

According to case study, it implies that John has suffered from vulnerability because of his parents. All the care and support is demand on the adults in the child age. But in this age John facing the violence and psychological abuse by their nurture. It damage their mental health as well as creating the risk of physical health. John family is assailable at many of the stages.

  • Imminent- The child abuse or neglect occurs when a child has been harmed in the many manner imminent danger. Danger is exposure to harm or injury and imminent means about to happen or immediately threatening. It is endanger that John is effected by psychological and mental abuse by parents and domestic violence. The threat and imminent to John that it can be cause of death, self or serious physical harm by mental illness as well as domestic violence.

By using Holder and Morton's constituent of safety the Protective factors are-

  • Severity- Child neglect is the most prevailing and consistently related with negative outcomes for children. This study investigate low-level between severity of child neglect preparation through coding of child protective services case records. And quality of observed parenting, using experimental of parenting behaviours (Gradinger, 2015).
  • Protective capacity of self- The protective capacity of caregivers are personal characteristics that change to a person being protective of children. John parents is able to take care of their children because of misuse substance. But by social practitioners support John to make their future recognise abilities.

Research and literature of case study

In this case study the research and literature to finding out of this essay is pointed that, John is suffering neglect by their parents so he could not able not able to grow and behaviour is shy, painful feelings , anxiety, mental illness, learning disabilities etc. According to the literature, learner have studied about Holder and Morton constituent of safety risk factors and protection. In this, Harm, threat, vulnerability of child, imminent etc. These all are psychological abuse for John. In all components one thing is common that his parents doesn't give support and love to their child. John did not get love, pamper and support by them. Due to this he is suffering mental illness, psychological issues etc. The evaluation of this study that the negative effects are very effective to child by neglect and abuse .


1 Evaluate the short and long term impacts of harm and risk on the case study children

 The short term and long term impacts of harm can impact on the child mental state as well as on physical state and social state. From the given case, John is suffering from many harms which directly impacted on his life including career life. If these harm remains unaddressed through out life then this can affect on child on a short term as well as on a long term basis. The short term and long term basically describe as the tendency of an situation that how long it impact on life. If the situation can easily recovered then it is a short term impact but if it is affecting and not recovering then it can be a long term threat. These are basically depends on the situation that how a person adapt this situation in which manner. So it is necessary to evaluate these Long term and short term harms which are described below.

The short term impacts includes the stammering as it means child have difficulties in language speaking. It can directly impact on child social and education life. In context of John, the many children teases him due to his disability. This will decrease the morale of child and problems can occur in building the relationship between social and education communities. This is a short term impact as the child can improve his habits of stuttering. With this problem the child face many difficulties in building the friendship with others and faces bulling.

The Long term impact includes the unhygienic conditions in the house which can cause allergies on a long term basis. The children of the house are suffering from ma-lnourishment which can cause many disease in the body. It is also can be a reason of improper growth of any part of the body from which lots of complications can occur. This also includes the mental retard which will affect the social life of children. The child also suffers from lice as they are infected from them. This can cause the various disease in the body. Due to parents substance misuse, the children are affecting mentally as they experiencing a bad environment of their house. From this the changes in their behavior can be seen. With this problem they are developing the un-attachment with their parents and as well as with the communities.

The changes in behavior of child would effect on his career. As he faces problem in achieving the placement in the school which can be a long term impact in his life. The John and sisters have difficulties in learning which can also be a long term impact on each of the individuals life. He faces many difficulties in making friends and people were bulling with his situations, this would make the child mentally disturbed. The children's parents use substance misuse which make the environment of house violent and inappropriate. The environment oh house is deteriorated which makes the children to part ways in foster house which can be a long term impact on children mental state. As the changes start appearing in their thoughts and also in behavior.

2 Use literature to support your analysis of the implications for the child and family. 

The effect of these habits are implicating on both family and child. According to the views of Daryl Higgins (2019), the parents are most importantly responsible for a child development. The plays crucial role in providing the safe and support environment to their child. But some families are also responsible for the problems and disabilities in their child. The families can be a source of harm and threats of child such as domestic violence in house, child abuse, etc.

This can be threat on a child mentality which create problems in their life and difficulties in achieving the relationship of environment. These relationships include socially which is also interrelated to the mental state. With this abuses the child may suffer lots of difficulties like problem in interacting with others. It also includes the changes in the behavior of child which can be seen through their violent reaction. The families are neglecting the cause of change in their child behavior (Dahl and Boulos, 2014).

In the context of given case, the child is come from a family where the parents use substance misuse. Their environment of their house is unsafe and deteriorated which makes the children unavailable to live in the house. The implications of these effect also occur on family as the mother has been admitted to the hospital. She has a mental problem which can be a threat to her children so she is admitted for involuntary treatment. This is one of the cause for children separation from their family and from each other also. The child were sent in a foster home. But the child faces more difficulties in the foster home as the child suffering from disabilities in learning and read.

 The implications of mother's disease affect the child in a very challenging manner. He faces many problems in building relationship with his friends so he also faces bulling from his age of people. He is unable to share his problems with others.

The impact of these implications has developed a negative attitude towards his family. He is the only child in the family how refuses to meet his grand mother and including his family members. The changes in his family situation brings the negative impact on his mental state as he start facing difficulties in every factor such as in education. Due to his family deteriorated environment, he can't enable to attend the school which makes him to difficulties in understanding of school environment. In the given case, the child is mostly affected by parents and at a small age he doesn't get any type of care which makes developed more in his difficulties.


1) The Systems of child protection and legislation which may need to collaborate with and utilise to the protection needs of the child.

 There are many child protection law which work for child welfare. Their aim is to protect the children from impairment and maltreatment. They ensure that the children must grow in safe and effective environment. The legislation take actions to promote the child welfare. There are many legislation which works for protecting child and from above all this there is a legislation in the country. The child protection works for protecting child in Australia. It is an public law in which the authorities are interfere in family to inception whether the child is safe or not.

With this framework, they conduct the intervention to promote children health in mentally, emotionally, physically and socially. Their principles include the developing interest of children in different activities, implementing early interventions so that children can be rescued from any type of harm and risks. This jurisdiction consult with the children so that they can analyse the issues which are affecting the children lives. There are many laws which works on different agenda such as education needs, sexual abuse, family violence. There is a children protection act which works for the protection of child, their safety, prevention from violence, etc.

There are many organization which arrange a home care environment outside the house. They make arrangements on the basis of risk of maltreatment with children from their family. According to child in given case, his family environment is inappropriate and deteriorated as his parents use substance misuse. With the policy of child protection, the police inception the house and they found the home unhygienic. There analyse found that children also suffering from malnutrition and they are infected from lice. The authorities take actions for child welfare and transfer the child in a foster home care. This will help the child to recover from the bad influence from his previous home. But the child is having problem in learning and language difficulties. So with the help of the law, they can provide the best manner education care so that he can overcome from his problems. The child can feel by providing the guidance officer in the school so that he can share his problems with the officers.

This legislation includes the child care services which can help the child in achieving the placements for his future. The child requires special needs as he has difficulties in various factors so the law can be used to protect the child from this. The authorize can provide the appropriate environment & educational needs to the child and the child can be prevent from his situation. The child protection legislation of the country can utilize their act in order to prevent the requirements of child. This act can help the child to achieve a healthy life and a safe environment. It is beneficial for the child so that he can secure his future by overcoming from his disabilities. With this child can meet his requirements in order to gain a better life in each factors whether it is emotional, social, physical and mental or an employment.

2) Prevention and intervention approaches (considering all three tiers of intervention) to support the needs of the child and family.

Interventions are determined that have a fundamental focus on parenting. They offering a arranged set of activities that involve parents immediately in ways that will causing parenting behaviours for example discipline, nurturing, teaching, management, monitoring (Mason, 2015).

There are some key constituents of human service plan for working with involvement of family and youth also. They giving direct helper with challenges the family, parent coaching, including counselling as well as modelling to assess with family and their needs and progress.

According to the study it will consider three tiers of intervention are high quality classroom instruction, group and screening. As well as targeted interventions. Moreover, intensive interventions and comprehensive evaluation (Gradinger and, 2015).

All three tier will help to support needs of family and child. Including this it will discussed about the John issues and risk factor that occur by their parents. By the entire intervention can prevent the disabilities and risk factor of John such as learning and speaking issues, parents misuse substances like alcohol and drugs.

To prevent the interventions parents of children with special needs

Many challenges facing most of parents is support and care of their little children and kids. They need or develop in early stages of life. This case is also describe that parent of child with developmental disabilities, behavioural and mental health disorders and some severe or chronic mental illness. They identify that their child distinctive may request special skills in addition to the general knowledge, mental attitude by patents.

With a special need of child parents has tom learn to be patient as well a leave those who harm to kids like substances misuse (Dahl, 2014).

In intervention strategies, it is studied to influence parents of children with organic process cognition fall into several lap-jointed areas such as family systems, instructional, interactional and positive behaviour support.

To support the needs of child and family by intervention strategies for prevent the physiological abuse to children are-

Family systems programmes following a systems approach in that they most usually focus on parents inner uncertain for example stress, coping, depression bases on postulate that alters in those changeable will impact the quality of parenting. The intervention in units had a important effects on reducing psychological distress in parents and children with their disabilities. These impacts can overcome to John family problems issues by these interventions and preventions (Snape and et. al., 2014).

Positive Behaviour Support, with disabilities for parents of children and their behaviour often poses challenges, results in negative parents child interaction. As well as develop great stress for the parents (Brett, 2014).

There are many essential gaps in the area on interventions for parents of children with developmental disabilities for example execution of intercession in natural environments and help for child and family transitions. Though a primary feature of early intervention program of John issues.John's parents struggle with substance misuse, leading to his mother being hospitalized for chronic mental illness.

As a result, John suffers from various disabilities, and the home environment is unhygienic and malnourished. To address these issues, including behavioral and mental health challenges, it's essential to embrace a broad scope of nature and conditions. Seeking help from health and social care professionals is crucial. For organizing and presenting related analyses, tools like an essay typer can be useful in drafting well-structured content.


From the given case, it has been concluded that the child is facing many difficulties in his life, including stuttering and learning challenges. These issues can impact his future, potentially leading to career difficulties and problems in social interactions. To prevent these problems, various laws focus on child welfare, aiming to provide a better environment for the child's growth and mental health. These laws include foster homes that offer a more supportive environment compared to the previous one. They operate on principles such as conducting monthly inspections to ensure no violence is present in the home. For students needing support with related topics, assignment help UK can provide valuable guidance. This approach helps in safeguarding the child’s mental state and overall well-being.

Also Read- Advanced Health Care Practice And Research

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