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Compare and Contrast a Psychological View and a Sociological views to Adolescence

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 5 / Words 1359
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Adolescence is a significant transitional phase between childhood and adulthood, marked by major physical and emotional changes. It is commonly recognized as the teenage years when individuals undergo a range of developmental experiences. However, psychological and sociological perspectives on adolescence often differ in how they are viewed within society (Kelly, 2017). This report will compare and contrast two psychological and sociological theories, highlighting their differences and similarities. Additionally, it will present insights into both frameworks and provide personal interpretations of these theories.


Aims and objective

The aim of this report is to compare and contrast a psychological view and a sociological opinion to adolescence. It has initial objective to gain knowledge of different schools of thoughts in psychology and key theoretical frameworks. Another objective is to evaluate and compare psychosocial theory in social care.

Psychological theories

Social Learning theory: The Social learning theory was given by Albert Bandura at 1941. This theory is based on social behaviour and learning process which suggests that new behaviour can be attained by recreating and observing others. This theory focusses on the behaviour of the humans particularly adolescence in respect to the behavioural, cognitive and environmental determinants. The primary aim of Social learning theory is to display that every individual have the ability to learn in different ways (Simmons, 2017). The learning and behaviour of an individual is majorly affected by the environment around which they are present.

Operant Conditioning theory: The operant conditioning theory was given by B.F Skinner at 1938. This theory is a type of learning method that happens through punishments and rewards of behaviour. This theory helps in achieving the association between a certain type of adolescence behaviour and its consequences. The consequences of a certain behaviour which are pleasant are supposed to be repeated but the unpleasant consequences have been observed to repeated less likely. The Operant Conditioning theory aims at altering the behaviour through the utilisation of negative and positive reinforcements, which make it less or often likely that the particular behaviour will happen again.

Similarities: The Social Learning theory as well as The Operant Conditioning theory are utilized in behavioural psychology of adolescence and depends upon the rewards, motivation or punishments. In both the theories behaviour may get changed, meaning once conditioning factors are drawn back the response may vanish away. Stimulus is yielded in both the cases. 

Dissimilarities: The Operant Conditioning theory is settled on acceptability and the consequences or the result which may be either reward or punishments whereas the Social Learning theory is based on certain learning and watching (Torney-Purta, Amadeo and Richardson, 2016). The Albert Bandura's theory focusses on the condition in which an individual is whereas Operant Conditioning focus on the result of the actions.

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Sociological theories

Sociological theory is a cluster of ideas which gives a description for human society. It is a framework which gives the idea of how a society change and develop along with the methods of explaining social behaviours (Pinquart, 2017). Sociological theory of adolescence emphasise on social, biological, psychological and economical development of youth between the period of childhood to adulthood. Some of the sociological theories are discussed below.

Durkheim theory: This theory was developed by David Émile Durkheim in the year 1912. This theory focus on how traditional and modern societies function. According to Durkheim theory, individual's values, belief and norms carried out a shared manner for understanding and behaving in the world. Functionalism plays a major role in adjusting a society to a stable state. In terms of adolescence, this theory helps the youth to tackle with difficult situations of society and help them to understand the shifting phases of the society from simple to more complex one (Gross and McIlveen, 2016). Such concept is called division of labour.

Weber theory: The theory was developed by Maximilian Karl Emil Weber. The main concept of Werber was to learn the process of rationalisation and secularisation. The theory describe about the bureaucracy from a rational point of view. He was focused on individuals and different cultures. He distinguished the social actions from social behaviours. However, this theory will help peers to make effective decisions within a society.


  • The main difference between both the theories are that Durkheim focus on social facts to show that individual forces effect their behaviour whereas, Weber describe that people put on meaning on their behaviour to understand society.


  • The similarities between both these theories that they both share a belief that individual should actively participate in social life. They both describe the norms and different beliefs of society.

Comparison between psychological and sociological theories

In the fundamental sites the comparison between psychological and sociological theories in context of adolescence. Psychology define self respect, ego, individual as well as sociology is the study of mechanics of groups. In adolescence psychology is obsessed with individuals as while sociology is obsessed with how people act in units and groups. Sociologists expression at how societies respond and define to abnormality as well as a psychologists maybe obsessed with justify a presented individual to act in a style and in a manner (Simi, Sporer and Bubolz, 2016). In sociology for adolescence the society behaviours thoughtful pervert at a period of time and in psychological theories it is a narrow scope while comparing with sociology, it subject matter is human mind and brain like philosophy and it also studies human emotion. Both are extremely interlinked as one need compliment each other and the other one needs contribution.

Own perceptions of both theories

In my opinion, psychological theory involves how we process information about people. In the context of adolescence, it refers to one's own esteem and behavior, as individuals in their growing age develop their respect and ego. Sociological theory, on the other hand, explains how societies respond to a teenager's abnormal behavior, which can have psychological and sociological effects on the person suffering. Both theories are interconnected and require effort to understand fully. The human brain and mind, also explored through philosophy, study emotions and behaviors, which are important concepts in both psychology and sociology. For students seeking deeper insights or assignment help on these theories, understanding how they overlap can be crucial to their academic success.


The above report has concluded that psychological and sociological opinions can be observed in relation to adolescence in society. It includes psychological theories like Bandura and Skinner models, whereas sociological frameworks given by Durkheim and Weber with their views are explored. For additional writing assistance, tools like essay typer can help organize these complex theories into cohesive analyses.

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