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Reflection on a Research Undertaking of Kingfisher Plc

University: UKCBC College

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1650
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0522
  • Downloads: 1277

Table of Content


Question :

Research is an approach to study the subject topic to establish facts in order to draw a valid conclusion. It will be useful for the readers who are willing to gain knowledge regarding a particular area of study. Kingfisher Plc is UK based retailing company having headquartered in London. It operates over 1300 stores in nine nations. The questionnaire is a technique that will be used in the present research to collect useful primary data. The following points must be addressed while conducting research:

  • Develop aims and objectives.
  • Conduct a Literature review to collect secondary data.
  • Use Gantt chart and Work breakdown structure.
  • Conduct primary research by using questionnaires.
  • Analysis of data collection.
  • Give appropriate recommendations.
  • Reflection on a research undertaking.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Kingfisher Plc


E-Commerce is the selling, buying and marketing of services or goods over the internet. It was more useful and beneficial part of the digitalisation which is used by almost entire organisation. Main purpose of the company for applying this technique is to maximised its sales and revenues within predetermined period of time (Hung and et. al., 2011). In this assignment chosen organisation is Kingfisher plc, it is a retail industry which deals in different grocery and retail products. Company wants to expanded their business operations and activities at large level in which they need to applied E-commerce for achievement of better outcomes. Beside this, business entity conducted a research in which different tools and concepts are required such as primary and secondary research, qualitative and quantitative etc. all these are the part of research methodology. Along with this, data analysis and discussion about the research also followed which assist the investigator to identify opinion of the selected respondents about the topic.

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Research was essential and useful for the all business to analysis needs and opinion of customers about research topic. In this investigator mainly applied primary and secondary source because these help the researcher to collect accurate amount of information appropriately. In case of primary research, it is designed in order to meet specific and unique needs of customers. This information includes focus groups, interviews, questionnaire, survey and observation. On the other hand, secondary data, it is identified as an interpretation and analysis of primary investigation. In order to collect information through secondary source, investigator need some magazines, books, online sites etc. Both are useful and essential but in this present research, Questionnaire is applied which is a part of primary source of the data collection (Kallunki, Laitinen and Silvola, 2011). It is important and beneficial because trough this researcher easily gather accurate information from the selected respondents. It is necessary for Kingfisher Plc to have a essential understanding in respect to the technique's and implementation which are suitable in organising a research study in effective way in which few are connected as below:


It is identify as a core element of each and every enterprise whether it is small as well as large. It is important for the investigator to keep flow of capital and funds in respect to organising entire activities of study. The actual cost of this research program was not maximum as in this observation was finished among 30 respondents who are applying E-commerce.

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Ethical Issue:

In during the investigation, researcher face a lot of issues which has direct effect on the completion of whole activities of research project. Beside this, time and cost were identified as a main problem which influence on business performance during conducting research. In order to overcome such issue researcher use digitalisation which help the company to save their time and cost (López-Nicolás and Meroño-Cerdán, 2011).


Data analysis can be identify as an effective aspect which plays an essential role in evaluating information systematically (Parast, 2011). Beside this, researcher used Thematic analysis which is useful and appropriate for the researcher to analysis response of the respondent.

Theme 1:

Application of E-Commerce to the company


As per this graph that determined the benefits of E-Commerce to the company. In this 20 out of 30 respondents are agree with this statement and rest of the population are disagree with the same.

Theme 2:

Department effected due to E-commerce

Interpretation: As per the above given report it has been determined that requirement of e-commerce for the different departments who are working in the Kingfisher Plc. Beside this 10 out of 30 respondents are agree about it is benefited for the finance department, 15 are agree regarding it is useful for the marketing and renaming are satisfied about it largely support the operational department.

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Theme 3:

Different kind of sources

Interpretation: According to the above given report it has been concluded that adoption of sources for the development and growth of company. In this 15 respondents are agree about adoption of advanced technology and remaining are agree favour by introducing new products in marketplace.

Theme 4:

Advantages of E-Commerce

Interpretation: From the above given report it has been determined that importance of e-commerce on developing unique services and goods at marketplace. In this 18 out of 30 respondents are agree regarding as it support the organisation to maximise customer response and rest of the population are favour it assist business to analysis market trends.

Theme 5: Benefits of E-Commerce to the customers


As per the above mentioned data it has been identified the benefits of E-Commerce for customers. Beside this 8 respondents are agree as it easily connect with the company, 10 are favour it is time saving tool, 5 are agree as it save business cost and remaining are agree as it give 24 hours services to the customers.

Theme 6:

Main necessities on E-Commerce


According to the above given graph it has been concluded that requirement of E-Commerce in business operations of Kingfisher Plc. 10 out of 30 respondent are agree that it enhance productivity other 10 are favour it assist in reduction of cost and 5 are agree it help in increasing market share and remaining are say it support in attraction of large customers.

Theme 7:

E-Commerce support the business to develop their global image


According to the above mentioned graph it has been determined that E-Commerce is more effective tool for the company to improve their global image. In this 10 respondent are agree that it help in reaching to the customers, 8 are agree it support to capture global market, other 8 are said it assist in giving detailed description and remaining are favour as it support to easily do business activities.

Theme 8:

Impact of implementation of e-commerce


As per above discussed information it has been concluded that there are different factors which which are highly impacted on development of E-Commerce. Beside this, 12 respondents are agree as technology is more impacted, 5 are say as target market impacted, 8 are agree as channel are influences and rest of the population are favour that networking is highly impacted on the development of E-Commerce.

Theme 9:

Impact of digital technology


According to the above given information it has been concluded that impact of digital technology. In this 13 are agree it effect on skill development, 12 are favour it impact in connectivity and rest of the population are say it influenced power flow of information.

The necessities and requirement of implementing digital tools on business activities of Kingfisher Plc.

E-commerce is one of the main and essential part of digitalisation which is applied by the Kingfisher Plc with motive to maximise their sales (Rasula, Vuksic and Stemberger, 2012). In different level digital is required by the retail industry such as Enhancing productivity, Overall cost Reduction, Increasing market share and Gaining Customers attraction. All these are important part for the development and growth of the organisation. Beside this point of view of the respondents is more in case of increasing productivity level.

The advantages of E-Commerce on developing innovative goods and services at market place.

E-Commerce is most effective and beneficial tool for the company because with the use of this they can easily accomplish their long term goals and objectives. It is also beneficial for the organisation to introduce their innovative goods and services at marketplace. Another benefits of this to the business is it help in analysing market trends and Maximise customer base. In this opinion of the customers are equal which identify the E-Commerce is most effective and essential tool for the Kingfisher Plc.

The different sources which are adopted by Kingfisher Plc in respect to grow their business operations and activities at large scale.

There are two important source which is adopted by retail industry such as Adoption of advanced technology and Innovate an unique good (Talib, Rahman and Qureshi, 2011). Both are essential and significant for the organisation to achieve competitive benefits and maintain their strong position at large level. In this opinion of the selected population are equal because this tool will assist the company to develop their strong image at marketplace.

The the advantages of E-Commerce on business growth

E-Commerce provide different advantages and benefits to the company for its future development and growth. This tool help the organisation to save their time and cost easily as well as support them to maximise their sales and revenues in limited time period. In this point of view and opinion of respondents about business growth and success through application of digitalisation are high.


From the above mentioned report it has been concluded that digital technology is useful and beneficial technique for the company to save their time and cost. It was also important for the organisation to attract large number of customers in easy way. For identification of customer's basic needs and opinion about E-commerce tool, company conduct a research project by using different elements such as primary research, qualitative research, sample random methods and many other. All these are appropriate for the firm to collect accurate amount of information from selected respondents.

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