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Individual Reflection in Aqua Carpatica

University: University of Roehampton London

  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 5 / Words 1153
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MGT723
  • Downloads: 1062

Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Examine the current customer attitudes in the digital market.
  • What are the main opportunities and issues in adopting marketing strategy in communications and the digital world.
  • Identify the key competitors and key market trends.  

Answer :

Organization Selected : Aqua Carpatica


Individual reflection is a practice of expressing the views and experiences of an individual. In this project report, a reflection is developed about the presentation which is prepared on the topic of aqua carpatica. In this project report, an individual reflection account is prepared using the presentation about the topic. Various experiences are expressed in this report such as what went well, what doesn’t go well, and the contributions of all the group members (Posavac, 2015).


A presentation was developed by me and my team members on the topic of aqua carpatica. During the time of preparation, there were various issues faced by us due to several conflicts such as different thought process, different emotional quotient and many more. The overall quality of that presentation resultant to be good but there were still various aspects which effected our presentation. According to me, the most influential aspect which was faced by us was emotions. As there were several members involved in the presentation, emotional quotient of every member was different (Stronge and Tucker, 2017).

 My experience is categorized in four classes which is mentioned below in order to build better understanding:

What went well - Aqua carpatica is a company which manufacturers and distributes water bottles to various parts of the world. In order to analyse this company and its functioning it is important to conduct a intense research. To effectively produce a presentation on aqua carpatica, I decided to decide all the work into different activities and distributed among members. This segregation of tasks was resultant as the most effective idea as it allows us to do our own work without any conflicts and interference. Tasks which were allotted to us were researching about finance of aqua carpatica, research about marketing and advertising activities, investigation about history of this company and many more. Another aspect which went well was will to put efforts. Every member of our group including me was so enthusiasts about this presentation that we were willing to put our hundred percent efforts. This zeal and excitement helped us to maintain peace in group even after various problems. Besides enthusiasm and classification of activities, another aspect which went really well was support of mentors. Members of my group are usually considered as most efficient students due to which every mentor was ready to help us which further assisted us to gain expert information and solutions.

Along with above positive aspects about our group presentation, the most important aspect which went really well was the integrity of group members. Despite of inter relational issues, the most effective aspects which I observed was the integrity of our group members. This aspect can be better understandable by an example. During the time of our group presentation, there were various team meetings in which was compulsory to be attended by all members. During that period, a situation was raised in which few members were unable to attend the group meeting but instead of providing false hope they came up with genuine reason with full integrity.

Things which doesn't went well - Analysing a company is a crucial task to perform but by the way of segregation of tasks, this complex activity was carried out really well. The main problem was raised when the period of research was over, and duration of using that information in our presentation started. When it comes to executing our plans and shape all the researched information into presentation, views and thoughts or every member were different. It is important to have a common layout in the presentation, but due to variation in opinions and choices even this task raised various issues and resultant overall work delayed. Negative aspects about our presentation resolved around diversification in team members opinions, thoughts and choices. During the period of presentation preparation, a situation arises where all team members including me were told to prepare one slide. Every member tried their level best and came with best of their work but due to lack of communication, those slides doesn’t had any co-ordination between them. In my opinion, another aspect which doesn't went well was lack of sense of punctuality. It is important to conduct various team meetings to effectively produce a group presentation but due to no sense of punctuality, meetings resultants in bizarre conflicts (Vetter and et. al., 2017).

My contribution - I was elected as a team leader for our team by a simple poll. In order to provide our team a common goal and direction, I decided to pen down some common rules which must be followed by all our team members which helped us to bring discipline. I pre analysed personalities of members due to which there was a high possibility that conflicts will occur, in order to avoid those issues I decided to classify all the activities into categories so that every team member has an individual task to perform. In the presentation, my contribution was to research about aqua carpatica company and its history which helped us to have a brief understanding about our project.

Team members contribution - Other members of my group also made their best efforts to make sure that our presentation can match with the passing criteria. Main contributions of team members were researching all the aspects of aqua carpatica company. They also agreed upon a best presentation layout and helped each other with their content. Due to a positive image which my team members has, mentors also assisted us. Despite of lack of team spirit, team members contributed a lot towards goal attainment.

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By preparing the presentation, in my opinion it can be concluded that overall performance of our team was good. Despite of various issues and conflicts, every team member made their best of efforts. In order to ensure that these challenges are not faced by us in future it is important to pre-analyze the future situation and develop a few preventive measures such as saving some extra time to avoid delays and more.

Related Sample: 


  • Posavac, E. J., 2015. Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge.
  • Strong, J. and Tucker, P., 2017. Handbook on Teacher Evaluation with CD-ROM. Routledge.
  • Vetter, T. and et. al., 2017. Evaluation of sources of uncertainty in projected hydrological changes under climate change in 12 large-scale river basins. Climatic change. 141(3). pp.419-433.
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