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Digital Tools and Technology for Business Enterprises -TNT Express

University: Regent college

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 20 / Words 5108
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: LSBM300
  • Downloads: 1358

Table of Content

  1. Chapter 1 Introduction

Question :

This Assessment covers following questions:

  • TNT express is the international delivery company. Discuss relevant research methodologies and approaches as part of the research procedure.
  • Communicate the result of a research project to identified stakeholders of the TNT Express.
  • Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts in the context of TNT Express.
  • Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods which is applied for meeting goals of the TNT Express research project.

Answer :

Organization Selected : TNT Express

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of research  

Digital tools and technologies are considered to be the most essential element that has a huge influence on the operations of small as well as large business enterprises. Small and medium-sized business organizations are plays an effective role in the economic growth of a country, thus in the digitized environment, the life of human beings is completely based on digital tools and technologies. Research is considered to be a vast concept that is conducted by an investigator to address some issues in an effective manner (Kumar and Reinartz, 2018 ). The survey is determined as the effective tool that has been applied for addressing some issues in an appropriate manner accomplishing the goals and objectives of the research in an effective manner. TNT Express is the chosen organization for this particular report. It is an international courier delivery services company, which now mainly deals in a subsidiary of FedEx. The headquarter of the firm is in Hoofddorp, Netherlands. Each business organization has its own purpose and they work for attaining higher growth and position within the marketplace, thus it creates value in the economic growth of a country. The major motive of TNT Express is to reach a higher competitive edge by capturing a wide area of the market. This report contains a study about the influence of digital technologies in the effective operation of TNT Express. In this particular investigation work, research aims and objectives are created with respect to providing a clear direction to the researcher to reach at the final outcome. Appropriate methodologies are applied to attain significant outcomes. Literature review plays a vast role in providing a clear theoretical framework that is based on the research issue. Along with this collected data will be analyzed by using the tool of data analysis, in which a graphical presentation is being prepared on the questions of the questionnaire.

1.2 Significance of research

The research into consideration is based on the use of digital technologies for the growth and development of the small business organization, thus the growth of SME is beneficial for the economic development of a country (Schivinski, Christodoulides and Dabrowski, 2016). TNT Express is a well-known courier organization, which owned operations around 61 Countries, and provides different services like documents, parcels and pieces of freight in around two hundred countries. As a courier company, it is essential for TNT business organization to use new and advance technologies in respect to enhancing its market reach, thus this create value in growth and development of business firm at market place. The company was founded in the year of 2011, by Ken Thomas. As a well reputed organization it is required for TNT or its management to develop their operations through implementing appropriate source of digital technologies. Proper implementation of digital tools and technologies are beneficial for corrective operation of the firm. Along with this digital tools and technologies are effective in making organizational operations easy and efforts less. The major purpose of each business enterprises is to attaining higher growth and profitability through emerging advance and innovative digital technologies. Research aim and objectives are refers as the most essential element that helps the investigator in providing a brief idea in regards to the activities of the research. A predetermined aim and objectives helps the researcher in addressing the research issue in systematic way (Giaccardi, 2012). Alongside this, by utilizing different researchers perspective valuable and appropriate information accurate outcome can be attained. Aim and objectives are designed at the very beginning of the research as the predetermined aims and objectives are effective in creating valid and reliable outcome for the research work.

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1.3 Aims and objectives

It is determined as the primary aspect which helps the investigator in providing a clear direction to carry out the work in effective manner. The whole activity of the research is based on the research aim as it is created for describing the research issue in proper way. The appropriate aim of the research is “To analyse the implications of Digital technologies on Small and medium size business organisations”. A case study on TNT Business Organisation.

Research Objectives

This also plays a vast role in incorporating all the research activities in right direction. Research objectives are interlinked with the aim of the research which helps an investigator in creating a proper theoretical framework on discussing the research issue with proper resources. The essential objectives of the research are described as below:

  • To identify the digital technologies that are used by TNT for its business operations.
  • To determine the digital technologies that are helpful for TNT in reaching at higher customer satisfaction.

1.4 Research questions

Research questions are described in the form of general statement in which questions are prepared on the basis of research objectives. Research questions are effective in conducting the section of literature review through analysing the perspective of various authors and writers who are having significant knowledge in regards to the specified area of study. The essential question of this particular research are described as below:

  • How does TNT select digital technologies for its operations?
  • How does TNT meet customer satisfaction with digital technology?

The predetermined research questions are plays vast role in reaching at the final outcome.

1.5 Work-break down structure and Gantt chart

Work-break down structure refers to a technique of dividing major activities into small segments. It also provide time frame of each fragmented activity so that researchers can achieve overall objectives in minimum time interval.

Gantt Chart

gant chart

Chapter 2: Literature Review

The present research is based on the implication of digital technologies on SME's and its direct influence on the growth and development of business organisation. The questions of the research are based on the research issue and these are appropriately discussed by the opinion of various authors and writers. Literature review is also refers to be the most important part of research work, as it helps the researcher in accumulating data and information through secondary sources and in this view points of various authors and writers are discussed as to reaching at accurate and final outcome

2.1 TNT select digital technologies for its operations

As per the views expressed by Godey and et. al., (2016), in today's modern and digitized world the expectation of customers are high as they majorly expect the right product which is required to be available on a right price. People also wants to deliver their product at the right place which is selected by them as per their own convenience. TNT Express is a large courier company, which mainly operates in around 61 countries and wants to expand their business globally. As a well reputed company TNT is widely concern on enhancing its market reach through capturing a wide area of market by using advance or digital technologies. The company is considerably using online applications, website, social media tools etc. as to enhancing their performnace at market place. These are considered to be the most essential tool for gaining attention of various customers who are regularly using the services of courier. Now a day's courier facilities are widely applied by people as they are satisfying their needs and wants by online shopping and in delivery of products organisations are approaching courier companies. Along with this TNT is significantly concern on developing its relation with customer so that higher growth and profitability can be attained. The company is also implementing advancement in their equipments like the firm is providing GPS or navigation facility to their employees and customers as well. This source is beneficial for both customers and employees who are delivering the products to the final customers. Employees can easily found an easy way to deliver the goods and services and customers can easily track their product with proper detail of organizational employees. The company is also providing mobile application facilities through which appropriate transaction can be made among the firm or its customers. In today's busy schedule, people are usually proper online application and sites as to satisfying their needs and wants, thus companies like TNT are providing effective delivering facilities to their direct as well as indirect customers or clients in effective manner.

2.2 TNT meet customer satisfaction with digital technology

According to view points of Dabbagh and Kitsantas, (2012), it has evaluated that C\customers are considered to be the most essential element for an organizational growth and success. High customer satisfaction cause growth for firm and this also create value in attaining a higher competitive edge within the market place. TNT Express is the global provider of personalized courier solution firm. The company has the widest network in Italy with around 121 branches, in which 11 transport hubs, five customer service centers and approximately 1000, TNT terminals by the country. The potential motive of TNT Express is to providing satisfaction to their customers through delivering the goods and services as per the specified time period and the selected place. The company is also concern on installing various new and advance technologies in its vehicles like they designed fleet in respect to improve fuel efficiency, driver safety and the overall speed of the vehicle and performance of its wider delivery network. The company now a day's use in-cab black box camera system in its vehicles (Tess, 2013). The proper presence of RoadHawk Box vehicle camera systems and its appropriate analysis of data they captured is designed to motivate safer and more fuel efficient driving, while also increasing driver security. 

The company is also using the facility of CCTV camera in their large and small vehicles that are effective in capturing the activity of drivers and provide proper direction to deliver the product within the given time duration. GPS tracker facility is also given to the drivers and customers so that both can track their way and product delivery details in appropriate manner.


3.1 Types of research

Research methodology is considered as major aspect in a research which helps in finding answers of certain questions in specified manner. It provides several tools and techniques by which investigators can collect accurate amount of information. It involves qualitative and quantitative methods which have own purpose and methods for gathering reliable data. This kind of data further helps in meeting set objectives and targets in given period of time. For example: Qualitative method helps in formulating data in descriptive manner where as quantitative approach is used to collect information in statistical form. In context with present project, management team of TNT Express have qualitative method to analyse the implication of digital technology in small and medium type of businesses.

3.2 Research design

It refers to overall strategy which is formulated to address all research questions in logical and coherent manner. Therefore, it is also known as blueprint of a research which shows techniques to required information, measurement as well as procedure for analysing the same for further conclusion. In this regard, for making proper research design, an investigator can use various methodologies such as experimental, exploratory and descriptive approaches. Under this present essay, project makers of TNT Express have used descriptive research methods to prepare research design. This would help in conducting entire activities of research in adequate manner so that high outcomes can be obtained.

3.3 Research Philosophy

It is considered as main source which shows ways how data of a project needs to be gathered, analysed and used. By addressing research philosophies under dissertation, investigators can better formulate their beliefs and assumptions. As per scope of certain project, projects makers can use four kinds of research philosophies. It includes interpretivism, pragmatism, positivism and realism. In this present investigation report, project makers of TNT Express have used pragmatism approach of research philosophy.

3.4 Approaches of data collection

This aspect of research methodologies entails sources by which researchers can collect required information and data. It includes primary and secondary approaches of data collection. The concept of these two sources for gathering information and addressing issues of research topic can be explored in following manner:

  • Primary data- This type of research method is generally used when researchers have to find out original and fresh information of a topic. Therefore, they itself conduct procedure to get data by publicly surveying, taking interviews and more. Therefore, such kind of information helps in exploring out reliable and accurate information. But, under this process, investigators have to arrange proper amount of funds for survey. Along with this, it consumes much time also.
  • Secondary data-It is another source of research methodology which provided published or unpublished data. Such type of information on a same topic is extracted from internet resources, books, journals, newspapers and more, where different authors given their viewpoint. Under this purpose, investigators have to analyse perceptions of other writers and collect information accordingly. Therefore, it provides large amount of data but if talking about accuracy or reliability, this method fails to give such outcomes.

3.5 Ethical consideration

It refers to one of the critical aspect of research methodology which states that in any investigation, project-makers have to carry out activities in ethical manner. They are amendable to follow rules of research i.e. not disclose any type of personal information about respondent whose perceptions are used for gathering data. Along with this, they should not ask any unethical questions from users which may harm their feelings. It would aid to enhance effectiveness of outcomes of research as well as prevent the same from different issues also.



1.) Are you aware about implication of digital technology in businesses?


· Yes


· No


2.) Will digital technology enable TNT Express in getting attention of customers?


· Yes


· No


3.) What are the major types of digital tools used by TNT Express?


· E-mail


· Social media and Mobile Technology


· Cloud Technology


4.) What will be the major challenges faced by TNT Express by implementing digital technology within organisation?


· Lack of strategy for a digital customer drive


· Resource availability


· Prevent business from Piracy and Hacking


5.) What are the major benefits of implementing digital technology within business for TNT Express?


· Enhance customer base


· Increase brand recognition and trust


· Promote business in vast area


6.) What are the major tools of digital technology used by TNT Express?


· Intranet/ Social Intranet


· Chat and Group Messaging


· Discussion Forums


· Tracking and Case Software


7.) Does introducing digital technology in business helps TNT Express in getting high satisfaction of customers?


· Yes


· No


8.) According to you, if implementation of digital technologies within organisation will really aid TNT Express in getting high competitive advantage?


· Yes


· No


9.) Are you satisfied with products and services offered by TNT Express?


· Yes


· No


10.) Give some recommendation for improvement of services of TNT Express for increasing sales performance and getting high competitive advantage...

Theme 1: Digital media is a wide concept

1.) Are you aware about implication of digital technology in businesses?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation: Today digital technology is a wide concept in the world where every people know its implication and effectiveness for running business successfully. In this regard, by conducting a survey on 40 respondents as shown in above graph, it has interpreted that major portion of them i.e. 35 are aware with the concept of digital technologies. While rest 5 didn’t know much about its implication in businesses.

Theme 2: Digital technology helps in attracting customers towards businesses

2.) Will digital technology enable TNT Express in getting attention of customers?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation: As per this graph, it has interpreted that digital tools and technologies provide opportunities to TNT Express in getting attraction of more customers towards business. It has proved by survey where 30 respondents out of 40 are agreed on this statement. While rest 10 of them are not agreed with the same.

Theme 3: Social media and mobile technology are the best technology for TNT Express

3.) What are the major types of digital tools used by TNT Express?


· E-mail


· Social media and Mobile Technology


· Cloud Technology


Interpretation: Digital technology has provided various tools and technologies in order to enhance performance of organisation. In context with TNT Express, out of 40 respondents, 10 are believed that e-mail is one of the best tools by which this company can provide time-to-time information to customers about products or services on individual basis. It also helps in giving information to employees, investors and other stakeholders about business activities on daily purpose. While 20 users have said that social media and mobile technology are the most advantage tools for this company. Through smart phones, its managers can contact employees, team members and other associated people anytime for business purpose. This would help in conducting operational functions in efficient manner and on time as well. Similarly through social media, its marketing team can promote business in large area of marketplace which would help in bringing awareness among customers. Other than this, 10 remaining respondents have said that TNT Express must implement cloud computing technology within business. It would help this company in storing large amount of data in highly secured and confidential manner as well as give advantage to access any information more easily.

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Theme 4: Building appropriate strategy is the major challenge for TNT Express

4.) What will be the major challenges faced by TNT Express by implementing digital technology within organisation?


· Lack of strategy for a digital customer drive


· Resource availability


· Prevent business from Piracy and Hacking


Interpretation: It has interpreted from this above mentioned graph that there are various challenges come in front of TNT Express during implementation of digital tool. It includes lack of strategy which affects overall activities of project for a digital customer drive. As per this survey, out of 40 users 15 are agreed on this statement. While 12 are believed that arranging resources like sufficient amount of funds, manpower and other, is a major challenge in front of this company. Similarly, 13 respondents thought that prevent business from illegal activities like piracy or hacking is the severe challenge for this company.

Theme 5: Digital tools provide various benefits to TNT Express

5.) What are the major benefits of implementing digital technology within business for TNT Express?


· Enhance customer base


· Increase brand recognition and trust


· Promote business in vast area


Interpretation: Digital tools and technologies provide various benefits to TNT Express in business expansion. As per survey 12 users out of 40, are believed that enhancing customer base is the major advantage for TNT Express. While 18 respondents are in favour with statement that increasing brand reputation and gain trust are benefits received by this company after implementation of digital tools. Apart from this, 10 people give support to advantage of promotion of business.

Theme 6: Chat and Group messaging is best tool of digital technology for TNT Express

6.) What are the major tools of digital technology used by TNT Express?


· Intranet/ Social Intranet


· Chat and Group Messaging


· Discussion Forums


Interpretation: Since business of TNT Express is expanded in more than 20 countries therefore, introducing digital technologies helps in operating major activities more effectively. As per survey it has interpreted that 10 respondents out of 40 believed that intranet is best tools which must be implemented by this company. An intranet refers to private hub which can be accessed authorised people only who are associated with businesses. Thus, it would help this firm in making communication and developing collaboration among employees of different countries. While 12 users have said that chat functions and private or group messaging are considered as best communication method for working together in a team. Other than this, rest of users i.e. 8 are said that discussion forums helps in bringing management and workers together as well as give advantage for open communication as well.

Theme 7: Digital technology aid a company in getting high satisfaction of customers

7.) Does introducing digital technology in business helps TNT Express in getting high satisfaction of customers?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation: As per this graph, it has interpreted that out of 40 users, 32 are believed that digital technologies help in getting high satisfied customers. While 8 are not in favour with same statement. They thought that only best services and quality of products can satisfied their demand.

Theme 8: Digital technologies help a company in getting high competitive advantages.

8.) According to you, if implementation of digital technologies within organisation will really aid TNT Express in getting high competitive advantage?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation: According to this mentioned graph, it has evaluated that 28 users out of 40 are in favour with concept that digital technologies help in getting high competitive advantage. While 12 didn’t go with same statement.

Theme 9: People are satisfied with delivery services offered by TNT Express

9.) Are you satisfied with products and services offered by TNT Express?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation: It has interpreted from this graph that 25 respondents out of 40 are satisfied with services provided to them by TNT Express. While other 15 users have suggested to bring some modification within delivery process so that better services can be provided.


5.1 Recommendation

Through this investigation on digital technologies, it has recommended to TNT Express that this company have to bring best techniques in business. This will provide various benefits in terms of profitability and revenue. By implementing technologies like social media, it can make better connection with domestic and international customers. Using social sites like Facebbok, Instagram, Twitter and more, its marketing team can identify demand of targeted audience, their preference and level of purchasing more easily. It would help in formulating effective pricing strategies so that sales performance can be increased. It should also be recommended to TNT Express that for introducing any new technique in business, its managers must make a proper business plan first. This would help in arranging adequate amount of funds and other resources which are required for implementation of technologies. Furthermore, by making such plan, this company can also gain attention of investors who will give support for the same.

5.2 Reflection

Throughout this investigation, I have passed with many ups and down which increases experience of mine. It gives me a lesson how to deal with different-different situations and handle the same appropriately. When I take this project which was based on implication of digital technology for businesses then I have started with lots of confidence and energy. I was much excited in starting to work with new team-mates and conduct various activities. But after a while, I have faced various issues related to work with new members because as a manager, its major responsibility of mine is to build effective team. As all group members belong to different background and much skilled therefore, bringing collaboration and developing positive relationship between them is much difficult task. So, it brings my morale down at a point and I fail to motivate myself too. But by reading some management theories like classical and behavioural as well as contingency and leadership theories, I get knowledge how to lead a team towards common goal and bring collaboration in them. Therefore, working on this project makes me able to take future projects and complete them on time in highly efficient manner.

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As per above mentioned research it has been concluded that today digital technology has become a most vital concept for businesses. Without implementation of such technology, a company cannot run its operation in effective manner. It helps organisations in conducting their function, operational activities, managing business and so on, more appropriately. Digital technology provides various tools and technologies like social media, smart phones, cloud computing, e-mail and more. All these techniques helps in making connection with rest part of the world and spread information about type of services they are offered. Technology has increased efficiency of every function of organisation like human resource management, marketing, R&D, production and more. Therefore, to earn high revenue and get profitability in business, companies are required to implement best digital technologies within organisation.


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