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Developing of Leadership and Management Skills by Tesco PLC and The Fire Brigade


  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 4 / Words 981
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: LEAD300
  • Downloads: 971

Question :

Topic- Historical Development of Management and Leadership.

You are to produce a report that discusses and evaluates the role of management and leadership in two contrasting organizations This report should consider the historical development of the subject alongside consideration of the debate between the two perspectives.

Please use any of the following theories:

  • Great man theory
  • Situational theory
  • Behavioral theory
  • Contingency theory, etc.

Apply a situation 

!!!Concentrate on the organizations management more and the leadership (e.g.: autocratic, situational, birocratic, Laissez-Faire etc.) rather that the history of the theory (200 words)

example of organization. Tesco and the Fire brigade, something like this one.

Assessment Brief 


The nature and function of Management and Leadership combined with communication, strategic direction and team dynamics in contemporary practice are of the upmost importance in driving success. This assignment analyses the relationship and debate between management and leadership within an historical context. The report should offer theory from 1900 up to modern day practice and thought.

Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:

  • Evaluate key theories and perspectives of leadership and management within a range of contexts and diverse environments.
  • Discuss and analyse the various leadership styles, matching these to the situational context.


Title: Historical Development of Management and Leadership

You are to present a report that discusses and evaluates the role of management and leadership in two contrasting organisations. This report will consider the historical development of the subject alongside consideration of the debate between the two perspectives. The report will be given to a local CMI study group. This report should address learning outcome 1 & 2.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Tesco


This is report will be analysing two different contrasting organization for like leadership and management (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019). The organizations that are considered for evaluation are Tesco PLC and The Fire Brigade. Various leadership and management and theories and approaches will be analysed to evaluate actions of leader and manager in various situation


Leadership and management are two main aspects of organization that are important for the success of business organization in the target market. Leadership is considered as the action of lead an organization or people. Management can be explained as process that deals with controlling people and various operations with in certain or specific area. Some main leadership and management theories are-

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Contingency Theory

According to this theory there is no constant approach to lead and manage organization. There is no any specific approach that can be considered as best approach for actions of leader and manager (Otley, 2016). To lead and manage organization efficiently the approach of the leader or manager should be as per the conditions or situation. This can help manager or leader to take the best possible action to address a specific problem or issue. For example as a problem occur in sales of Tesco PLC leader and manager will evaluate the statistical and conditional data, and then they will think about possible solution to improve sales of company in sales. In Tesco PLC approach is based on the data gathering and analysis. The approach of The Fire Brigade is completely different cause. As they receive information about fire accident. The approach of leader or manager will be focused to reduce the intensity of fire to sole issue as soon as possible to reduce the level of damage. In the organization like Fire Brigade approach of leader will be based on instant action to provide quick solution and planning to solve problem. This is how approach of leader is different in two different organizations.

Types of Leadership or Management Approach That Used in Different Organization

There are different type of approach are used by leader and manager indecision making process. Decision making process used by leader depends on the type of organization. For an example in emergency condition in organization, type of leadership approach is completely different. For example in emergency fire hazard situation the approach of leader will be Autocratic.

Autocratic Leadership

This leadership approach is also known as authoritarian leadership. This According to these approach all the decision that are taken by leader for particular situation will not include any other member of organization. In the decision making process leader have all control over complete process of decision making. The choices that are made by the organization will be completely based on the ideas and thinking of their own (Chukwusa, 2018). This is how in emergency condition leader of Fire Brigade take decision based on their experience and knowledge to solve problem as quick as possible. This is how in Fire Brigade Autocratic Leadership Style is used by leader.

Democratic Leadership

This leadership style is also known as participative leadership. In this leadership style, leader involves manager and employees in the process of decision-making. The main aim of Tesco iof using this style is to motivate employees and make them feel valued as well as respected. When all age group and different types of employees are being given equal chance in taking active participation in decision-making process then it increases their knowledge. They shares their views and suggest company for better improvement. So, ikt can be said that this style is not only beneficial for employees but also for employers because they have many options and suggestions by which they can make the best and final decision. On the other hand, it can also be said that this style can be beneficial for those companies who has skilled workforce and enough time for taking decisions (Dyczkowska and Dyczkowski, 2018). Tesco Plc is the popular retailer or supermarket which has skilled workforce as well as does not need to take immediate actions or decision. So, democratic leadership style will be the best and beneficial for it and its employees.

So, it can be said that different leadership styles has its own effectiveness as it is being applied according to the situation and condition of the company.

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From the above study, it has been summarized that leadership styles played a vital role in accomplishing goals of an organisation. It has also been summarized that different leadership styles plays role in different situations accordingly. Democratic leadership style is appropriate in the situation where employees are more skilled and company has time to make decision.


Books and Journals

  • Bush, T., Bell, L. and Middlewood, D. eds., 2019. Principles of Educational Leadership & Management. SAGE Publications Limited.
  • Chukwusa, J., 2018. Autocratic Leadership Style: Obstacle to Success in Academic Libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice, p.1.
  • Dyczkowska, J. and Dyczkowski, T., 2018. Democratic or autocratic leadership style? Participative management and its links to rewarding strategies and job satisfaction in SMEs. Athens journal of business and economics. 4(2). pp.193-218.
  • Otley, D., 2016. The contingency theory of management accounting and control: 1980–2014. Management accounting research. 31. pp.45-62.
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