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Systematic literature review

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TOPIC: The impact on children affected by domestic abuse and the effectiveness of Social Work interventions, Age 0-10’’.


Overview of Research

Child abuse is a physical maltreatment of child. It is sexual, psychological and physical neglect of children mainly through parent. The child abuse may consist any act through partner that result in actual harm to child and also occur in home, communities, schools and organisation. In context to this, child abuse is an incident of threatening and controlling behaviour, abuse and violence among anyone. High rate of the fatal child abuse are among 0-10 years. Children which are exposed to the abuse in home are mainly denied their right to be stable and safe home environment. Many children are suffering silently. They are exposed to violence in home and also trusts adults to turn for the comfort and help. Domestic abuse develop negative impact on mindset of children and they are not able to do anything.

Background of Research

The child abuse is appalling crime against most vulnerable in society. Neglect and abuse through guardians or parents was associated with young people and children emotional well being consisting thoughts regarding suicidal ideation and self harm. Domestic abuse is related to the poor emotional well-being. On the basis of survey, there are around 271, 805 children of 0-10 years which experiencing the emotional abuse from their guardian or parent. To prevent the children from any abuse or violence, there are some legislations developed by government of United Kingdom for an instance Children Act 1989, The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) and others.

Rationale of Research

The rationale behind conducting an investigation is to know about the issues regarding the domestic violence on children through and its negative impact on their mindset and lifestyle. The child abuse is a major issue which children face mainly age group of 0-10 and it affect their life and not able to talk with any one in comfortable manner. From conducting this research, issues from rising domestic abuse on 0-10 years children and interventions or ways to overcome from them. On the other hand, present investigation helps in given the understanding about children domestic violence. This specific knowledge area is useful to the learner in the advancement of expertise and the skill base that leads to the growth of the future project as well as to its success.

Chapter structure of dissertation

It represents the overall structure of dissertation to conducting in systematic manner. Under this, there are different steps given below:

Chapter 1: Introduction

It is a first part of dissertation that represents overview about the whole dissertation by develop aim and objectives related to particular subject area. It is the beginning step through which a researcher will be able to identify the current problems and focus on finding the best solutions.

Chapter 2: Literature review

This chapter states about the critical analysis on the specific area. It provides answers to the arisen research questions. This has data inclusion for the different sources like books, articles web sources, journals and others. It serves as strong foundation for this dissertation to achieve set goals and targets with a given time period.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

It provides way to conducting an investigation by using different tools and techniques. This consists different tools and collection techniques and data analysis to develop valid conclusion. This helps in providing both the reliability and validity of the information gathered. In this, researcher is responsible for selecting best suitable techniques and method in order to undertake study successfully.

Chapter 4: Data analysis and interpretation

This is one of the important chapter as it help in systematically analysing collected data that support in attaining positive and reliable outcomes at the end of the study. It can improve the possibilities of drawing valid judgement within the research. In this, researcher also develop various themes to interpret collected data by using secondary sources. As it also provide depth analysis about the research topic.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter play a crucial role in undertaking research activities as it provide summary of the study. The main focus of this phase of investigation is to evaluate entire activities that support in measuring the overall effectiveness of the research. On the other side, recommendation is also provide by researcher after analysing whole section of study. If any kind of improvement is required within the project than researcher is apply the same to improve further area in the study.


Domestic abuse affect the victims and the children who get abused. As it also affect people who is regardless to the gender, class, race and so on. Thus, it is crucial to understand the challenges and complexities of domestic abuse and at the same time also evaluate the effectiveness of social work intervention as it is provide wide range of social problems and populations.

Children domestic abuse

On the basis of Pippa Sargent (2016), Domestic abuse is public health related issue that impact children and families to tackle historically focused on the support of victim as well as reducing crime rather than the prevention. Children domestic abuse is any kind of controlling, violent, bullying, threatening among children. It can seriously harm to children of age group 0-10. It can happen inside and outside the home, over the phone, social networking sites which use by children. Now a days, majority of children are affected by domestic violence that put negative impact over their physical, mental, emotional and social state. Along with this, children who live in home where there is domestic violence grow up in environment that is totally unpredictable as it filled with anxiety, tension and also can be dominated by fear. It directly lead to significant emotional and psychological trauma. Children who are domestic abused can directly affect their development growth in term of emotional, mental and social as well. Furthermore, some children lose their ability to feel empathy for other people. In this regards, there some type of domestic abuse such as emotional, sexual, psychological, physical and so on. As it also includes:

  • hitting, pitching or cutting
  • Not allow some one leave the home
  • Threatening to another family members.

According to Cathryn Hunter (2014), Child abuse and neglect abuse to behaviour through patents and some other adults that outside conduct norms and also entails sustainable causing risk to child. Such kind of behaviour many be unintentional and intentional that consists omission acts. there are some sign of children domestic abuse because it can be difficult to tell to other if domestic abuse is happing and those who carrying out the same act very weird and different while other people are around with them. As children might also feel frightened and confused and keeping the abuse to themselves. Along with this, Sign that a child who has witnessed domestic abuse can consider:

  • Bullying
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Anxiety, depression
  • Attention seeking
  • Bed wetting
  • Eating disorders
  • Problem in school or trouble learning

As per opinion of Fiona Morrison (2015), Issues of domestic abuse and child contact has gained more attention. The domestic abuse many be continue following the separation of patents and also low parental communication. Child abuse is a physical maltreatment of a child that impact negatively on well being and growth of a children. It is related to any kind of intentional mistreatment or harm to child under 0-10 years is included as the child abuse. It takes the several forms that occur at similar time period.

Physical abuse- This type of abuse occurs when child is physically injured or harm through other person. It means that someone hurts body of child or put the physical danger. The physical danger consists burns child, holds under water, throw objects at child, ties up child etc.

Sexual abuse- It is related to any kind of sexual activity with child like oral genital contact, exploitation to child for pornography, fondling etc. It arise when any person touches child intentionally, kissing in sexual way or other things which hamper the child or feel uncomfortable.

Medical abuse- This kind of abuse occurs when a person provides false information regarding illness in child that needs medical attention, unrequired medical care and putting child at injury risk.

Emotional abuse- This abuse is related to injuring self esteem of child or the emotional well being. This consists the emotional and verbal assault for an instance berating child rejecting, ignoring etc. It is behaviour pattern that harm the development of child.

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Effects of child domestic abuse

According to Michele Lloyd (2018), The article examines how the domestic abuse impact on children. The domestic abuse of children result from witnessing the domestic violence in home where parents are abusing other parents and plays tremendous role in developmental growth and well being of children that witnessing violence. Children which witness the domestic violence in home believe that they are blame are 15 times are likely to be child abuse victim. In United Kingdom, there was a case of 4 year Daniel Pelka who died in year 2012 by starvation and abuse through mother that experienced domestic violence.

As per opinion of Lorraine Radforda, Susana Corralb, Christine Bradleyc, Helen L. Fisher (2013), To measure maltreatment prevalence and some other kinds of victimization between children in United Kingdom. Under this, there has been explore risks of the other victimization kinds between maltreated children at various ages. 

On the basis of Debbie M.Sperry Cathy Spatz Widom (2013) The children can impacted indirectly through violence occurring in home though hearing or seeking taking place. In this, all kinds of the neglect and abuse leave the lasting scars. Some of scars might physical but the emotional scarring has the long lasting impact on life. There are some effects of the domestic abuse on child:

Lack of relationship and trust difficulties- If child can not trust on parents then no body can trust on child. Without this, it is complex top learn about trust of people or know about trustworthy person. This can lead to complexities in maintaining the adulthood relationship. This can lead to the unhealthy relationship because person do not know regarding the better relationship.

Trouble in regulating emotions- In this, abuse children domestically can't able to express the emotions properly. As result, emotions get the stuffed grown and also coming in an unexpected manner. In regards to this, adult survivors of the child abuse can be struggle with the unexplained depression, anger.

Future well-being impacted- It has been stated that children which suffered from domestic abuse are have minimum educational attainment and also suffer from the alcohol and drug dependency. Mental health complexities and long term physical complexities consisting depression can be main consequences. Many of the people which commit the serious conduct suffered from the abuse at the childhood.

Emotional scars- In this, children which feel neglect or suffer abuse pain on inside. Several children are suffer feeling guilt, low self- esteem and also blaming for abuse. The children which find it complex to have the trusting experience and the experience bullying.

Children Act 1989

As per viewpoint of Brian Sloan (2015), This act allocates duties to the local authorities, parents, courts and also of the other agencies in UK to assure that child is safeguarded and welfare is to be prompted. This centres on idea that the children are cared better for own families. This makes the provisions when families and parents which don't cooperate with the statutory bodies. The main purpose of developing this act is welfare of the children, promising them voice and also considering the well-being. Children Act 1989 contains the public and private civil law which applicable to children. Private and public law fusion in Act was accidental largely. In relation to this, goal of Children Act 1989 is to be consolidate the conflicting, law concerned to child and also emphasise role play the parents and families play to children. This restricts courts power to commit child to be take care without formal application.

Prevention of child domestic abuse

According to Howard Dubowitz (2020), Preventing the child domestic abuse and neglect spare pain of child and also suffering psychological and physical. It is morally preferable and intuitively to intervention after fact. In regards to this, early prevention or intervention may be effective than the later intervention. Domestic abuse is kind of coercive, controlling and violence among people. Child abuse develops negative impact on the physical and mental health of children. It is necessary to prevent or stop the child abuse for their better well being.

As per the opinion of Emine Efe (2017), Child maltreatment is neglect and abuse that occurs to the children under age of 18. This consists all kinds of the emotional and physical ill such as negligence, sexual abuse, neglect and other kinds of exploitation which result in harm of child health. The main goal of preventing child abuse is to fit will with objectives and paediatrics scope. There are some effective ways given below related to prevention of child domestic abuse:

Recognise signs- Under this, there is a need to identify the signs related to child domestic abuse. This is complex to identify when child is abuses or the signs not visible to eye. The forms of domestic abuse are emotional, economic and verbal abuse. In this, children is not likely to be speak up and suffer in silence.

Provide resources- Under this, giving support classes for the parents, teaching related to child care and also parenting strategies that helps in support the children and also care. When the families and parents are equipped with the strategies, skills and support then child abuse can be minimized.

Support the prevention programs- The intervention occurs after abuse is to be reported. The more investments are required in conducting programs which have been developed to stop abuse for an instance home visit and family counselling through nurses. They provides the help of the newborns and also their parents.

As per the opinion of Humphreys C, Bradbury-Jones C (2015), Safeguarding children living with the domestic abuse has emerged as main priority across justice, human service sector and health. This is recognised as social and health issues that has the long term and serious consequences for child and adult victims.

Effectiveness of Social Work interventions

On the basis of Cathy Lipke (2020), Child protection is myriad of various experiences. Shocking, joy, scary and sad are some of the situations which can bring more emotions from the joy to anger. To manage the emotions and situations, supervision is necessary tools. Under this, social work practitioners have been directly considered in fatal child abuse. Under this, social workers plays necessary role in the child welfare system through protecting children well being. They are responsible for various kinds of services which designed to assist children and families by the various complexities and hardships. Many social workers employed through government that specialising protection of children should be prepared to face many situations. The social workers develop program's that servicing 

On the basis of Claire Houghton (2015), Perspective of children repositions children as he active participants in domestic abuse, opposing violence and also recovering from the abuse. Under this, children's agency and also requirement to empower the children. Right to participation of children extend to the national policy making related to safety of child.

Literature Gap

With the help of conducting the literature review, I got to know a lot in regards to the area of child abuse and its impact on their mental and social well being. In this given research, there has been studied about the concept of child abuse. I was not aware about the types of child abuse and their consequences. From doing the literature review part, I gain knowledge and understanding regarding prevention of child abuse by using the social work interventions.

Research Aim

Aim is most important part of the work as described in the general statement under which a topic is stated in a compact and clear way. The research goal is linked to the overall study aim and should also be clearly defined. The purpose of an inquiry is to produce both tangible data and to apply information to accumulation. Researcher is responsible for focusing on set goals and working with them in a given time period to achieve them. The aim of the research provides answers to research questions. It's mainly finding out hidden and unfinding truth beforehand.

The aim of this investigation is “To determine impact domestic abuse on children and the effectiveness of Social Work interventions, Age 0-10’’.

Research Objectives

Research objectives are concerned with straightforward, declarative and summary concept that provides the study variables under analysis a clear direction. Research objectives sum up what needs to be done by research. Objectives are unique achievements which researcher hopes to achieve by research. Researcher can focus on the study with the help of clearly defining objectives. The research goals are focused on the target already clearly defined. Research is structured query where an investigator attempts to find a suitable solution to the problem. The focus of the research objectives is on how variables can be evaluated in order to identify them effectively or efficiently.

  • To understand children domestic abuse and various kinds of child abuse.
  • To examine impact of the domestic abuse on children at age of 0-10.
  • To determine the effectiveness of Social Work interventions on domestic abuse of 0-10 years children.
  • To identify the different ways to prevent children from the domestic abuse.

Research Questions

The research question is answerable in relation to a specific issue. Research questions are on the basis of set goals, and the researcher's focus is on achieving them within a given period of time. It is the centre of research project and aids in providing solution to the issues that arise. This part of study is an important aspect that helps to incorporate literature review component in the research work, with the help of various authors views or points of view.

  • What is children domestic abuse and various kinds of child abuse?
  •  What is the impact of the domestic abuse on children at age of 0-10?
  • What is effectiveness of Social Work interventions on domestic abuse of 0-10 years children?
  • What are different ways to prevent children from the domestic abuse?


This is the most imperative area of an investigation as it is effective in assisting the overall work in right manner. This section of investigation is mainly in-consist over choosing the most appropriate sources that are effective in carry out the work in right manner. An investigation is mainly of qualitative or quantitative in nature and the selection of based on qualitative research as in this in-depth information is gathered to reaching at the suitable results. In addition to this, data collection is an imperative area of investigation in which primary and secondary source are applicable in gathering valuable information. therefore, the present investigation is based on analysing theimpact on children affected by domestic abuse and the effectiveness of Social Work interventions, Age 0-10’’. thus this is a wide investigation area in which information is mainly gathered through secondary aspects like books, journals, published and non-published research articles and so on.

Name of the Article

Date of the study

Key words used

Way of data collection

‘All Over Now?’ The Ongoing Relational Consequences of Domestic Abuse through Children's Contact Arrangements.


Ongoing Relational Consequences, Domestic abuse, contact arrangements, Low levels of parental communication.

The information is mainly gathered through secondary sources in which published and non published journals and articles are used to gather valuable information.

Young People's Perspectives on Participatory Ethics: Agency, Power and Impact in Domestic Abuse Research and Policy Making


Participatory Ethics, domestic abuse, policy making, surviving domestic abuse, Access to power.

Secondary sources.

Domestic abuse and safeguarding children: focus, response and intervention (editorial)


Domestic Abuse, safeguarding children, intervention, child victims.

Secondary sources.

Preventing child abuse and neglect


child abuse, child neglect, prevention, nurse” in Turkish and English on the international “PubMed”, “Embase”, “Ovid”, “ProQuest”, “Ebscohost” and national Turkish Medical Index.

Secondary sources.

Preventing Child Neglect and Physical Abuse


Child neglect, physical abuse, prevention of child neglect.

Secondary sources.

A Social Worker's thoughts on child protection social work.


Social Worker's, child protection, social work.

Secondary sources.

A public health prevention approach to domestic abuse: the 'Be a Lover not a Fighter' campaign in Cheshire & Merseyside


Approach related to public health prevention, domestic abuse.

Secondary sources.

Domestic Violence and Education: Examining the Impact of Domestic Violence on Young Children, Children, and Young People and the Potential Role of Schools


domestic violence, education, early childhood, children, young people, schools, teachers, multi-agency working

Secondary sources.

Child abuse and neglect, social support, and psychopathology in adulthood: A prospective investigation


Child abuse and neglect,

Social support,




Drug use.

Secondary sources.

The prevalence and impact of child maltreatment and other types of victimization in the UK: Findings from a population survey of caregivers, children and young people and young adults


Child maltreatment,

Sexual abuse,

Child victimization

Prevalence of child abuse,


Secondary sources.

Effects of child abuse and neglect for children and adolescents


Types of abuse and neglect, Factors affecting the consequences of child abuse and neglect, Trauma, stress and the developing brain, Attachment and interpersonal relationship problems, Learning and developmental problems.

Secondary sources.

The Children Act. By Ian McEwan


 Children Act.

Secondary sources.


Overview of Methodology

Methodology is an important part of a research as this consists knowledge about several techniques which can mainly used to more accurately collect, analyse and interpret data and information. It also assists a researcher in successfully reporting the conclusions and at similar time advises on problems involved in the research field. The methodology of the researcher provides guidance to the investigator on the measures that must be taken to satisfy the study requirement. In addition to this, methodology is a theoretical and the systematic analysis of method which applied to study area. This is one of the specific process that help in conducting the overall reliability and validity of an investigation. This is system of the methods as well as principles for conducting something. In general context, methodology is research strategy that outlines manner under which an investigation is to undertaken among things.

Research methods

Research methods are explained as scientific and systematic procedure of collection of data, analysis and also interpretation to business issues. Various types of research methods can be segmented in many categories on the basis of nature of study purpose. The inquiry is carried out primarily with the aid of two research methods like quantitative and qualitative. Between them, the investigator will use qualitative research as it makes use of the theoretical framework to present the knowledge in a simpler, more accessible and more detailed way. This approach will help to present the information in depth and will also work best with inductive method. Qualitative and quantitative are two different research methods mention below:

Quantitative method

The quantitative investigation is systematic phenomena research through collecting the quantifiable data and also performing the statistical techniques. This gathers the information from potential and existing consumers by using the sampling methods. Under this, data is produced numerical and analysed by using the statistical and mathematical methods. The main focus of quantitative investigation method is on the numeric and also unchanging data rather than the divergent reasoning. It is method of investigation that relies on measuring the variables using numerical system and statistical techniques. Main objective is to using this method is to understand, explain and predict nature of the phenomenon by development of theories and models. Quantitative method consists the surveys and experiments. This is conducted in social sciences by using statistical method to gather the quantitative data from research study. In this, investigators and statisticians deploy the mathematical frameworks that pertain to quantity in question.

Qualitative method

It is a method in which research is conducted through methods which are open-ended as well as conversational with the customer. This method consist One-to-One method an interview is conducted with the customer with the researcher asking various type of questions which can be related to choice, need and demand regarding the products and services. In Focus Groups, a limited number of people are placed in one group so that they can raise questions and find answers to them within themselves. In Ethnographic Research they have to adapt to the environment of the consumer. In Case Study Research, a particular topic is assigned to them on which they have to do the research on and make a conclusion on the findings. In Record Keeping, use of reliable documents and data is done to understand the behaviour of the customer and various other parameters. In Process of observation, observation technique is used to oversee the nature of consumers and the pattern of their purchases and to see their needs, demands and requirements to make a product according to them. Quality differences can be located by using this method. It is an effective as well as a productive method of conducting a research.

In conducting the present investigation, qualitative research method has been used because this gives the in-depth and detailed information about the child abuse and its related terminologies. It is easy to give the specific information regarding specific research area.

Data collection

Data Collection refers as the procedure of gathering and analysing the data on targeted variables in a well established system which then enables an individual to answer relevant questions and accurate results. Different data collection methods given below:

Primary method

It is a method of finding the data directly from its source which here are the potential customers of the organisation. Methods of conducting Primary Research include Market Research Survey in which a thorough In-Depth research is conducted in the market. In personal Interview, a direct face-to-face conversation is held with the consumers to better know their preferences. In Telephone Interviews, survey is conducted on telephone with them. In Email Survey a survey, link, form or a questionnaire is mailed directly to the customers by creating a mail list which they need to fill in order to indicate what they want from the company that is what type of goods they want or the services which they desire. In Online Questionnaires firms provide forms on their website which can be filled by the consumers to provide their reviews, feedback and suggestions for improvement in goods or services. Thus, it is the most effective and efficient way of conducting a research by the concern. It can result in increase in the sales of product which will lead to a raise in the earnings and profits of the enterprise which will thereby enable it to become a market leader within a particular period of time.

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