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Enterprise Innovation Report

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3275
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Innovation is important for all industries and with time it becomes more important for the success of various business organization. There are different industries which are using innovation to improve their business in international market. This report is providing the brief of challenges that are faced by family entertainment industry in West Midlands in England. Various opportunities will be identified that can be utilised in entertainment industry in order to deliver greater message to the consumers (Sherman and Craig, 2018). Various technical solutions will be provided in the report to overcome the issues of family entertainment industry. The digital or real innovations that can be involved in these solutions will be explained in the report. Impact of these solutions will be stated on the company along with considering a digital start up company to implement changes as per the innovative solution that are preposed.


Implementation of Virtual Reality concept in UK England

The Concept of virtual reality is very innovative and creative to make people aware of environmental sustainability and get involved in the activities which help them to make positive change in environment. This concept is highly effective for country like United Kingdom. There are various advantage of Virtual Reality that can help government to make people aware of environmental sustainability and waste management. In United kingdom there are various places that can be used for this concept of virtual reality (Glegg and Levac, 2018). For example places that are centre of attraction for local people and tourists can be used in this development process. This also will be cost effective for government and Family entertainment industry. For example fun parks and theme parks can be used for this concept. In this process large size pen structure like dome or enclosed structure can be used to implement set up for virtual reality. These process of implementation of virtual reality concept also can be improved by adding physical concept create positive impact on people. There is also possibility to implement Augmented Reality in the process to make the experience of people more real and heart touching. In the implementation of Augmented reality concept real location like theme parks, biological parks and historical sites can be used. This can help the company to make experience of people more real which is effective enough to create positive impact on people related to protection of environment and provide them knowledge about what is impact of human activity on future world (Davies, Crohn and Treadgold, 2019). This will help the people understand why this is important for them to keep their actions and habits good for environment and wild life.

Challenges that are Faced by Family Entertainment Industry

The influence of digital innovation looms large across diverse sectors, empowering businesses to forge novel ideas that enhance service delivery to consumers, thereby bolstering operational efficiency and profitability. Virtual Reality (VR) emerges as a transformative digital paradigm, prominently harnessed within the entertainment and electronics domains to furnish individuals with immersive digital experiences. This phenomenon can be delineated as a computer-generated simulation manifesting in three dimensions (Maimone, Georgiou, and Kollin, 2017). The process entails the utilization of various electronic devices equipped with sensors, orchestrating a fully realized virtual reality encounter. Notably, this technology holds significant potential within the family entertainment sphere, serving as a medium to enlighten individuals about environmental impacts, thus fostering a heightened awareness of environmental stewardship and sustainability.If you need any kind of assignment help for your academic in do my assignment help is all you can have.

Currently there are various challenges are faced by the family entertainment industry in West Midland. There are many companies are their which are providing different type of facilities to the people related to the entertainment. These places in West Midland are- West Midland safari and Leisure Park, Dudley Zoo, Kenilworth Castle, Monkey Forest, Hatton Adventure World, Bournville Treasure trail Hunt, The Falconry Centre, Stourbridge, Forge Mill Farm Sandwell, Birmingham Wildlife Conservation park, Stourport- on – Severn, Kingsbury Water Park, Alton Tower, Black Country Living Museum and Cadbury World. These are some of the most famous locations that are good entertainment hubs for people. There are different challenges are faced by this industry in current time due to various factors (Fogarty, McCormick and El-Tawil, 2017). Some of main challenges that are faced by the family entertainment industry are -

Technological factor, cultural and social factor, economic factor and legal factors. Family entertainment industry is majorly facing various issues in current time which are affecting their business.

Technological Challenges

This is major challenge for the family entertainment industry because technology has changed the life style of people (Makransky, Terkildsen and Mayer, 2019). Digital technology is affecting the daily routine of the people and making them addict of the technology and taking them apart from the natural and real world experience. People are more comfortable in virtual world. So they do not show interest in these places that can provide them real experience to them. There are some other issues that are associated with digital technology. For example in this industry role of technology is very low and this less involvement of technology is affecting its popularity among people who lives far form location of these places. For example the online booking and promotion done by these organizational is limited to certain level. That's why people do not know more about thee places (Riecke, LaViola Jr and Kruijff, 2018). Less use of technology affects the business of these places like family entertainment organization. Apart from these the major challenge that is faced by family entertainment industry is related to buy technology to implement concept of Virtual Reality in vast level. For implementation of VR technology in practice they have to make major changes in their current technology.

Social and Cultural Challenges

These issues are related to the regular lifestyle of people and their culture. Cultural and social factors are more crucial for thee industry. Daily routine of people moves around technology and they are not interested in physical activities that can provide more education and experience to them. Changes in education and role of digital technology is drastically changed in current time. Some times engaged schedule of people do not provide them opportunity to visit places like amusement parks and fun parks (Laszlo and Zhexembayeva, 2017). Parents are also too much focused on the education of the children so it is also reduces the interest of people in places like these. The limited culture is also big concern in this case. This is how lifestyle of people is major challenge for Family entertainment industry. As VR technology is implemented on certain locations so this will be difficult for them to attract people to these locations because of their life style and fdaily routine.

Environmental Issues

There are some issues are related to the environment which are affecting this industry majorly. These issues are related to the environment protection and sustainability and accessibility, location and transportation issues. Sustainability of environment is major issue for this industry (Clayton and Radcliffe, 2018). This is important for them to consider the sustainability measure in order to keep environment safe and unaffected of human activities. The location of these biological parks and zoo is far from cities and this is difficult to reach to the places like these. This is how environment issues are also challenging for this industry. This is also difficult for the company which is implementing VR in location like biological park. This is difficult because this is not possible to capture detailed information of location like forest and amusement parks.

Legal Factors

There are some legal issues and challenges are faced by family entertainment industry. These challenges are associated to environment protection acts, safety and security act and wild life protection acts (Baland, Bardhan and Bowles, eds., 2018). These legislations are limiting the operations of this industry. Due to these legislations reach of people to these locations is less as compared to other places. The health and safety act the business of family entertainment industry is limited. This is major issue for organization to collect information of the particular location without affecting of violating legislations.

That is how various challenges are faced by family entertainment industry in implementing Virtual Reality concept to make people informed about impact of plastic on future.

Specific Problem

There are some problems in implementing Virtual Reality concept in England are-

The cost of virtual reality equipments is too high and process of research in this field is also costly. This major economic issue with concept of Virtual Reality. This is important for concept of Virtual Reality to possess high quality knowledge of surrounding to create better simulation that can help to avoid lacking of information (Ioannou and Serafeim, 2017). High detailed information can improve the experience of user. This is difficult for companied to gather real time data to create better simulation. There are also some health concerns are associated with us of Virtual Reality gear. For example long duration use of VR gear can cause Blurred vision, nausea, headache and Queasiness. These are some major problems that are need to be addressed in the implementation process of Virtual Reality.

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Opportunities with Virtual Reality

The opportunities that are associated with Virtual Reality are too high and very effective in different sector. It can be used at various places to provide practical knowledge to the people. It can be used for different purposes because it consists of high flexibility. Virtual Reality can be used to deliver education and knowledge to the people about environment, pollution and sustainability (Montabon, Pagell and Wu, 2016). This technology can effectively help them to stay aware of these issues. For example there various simulations can be used in Virtual Reality to encourage and motivate people in order to take positive impact by using visual content.

Innovations in Concept

There are different issues can be faced by the digital organization in creating digital simulation of real world. The major problem that is associated with this is related to collecting detail in real time information to create more real simulation. This issue can be solved by implementing concept of Augmented Reality in process to use the real world data along with simulation data to to create simulation that can use real time data to reduce the need of reality time information in the simulation process. To avoid the danger of the falling and collapsing with things also can be reduced by AR process also large size closed places also can be used to provide real experience to the user (Grey and Tarascon, 2017). To avoid the cost of VR gear more sensors and Artificial intelligence can be used. This can help to create better experience with reduced cost.

Solutions for Company to Implement VR in West Midland

There are different solutions are possible for Virtual reality. There are certain issues with virtual reality are need to be considered for solution. There are two types of solutions are possible in this case to implement in the large scale where huge size of data is required to provide better experience to the user. Two technologies that are user in simulation process are Virtual Technology and other one is Augmented reality (Michelon, Patten and Romi, 2019). These both are effective to implement for the idea which is about making people aware of potential impact of human activity and encourage to take positive action to reduce the activities which are not good for environment. The issues that are related to information base can be reduced by using mixed reality. Mixed Reality can help the issue related to real time information collection to make simulation more detailed and realistic.

Describe about the Current growth challenges faced by “Desolenator” Firm.

Virtual reality is a based on the technology that mainly refers to the emulation perceived and processed by brain to ensure that people easily identifying information about environment. Desolenator is UK based start-up organization that always designed new technology products. it produces high quality of drinking water (Queisner, Pratschke and Sauer, 2019). In this way, it can be identified that uses sustainable solution in area of complexity. The start-up firm has decided to develop virtual reality product and provide better services related sustainability development in global market. There are some common issues generated in terms of growth and development in marketplace.

  • Lack of familiarity: As per survey, it has found that there are less customers familiar about the virtual reality even most of people not fewer this concept. In this way, it has faced the problem of organization (Nicholson, Nielsen and Sahay, 2019). Virtual reality adoption is an important concept of Desolenator firm that needed to understand where how attracts more people towards services.
  • Fragmentation in technology: There are large number of tracking, content technologies and other type of input with have no common standards. As per industry perspectives, most of content created restriction in particular devices and other type of conversion through alternative hardware (Heitmann, Pahl-Wostl and Engel, 2019). it might be proved costly. On the other hand, the organization faced limited distribution content and development become expensive. The lack of standard always increased issues or challenges for next years until virtual reality head set comes in marketplace.
  • Issues of user experience: The different type of current generation virtual reality headset launch in marketplace. it has resolved the unique user experience out of different approaches in virtual technology (Nicholson, Nielsen and Sahay, 2019). As per market trends, there are users not much knowledge that being experience of virtual reality in their own homes while more than half have not an appropriate experience. Another issue when VR head set become extra cost charges.
  • Design Interface: it is the biggest barrier in adoption of immersive technology that faced by Desolenator which always focused on the new technology and provide aware about sustainable environment (Turel, Cheung and Trenz, 2019). Sometimes, customer has faced problem due to 3-dimensional interfaced so that only few people understand their design skill. The primary goal is to provide good experience of customer and organise session but it may face challenges in growth and development.
  • High competition level: Despite the user-experience limited while increasing smartphone. It is becoming more convenient and familiar for people. It has already covered the large marketplace and also spread or maintain their strong position in global marketplace (García, Hernández and Kranzlmüller, 2019).

In this way, Desolenator Firm have faced the different problem where how to improve awareness among people. A handheld smartphone can deliver the good experience but it will improve inconvenient move in forwards (Queisner, Pratschke and Sauer, 2019). Sometimes, it had found that users are not located their phones. At that time, it has arisen hopes for growing in marketplace.

Discuss about the key international consideration for implementation of digital innovation in the overseas. 

Digital revolution has rapidly increased their demand in global world whereas Desolenator start-up firm is perceived and developed digital innovation. It meant a shift from conventional of business operations that added by new advance technology. Nowadays, every aspects of business is to use different tool and platform for running business in smoothly (Kamolov, Artemova and Berezko, 2019). The digital transformation has been changed the role of industry while serves better quality of services to customers. As Above discussion, it has found that Desolenator use virtual reality technology which helpful for providing the current issue related sustainability in business environment and improve awareness among people.

In context of international consideration for implementation of digital innovation through virtual reality while changed the view of business. It easily adopts or change their decision as per demand of people. There are some common key considerations in context of digital innovation.

  • The competitiveness: Desolenator firm that enter into the market through digital transformation that compete in every second. The new generation of people who have concerned about virtual reality and improve their knowledge related sustainability development. In this way, the organization need to be delivered the real time interaction towards environment problem and issues (Coulson, Datta and Sugawara, 2019). In this way, people directly engaged with innovating tool for updating and innovating with respect to competition.
  • Improve avenues: Since transformation of Desolenator business into the digital space which has no longer for business that should start and utilise overall benefits through digital innovation in terms of virtual reality (Scott, Sullivan and Staib, 2019). In additional, Virtual reality provide services that can made to ensure that there are no such barriers in business as well as client. Desolenator firm can be improved the business services and also collaborations with digital innovation such as Virtual reality to increase business avenue (Coulson, Datta and Sugawara, 2019).
  • The increased reach: Even through increases competition level by transformation of digital technology while Desolenator take an advantage through virtual reality to reach targeted audience. In the marketplace, it is very interactive concept which always attracts more people while person access seen (Nicholson, Nielsen and Sahay, 2019). In this way, organization has putting innovation and ensure that business is forefront for achieving profitability and productivity in global marketplace.

In this way, it concluded that these are different key considerations applicable in start-up business that help for increasing awareness in other nations. In today’s world, it can be determined that there is not business bigger and smaller when they can implement virtual reality in aspects of digital innovation (Nicholson, Nielsen and Sahay, 2019). It starts with business to push their content and shows interactive ways to people. “Desolenator” Firm is likely at every stage to understand concept of new technologies that’s why, they are flexible to adopt innovative things and digital core of organization to operate business from one country to another.


This report is concluding the information of Virtual Reality that can be used in the West Midland in order to make people aware of environment and its sustainability. There is different type of data has been provide that is related to the implementation of Virtual Reality in England to improve the awareness of people. Various issues and challenges associated with Virtual Reality in England has been evaluated in the process. On the basis of various problems specific solutions has been provided. Some suggestion also has been made to reduce the technical and physical issues with virtual reality.

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