Technology refers to strategies and skills which are used by enterprise at the time of manufacturing a product. Enterprise carry out their operations by using effective technology within their workplace (Ahmed Dine Rabeh, Jimenez-Jimenez and Martínez-Costa, 2013). Small and medium sized firms are adopting a digital technology for completing their business activities properly. It is monitored that technology will help in making business products and operations in an effective way. Continental Consulting Limited is a business and research consultancy organisation. Mario Bindas is the CEO of the organisation. Important business of company is the enterprise process of re-engineering and potential buyers involve medium and small manufacturing organisation. It is located in greater London and London. CEO of the firms works with 22 experts researchers and consultants. This report involve the project objectives and aims. Along with this, it also produces a plan of project management. Also a Gantt chart and Work breakdown to provide time frames of the firms will be prepared.
P1. Project aims and objectives
Technology is a collection of various processes andskills that help in manufacturing of goods within the organisation. Business technology are changing the process of manufacturing products. Small firms initiates in adopting the new technology for gaining competitive advantage within the marketplace (Chesbrough, 2010). In current era, market environment is rapidly changing the technology. It is demand of organisations to make its operations and manufacturing more effectively. In order to make sure about their sustainability in future market, business technology will help small companies to enhance their manufacturing and communication process by using various applications like as e-mails, websites, personal digital and texting. By developing technology, firms will be able to meet the superior position in market. It is beneficial for companies for operating its functions in an effective manner as well as enhance its efficiency. Physical resources like machines and operators are connected with digital technology. It is automatically operating their activities in an proper way through saving time. It help in attracting customers towards their firms for increasing the sales of the organisation. Firm can be small or large but when it is established then it require technologies skills which help in achieving competitive advantages in the market. If you are looking for digital technology related sample paper, then quickly visit Impact of Digital Technology in Ensoft limited.
Continental Consulting Limited is a main partner of project within enterprise. This consultancy are providing skilled human resources in another firms which take an advantage in context of retention, sales performance, profitability, engagement and many more. This firm also conducts the research in a market which help various company in taking effective decisions. They are adopting latest technology among the workers (How digital technology could benefit your business, 2016). It will help business in increasing their productivity. Thus, main objectives and aims of the research project are given below:
Aims:;“To investigate the impact of cloud technologies in enhancing growth and innovation of small business- A case study on Continental Consulting Limited”
- To analyse the impact of cloud technology in order to enhance business profitability
- To determine the benefits which can be availed by firms by adopting cloud technology
- To examine factors which are beneficial for firms in order to adopt new and innovative techniques for attaining growth of Continental Consulting Limited
Research questions
- What is the impact of cloud technology in order to enhance business profitability?
- What are the benefits of adopting cloud computing within the organisation?
- What are the factors that can benefit organisation for employing innovative techniques within Continental Consulting Limited?
P2. Produce a project management plan
Formal and approved documentation are managed by team supervisors of anorganisation (Crane and Matten, 2016). This project management plan defines a company how project is to executed, controlled and monitored. These planned documents are mainly used in defining a project team methods. Therefore, project management plan set tools and tactics which are used for accomplishing business activities and better outcomes. Continental Consulting Limited engages by applying human resource in others firms. When some changes are adoptedwithin the company sometime become a big cause of activities failure. It is a very typical project which is accomplished by experienced staff members. Some of important components to make sure that their should be low chances of failure which are:
- Cost: It refers to firms expenditures which is incurred at the time of executing projects. Continental Consulting Limited is incurring a fixed and variable cost for operating business activities effectively. This process involve education, formulation of new practices and policies, training & development and so on. It is very costly process for the company.
- Scope: In this, it refers to whole process of activities which are undertaken for completing a project successfully. To implement a productive culture within the workers, a firms have to undertake various steps to inform and discuss about changes in the organising factors like by using of latest technologies, workers and so on.
- Time:Effective time management is important for every business to apply within their project plan for accomplishing aims and objective successfully. Thus, managers have to motivate their workers for implementing their activities within the given period of time. In this, they should give proper time for making changes within culture in an effective manner (Den Hertog, Van der Aa and De Jong, 2010).
- Risk:Changes in technology involve various risks. In order to adopt modifications, it need to give efforts for completing a work in a new manner which is implemented in whole company. It also remove the old methods of completing task. If modifications within the programmes get failed then it disturb the entire business activities. In order to reduce risk, they have to introduce latest technology which aid in employees learning and training in a better way.
- Quality: Every firm have to maintain its quality for managing a project. Thus, project managers have to plan all the functions regarding product quality. Therefore, Continental Consulting Limited have to recruit a perfect workers which will aid in maintaining a brand name.
Modifications within the organisation culture are needed for accomplishing a project management plan successfully (Eckerson, 2010). It provides proper quality of training and learning platform which aid in maintaining a quality of projects. Students pursuing their careers in the Management field can get Management Assignment Help from our top professional writers.
P3. Produce a Gantt chart and Work breakdown to give time frames
A enterprise incorporates various tools and techniques in its project plan. These kind of plans may involve various complexity. Thus, it is better to precise into some manageable elements. Its further sub-parts can be achieved easily within the span of time. Work breakdown structure will aid in meeting the success. Continental Consulting Limited is adopting this tool to monitor as well as manage the plan of sub activities in an proper manner (Gebauer, Edvardsson and Bjurko, 2010).
Work Breakdown Structure
It involve the structure of hierarchical which divide important activities of plan into division of work through accompanying their duties of every person. This structure give a outline by functioning sub-functions and identifying important for accomplishing a project within in the time limit. This model is adopted for controlling and estimating its cost in an effective way. Adopting it at the level of operational, Continental Consulting Limited will able to research their work packages. It represent the to-do-list which workers require to accomplish within the span of time. This tool is changing the culture of an company which is shown below in the diagram.
Illustration 1: Work Breakdown structure
Gantt Chart
This is a tool which is adopt as a manufacturing control which is used for managing a project. Gantt Chart gives a graphical representation which aid in tracking particular parts of planning and also analysed that it is accomplished on time or not (Incelli, 2013). It make a list of sub-activities of project on horizontal and vertical axis which determine the time intervals. Width of horizontal axis determine the time duration involved in every activities. Continental
Consulting Limited make its chart by using Microsoft Project For example: MSP as well as every work is shaded into proportions to analyse the degree of accomplishing a project. This Gantt chart will allow to look time duration taken for accomplishing a whole project, in which part activities are overlapping with one another, kind of activities involves in this project and schedule of every sub-activities involving its starting and completion of time. Charts of Gantt chart is given below:
P4. Carry out small scale research by implementing quantitative and qualitative methods of research
Research of continental consulting limited is conducted for collecting adequate information and data on provided topic. Two types of methods which are used in this project are qualitative and quantitative approaches for achieving project objectives and aims for Continental Consulting Limited.
- Quantitative research: This is astructured way of collecting and assessing data which is received from various sources. Quantitative approach of project research consists the use of statistical and mathematical tools for meeting results. Its purpose is conclusive as this method of research focus on determining the problems and show how prevailing them to meet better outcomes. In this method, it is exploitative in nature as it is based on gathering of verbal and behavioural data (Introducing Research Methods, 2017).
- Qualitative research –In this approach, it is a systematic way of observation to collect a data which is non-numerical.Qualitative research is a long request for the researcher as it allows company to examine the real meaning of people interactions, actions and behaviour. Basically, it is adopted to find out the relationship among two variables.
QUESTIONNAIRE Name: Age: Gender: Mail Address: Q1 What are the major benefits of cloud computing?
Q2 What are the tools by which firms are using cloud technology in order to drive business transformation?
Q3 Which areas of business have achieved success due to cloud implementation?
Q4 What are the main characteristics of cloud computing techniques?
Q5 What are the main models of cloud computing adopted by business?
Q6 Which application of cloud computing are used by Continental Consulting Limited?
Q7 What are the major barriers of Cloud Computing?
Q1 What are the major benefits of cloud computing? | Frequency |
Enabling Innovation | 10 |
Improving customer support | 20 |
Real time information | 15 |
Development of new product | 5 |
Q2 What are the tools by which firms are using cloud technology in order to drive business transformation? | Frequency |
Improving alignment with customers | 10 |
Driving cost effectiveness | 12 |
Faster time towards market | 15 |
New business model | 13 |
Q3 Which areas of business have achieved success due to cloud implementation? | Frequency |
Enhancing business performances | 15 |
Effective integration system | 17 |
Maximising level of service automation | 13 |
Reduction in Cost | 5 |
Q4 What are the main characteristics of cloud computing techniques? | Frequency |
Broad networking access | 20 |
Resource Pooling | 10 |
Rapid elasticity | 15 |
Services on Demand of customers | 5 |
Q5 What are the main models of cloud computing adopted by business? | Frequency |
Hybrid clouding | 10 |
Private Cloud | 20 |
Public Cloud | 15 |
Community Clouding | 5 |
Q6 Which application of cloud computing are used by Continental Consulting Limited? | Frequency |
Email & Messaging | 15 |
Accounting and Finance | 10 |
Customer Relationship Management | 5 |
Business Intelligence | 20 |
Q7 What are the major barriers of Cloud Computing? | Frequency |
Security and privacy | 18 |
Portability | 7 |
Computing performance | 10 |
Reliability & Availability | 15 |
P5. Analyse the data and research by using effective tools & techniques
Theme 1: Major benefits of cloud computing
Q1 What are the major benefits of cloud computing? | Frequency |
Enabling Innovation | 10 |
Improving customer support | 20 |
Real time information | 15 |
Development of new product | 5 |
Interpretation:As per above bar graph it has been shown the major benefits of cloud computing. In this 20 respondents are saying that cloud computing provide benefits in improving customer support, 15 respondents are said that it aid in providing real time information, 10 respondents are saying that it aid in enabling innovation and remaining 5 respondents said it will provide benefits in developing a new product. Here, maximum are responded that cloud computing will give benefit in improving customer support due to better networks.
Theme 2 Tools which firms are using cloud technology to drive business transformation
Q2 What are the tools by which firms are using cloud technology in order to drive business transformation? | Frequency |
Improving alignment with customers | 10 |
Driving cost effectiveness | 12 |
Faster time towards market | 15 |
New business model | 13 |
Interpretation:As per above pie chart it shows the tools by which firms are using cloud technology in order to drive business transformation. Here, 15 respondents said that company is using for faster time towards market will drive the business transformation, 13 respondents saying that this tool will aid in driving enterprise transformation, 12 respondents says that this tool will drive the cost effectiveness and others 10 will improve alignment with buyers. This tool will assist in making faster time towards the market.
Theme 3 Areas of business achieve success due to cloud implementation
Q3 Which areas of business have achieved success due to cloud implementation? | Frequency |
Enhancing business performances | 15 |
Effective integration system | 17 |
Maximising level of service automation | 13 |
Reduction in Cost | 5 |
Interpretation: As per above bar graph it shows that which areas of business have achieved success due to cloud implementation. In this, 17respondents said that effective integrating system will aid in meeting success by adopting cloud computing, 15 respondents said that it will help in increasing business performance by using this tool, 13 respondents are saying that maximum service automation will help in achieving success by using cloud computing and remaining 5 will effect in reducing in cost.
Theme 4 Main characteristics of cloud computing techniques
Q4 What are the main characteristics of cloud computing techniques? | Frequency |
Broad networking access | 20 |
Resource Pooling | 10 |
Rapid elasticity | 15 |
Services on Demand of customers | 5 |
Interpretation:;It shows that the main characteristics of cloud computing techniques. In this, 20 respondents are saying that broad networking access is the main characteristics of cloud computing techniques, 15 respondents said that rapidly elasticity is an main characteristics of this tool, 10 respondents are saying that resources planning and remaining 5 respondents are saying that services on demand of buyers is an important characteristics of the tool.
Theme 5;;Main models of cloud computing adopted by business
Q5 What are the main models of cloud computing adopted by business? | Frequency |
Hybrid clouding | 10 |
Private Cloud | 20 |
Public Cloud | 15 |
Community Clouding | 5 |
Interpretation: As the above bar graph it shows that 20 respondents are adopting private cloud in their enterprise, 15 respondents say that public cloud is used within the business, 10 respondents are using hybrid model in the firms and remaining 5 said that community cloud is used in the enterprises.
Theme 6 Application of cloud computing are used by Continental Consulting Limited
Q6 Which application of cloud computing are used by Continental Consulting Limited? | Frequency |
Email & Messaging | 15 |
Accounting and Finance | 10 |
Customer Relationship Management | 5 |
Business Intelligence | 20 |
Interpretation: As per above pie chart it shows that20 respondents said that company is using this application of the tool, 15 respondents saying that e-mail and messaging are using this application, 10 respondents are said that accounting and finance applications will be used by the company and remaining 5 respondents say that customer relationship management application of tool is used by the organisation.
Theme 7 Major barriers of Cloud Computing
Q7 What are the major barriers of Cloud Computing? | Frequency |
Security and privacy | 18 |
Portability | 7 |
Computing performance | 10 |
Reliability & Availability | 15 |

Interpretation: As per above bar graph it has been shown that the barriers of Cloud Computing. 18 respondents are saying that this tool will arise the barriers of security and privacy, 15 respondents are saying that reliability and availability is an major barriers of this tool, 10 respondents said that computing performance is the barriers of cloud computing and remaining 7 respondents is giving portability barriers of the tool.
P6. Recommendations of research and data analysis interpretation:
As per above bar graph it has been shown that the barriers of Cloud Computing. 18 respondents are saying that this tool will arise the barriers of security and privacy, 15 respondents are saying that reliability and availability is an major barriers of this tool, 10 respondents said that computing performance is the barriers of cloud computing and remaining 7 respondents is giving portability barriers of the tool.
From above mentioned report, it has been prescribed for Continental Consulting Limited to take in use of cloud innovations which so that to gain competitive advantages. On the other hand cloud computing is also really very helpful for this consultancy administrations through which they can easily deliver in appropriate services to SMEs according to their necessities and prerequisites. Apart from this, it is obligatory for them to continue investigating distinctive viewpoints that are identified with by scholars and other authors related to cloud computing and attempt to infer them ideal on time on business such huge numbers of advantages can without much of a stretch be picked up. With the assistance of this, Continental Consulting Limited can easily push its growth to immense heights and can try to hit their targets as well. Away with this, cloud computing is something in which company can easily keep relevant data for a longer period of time and take it in use whenever it is needed. With proper utilization of this, Continental Consulting Limited can easily start hitting their targets. Goals which has been desired by this organisation can get attained in much effective and efficient manner as well. To check the appropriateness, they coordinated research which achieves their viewpoints and feedback which is being collected from different data. In such way, it should be supported by business administrations of this organisation that are related to this association that there is massive importance of web based systems through which Continental Consulting Limited can start hitting their targets. Along with this, it is mandatory for investigator to take in use of effective staff members so that they can use cloud technology in right manner and collect or store data for a longer period of time.
On the other hand, execution of compact tech should improve the association activities and records the enormous number of data in fitting way. This will upgrades the execution in future and recoups data in less period at the basic minute. This will allows to territory directing compelled to achieve supportability in their exercises.
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P7. Self reflection
With the help of the above mentioned examination, it was being found by me that utilization of advanced innovation at workstation can be useful in accomplishing particular objectives and destinations in much successful way. Continental Consulting Limited, which is a little consultancy firm is conveying its administrations to its customers can be much powerful on the off chance that they will attempt to wind up digitalise in each and every field.
In setting with this, I found that, where report was significantly centred around cloud innovation which will assist SMEs in developing at commercial centre of United Kingdom. Conduction of this task was finished by me to see the property related to cloud advanced applications with the goal that advantages can without much of a long be picked up in much compelling and proficient way. Improvement in business tasks with the assistance of cloud innovation will consequently bring up its picture up before its customers and before its opponent too. I experienced numerous challenges and issues too which affected significantly and made me confused at some place which impacted on time which was set by me of every single activity through which results can be drawn. On the opposite side, I was much confident and ready to get onto right conclusion according to my needful which has helped me in social occasion suitable information.
As per above report it has been concluded that the cloud computing technology will aid in enhancing its effectiveness, productivity and profitability. Company are keep on adopting changes which are occurred within the revolutionised market at the time of accomplishing business activities. Both types of organisation wither small or large they are reaching a new market of economy and outsource the business functions within the international & national surrounding. Mainly for small enterprises, technology aid in making a office work automatic like as payroll, record keeping, accounting and so on for proper maintenance of enterprise information. By introducing several technology applications within their working environment. As it will aid in enhancing workers productivity. In this, also accomplished the small research they use various methods like as qualitative and quantitative methods of accomplishing companies aims and objectives. Also understand about two tools which are Gantt chart and work breakdown structure.
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