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The Theoretical Perspectives in the social science

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 8 / Words 2113
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Social science is considered the branch of science that is related to the study of human societies and the relationship between individuals who exist in these societies. This term is related to the field of sociology which is the original science of the science of society. This report is presenting a brief review of article that is based on the theoretical concepts of social science. Report is studying the and analysing the article that is presented by David Marsh and Paul Furlong and name of article is A Skin, Not a Sweater: Ontology and Epistemology in Political Science (Marsh and Furlong, 2002). On the basic concept of ontology and epistemology the concept of social science are explained in report. The main point that is considered in this report is related to various issues that are faced by the social scientist and political scientists. The complete article will be discussed in the report. The relevance of information provided in the report is analysed on the basis of authority of author and their qualification in the particular field. Various factors that are associated to article also will be considered in the report to check the relevancy of the information that is considered in the report.


Topic Discussed by the Authors

The article primarily discusses the topic of social science, focusing on two distinct concepts that are utilized to gain a deeper and more effective understanding of the various challenges and issues faced by individuals in identifying the actions performed by social scientists. The actions of an individual are influenced by their orientation and mindset. Consequently, the actions of social scientists are determined by their thought processes and their capabilities. Their knowledge and skills define their actions and performance within the field of social science. The article explores two key concepts of social science, namely ontology and epistemology (Lowndes, Marsh, and Stoker, 2017). These concepts are critical in understanding how social scientists approach their work and analyze societal issues. To further enhance your understanding, seeking accounting assignment help can provide additional insights, especially if you're dealing with interdisciplinary topics that blend social science with other fields.

Ontology is a branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being in real. The concept of ontology is known as a set of concepts and sub categories in a particular subject area or a domain that can represent properties and interrelationship between various concepts and their categories. This concept is all about what kind of things are exists and how they are entitled in the universe. This can understand as a process that includes the process that help the individual person to subdivide the knowledge in sub categories and in right order to make it meaningful and easy to learn. The classification of this knowledge is completed in the manner to make it related to each other and conclude meaning when combined together. For the broader concept this knowledge is classified in various categories and types. It is basically known as the process which is a philosophical study of being. This study directly related to the concepts of Being, Existence, Becoming, Reality and other basic relation. There are different type of ontologies are there which are known as Upper Ontologies, Domain Ontology, Interface Ontology and Process Ontology. Each type of Ontology consists of different type of knowledge. The Upper Ontology is known as concept supporting the development of ontology as branch of the meta physics. The Domain Ontology is known as concepts that are related to the particular topic. Is is also known as area of discuss or area of interest (Haer, Vüllers and Weidmann, 2019). There are some examples of these ontology, for example information technology, computer language or particular branch of science. Interface ontology can be explained as concepts of relevant junction of two disciplines. The last ontology is known as Process Ontology that includes input, outputs, sequences information and constraints that are involved in business and engineering processes. This is article is considering all this information to consider the issues of ontology for political scienct that is branch of social science.

The other concept that is considered in the article is known as Epistemology in the political science. The concept of epistemology for the political science is basically known as process that studies political ideas and knowledge as a variable which affects political actions. It affects the political disputation as objects and product of political behaviour or institution. The philosophy of social science studies both methods and history that are used to gain knowledge of political science. This concept of social science studies that knowledge in general to make it related to the philosophy of social and political science to relate it to the particular processes and political methods (Avelino and Grin, 2017). The level of certainty is maximised that we possess about the certain concepts of political science. The epistemology is basically known as the theory of knowledge. There are various things are studied in epistemology which are nature of knowledge, rationalities of the beliefs and justifications. There are main four areas which areas included in the epistemology are known as Philosophical analysis of nature of knowledge and how this knowledge relates to the beliefs, truth and justification. Various problems and issues of Skepticism, various sources of knowledge and scope of knowledge and justifies beliefs and the last on is the criteria of knowledge and related justification. This is basic concept of Epistemology in the political science where the theory of knowledge is explained for the issues that are faced by the social scientists.

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Credibility of Authors

This article has been completed by two well-known Authors David mash and Paul Furlong. As per the professional background of both the authors, they are qualified enough to discuss the area they are reporting. David Marsh is a British Political Scientist whose main area of interest is issues of political participation, policy transfer and governance. He was also Director of Research School of Social Sciences at ANU. He is not only qualified but he also has preferable experience of publishing various kinds of papers in this field. He is quite qualified and has published more than 90 articles, book chapters and is currently co-editor of the journal British Politics. Other author Paul Furlong is a professor of clinical neuroimaging at Aston University. He is M.phil. And Ph. D in Clinical Neurophysiology from Aston University. He has a long interest in sensory information processing, pain processing, somatosensory etc. He has published more than 20 research papers, articles, book chapters and many more. Both the authors are specialist in their fields and have wide knowledge of their respective fields. So, it can be said that both the authors of this article “A Skin, not a Sweater: Ontology and Epistemology in Political Science” are specialist in their respective fields and have a vast knowledge of their respective fields (Klakegg, 2016). It can also be said that both of them are qualified enough to discuss the area they are reporting.

Publication details

This article was published on well effective platforms that are highly authentic and having good class in international. The source of publication is also important to make the article more relevant for the readers who consider it as the source of knowledge and information that can provide them basic concepts of political science. For the publication of this article various publications are used which is Google scholar and article publisher. As the google is highly authentic information source so this article is highly reliable and easy to access. It can be easily found just by having internet access (Blaney and Tickner, 2017). This article was published in year 2002 with the name of two authors one if David, Marsh and Paul Furlong. This article is available free of cost on google scholar. This availability on the google scholar is improving the relevance of the article on worldwide level.

View of Author

The main objective of the author through this is article is to provide the knowledge of the various issues about the work that is performed by the social and political scientists. This knowledge is delivered to the readers by using the concepts of Ontology and epistemology. There are various orientations are possessed by the social and political scientists and their work in the particular field is depended on their mind set. There are various theories are analysed and utilised by the social and political scientists. Two positions are explained in the article which are related to ontology position and epistemology position. There are various issues are consider by the social scientists and the main perception is need to be developed where this issues are no longer are considered as the issues. This issues can be avoided in the process to utilise other source effectively (Goldman, Turner and Daly, 2018). There are two different concepts are explained in the research and it is explained that the concepts of Ontology and epistemology are like skin not like a sweater. It is not possible to utilise these concepts as per the needs. This is responsibility of the students to identify their own position and hold it and defend their position.. These positions are ontological position and other position is epistemology position. As per the article they have to select an alternative position on the fundamental question. Later in the article there are various questions are considered which are mentioned as ontological question and other questions are epistemology questions. With the help of these question individual student of social or political science can identify their suitable position one form ontological position and epistemological position. This is how in this article authors have made perception about the various positions that can be utilised by the student of political and social science student to gain knowledge and categorised it in various categories.

Language Used in Article

This is important for the author to keep the information unbiased and relevant to keep article free from various issues. The language used by authors in this article is free from bias language and free from emotions (Kreuzer and Parsons, 2018). There are no hidden agents in the article that can make it more biased and lean towards the one of the position that is explained in the report. There are no hidden agendas in report that can force the reader to make certain decision about their position in the political studies. The distinctions and its importance is also included in the article that make this article more relevant because it is providing explanation to all perspectives to in order to help the reader to select one of this approach or position after reading this document. The both position are equally prioritised in the article to make readers more aware of these position with high effectiveness. There are two different case studies are provided in the article that can help the individual person to get detailed information on various other concepts that are related to the ontology positions and epistemological position as the political or social scientist (Schulz, 2017). The meaning of these two concept are different but somehow these both concepts are important for social scientists related to the subject of political science.. Then after the whole article the brief conclusion of the article has been presented to provide the summery of information that is provided in the article. There some articles are also provided in the report that can be used to get more detailed information of positions that are provided in this article.


This report is concluding the brief information that is provided in the article that is developed by David Marsh and Paul Furlong. This report is an analysis of article which is related to the social and political science. The brief information of the ontology and Epistemologist position has been provided in the report. On the basis of the origin, source evaluation and position & designation of author the relevance of the article has been concluded. Language used in the article has been evaluated to check, the language is biased or not. This is how whole study has been performed on these article.

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