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Human resources management


  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 26 / Words 6490
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 154
Organization Selected : Tesco


In every organisation HRM plays vital role in recruiting and selecting right people at right place. They hire staff at different post according to roles and responsibilities. There are different functions performed by HR such as T&D, recruitment, performance appraisal, etc. However, HRM is motivate staff to improve their performance. For this different practice are applied as per culture of organisation. The main purpose of HRM is to ensure people are recruited on basis of their skills and capabilities. It is necessary to provide growth opportunities to staff so that they are retained. HRM is interrelated with other department to identify number of recruitments. Furthermore, by solving staff issues it becomes easy to retain them for long term. Moreover, policies are formed by them as per legislation laws and regulations.

The assignment will outline the purpose and function of Human Resource Management (HRM). It will also examine the advantages and disadvantages of various recruitment and selection methods. Furthermore, it will provide insights into the benefits of HRM practices for both employers and employees. Additionally, the effectiveness of HRM practices concerning profitability and productivity will be discussed. In the next section, the importance of employee relations in influencing decision-making will be addressed, alongside the application of HRM practices. To ensure comprehensive coverage of these topics, you may consider asking someone to write my assignment for you.

P1 Purpose and functions of HRM suitable to workforce planning and resourcing

Overview of Tesco: Tesco is a British multinational groceries retailer whose headquarter is in the UK. It was founded in the year of 1919 by John Allan. It sells variety of products such as: furniture, toys, clothing, internet services etc.

The main aim of this retailer is to become the leading retail supermarket by providing qualitative products at affordable prices as compare to its competitors. It also wants to become a socially responsible company by providing high quality and standard of food products to customers.

Vision of Tesco is to become highly valued business and improving relationship with its customers.

Meaning of HRM: HRM is a process or may be defined as a department which mainly responsible for recruiting, hiring and managing employees with the main aim to make them able to accomplish company's goals. In the context of Tesco Plc, it can be said that it follows several effective HRM functions which is the main key of its success and effectiveness of its performance (Armstrong and Taylor 2020).

Importance of HRM department: HRM department is to only responsible for recruiting and hiring employees as per the job requirements but also it motivates them for working effectively, solve their problems and provide training to them. The main aim of HRM department of an organization is to manage performance of employees, ensuring their safety, wellness and others. So, it can be said that HRM department is employee oriented and perform all activities for satisfying employees.

Roles of HRM functions: HRM department has to perform several functions which has different roles and responsibilities such as:

Planning: Planning is one of the important managerial function played by HRM department. In this function, the main role of HRM is to identify current situation of employees and requirement of employees as per the job role (Bailey Mankin Kelliher and Garavan 2018).

Organizing: After making an effective plan, role of HRM is to organize or see whether all employees are performing effectively or not, tasks is being allotted to them as per their skills or not etc.

Recruiting: It is one of the most important function of HRM in which the main responsibility of HRM department is to make a pool of skilled workforce by hiring them in an organisation as per the requirement.

performance appraisal: After hiring, HRM is responsible to analyse employees performance in order to increase overall productivity and motivate them.

Training: All types of employees has some areas in which they are not good and require to improve them. After analysing performance, HRM provide training to employees and strengthen their skills. The main aim and responsibility of HRM of performing this function is to make them able to accomplish company['s goals (Berman Bowman West and Van Wart 2019).

Employee relations: Other main function of HRM is to maintain effective relation with employees. In this function, the main responsibility of HRM department is to make employees able to retain in organisation for the long run.

Workforce planning: Workforce planning refers a continuous process in which is being developed and used to align needs of the company with employees needs. It is an important function or part of HRM. By making an effective workforce plan, HRM can satisfy both employers and employees needs.

Roles of HR in workforce planning: In workforce planning, the main role of HR is

To recruit employees as per the requirement and during the boom years.

Making appropriate strategies to deal with shortage of workforce at the time of boom years.

Staffing all strategies at the time of ongoing recession (Bisharat, and, 2017).

So, it can be said that the main aim and role of HRM in workforce planning is to make employees able to work with company. They also need to identify talent gaps and attract effective workforce by making effective strategies.

P2 Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection

Recruitment: Recruitment is a broad process as in this step, HR requires to attracting and short-listing suitable candidates for the job. The main aim of following this function is to fill vacant position of an organization and help company in accomplishing their goals by getting skilled workforce.

Importance of recruitment: Recruitment is considered one of the important function as it has several benefits such as:

Creating a talent pool in an organization.

To support an organisation in accomplishing their goals by attracting skilled workforces.

To reduce the probability of leaving the company only after a shirt period of time, once recruited.

Approaches of recruitment: There are mainly 2 approaches of recruitment by which HRM attract and shortlist employees as per the job requirements such as internal and external (Brewster and Hegewisch 2017).

Internal approach: It is a process of attracting or identifying skilled workforce within an organisation or recruiting those candidates who are currently working in an organization. There are several methods or sources of getting internal candidates such as:

Promotion: In this type, employees are being shifted from lower position to upper as per the requirement of the company. It happens when employees have skills to perform functions of upper promoted position.

Transfer: In this type, employees are being shifted from their current job to another similar job wherever required. There is no changes in rank, responsibility and prestige (Bratton and Gold 2017).

Strengths of internal recruitment

  • It is the easiest process by which Tesco can save its time.
  • It saves time.
  • As compare to external Tesco will not require to provide training to its employees which will reduce cost of training.

Weaknesses of internal recruitment

  • Chances of discrimination which can increase labour turnover. Labour turnover will direct impact on brand image of Tesco in a negative manner.
  • Lack of innovation.
  • By internal recruitment, Tesco limits innovation and creativity in products which can take competitive advantage opportunities from it.

External approach: It is a procedure of attracting and making pool of skilled workforce by using external sources or outside the organization. Some effective external recruitment sources are:

Advertisement: Advertisement is one of the effective and the most used way of attracting candidates from outside. In this type, HR or employer of an organisation give advertisement in newspaper and other professional journals with having all details which it requires such as qualifications, skills, etc.

Casual callers: Sometimes, people casually come to the company for employment and if company has any vacant post then it takes interview of those candidates. If they find that candidates have all those skills then company recruit those people (Chelladurai and Kerwin 2018).

Strengths of external recruitment

  • By recruiting employees from external sources Tesco can make innovative working environment which will help it in taking competitive advantages.
  • High productivity which will increase morale of employees of Tesco.

Weaknesses of external recruitment

  • It is a Time consuming process.
  • Employing people from external sources can increase overall cost of Tesco and decrease sales.
  • Company will require to provide training to all employees which can take time and increase cost of Tesco.

Selection: It is a process of selecting qualified candidates who can meet needs of job role and company and has potential of performing functions. There are several steps involved in selection process such as: preliminary interview, employment tests, on the job tests etc.

Importance of selection

Selection process eliminate unsuitable candidates which are being shortlisted in recruitment process. Company can discover the best fit from the group of recruited candidates. It can bring innovation in its organization. Company can accomplish its goals by getting skilled workforce (DeCenzo Robbins and Verhulst 2016). 

M1 How HR functions provide talent and skills to attain business objective

In an organization there are many functions performed by HR. It includes recruitment, training, promotion, motivation, etc. So, by recruiting other HR provide opportunity to them for growth. However, by hiring them for specific job role employee is able to perform tasks. They learn skills and gain knowledge through it. Alongside, by providing them training staff apply those learning in their work. Moreover, by motivating them HR boosts their skills. The employee is able to show talent in attaining goals and objectives.

M2 Strength and weakness of different approaches

There are various approaches through which recruitment is done. The selection of approach depends on requirement and efficiency of it. Also, there are other factors as well that is considered. Along with it, each approach has its pros and cons. They are mentioned below :-


Strength - it is an easier way of recruiting staff within organisation.

There is less cost and time consumed in recruiting.

Weakness - Only selected employees are eligible for this type of recruitment.

It prevents the hiring of new staff within organisation

The position remain vacant if particular person is promoted.


Strength - there is no need of induction as employee are aware about their job role and responsibilities.

The employee motivation increases with their overall growth and development

Weakness- The new talent can not be hired in this.

It results in dissatisfaction among those who are not promoted.

Employee referrals

Strength- the vacancy is filled in quick time

Employee is well aware about company background so there is no need of induction


It requires to provide effective training and development to staff

It leads to dissatisfaction among those whose referrals are not considered.

Employment exchange


Candidate can be easily hired on basis of job profile


A huge fee is paid by company to exchange



A large number of applications are achieved


It requires huge cost to publish ad

This is very time consuming process

D1 Strength and weakness of different approaches

Each and every approach which are being selected in the process of recruitment as well as selection have their own advantage as well as disadvantage and hence offers some or the other benefit to organizations (Bratton and Gold, 2017). For example- one of the well-known approach in recruitment is employee referral whose main advantage is that it brings the right kind of employees in organizations. As the employees are already aware of the environment of organization thus, they refer only those candidates who have the capability to adjust in the business environment. On the other hand, its biggest weakness is that it leads to conflict among employees as each one of them begins in the competition to employ their relatives or friends in the company (Sparrow, Brewster and Chung, 2016).

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P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices in an organisation for both employer and employee

Human resource management practices will help company to work in effective way and perform the task efficiently. Tesco many employees are working, but they are managed by human resource mangers. Different HRM practices which will benefit employees are training and development and motivation as well. These HRM practices are followed by company for working in the effective way.


Training and development is referring to the efforts of company which will boost performance of employees. Company is arranging training and development programs which will help employees to improve their performance. In these training and development programs company will use educational methods along with they will train employees regarding how to complete work (Delery and Gupta 2016). Training will increase morale and provide them job satisfaction. It will result in employee retention and also provide job satisfaction to workers. Employees will enjoy the work done and working environment of company. It will reduce absenteeism and also employees will improve communication skills. Through training and development programs it will benefit company and so, employers will be satisfied as well. These will improve relation between employer and employees.

Motivation is desire of having something which will provide satisfaction to individual. Employees are working in an organization so, they need motivation for performing better. Time to time motivation will improve performance of employees, and they will perform better. Motivation is provided by way of performance appraisal and rewards. Rewards are given to employees by way of bonus and promotions. It will improve performance of employees and so it will increase sales of company. It will result in employers satisfaction which will provide proper satisfaction to them (Haneda and Ito 2018).


Training is provided to employees by employers and these will result in improve in performance of employees. It will continue education provided to employees and training will boost morale of workers. In these process employees will also hire the best employees which will educate the employers as well. Through these employers will be benefited because they will get educated employees which have some skills and abilities which can be useful for company.

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Motivation is helping employees to perform better. It will create well-educated and well motivated staff. These workers will manage work, and they feel while working in an organization. It will reduce the cost of providing training to new employees because staff turn over is decreased. It will improve industrial and trade relations along with it employers and employee relation will be improved as well.

These all will benefit Tesco because through effective human resource practices company will develop highly trained and motivated staff. These will improve performance of employees along with company performance will be improved. So, effective human resource mangers are managing employees of company and work of company (Kianto Sáenz and Aramburu 2017).

P4 Evaluate effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising profit and productivity.

In these task different human resource polices are discussed and their strength and weakness are discussed as well. Two different organization are compared and evaluate which will state about practices which will benefit company in raising profit and productivity.


This is the practice which is beneficial for Sainsbury and Tesco as it brings new talent in firm that help company in improving operations and raising productivity as well. By hiring skilled people firm can easily meet demand. But recruitment is time consuming and costly process because HR has to conduct interview and have to select one candidate which really needed funds and time which is drawback of this practice.

This is essential HR practice that gives benefit to Sainsbury and Tesco both. As it helps in improving capabilities of employees by this way working efficiency can be raised. Apart from this, this gives benefit of developing confidence of workers hence retention of them gets increased. But conducting different training for different people is not possible hence sometimes it becomes time consuming process because employees do not pay much attention in training sessions. Apart from this, it requires funds which includes as expenses of firm hence net profit can get reduced.


Sainsbury is using rewards management techniques which will benefit company by motivating staff. These all will put employees in control and increase competition among employees of company. Employees need motivation and for these workers need reason ot do best. So, Sainsbury is providing them reason for working better. Through reward management programs employees are working in effective way. Job satisfaction is helping company to encourage them while working in company. In case of company is offering awards to employees, other employees will be motivated to perform better. In the reward management system it will provide employee resentment and also it will build the limitation for employees. It has some side effects as well which will affect company performance. Employees are working for earning incentives which will hurt company on large scale. In case of sales done by employee is counted, employees will work hard to increase their sales and offer discounts and offer to customers. These will affect company on large scale (Marchington Kynighou Wilkinson and Donnelly 2016).

Sainsbury is also using flexibility which will provide satisfaction to employees. Flexibility will increase the feeling of employees and build personal contact of employees with working environment. It will reduce the employee turnover and also reduce cases of absenteeism. There are some disadvantages also which will affect company like there is no clear idea of home and work place. Some people are taking advantage of flexibility and take misuse of flexibility which will affect company on large scale.


Tesco is using motivation which will create healthy working environment. It will increase productivity of employees and labour turnover is reduced as well. Better communication program will be build among team members which will result in improve in quality of work. Tesco will also eliminate cost of recruitment and selection because employees will work in effective way. There are some weakness of motivation as well, in some case employees are expecting rewards and when they do not get them it will demotivate them. Reward management programs can be demotivating employees because in some cases employees are getting rewards but other employees are not provided any type of appreciation for their work which can be demotivating for them (Moore and Jennings 2017). Tesco is also using training and develop strategy which will motivate the employees of company. There are some strengths of training like it will provide quality of work and it will free up time of employees. These will motivate employees along with it will help company in motivating employees of company. Tesco is using this strategy and these have some disadvantages as well. Training and development will need time and cost of company and employers. These can have negative impact on company.

Tesco is performing better and using effective human resource practices. It will motivate employees, and they will perform the work in effective way. Tesco is using practices like motivation programs and training and development programs. It will improve performance of employees along with performance of company will also be improved. These all will improve profit and productivity of Tesco.

M3 Assess different methods used in HRM practices

Human resource method will include the reward management, flexibility, motivation and training and development techniques. These will help employees to improve the work performance and complete the work in the effective way. Employers will be satisfied with the performance of employees because it will benefit the company. In reward management employees will get rewards on basis of performance while in training and development employees will be provided training. In motivation company will use strategies which can motivate employees while in flexibility employees are provided flexible working hours.

D2 Critically evaluate HRM practices and application in an organisation

Tesco is using training and development technologies and motivation practices which will help company to improve the performance. Other companies are using the other technologies like reward management and flexibility. Training and development employees are provided training and in motivation employees are motivated to perform better. So, company is using these strategies and application which will improve their performance (Papa Dezi Gregori Mueller and Miglietta 2018).

P5 Analyze importance of employee relations in respect of HRM decision making

Employee relation refers to the practices which are followed by company for managing the relation of employers and employees. Organization need to have good employee relation because these will make the successful in market.

Collective agreements

Collective agreement are agreement which is done better employees and trade unions. It is negotiating agreements which regulates terms and condition of employees which they need while working in an organisation. These agreements will include wages, benefits and duties of employees and duties. These agreements will include clear instruction of employees which are working in an organisation. Tesco will include sign these agreements with employees which will provide them well-trained work staff of employees. In some case employees are not aware about rules and policies which will affect them. So, employees will use agreements which will contain each and every detail of company and employees. It will help employees in taking the decision in effective way. This employee relation will not affect the company in effective way.


Discipline in work place will maintain the employee relation and these will not affect the company on large scale. It will help company in improving the work structure and working environment of company. it will also employees in eliminating the non-productive workers. Employees which are not providing their life in discipline is affecting the working environment of company. So, employees need to have disciplines because it will improve work culture of an organisation. Work place policies are made and these must not be broken by employees. Discipline working culture will help employees in working in effective way. It will benefit company because performance of employees will be improved and employees will work in the effective way. It will improve employee relation and also working environment will include efficient employees (Pham Tučková and Jabbour 2019).


in the grievances, employees are registering the grievances which will include problems faced by employees in company. Grievances which are common in working environment of employees is lack of transparency and excessive workload. These all is not managed by employee because workload is affecting the life of employees and also their life as well. Working condition and income related matters. These are some common grievances which can affect employees. So, employees are registering their grievances and expect human resource managers will solve problems of employees. In some case, if grievances are solved these will motivate employees, and they will perform their work in effective way.

Tesco is trying to solve the grievances of employees which will maintain the discipline at work place. Company is also signing the collective agreements which will motivate employee of company. These will also result in improve in employee relation and employees will be able to take decision in effective way.

Role of HR in different HR strategies

Collective agreement

HR plays significant role in making collective agreement, HR manager plays the role of negotiator and HR ensures negotiate with both parties and reach to common agreement so that conflicts can be resolved soon.


Hr plays the role of grievance desolator as human resource manager has made the committee to listen views of both involved person and find th solution so that issues can be resolved soon.

P6 Identify key elements of employment legislation

These task will provide detail regarding the key elements of employment legislation which will affect the declension making process of human resource managers.

Sex discrimination act

In these act guidelines is provided regarding sex discrimination which is done between employees in work place. Discrimination is done in work places and it will affect employees performance which will not be beneficial for company. Sex discrimination will also include the guideline sand provision for employees which are harassed in company (Sparrow Brewster and Chung 2016).

Working time directive

It consists of directive which will provide working time directions for employees. As per these laws employees have right for rest breaks, paid four weak and holiday in a year. Employees have right to work at least 11 hours of work in a complete day of 24 hours. It will restricts excessive night work and offer day work for employees. Workers have right to work for 48 hours per weak and these limit must not be exceeded.

Employment act 2008

These act contain wide range of provision which are made for protecting employees of an organization. It will include procedure and resolution of employment disputes. As per these act in case of employee is injured in working premises, employees have right to get compensated.

Equal pay act 1970

As per these act employees have right to get equal pay. No Discrimination must be done between employees which are working in company. Discrimination is done in between employees on basis of gender. Act is providing sexual equality among employees which will be included in contract of employment. Women have right of getting equal pay because they are working as much as men are working in company.

National minimum wage rate UK

It will state about the minimum wage rate which is been provided to employees and workers in an organization. For group of 25 and over they will provide wage of 8.21 euros while for 21 to 24 the rate is 7.70. Rate is changing as the individual skills and abilities (Stewart and Brown 2019). 

Data protection

As per the data protection act data of employees must be protected. Employees are joining the company and providing the essential data to company. These data can be misused by any one so, these data must not be provided to any other person other than employee.

Race relation act

These act contain guidelines and provision for racial discrimination done with employees at work places. Country has banned racial discrimination but in some areas it is still practised. So, employees have right to complaint and file case against employer if he is doing discrimination with them.

Work and families act

It consists of work and family act which Will contain provision regarding families of an employee. As per these act employees have right to get leave to send time with family and also they have right to get benefits regarding family as well.

Disability discrimination act

As per these act employees which are disabled will not be discriminated. In these case employees have right to get equal pay and also proper behaviour must be done with them while working in an organization. There must be not communication barriers with these employees.

Tesco is following these rules and regulation which will affect the decision-making process of human resource managers. These decision will affect their decision because they are involved in recruitment and selection process (Tang, and, 2018).

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M4 Evaluate key aspects of employee relations management and employment legislation

Employee relation are depended on working culture of company which will improve performance of employees. Effective relation will result in better working culture in Tesco and company will be able to achieve the objectives and goals in easy way. Government has provided some rules and legislation which have to be followed by company. These rules and legislation are made for protecting employees form being cheated. These rules will include sex discrimination act, equal pay act and employment act 2008. On other side there are some guideline which will include data protection, work time directive and national min um wage rate of UK. Tesco follows these laws strictly that helps in making employees positive abd developing relations with them.

D3 Critically evaluate employee relations and application of HRM practices

The employee relation can be improved by solving grievances of employees and by maintaining discipline in working culture of company. Tesco can use the strategies which will improve employee relation. Company have to maintain effective working culture and these will increase sales and productivity. Employees will work in the effective way when they are provided better working culture and effective team members. Workers need motivation and gap form work so, need to have friends and colleagues in office which will maintain the working culture of an organisation.

P7 Application of HRM practices in work related context

Job title- Human resource executive

Department- Human Resource

Responsible for- To undertake the Human resource operations.

Job purpose- The Human resource executive of the firm is responsible to carry out the function that aids to ensure the sound and consistent practices that can be applied to all employees. Thus, Human resource executive are responsible to undertake and update policies, legislation, rules and regulation of the enterprise. It is the position that is required to have active interaction with employees guest and community within the enterprise.

Duties and responsibilities-:

To provide all effective treatment to all employees with help of proper practice and employment policies within the enterprise.

To maintain the ethical and professional image for all staff members within the organization.

To undertake the measures to develop and oversea all function that leads to improve the morale of employees.

To undertake the steps that aids to offer training, advise and proper guidance to management staff.


To graduate under any qualified course of management.

Applicant needs to Hold the degree of HR course.


HR executive of any recognized entity for at least 1 year.

Personal specification

I want to appoint as human resource's executive as I think I have good managerial skill and this leg me to undertake the thing effectively.


Level 2 Awards in managerial practice of ABC enterprise.


Management academy London for 3 years.


  • Through Working knowledge of Human resource legislation and guidelines.
  • Skilled in various area of managerial practices.
  • Responsible for monitoring enterprise activities.


  • Executive manager assist ant at Raw foods LTD.
  • Liaising with customers and suppliers

Job advertisement

HR executive required

An HR executive is required to work with our experienced and highly qualified HR and employees. The company offers high benefits and incentives to become a great HR and attain business goals and objectives

The company

Tesco is UK largest retail company offering variety of goods. It is expanded at global level. there are 6800 shops in other countries and 450000 staff working.

The position

We are looking for a HR executive that can handle and manage staff to achieve business mission and vision.


3, high street, London UK.

Interview question

Describe a situation where you solved a conflict?

Will you able to become a good HR executive? How?

Why you think you are asset to our organisation?

What is your previous experience regarding any job? What you learned from it.

Job offer letter


Adam smith

We would like to inform to that you are been selected on the post of HR executive in our organisation. this will be a great opportunity for you to enhance your growth.

The salary offered is $5000 per annum. You can join the us from 1-2 2020 onwards. You are required to report to our branch office at 10 a.m. at below address.

3, high street, London UK.


HR manager

M5 Rationale for application specific HRM practices

The various applications of the HRM practices helps the organizations to maintain an environment of peace and harmony and thus helps them to increase the productivity of employees. The major rationale of establishing HRM practices at workplace is to increase the efficiency as well as overall performance of the employees. The various applications of HRM like job specification, job description helps the organization to select the right candidate who has the capability to achieve organizational goals and objectives. These applications enable the organizations to achieve competitive advantage and hence helps them to establish their position in wider market. Besides this, the various HRM practices allows the organization to hire the talented employees and capture a great market share through their innovative and creative skills (DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst, 2016).


It has been summarized that HRM has a wide range of functions as well as purposes like recruitment, selection, which helps the organizations to effectively plan the workforce. There are mainly various approaches of recruitment and selection like transfer, employee referral, interview which has its own strength and weakness and thus enables organizations to select the right candidate. An organization employs various HRM practices and the main of all these practices is to increase the effectiveness of organization by increasing productivity of employees. Along with this, employee relations plays an important role within organization that helps the management to take effective decisions. When the relation of employees with different level of hierarchies are good then this lead to increased productivity of employees and hence overall growth of organization. The major elements of employment legislation are health and safety laws, equal opportunity law etc. that impacts the functioning of organization.

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